Is it possible to jump right to errors in Xcode output? - xcode

When I try to do an Xcode build and it fails, I usually get a long list of warning messages in the "Buildtime" screen on the lefthand side of my Xcode window. The actual error message (with the red exclamation mark) is usually way at the bottom, and I have to scroll for a few seconds to get to it. Also, when I do scroll to it, it then loads more warnings below, so I have to do the scrolling process several times.
Does anyone know if there's a way to either jump directly to the error message, or output all the messages to a file or something?

It's irritates, especially if you are working with react-native project where usually more than 3000 warnings and it takes ages to scroll to the bottom where errors usually shown.
How to scroll to the bottom:
Click on the any message in the "Buildtime" list
Press Option + down arrow


Disable popup messages when selecting with the marker?

Every other time I select some code with my marker for copy/paste reasons, a popup message is shown which prevents me from copying the selected code. It seems completely random when it appears and what type of popup appear - sometimes it shows, other times it doesn't. Sometimes it says something about quick help and other times it's a summary description of framework code. Can I disable these messages somehow? I can't show an image here because my reputation is too low.

How to tell in a glance if a build in Xcode succeeded, long after it's done?

When a build in Xcode finishes, it fails, or it succeeds. Normally this is shown in two places: a squarish gray popup near the center bottom of the Xcode main window, and the words "build failed" or "build succeeded" in the small text box in the center of the toolbar along the top.
But the squarish popup goes away after a few seconds, and the toolbar text is a few seconds later overwritten with "Indexing | Loading index..." If i wandered away for more coffee and come back ten minutes after the build is done, I can't tell in an easy glance if the build succeeded or not.
How to determine if it succeeded, quick and easy, without having to bother with looking in bin/debug/?
Or just as good, is there a way to make the squarish popup or the toolbar text stick around forever instead of disappearing?
Not sure this is what you want, but if you click on the Report Navigator (the eighth tab on the top left of the screen), you see the most recent builds, and there are marks next to each one showing if any errors were found when running.

How to diagnose Xcode errors

I have been using Xcode recently a lot, however, every so often I'll inexplicably receive error messages about perfectly innocuous components of my code. I'd like to know how one diagnose these because as you can see in the buttom right of the screenshot, there's no log entry to go off of. Thanks.
Here's my screen shot:
It looks as if you have accidentally set a "breakpoint" in your code. You set a breakpoint by clicking on the left margin. A breakpoint stops your code automatically when it reaches that point.
Since you commented out the inside of the goBack() function, it stops at the first line of uncommented code.
The breakpoint you set is the little blue line to the left of the line self.scoreLabel.removeFromSuperview(). To get rid of it, click it and drag it into the main area of your code.

CRichEditCtrl: How to have it scroll to end while focus lost?

I have a CRichEditCtrl with auto vertical scrolling set, which works, but not quite as I'd like. The text in the control can be updated via a message from another thread, so it can be busy updating while the user does other things, but the way it updates is different depending on whether it has focus or not (whether or not the caret is blinking). If it has focus, it auto scrolls to the most recent text (at the bottom of the window), without focus you can see the scroll bar shrinking as text is added but there is no actual scroll. Is there any way of getting it to always scroll to the bottom, so that the user always sees what's been most recently added?
I've tried sending EM_SCROLLCARET after ReplaceSel() but it made no difference. Also tried using LineScroll(), but that puts the most recent line at the top of the window, not at the bottom as happens when auto scrolling - this can also result in a blank window if there are trailing new lines ...
Looking on MSDN/forums I can't see much else to try.
Cheers for any help.

Click event is not firing in PowerBuilder on single line edit control

In child window of my application, I have placed one single line edit control named as sle_name. Its tab order is 1.
Below that control I have placed DataWindow having formatted as free form style.
When I run the app, if my focus is in sle_name, and I click on sle_name then rbuttondown event is triggered. Then I move my focus to DataWindow(dw_account). Once I got focus on dw_account and then if I try to click on sle_name, my focus is not moving on sle_name and neither I can run rbuttondown event on sle_name.
What is the reason for this problem?
One more thing: when I start this window my focus in set in sle_name, from that control if I press tab key then my focuse moves to dw_account and if I press again shift+tab then my focus is moved back to sle_account.
But if I try to set focus from dw_account to sle_account using mouse pointer it is not moving focus.
What is the reason behind this behaviour?
I had the same behavior in a child window.
It was fixed when disabled the 'ControlMenu' and 'TitleBar' properties in the window. (It's so strange).
Hope it helps
This isn't natural behaviour, so the cause is likely something you've scripted. Depending on your architecture, the culprit code could be a number of places (e.g. framework objects). If this were my problem, I'd run with the PBDEBUG trace turned on (a System Option in the IDE, or /PBDEBUG on the command line after the deployed EXE name), and see what is firing when you try to move back to the SLE.
I'd also be using PBL Peeper to see the trace and the code side-by-side, so it's easier to see what code is being executed (the trace only shows you script name and line number).
Good luck,
you must have to create the event ID pbm_lbuttonup, with the same parameter as rbuttondown event. Then in the code you write this.setfocus()
