view not found in Passing ID on create function on laravel - laravel

I would like to pass the user_id on create page.
My controller
public function create($user)
// $user->id;
// dd($user);
return view('loan/grant-loan-amounts/create/'.$userId)
Here's my route
Route::resource('loan/grant-loan-amounts', 'Loan\\GrantLoanAmountsController',[
'except' => ['create']
Route::get('loan/grant-loan-amounts/create/{userId}', 'Loan\\GrantLoanAmountsController#create')->name('grant-loan-amounts.create');
I made the create page blank. with only "asd" to display.
what I want to achieve is that, from user list which is on user folder, I'll pass the user id on grant loan amount create a page. But I can't figure out why the route can't be found.
any suggestion?

Don't pass the id in the first parameter of view() function. Only mention the view file in the first parameter of the view function. Pass all variables with compact() function as the second parameter of view(). Example:
public function create($user)
return view('user.create',compact('userId','loanAmount')) //in this example 'user' is the folder and 'create' is the file inside user folder

Because you have this route:
Route::get('loan/grant-loan-amounts/create/{userId}', 'Loan\\GrantLoanAmountsController#create')->name('grant-loan-amounts.create');
You named the route so you should call it by it's name:
return redirect()->route('grant-loan-amounts.create', $userId);

pluck required one more parameter for fetch data.
public function create($user)
return view('YourBladeFileFolderLocationOrFileLocationHere')->compact('userId','loanAmount');
now you can fetch or write at blade file like
For Id :
{{ $userId->id }}
For User Name :
{{ $userId->name }}


Laravel - How to not pass unused parameter in controller

I have a route for example -
Route::get('/api/{user}/companies/{company}', [CompanyController::class, 'getCompanies'])
and a function in this controller
public function getCompanies(User $user, Company $company) {
$companies = $company->all();
return response()->json(['companies' => $companies]);
I am not using the $user instance in the function and I would like to not pass a User $user param in it, but I want that the route has user id as a param for clarity on the frontend.
I found a solution of using middleware with the forgetParameter() method but I don't want to add new middleware or declare it only for this route.
I can just leave that unused param in my function and everything will work just fine, but I am curious is there some elegant solution for this case.
public function getCompanies(Company $company, ?User $user = null)
return response()->json(['companies' => $company->all()]);
Pass $user to the last position and give it a default value
I think you can put a _ instead of passing a parameter, but I could be wrong.

Redirect from controller to named route with data in laravel

I'm gonna try to explain my problem:
I have a named route called 'form.index' where I show a html form.
In FormController I retrieve all form data.
After do some stuff with these data, I want to redirect to another named route 'form.matches' with some items collection.
form.index -> websiteexample/form
form.matches -> websiteexample/matches
public function match(FormularioRequest $request)
// Some stuffs
$list = /*Collection*/;
return redirect()->route('form.matches')->with(compact('list'));
public function matches()
// How to retrieve $list var here?
return view('form.views.matches')->with(compact('list'));
The problem:
When the redirects of match function occurs, I get an error "Undefined variable: list' in matches funcion.
public function match(Request $request)
// Operations
$list = //Data Collection;
return redirect()->route('form.matches')->with('list',$list);
In view
You can use Redirect::route() to redirect to a named route and pass an array of parameters as the second argument
Redirect::route('',array('param1' => $param1,'param2' => $param2));
Hope this helps you.

How to pass id from (form) of view blade to route (web.php) :Route

I need to pass an id to the route (web.php) from the form. My application has comment section at opporunities/id (id in value) , Whenever non-Auth user submits comment , my app will ask login and redirects to /opportunities but i need /opportunities/id. In the form of comment i have submitted page id. I have setup my route as
Route::post('/opportunities', 'OpportunitiesController#postPost')->name(''); Now if i can pass that id to as /opportunities/id then after login user will automatically lands on that page. I have manually tested and attached id and it works. Do I need to use "use Illuminate\Http\Request;" to get form data to web.php (route)? to get request post id? All i need is to add id after Route:post('/opportunites/'). Any suggestion and help will be appropriated.
What I did was and figured out is that
action="{{route('opportunities',['returnvalue'=> $post['id']]) }}" I still got error #bipin answer but i passed it with as parameter and solved. Thanks bipin for suggestion though!
One solution could be, pass your post id inside the form
View Blade
{{ Form::hidden('post_id', 'value', array('id' => 'post_id')) }}
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function comment(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'post_id' => 'required'
//Inside variable
$input = $request->all();
// OR

Laravel pass exact parameter to route

i have translated url which i need to redirect to the specific controller function, but i need also to pass an exact parameter.
For example i want to show all football news, but in the url i do not have the ID of the sport football (id=1) so i need to pass the parameter id=1 to the index() function.
Route::get('/football-news/', ['as' => 'news.index', 'uses' => 'NewsController#index']);
it is not an option to pass 'football' as a parameter, because it is just an example. The real route is translated and the code looks like that:
Route::get(LaravelLocalization::transRoute(''), ['as' => 'news.index', 'uses' => 'NewsController#index']);
suppose you have a NewsController to fetch all news be like
class NewsController extends Controller
public function index()
$news = News::all(); //you have to create News model
return view('news.index', compact('news')); //use to pass data in view
public function show($id)
$news_detail=News::find($id); //to fetch detail of news from database
return view('', compact('news_detail'));
create index.php and show.php in views/news folder. in index.php
#foreach($news as $news_item)
{{ $news_item->title }}
here using "/news/{{$news_item->id}}" you can pass id of specific news into route file.
in show.php
{{ $news_detail->title }}
<ul class="list-group">
#foreach($news_detail->detail as $details)
<li class="list-group-item">{{$details}}</li>
in route file
Route::get('/news/{news}', 'NewsController#show');
now you have to create show($id) function in NewsController.php which parameter is id.
You can append the index URL with ?id=1 parameter (eg. and get it in your index controller action by using Request::get('id');
For example:
Url in template file:
<a href="" />
In your NewsController:
public function index(Request $request){
$id = $request->get('id');
You should be able to have access to the parameter even though you didn't specify wildcards in the route file.
you will have to call a different #action for a different route. You can pass in an id wildcard.
For example, in Route file:
Route::get('tennis-news/{id}', 'NewsController#tennisIndex');
Route::get('football-news/{id}', 'NewsController#footballIndex');
Then in the NewsControlleryou must have public methods tennisIndex($id) and footballIindex($id), these methods will have access to the wildcard you set in the route.
For example, in NewsController
public function tennisIndex($id){
$tennnis_news = News::where('sport'='tennis)->where('id', $id)->get();
return view('tennis_news', compact('tennnis_news'));

Pass value to URL - REST style

<h1>Edit page of {{ $user->username }}</h1>
{{ Form::open(['route' => '']) }}
... the rest of the view
This is in my login view. The related code in the store method in the controller looks like this:
if (Auth::attempt(Input::only('username', 'password'))) {
$user = Auth::user();
return Redirect::route('', ['user' => $user]);
and the show method:
public function show($user)
return View::make('user.edit', ['user' => $user]);
And I get .../user/%7Buser%7D as URL (and I want it to be, eg. .../user/exampleusername) and also an exception: ErrorException: Trying to get property of non-object.
When I dd($user) in the show method (or in the view, doesn't matter), I get simply string[6] {user}, which means I do not pass the $user successfully to the route.
The official docs give this example: return Redirect::route('profile', array('user' => 1)); which seems relevant to my case, which I think should look like this in my code: return Redirect::route('', ['user' => $user]);?
Funny, though, if in the show method I try to take the user object from the session (Auth::user()), and dump it, as here:
public function show($user)
$user = Auth::user();
it will still be NULL, but if I dump it in the index method:
public function index()
if (Auth::check()) {
, then it returns correct object, full of parameters and values... I have no idea what's going on and why in one method I have the session object, but in the other I don't.
Any suggestions on how to go around this problem?
UPDATE: I narrowed it down to this implementation in the store method:
return Redirect::route('')->with('user', $user);
and in the show method:
$user = Session::get('user');
return View::make('user.edit', ['user' => $user]);
Because apparently the only place where you can pass an array that will explode into single variables is in View::make, whereas in Redirect::to, Redirect::action and Redirect::route, etc., you must use the ->with('key', $value) function. Those values then will be available in the Session singleton.
Nevertheless, I still get .../%7Buser%7D in the URL. And I don't know how to get out of this...
You need to pass the id of the user to the route - not the $user itself.
return Redirect::route('', [$user->id]);
