How to strip leading whitespace before a Nunjucks variable only if the variable string is empty? - nunjucks

I'd like to support construction of Nunjucks templates where leading whitespace before variables is only stripped if the variable is empty.
A simple example could begin:
Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?
If firstname is "Dave", this renders to "Hello Dave, how are you?". But if not set, it renders to "Hello , how are you?" with the extra space.
How can templates be constructed, in a general way (without fore-knowledge of the surrounding text), such that leading whitespace is only stripped before variables if the variable string is empty?
Using {{- firstname }} would always strip leading whitespace (so doesn't work if the variable is not empty, resulting in "HelloDave" in the example above
Something like the following works for this specific case (or better, the approaches suggested by #AikonMogwai in the comments), but is overly complex and relies on knowledge of the surrounding text (e.g., inserts a space if the variable is non-empty):
{%- if firstname %}
{{- " " + firstname -}}
{% else %}
{{- "" -}}
{% endif %},
Here's a fiddle that demonstrates the above examples: (Click "Run" then "Render".)
Ideally, I'd like to create/use a custom tag (like {{=) or custom filter (like condlstrip for conditional left-strip) so that templates can be constructed using something like:
{{= firstname }}
{{ firstname | condlstrip }}
But it's not clear to me how to create a custom {{= tag, and also not clear whether filters, like condlstrip, can affect rendering outside of the tags.
Regarding the requirement "without fore-knowledge of the surrounding text," this specifically means that the solution should not assume that there will always be a space in front of the variable. For instance, it should also work in a case like the following (using my wished-for {{= tag), and where the user is fairly confident that school and studentId are set, but firstname may or may not be set):
Hi {{= firstname }}, your user ID is {{= school }}-{{= studentId }} and you can reach your profile at http://{{= school }}{{= studentId }}
to produce:
Hi Dave, your user ID is CentralValley-1234 and you can reach your profile at
I.e., it would be great if our system could use the pattern {{= variable_name }} to produce reasonable default behavior for inserted variables in templates created by users (who are actually using a graphical, higher-level UI).

A simpler solution:
<li>Hello{{ " " if user.firstname }}{{ user.firstname }}, how are you?</li>

var nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
var env = nunjucks.configure();
env.addFilter('ws', val => !val || val == 0 ? val : ' ' + val);
var html = env.renderString(`
Hi {{- firstname | ws -}}, your user ID ...
`, { firstname: 'Dave' });


Check if string is empty in Nunjucks?

Using Eleventy with Nunjucks, and need to check if a front matter field is empty and if a string is empty. It would be the same thing as isEmpty() in JS. Does Nunjucks support this functionality? It seems like a pretty simple and common feature, but I've looked all over the docs and StackOverflow but can't find any mention or example.
Thanks :)
I tested like so:
name: ray
{% if age %}
age has a value
{% else %}
age has NO value
{% endif %}
And it worked as expected, I got: "age has NO value".

How do you parse brackets from path string on a variable return in Hugo?

I am writing a layout template for a Hugo generated post/page. The .yaml header is
- post/mytitle/image.jpg
The template incorporates the variable in Hugo as
{{ .Params.Image }}
When served, the variable is returned as
My html then becomes
<img src="[post/mytitle/image.jpg]"/>
which is 404 in the browser. I've tried a number of Hugo functions to no avail like {{ trim .Param.Image "[]" }} and {{ subset .Params.Image 1 -1 }} and {{ print .Params.Image }}. Each time Hugo returned the error: "error calling substr: unable to cast []string{"post/mytitle/image.jpg"} of type []string to string".
How do I get the variable to return the string without the brackets, or alternatively, how do I omit the brackets from the string?
In Go template, you access an item in a slice with index:
{{ index .Params.Image 0 }}
The question is why the value is a sequence in the first place. You could simply do
Then you could keep the original syntax since it is now a simple value, not a sequence.
If you want to possibly include multiple images, you'd do
{{ range .Params.Image }}<img src="{{.}}">{{ end }}
Then you can have
- post/mytitle/image.jpg
- post/mytitle/anotherimage.jpg

how to use variable to pass filter name in jinja2 templates

I have defined some filters and use it very often. I need to do some A/B tests and for this in some situations some of filters should work in different way.
Easiest way to do this would be create a variable in template which store a filter name. something like this:
{% set filter_name = 'some_name' %}
{{ my_value|filter_name }}
But when I try this, I get an error:
TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'filter_name'
Please help me to find a solution.
By doing {% set filter_name = 'some_name' %}, you have create a string variable named "filter_name". You should create a filter which takes one more argument on basis of which it decides what to do.
{% set filter_name = 'some_name' %}
{{ my_value|myfilter(filter_name) }}
def myfilter(value, filtername):
if(filtername is 'twice')
return value*2

How to concatenate strings in twig

Anyone knows how to concatenate strings in twig? I want to do something like:
{{ concat('http://', }}
This should work fine:
{{ 'http://' ~ }}
To add a filter - like 'trans' - in the same tag use
{{ ('http://' ~ | trans }}
As Adam Elsodaney points out, you can also use string interpolation, this does require double quoted strings:
{{ "http://#{}" }}
Also a little known feature in Twig is string interpolation:
{{ "http://#{}" }}
The operator you are looking for is Tilde (~), like Alessandro said, and here it is in the documentation:
~: Converts all operands into strings and concatenates them. {{ "Hello
" ~ name ~ "!" }} would return (assuming name is 'John') Hello John!. –
And here is an example somewhere else in the docs:
{% set greeting = 'Hello' %}
{% set name = 'Fabien' %}
{{ greeting ~ name|lower }} {# Hello fabien #}
{# use parenthesis to change precedence #}
{{ (greeting ~ name)|lower }} {# hello fabien #}
In this case, where you want to output plain text and a variable, you could do it like this:
http://{{ }}
If you want to concatenate some variables, alessandro1997's solution would be much better.
{{ ['foo', 'bar'|capitalize]|join }}
As you can see this works with filters and functions without needing to use set on a seperate line.
Whenever you need to use a filter with a concatenated string (or a basic math operation) you should wrap it with ()'s. Eg.:
{{ ('http://' ~ | url_encode }}
You can use ~ like {{ foo ~ 'inline string' ~ bar.fieldName }}
But you can also create your own concat function to use it like in your question:
{{ concat('http://', }}:
In src/AppBundle/Twig/AppExtension.php
namespace AppBundle\Twig;
class AppExtension extends \Twig_Extension
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getFunctions()
return [
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('concat', [$this, 'concat'], ['is_safe' => ['html']]),
public function concat()
return implode('', func_get_args())
* {#inheritdoc}
public function getName()
return 'app_extension';
In app/config/services.yml:
class: AppBundle\Twig\AppExtension
public: false
- { name: twig.extension }
In Symfony you can use this for protocol and host:
{{ app.request.schemeAndHttpHost }}
Though #alessandro1997 gave a perfect answer about concatenation.
Quick Answer (TL;DR)
Twig string concatenation may also be done with the format() filter
Detailed Answer
Twig 2.x
String building and concatenation
Scenario: DeveloperGailSim wishes to do string concatenation in Twig
Other answers in this thread already address the concat operator
This answer focuses on the format filter which is more expressive
Alternative approach is to use the format filter
The format filter works like the sprintf function in other programming languages
The format filter may be less cumbersome than the ~ operator for more complex strings
example00 string concat bare
{{ "%s%s%s!"|format('alpha','bravo','charlie') }}
--- result --
example01 string concat with intervening text
{{ "The %s in %s falls mainly on the %s!"|format('alpha','bravo','charlie') }}
--- result --
The alpha in bravo falls mainly on the charlie!
example02 string concat with numeric formatting
follows the same syntax as sprintf in other languages
{{ "The %04d in %04d falls mainly on the %s!"|format(2,3,'tree') }}
--- result --
The 0002 in 0003 falls mainly on the tree!
See also
To mix strings, variables and translations I simply do the following:
{% set add_link = '
<a class="btn btn-xs btn-icon-only"
title="' ~ 'string.to_be_translated'|trans ~ '"
href="' ~ path('acme_myBundle_link',{'link'}) ~ '">
' %}
Despite everything being mixed up, it works like a charm.
The "{{ ... }}"-delimiter can also be used within strings:
"http://{{ }}"

How to properly i18n a string

This more or less complex phrase to translate in my Django template is:
This site is owned by "The Company Name" and is maintained by partner organizations.
Is it as simple as:
{% trans "This site is owned by "The Company Name" and is maintained by partner organizations." %}
Thank you.
From a translation point of view, as long as the translator translates the entire string just like that, you are OK. By that I mean that they put the href around the company name.
From a technical point of view you might want to check out this page:
trans template tag
The {% trans %} template tag translates either a constant string (enclosed in single or double quotes) or variable content:
<title>{% trans "This is the title." %}</title>
<title>{% trans myvar %}</title>
So it appears
