Expose kafka stream metrics with spring actuator (prometheus) - apache-kafka-streams

I am running a Kafka Stream app with Springboot 2.
I would like to have my kafka stream metrics available in the prometheus format at host:8080/actuator/prometheus
I don't manage to have this. I am not sure I understand how kafka stream metrics are exported.
Can actuator get these JMX metrics ?
Is there a way to get these metrics and expose them in Prometheus format ?
PS: didn't worked with java jmx_prometheus_agent neither
Does someone has a solution or an example ?
Thank you

You could produce all available Kafka-Streams metrics (the same as from KafkaStreams.metrics()) into Prometheus using micrometer-core and spring-kafka libraries. For integrating Kafka-Streams with micrometer, you could have KafkaStreamsMicrometerListener bean:
KafkaStreamsMicrometerListener kafkaStreamsMicrometerListener(MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
return new KafkaStreamsMicrometerListener(meterRegistry);
where MeterRegistry is from micrometer-core dependency.
If you create Kafka Streams using StreamsBuilderFactoryBean from spring-kafka, then you need to add listener into it:
And if you create KafkaStreams objects directly, then on each KafkaStreams object you need to invoke
kafkaStreamsMicrometerListener.streamsAdded(beanId, kafkaStreams);
where beanId is any unique identifier per KafkaStreams object.
As a result, Kafka Streams provides multiple useful Prometheus metrics, like kafka_consumer_coordinator_rebalance_latency_avg, kafka_stream_thread_task_closed_rate, etc. KafkaStreamsMicrometerListener under the hood uses KafkaStreamsMetrics.
If you need to have Grafana Prometheus graphs with these metrics, you need to add them as Gauge metric type.

I don't have a complete example, but metrics are well accessible and documented in Confluent documentation on Monitoring Kafka Streams.
Maybe dismiss actuator and use #RestController from Spring Web along with KafkaStreams#metrics() to publish exactly what you need.


How can I get built-in metrics and add a custom metrics in Spring Boot Kafka Streams?

I have a problem to add a custom metrics in Kafka Streams.
I made a Kafka Streams application with Spring Boot like this. (Kafka Streams with Spring boot. Baeldung)
and deployed several of this app on k8s.
I want to know about avg number of processd message per second of each app instance. and it exists in Kafka Streams built-in thread metrics(process-rate). (ref. Kafka Streams Metrics)
But, that metric use thread-id at tag key and so each app instance has different metric tag key.
I'd like to use that metric value as the same tag key in each app instance.
So, I came up with a solution. It's about using that built-in metric value to add a new custom metric.
But, There's no specific information about how I get built-in metric values in source code and add a custom metric..
In ref, there's a way to add a custom metrics but no specific information about how can I apply in source code.
Is there a way to solve this problem? Or is there any other way?

Customize Spring boot Kafka listener metrics

We have a microservice architecture on the project and we use Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring. The services are implemented using Spring Boot and the integration with Prometheus is through spring-boot-actuator.
There are some Kafka consumers in the project, and for each #KafkaListener spring is generating some metrics. Here is a sample of the Prometheus time series for the metric spring_kafka_listener_seconds_count
spring_kafka_listener_seconds_count{exception="ListenerExecutionFailedException", instance="", job="spring-actuator", name="org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-0", result="failure"} 2
spring_kafka_listener_seconds_count{exception="none", instance="", job="spring-actuator", name="org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-0", result="success"} 2
spring_kafka_listener_seconds_count{exception="none", instance="", job="spring-actuator", name="org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#1-0", result="success"} 4
org.springframework.kafka.KafkaListenerEndpointContainer#0-0 - doesn't give much info regarding the #KafkaListener method of interest.
Is it possible to configure more meaningful value for the name label of these metrics?
Give the listener a meaningful id.
#KafkaListener(id = "someId", ...)
Note that, by default, the id will be used as the consumer group.id, unless you also specify group, or set idIsGroup to false.

Get underlying low-level Kafka consumers and Producers in Spring Cloud Stream

I have a usecase where I want to get the underlying Kafka producer (KafkaTemplate) in a Spring Cloud Stream application. While navigating the code I stumbled upon KafkaProducerMessageHandler which has a getKafkaTemplate method. However, it fails to auto-wire.
Also, if I directly auto-wire KafkaTemplate, the template is initialized with default properties and it ignores the broker in the binder key of the SCSt configuration
How can I access the underlying KafkaTemplate or a producer/consumer in a Spring Cloud Stream app?
EDIT: Actually my SCSt app has multiple Kafka binders and I want to get the KafkaTemplate or Kafka producer corresponding to each binder. Is that possible somehow?
It's not entirely clear why you would need to do that, but you can capture the KafkaTemplates by adding a ProducerMessageHandlerCustomizer #Bean to the application context.

Why to use SpringKafka Template in place existing Kafka Producer Consumer api?

What benefits does spring Kafka template provide?
I have tried the existing Producer/Consumer API by Kafka. That is very simple to use, then why use Kafka template.
Kafka Template internally uses Kafka producer so you can directly use Kafka APIs. The benefit of using Kafka template is it provides different methods for sending message to Kafka topic, kind of added benefits you can see the API comparison between KafkaProducer and KafkaTemplate here:
You can see KafkaTemplate provide many additional ways of sending data to Kafka topics because of various send methods while some calls are the same as Kafka API and are simply forwarded from KafkaTemplate to KafkaProducer.
It's up to the developer what to use. If you feel like working with KafkaTemplate is easy as you don't have to create ProducerRecord a simple send method will do all the work for you.
At a high level, the benefit is that you can externalize your properties objects more easily and you can just focus on the record processing logic
Plus Spring is integrated with lots of other components.
Note: Other options still exist like Reactor Kafka, Alpakka, Apache Camel, Smallrye reactive messaging, Vert.x... But they all wrap the same Kafka API.
So, I'd say you're (marginally) trading efficiency for convinience

Possible to export Spring metrics from Micrometer to Kafka?

I am playing around with Spring Boot v2 at the moment. So far, my set up looks like this:
Spring -> Telegraf -> Kafka -> Telegraf -> influx
I am wondering whether or not it's possible to take out the the first telegraf inbetween Spring and Kafka, so something like this:
Spring -> Kafka -> Telegraf -> Influx
I've looked at the configurations of micrometer and there is no config for Kafka. Also, telegraf was pulling data from Spring.. and as Kafka is a push model (i.e. you are pushing data into Kafka), would Spring be able to push data to Kafka? If yes, how? Through the use of HTTP POST methods?
New to the whole concept.
would Spring be able to push data to Kafka? If yes, how? Through the use of HTTP POST methods?
Kafka uses its own TCP protocol, not HTTP so no. At least not without using the Kafka REST Proxy.
You would basically be embedding the same thing that Telegraf does into your Spring code.
It's possible, sure, but built into Micrometer? Not that I'm aware of.
Plus, it would be overhead on your app having an internal producer thread, and you'd be required to include kafka clients with each of your monitored apps, plus have some control preventing your app from failing if Kafka connection isn't possible...
I would suggest keeping Telegraf installed on each host machine, or at the very least, Prometheus JMX exporter or Jolokia for your individual Java apps. From this, JMX metrics can be collected and pushed to downstream monitoring systems
Or, as commented, you could skip Kafka, but I'm guessing you want to keep it there as a buffer.
On the other side, you can use Kafka Connect Influxdb sink to get optimal performance of consumer scaling
