i'm trying to make my Birt repport page numberring to start from a specific number, so the first page number will be for example 30 , the second will be 31..., so i tried to add a constant to the pagenumber variable but it seems like i'm not doing it right
i'm using 'Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 4.6.0.v201606072122'
any help will be appreciated
thanks in advance
I want to know if somebody know if it possible to create a dynamical dashboard. By dynamical, I want to say, a dashboard that displays the different widgets depending on the results that have changed from the previous execution .
For example, if the lines of source code comments have greatly diminished , it result appears first in the dashboard. The user can see the detail in first.
Thank you If you know help because I don't find an issue at it problem.
Thank you
No, widgets are not positioned dynamically.
I'm looking how to print the report on selected sale.order.lines,
The conditions are:
print all sale.order.lines in the table on one page (only if not fits continue on other pages),
repeat table header only one time
repeat company header only one time on the top of the document
Current behaviour is that all sale.order.lines are printed on the separate pages with header and footer repeated on every page;
Can any Odoo 8.0 specialist help me ?
Thank you very much.
1.create your custom report ,customize your report what ever you want.Give the paper format,and all the thing.
enter link description here
I Prefer Create a new module Report than Customize it using Qweb Report. It's more Easier
Odoo Documentation
I have a document, in which there is a page, that flows. I don't know till how many pages the table is going to flow. Now, I need a barcode to be displayed in the last page (last flow page). I tried writing the rules, by using
SYS_Page_PrintedValue = SYS_Page_TotalPrinted,
also tried SYS_PageInDocument = SYS_PageTotalInDocument
and then I have tried SYS_Page_PhysicalInDocument = SYS_PageTotalPhysicalInDocument.
But did not work. Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
By placing the Barcode relative to the bottom of your table, as the table flows it will therefore always be on the last page.
You can place barcode directly on the flow page under the flow frame and set that page as last flow page.
Is there a way with BFO Report Generator templates to force printing an even number of pages?
We currently are using the Report Generator to bulk print a set of reports and have set the printing option to double-sided. When a report has an odd number of pages the next report starts on the back of the previous print - we'd like the next report to start on a fresh page.
Have tried inserting the following at the bottom of the template (before closing body tag) but to no avail:
<#if (totalpages?number%2 != 0)><div style="page-after-break: right"></div></#if>
Any help greatly appreciated.
The BFO FAQ explains how to do this:
How do I force a page to begin on an odd or even page?
You can set this is in the <pbr> tag - eg. <pbr page-break-before="odd"> which means only do a page break if the next page is odd. You can also do <pbr page-break-before="even">, which means only do a page break if the next page is even.
Is my expectation valid? If yes, please guide me.
Local machine->local server process-> I generate Birt report-> which contain hyperlinks hard coded for example: http://www.ip_one.com/birtserver/parameters...(this is fine and points to another report and get me the report also when I hit the Url from inside the generated pdf report).
Now, what I need is to change ip_one to suppose ip_two once I hit the hyperlink which is inside the pdf(on the fly) keeping all the other parts of the url intact.
I am using birt-rcp-report-designer-4_2_2.
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you are trying to dynamically create a hyperlink at report run time.
In the properties editor of the report item that has your link (i.e. label), edit the hyperlink. In the Hypelink Options (pop-up) to the left of "Location" field is the button ab| select 'JavaScript' Syntax.
You will be able to create the URL using JavaScript.