How to get online users(in real time) - laravel

I have a task to display a list of online users present on the site. I've been said that I should use web-sockets for this.
I don't know how to implement this. I've already installed Pusher and Laravel Echo. Could you help me by pointing in right direction? I guess I should listen for the moment when user socket connects.

Reading all the comments I've imagined two possible solutions:
Broadcast when a user logs in / out
This is the very simple solution. You can use laravel notifications that allows you to implement a specific broadcast logic:
During the login / logout phase create a UserLogged[In|Out] notification and broadcast it to a specific channel
Using Laravel Echo and a "few lines" of javascript, update your onlineUsers list (for example in VueJs you may want to update the Vuex store)
But this may require a more complex logic and you may have to write a lot of code to keep the online users list updated... I think it's better to move to solution #2...
Use presence channels
I think this is the best way, since it doesn't require nothing else that a good Laravel-echo configuration. For the example I'm using Pusher (since you asked for), but this solution can be implemented with all the Laravel broadcast drivers.
When a user logs in, simply subscribe him / her to a presence channel (here the Laravel documentation)
Using Laravel Echo, subscribe the user to that channel
var chatRoom = Echo.join('');
Once subscribed use themembers.count method to keep an updated list of the channel users.
Using a setTimeout() function you can have a realtime update of the users list.
I've never implemented this solutions in a production environment, but just wrote some code to see how it works. so I think that if other people have diffent point of view or have a better way to explain this process I will be happy to update my answer.


How do I notify users on Slack that aren't in the channel?

What we are trying to do
I am working on automation which posts messages to a Slack channel using Incoming Webhooks on a custom Slack App. The messages mentions people.
What works
We can send a message just fine, it has formatted content, and usernames are correctly resolved using the link-names flag.
What isn't working
The whole point of the notification is to inform a dynamic set of people about something they should care about. The set of people we tag varies hugely (think people who contributed to a pull request) and so not all possible recipients are in the channel these automated messages go to.
We assumed that given the usernames are being directly #-mentioned, they would be notified by Slack. However, two of the users we've tested with and #-mentioned confirm they never received a notification they had been tagged.
This is different to "human" behaviour, where if you #-mention someone in Slack, you get a little message reminding you that person isn't in this channel and offers to invite them or let them know.
As far as we can tell, sending the message programmatically is doing the equivalent of "Do nothing" in the picture above. I want to do either of the other two options, preferably "Let them know".
How can I notify people they've been mentioned? I've looked at all the API documentation and nothing discusses notifying users who aren't in the channel that they are mentioned.
This can't be an uncommon issue.... right?
We aren't directly calling chat.postMessage, it's just the only documentation on link_names I could find to link to. We are using Incoming Webhooks, which has minimal documentation on the parameters - it seems to be the same as chat.postMessage.
We would prefer not to move off Incoming Webhooks, but we can do a custom integration with the API if we have to.
You need to invite the user to the channel first, using the Python client that's:

Laravel : Web Api, how to find out if a user (application) is online?

I am building a web service for mobile application by Laravel 5.8. I need to get the location of online users, search on some properties and send a notification to them.
The problem is I can't find out if a user is online. My solution was to keep pushing/receiving a message to applications every 10 seconds once they get connected for the first time. Clearly this approach has a huge overload on the server and is not practical.
I would be appreciated for any help.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you may make use of Real-time connections such as Pusher
You would need presence channels to see who is online in JS, it works more client to client rather than the Laravel server knowing who is online.
You subscribe users to a channel and then you can see who else is on that channel.
Why not make a column to your user table namely 'is_online' ? So every time the user logged in set this field to true ? and when they are logged out or inactive for a specific of time you will set it to false ?

How to add a dynamic results section to Laravel

I made a laravel app which uses an index method that delivers a collection of the client's available appointments (think hairdresser) to the page (as an api), which I then display using vue/vuetify.
The client is saying they would like the appointments on the page to be dynamic/live eg if someone books an appointment, then all other logged in users will see that appointment disappear from the list on their screen.
I have no idea how I would do this, although I have had one idea - I somehow incorporate node/non-blocking on the server, like a chat room, but only for this part of the app.
Or is there a way to do this with laravel/nginx?
Thanks in advance - I don't know what to search for!
I believe you are looking for Broadcasting (Documentation Link). You would need to:
Configure your broadcasting driver (you could give pusher a try for quick setup and tinkering)
Configure your Laravel backend to dispatch a new event whenever a new appointment is made, (e.g. event(new AppointmentCreated($appointment)) where AppointmentCreated implements the ShouldBroadcast interface. You can combine this with Model Events
Update your frontend to receive your broadcast (Check Laravel Echo). Once you receive a broadcast, update the UI to mark this appointment as unavailable i.e, make it disappear

Laravel implement user friends (chat) presence

I’m having some trouble understanding how to inplement presence channels in a real-time laravel application.
From what i’ve read in the documentation and a lot of other online resources about this, i only need to broadcast on a Presence channel and have clients listen on that particular channel. By the way, I'm using laravel 5.6 and on the front end I use Larvel Echo.
So, my problem is that channel name I need to broadcast to. If it’s something generic like “chat”, ALL the users in my application will broadcast to this channel and users who have no ideea who that user is (not a friend) receive this notification and they have to process this new information. Ofcourse I can choose not to update the UI or just do nothing if the user is not in their friends list but this just seems like a lot of useless procesaing of notifications on the client side. Doesn’t seem like a good ideea in my opinion.
Second option would be to broadcast presence to a unique channel name like “chat-[unique]” where “[unique]” would be something like the logged user’s id/hash but this just means that every client that loggs in the application has to listen for ALL friends notifications, so he has to connect to chat-5426, chat-9482, chat-4847 and so on, for all his friends. Again, this does not seem efficient. But that’s not all. The friends list is paginated so a user, after is logged in, only sees his first 20 friends (unless he scrolls down) and I have no limit on how many friend a user can have - I can implement a limit but still, it would be in the thousands so I don’t think I can get all the users from the DB in one query. I had the ideea of using this last method, to listen to each user's channel on the front end just as they are, paginated. Then, when scrolling and navigation arround, if a new user is visible in the viewport, add it to my friends object (no UI change) and start listening on his presence channel. I can see this method failing pretty easy though.
However I think about this, it always seems like online presence is verry resource consuming and almost not worth it for a small startup, I don't know. I have no ideea what a good way would be to implement it as I`ve never done it before. I would greatly appreciate any help with this because all online resources I've found on the subject implement the first method I asked about, all users connectiong to a generic channel but this always works in tutorials because they only have like 2-3 users in the DB and none mantion a user having friends. I can't see this working in the real world, but I may be wrong.
Thanks in advance

Creating a Slackbot that adds

Hey in my team's slack (messaging system for those who don't know) we have an automatic response, so that when anyone says "trump", slackbot automatically responds with "the wall just got ten feet higher". Now I want to make a counter that essentially allows slackbot to state "the wall just got ten feet higher, wall height:(have a updated value according to number of times "trump" has been stated)" So basically I want a way to have a value that updates the wall height but I am lost on how to do that within slackbot. Any help is much appreciated, thanks to all!
The default features provided by Slackbot only allows it to respond to keywords, but not much more. So to provide that additional feature you would need to develop a custom bot.
For your use case I would recommend building a so called internal integration for Slack using the Events API.
Internal integration allows you to add custom functions for your Slack team only (as opposed to a full fledged Slack app, that could also be installed and used for other Slack teams).
The Events API allows you to set up a bot that listens to messages and can react to keywords like "trump".
An alternative approach to the events API would be the outgoing webhook. However this function is now deprecated and should no longer be used. Also it only works with public channels.
To set this up you will need to develop a small webservice (e.g. in PHP) that listens on a webserver for requests from the events API, keeps count of how many times the keyword has been invoked in the past and sends an appropriate message back to your Slack team every time the keyword is used.
I can recommend reading the excellent official Slack API documentation if you want to learn more.
If you are familiar with PHP this can be done easily using the Slackbot Framework. It supports Events API allowing you to listen to messages in channels or direct messages (depending on the permission scopes of your APP). So all the conversations on Slack can be sent to your server and you can search for the specific keyword in every message. Then send back an appropriate message to Slack. In summary, the first step is to create an APP for your slack team at Next step is to install the Slackbot Framework which is explained here. Hope this is helpful.
That can also be done by integrating custom slack bot using Django. You'll have to subscribe events and based on events, Slack will send conversation message to the given url, and based on the event, you can write your logic to increase count and post message back to slack work space.
