Spring Webflux(Mono/Flux) with AOP triggering REST call at interception and working with Mono/Flux - spring-boot

I have written an #Aspect to intercept Reactive Methods that return values in Mono/Flux. Using #AfterReturning advice, i'm trying to fire an APNS notification by calling a webservice.
unfortunately the processNotification Mono services is immediately returning onComplete signal without executing the chain of calls. Below is my sample program.
public class NotifyAspect{
private final NotificationServiceHelper notificationServiceHelper;
public NotifyAspect(NotificationServiceHelper notificationServiceHelper) {
this.notificationServiceHelper = notificationServiceHelper;
#AfterReturning(pointcut = "#annotation(com.cupid9.api.common.annotations.Notify)", returning = "returnValue")
public void generateNotification(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object returnValue) throws Throwable {
log.info("AfterReturning Advice - Intercepting Method : {}", joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
//Get Intercepted method details.
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
Method method = signature.getMethod();
//Get the Notification Details.
Notify myNotify = method.getAnnotation(Notify.class);
if (Mono.class.isAssignableFrom(returnValue.getClass())) {
Mono<Object> result = (Mono<Object>) returnValue;
result.doOnSubscribe(o -> {
log.debug("On Subscription...");
.doOnError(throwable -> {
log.error("Exception in notification processor",throwable);
public class NotificationServiceHelper {
private ReactiveUserProfileRepository userProfileRepository;
private String notificationServiceUrl;
private RestWebClient restWebClient;
public NotificationServiceHelper(RestWebClient restWebClient,
ReactiveUserProfileRepository reactiveUserProfileRepository) {
this.restWebClient = restWebClient;
this.userProfileRepository = reactiveUserProfileRepository;
public Flux<Notification> processNotification(NotificationSchema.NotificationType notificationType) {
/*Get user profile details*/
return SessionHelper.getProfileId()
.switchIfEmpty( Mono.error(new BadRequest("Invalid Account 1!")))
.flatMap(profileId ->
Mono.zip(userProfileRepository.findByIdAndStatus(profileId, Status.Active), SessionHelper.getJwtToken()))
.switchIfEmpty( Mono.error(new BadRequest("Invalid Account 2!")))
.flatMapMany(tuple2 ->{
//Get user details and make sure there are some valid devices associated.
var userProfileSchema = tuple2.getT1();
log.info("Processing Notifications for User Profile : {}", userProfileSchema.getId());
if (Objects.isNull(userProfileSchema.getDevices()) || (userProfileSchema.getDevices().size() < 1)) {
return Flux.error(new InternalServerError("No Devices associate with this user. Can not send notifications."));
//Build Notification message from the Notification Type
var notificationsMap = new LinkedHashSet<Notification>();
userProfileSchema.getDevices().forEach(device -> {
var notificationPayload = Notification.builder()
//Get session token for authorization
var jwtToken = tuple2.getT2();
//Build the URI needed to make the rest call.
var uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(notificationServiceUrl).build().toUri();
log.info("URI built String : {}", uri.toString());
//Build the Headers needed to make the rest call.
var headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
headers.add(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, jwtToken);
var publishers = new ArrayList<Mono<ClientResponse>>();
notificationsMap.forEach(notification -> {
publishers.add(restWebClient.post(uri, headers, notification));
return Flux.merge(publishers).flatMap(clientResponse -> {
var httpStatus = clientResponse.statusCode();
log.info("NotificationService HTTP status code : {}", httpStatus.value());
if (httpStatus.is2xxSuccessful()) {
log.info("Successfully received response from Notification Service...");
return clientResponse.bodyToMono(Notification.class);
} else {
// return Flux.empty();
return clientResponse.bodyToMono(Error.class)
.flatMap(error -> {
log.error("Error calling Notification Service :{}", httpStatus.getReasonPhrase());
if (httpStatus.value() == 400) {
return Mono.error(new BadRequest(error.getMessage()));
return Mono.error(new InternalServerError(String.format("Error calling Notification Service : %s", error.getMessage())));
}).doOnError(throwable -> {
throw new InternalServerError(throwable.getMessage(), throwable);
How can we trigger this call in async without making the interception wait.. right now processNotification is always returning onComplete signal without executing. The chain is not executing as expected

#Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
public #interface Log {
public String title() default "";
public Mono<Result> doAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Log operlog) {
Mono<Result> mono;
try {
mono = (Mono<Result>) joinPoint.proceed();
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw new RuntimeException(throwable);
return mono.doOnNext(result -> {


Can I change Netty pipeline by events?

My app should do the next:
Send a POST request to server to get the token.
Connect to the websocket using this token in the headers while handshake.
Short question: To activate WebSocketClientProtocolHandler I have to fire event ctx.fireChannelActive() but from channelRead method because in this method I receive token from server . Is it correct place?
I implemented custom ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter and override:
public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
authenticator.authenticate(ctx.channel()).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture channelFuture) throws Exception {
if (!channelFuture.isSuccess()) {
ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new RuntimeException("Auth is failed."));
} else {
ctx.fireUserEventTriggered("Auth is successful");
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
if (!(msg instanceof FullHttpResponse)) {
FullHttpResponse response = (FullHttpResponse) msg;
try {
authenticator.finishAuthentication(ctx.channel(), response);
} finally {
Authenticator class adds needed handlers, sends POST request and then it should parse response from server and change the pipeline.
public class Authenticator {
private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private final MessengerConfig messengerConfig;
public Authenticator(MessengerConfig messengerConfig) {
this.messengerConfig = messengerConfig;
public ChannelFuture authenticate(Channel channel) {
return this.authenticate(channel, channel.newPromise());
private void preCheck(Channel channel) {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.pipeline();
HttpClientCodec httpClientCodec = pipeline.get(HttpClientCodec.class);
if (httpClientCodec == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Pipeline does not contain HttpClientCodec.");
pipeline.addFirst(HttpClientCodec.class.getName(), new HttpClientCodec());
LOGGER.info("HttpClientCodec was added to pipeline.");
HttpObjectAggregator httpObjectAggregator = pipeline.get(HttpObjectAggregator.class);
if (httpObjectAggregator == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Pipeline does not contain HttpObjectAggregator.");
new HttpObjectAggregator(8192)
LOGGER.info("HttpObjectAggregator was added to pipeline.");
private ChannelFuture authenticate(Channel channel, ChannelPromise promise) {
HttpRequest request = createAuthRequest();
try {
channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture channelFuture) throws Exception {
if (channelFuture.isSuccess()) {
} else {
promise.setFailure(new RuntimeException(""));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error", e);
return promise;
public void finishAuthentication(Channel channel, FullHttpResponse response) {
ByteBuf content = response.content();
AuthenticationData authenticationData = null;
try {
authenticationData = this.mapper.readValue(content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8), AuthenticationData.class);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOGGER.error("Can't parse authentication data.", e);
throw new RuntimeException((e));
DefaultWebSocketClientProtocolHandlerFactory factory = new DefaultWebSocketClientProtocolHandlerFactory();
WebSocketClientProtocolHandler handler = factory.getHandler(this.messengerConfig, authenticationData);
ChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(WebSocketClientProtocolHandler.class.getName(), handler);
LOGGER.info("WebSocketClientProtocolHandler was added.");
pipeline.addLast(MessageHandler.class.getName(), new MessageHandler());
LOGGER.info("MessageHandler was added.");
So here I have two stages:
Auth stage with a pipeline:
2 Web-socket stage with a pipeline:
To activate second stage I have to fire event - ctx.fireChannelActive() but from channelRead.
As a result I got an exception:
18:19:37.055 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-1] WARN i.n.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline - An exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
after hand-shake had started.

LoadingCache mocking for JUnit testing

I need to test this method.
public String getTenantName(String tenantId) {
var tenant = getTenant(tenantId);
if (tenant == null) {
throw new TenantNotFoundException(tenantId);
return tenant.getTenantname();
but I am having problems with mocking the below loading cache
LoadingCache<String, Tenant> tenantCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000)
.expireAfterAccess(24, TimeUnit.HOURS).build(new CacheLoader<String, Tenant>() {
public Tenant load(String tenantId) {
return tenantClient.getTenant(tenantId);
as this is being called by another private method
private Tenant getTenant(String tenantId) {
try {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(tenantId)) {
return null;
return tenantCache.get(tenantId);
} catch (TenantNotFoundException | ExecutionException e) {
logger.error(tenantId, e);
throw new TenantNotFoundException(tenantId);
I would really appreciate some help here.
I mocked loading cache
LoadingCache<String, Tenant> tenantCache;
and then in my test function I create a tenant object and return that on tenantCache.get() call.
tenantCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(1000)
.expireAfterAccess(24, TimeUnit.HOURS).build(new CacheLoader<String, Tenant>() {
public Tenant load(String tenantId) {
return tenantClient.getTenant(tenantId);
Map<String, Tenant> map = new HashMap<String, Tenant>();
map.put("test", tenant);
also for tenantClient I changed that to return tenant.
return tenantClient.getTenant(id) =>> return tenant;
as tenantClient is calling another API.
So, LoadingCache appears as a variable inside the service but it is implemented as an anonymous class. Therefore we need to mock LoadingCache and use
when(tenantCache.get(anyString())).thenReturn(new Tenant());

Mono not executing with schedule

I have a Spring webflux app with the below method.
public Mono<Integer> updateSetting(int orgId, IntegrationDto dto,
Map<String, Object> jsonMap) {
return retrieveServices(dto.getClientId()).flatMap(services -> {
jsonMap.put("service", services);
return categoryRepository.findCategoryIdCountByName("test", orgId)
.flatMap(categoryIdCount -> {
final ServiceDto serviceInput = new ServiceDto();
if (categoryIdCount == 0) {
return inventoryCategoryRepository.save(InventoryCategory.of("test", orgId))
.flatMap(category -> {
return saveServices(serviceInput, orgId, jsonMap,
} else {
// Some Logc here ...
}).onErrorResume(e -> {
if (e instanceof WebClientResponseException) {
int statusCode = ((WebClientResponseException) e).getRawStatusCode();
throw new LabServiceException("Unable to connect to the service !", statusCode);
throw new ServiceException("Error connecting to the service !");
private Mono<Services> retrieveServices(final String clientId) {
return webClient.get().uri(props.getBaseUrl() + "/api/v1/services")
private Mono<Integer> saveInventories(ServiceInput serviceInput, int orgId, Map<String, Object> jsonMap,
Long categoryId) {
return refreshInventories(serviceInput, orgId, categoryId).flatMap(reponse -> {
return updateSetting(branchId, jsonMap);
private Mono<Integer> refreshInventories(ServiceInput serviceInput, int orgId, Long categoryId) {
return inventoryRepository.findAllCodesByTypeBranchId(branchId).collectList().flatMap(codes -> {
return retrieveAvailableServices(Optional.of(serviceInput), categoryId).flatMap(services -> {
List<Inventory> inventories = services.stream()
.filter(inventory -> !codes.contains(inventory.getCode()))
.map(inventoryDto -> toInventory(inventoryDto, branchId)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (inventories.size() > 0) {
return saveAllInventories(inventories).flatMap(response -> {
return Mono.just(orgId);
} else {
return Mono.just(orgId);
Here, the updateSettig public method is being invoked from a REST call and all gets executed as expected.
Now, I want to execute the same with a different flow as well like a scheduler.
When I invoke from a scheduler also, It works.
updateSetting(orgId, dto, jsonMap).subscribe();
But, I want to wait until the updateSetting gets executed.
So, tried with the code below.
updateSetting(orgId, dto, jsonMap).flatMap(response -> {
With the above code, updateSetting method gets invoked, but not getting into the retrieveServices.
return retrieveServices(dto.getClientId()).flatMap(services -> {
You always need to subscribe in the end. So your code should be:
updateSetting(orgId, dto, jsonMap).flatMap(response -> {

RoutingSlipActivityCompleted not trigger

I added a consumer to observe routing slip events, but doesn't work as expected. RoutingSlipCompleted consumer is always triggered, RoutingSlipActivityCompleted and RoutingSlipActivityFaulted consumer are never triggered. This is my consumer code.
public abstract class RoutingSlipExecuteActivityResponseProxy<TRequest, TResponse, TFaultResponse> :
where TRequest : class
where TResponse : class
where TFaultResponse : class
public abstract string ActivityName { get; }
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipActivityCompleted> context)
if(context.Message.ActivityName!= ActivityName)
var request = context.Message.GetVariable<TRequest>("Request");
var requestId = context.Message.GetVariable<Guid>("RequestId");
Uri responseAddress = null;
if (context.Message.Variables.ContainsKey("ResponseAddress"))
responseAddress = context.Message.GetVariable<Uri>("ResponseAddress");
if (responseAddress == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"The response address could not be found for the faulted routing slip: {context.Message.TrackingNumber}");
var endpoint = await context.GetResponseEndpoint<TResponse>(responseAddress, requestId).ConfigureAwait(false);
var response = await CreateResponseMessage(context, request);
await endpoint.Send(response).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipActivityFaulted> context)
if (context.Message.ActivityName != ActivityName)
var request = context.Message.GetVariable<TRequest>("Request");
var requestId = context.Message.GetVariable<Guid>("RequestId");
Uri faultAddress = null;
if (context.Message.Variables.ContainsKey("FaultAddress"))
faultAddress = context.Message.GetVariable<Uri>("FaultAddress");
if (faultAddress == null && context.Message.Variables.ContainsKey("ResponseAddress"))
faultAddress = context.Message.GetVariable<Uri>("ResponseAddress");
if (faultAddress == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"The fault/response address could not be found for the faulted routing slip: {context.Message.TrackingNumber}");
var endpoint = await context.GetFaultEndpoint<TResponse>(faultAddress, requestId).ConfigureAwait(false);
var response = await CreateFaultedResponseMessage(context, request, requestId);
await endpoint.Send(response).ConfigureAwait(false);
protected abstract Task<TResponse> CreateResponseMessage(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipActivityCompleted> context, TRequest request);
protected abstract Task<TFaultResponse> CreateFaultedResponseMessage(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipActivityFaulted> context, TRequest request, Guid requestId);
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<RoutingSlipCompleted> context)
throw new NotImplementedException();
My activity has no additional configuration, basically it is written according to the documentation.
You might want to check out this sample, which uses the RequestResponseProxy to handle a request via routing slip, and then generates the response based upon the RoutingSlipCompleted/RoutingSlipFaulted events.

Vertx http post client runs forever

I have the following Vertx Route setup:
.handler(e -> {
.putHeader("content-type", "application/json")
.failureHandler(ctx -> {
LOG.error("Error: "+ ctx.response().getStatusMessage());
.listen(config().getInteger("http.port", 8081), result -> {
if (result.succeeded()) {
LOG.info("result succeeded in my start method");
} else {
LOG.error("result failed");
When I call this from my Java test client:
Async async = context.async();
io.vertx.core.http.HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient();
HttpClientRequest request = client.post(8081, "localhost", "/api/apple/", response -> {
LOG.info("Some callback {}",response.statusCode());
String body = "{'username':'www','password':'www'}";
request.putHeader("content-length", "1000");
request.putHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
The client keeps running and then the client times out. Seems like it is not able to find the endpoint on localhost:8081/api/apple
You didn't deploy your verticle defining routes in the test scope. Here is a working snippet:
public class HttpServerVerticleTest extends VertxTestRunner {
private WebClient webClient;
private HttpServerVerticle httpServer;
private int port;
public void setUp(TestContext context) throws IOException {
port = 8081;
httpServer = new HttpServerVerticle(); // the verticle where your routes are registered
vertx.deployVerticle(httpServer, yourdeploymentOptions, context.asyncAssertSuccess());
webClient = WebClient.wrap(vertx.createHttpClient());
public void tearDown(TestContext testContext) {
public void test_my_post_method(TestContext testContext) {
Async http = testContext.async();
String body = "{'username':'www','password':'www'}";
webClient.post(port, "localhost", "/api/apple/")
//.putHeader("Authorization", JWT_TOKEN)
.putHeader("content-length", "1000");
.putHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
.sendJson(Buffer.buffer(body.getBytes()), requestResponse -> {
if (requestResponse.succeeded()) {
testContext.assertTrue(requestResponse.result().statusCode() == HttpResponseStatus.OK.code());
} else {
