How does rasa achieve unit conversion - rasa-nlu

I want to use rasa to achieve unit conversion.But now there are many units,like time,digital,length,mass,temperature,volume.And like the length unit has a lot, such as meters, kilometers, centimeters.There are many situations in combination.
How can I use rasa to quickly and efficiently achieve unit conversion? Please help me,Thanks a lot

You can add duckling in your pipeline, it's a component that help extract these common entities.
You can pull the image from docker hub and run it in container and the work is done. :)


I cannot see a full list of database storage classes in Openshift webconsole

I am using couchdb and I need to stress test the db to make sure about performance limitation.
I have never done any sort of performance testing. So I decided to write a piece of code to do so:
import couchdb
couch= couchdb.Server('xxxxxxx')
db= couch["performance_test"]
"test": "test",
So this is just a beginning and I need to add a lot to it to have it working. For example in terms of benchmarks, measure ... I am not sure what to do. Before keep going and complete the code I want to make sure I am in the right path. Is it the best way to do so? or should I use a specific tool for it? any insight is appreciated
First you need to figure out what you're actually measuring -- concurrent read rates, write throughput etc.
There are lots of load testing frameworks around, for example Locust. Using an existing load testing tool gives you a lot of functionality you otherwise would ghave to implement yourself. Locust makes nice graphs etc.
There are also plenty of tools and libraries that can help you generate random test data, such as faker in Python.

How do I gather statistics from ESSBASE?

I would like to gather some statistics about the usage of several cubes with Hyperion ESSBASE.
I've found that from the official documentation but doesn't seem what I need.
What I would like to achieve is to know how many times a dimension has been queried, in which cube, which dimensions are often used together and so on.
Is there any tool or maxl instruction for that pourpose?
i dont know such a tool. There is an option called query tracking which is used internal by essbase for aggregation but i dont know a way do display this information.
Sorry but i am afraid there is no solution for your problem.

Integrating / Transforming data from different / disparate sources without storing it

I have a usecase. I want to Integrate / Transform data from different / disparate sources without storing it. Data sources are database(oracle,db2,etc), Webservice(Rest/Soap), Flat files(CSV, XML, JSON), MQ dumps, mainframe systems. I want to pull data from these sources and do some kind of intelligent transformation and integration and provide it our customers. It looks like typical ETL scenario, but my situation is different. I am not allowed to store the data given by the desperate sources, that means, for simple example, i pull data from oracle, soap and a rest, and do all my intelligent transformations and integrations on the fly.
I browsed through google and technical stuffs but could not get convincing solution to my problem.
If you guys can help me giving some valuable insight on this problem and give suggestion and probable approaches to it.
Note: Data size from these sources can sometime be really huge.
Thanks in Advance
Take a look at htto://
Thst is exactly what it does, and it is Open Source.
Talend Open Studio y a great solution as well, I'm using it and it's great and easy to make the ETL workflow.
You can see a lot of help videos:

How to use AVAudioPlayerNode with AVMutableComposition

The AVAudioEngine and related AVAudioNode objects seem to be quite powerful for audio processing but it's difficult to see how to automate parameter changes with them. I'm sure there must be something more effective than manually using a Timer to change values, as a crude example.
AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters includes a method setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:toEndVolume:timeRange: but I cannot see how I could integrate that with AVAudioPlayerNode (connected with AVAudioEffectNodes) and use that method to fade the volume over time. Instead, I have only seen examples of AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters working with AVMutableCompositioninstances and none of them include AVAudioNode objects.
Can anyone post or link to some code samples that combine the use of AVAudioNodes with setVolumeRampFromStartVolume:toEndVolume:timeRange: or explain best practices for automating parameter changes on a node over time?
Many thanks
The AVAudioEngine is a real-time engine, but AVMutableComposition seems to be a non-real-time object. Thus incompatible. An alternative is to build and insert your own fader real-time AUAudioUnit node..

Jmeter Report Making Approach

Usually I do run the Jmeter tests multiple times and do select a consistent result out of all runs. And further use the statistics to make the Jmeter Report.
But someone asks from my team that, we need to calculate the Average of all runs and use it for Report making.
If I do so, then I can not generate the in-built Graphs which Jmeter provides. And also the statistics which I present for the test is also not the original it's manipulated/altered by calculating the Average.
Which is the good approach to follow?
I think you can use Merge Results tool in order to join 2 or more results files into a single one and apply your analysis solution(s) onto this generated aggregate result. Moreover you will be able to compare different test runs results.
You can install the tool using JMeter Plugins Manager
I am developing now one tool based on Python + Django + Postgres which will help to run/parse/analyze/monitor JMeter load tests and compare results. In`s on some early stage but already not so bad( but sadly bad documented)
Also there is static report generator based on Python + Pandas. Maybe you can modify it for your tasks :)
