Rasa scheduler reminder how to return a message to the client, such as an app - rasa-nlu

I want to use rasa to make a schedule reminder now.I sent a request to rasa.
URL is http://localhost:5006/webhooks/rest/webhook
request body is:
"sender": "rasa",
"message": "Remind me to go to the meeting after one minutes"
But the schedule is up, I want to send a notification to the client, such as the app, to remind the user what to do.
How can I do it? Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks a lot!

You can use reminders and external events to send notifications to the user.


How to trigger a Slack Workflow when someone sends a message

How do you trigger a Slack Workflow when someone sends a message? I want to react to a person sending a message, preferably try to read the message they sent and respond back with some helpful links as a thread automatically.

How to send a notification to a specific device using Amplify notification

I sat up notification following this doc https://docs.amplify.aws/lib/push-notifications/getting-started/q/platform/js.
I can register a token on Amazon pinpoint service.
My application is a chat app, so every time someone sends a message to someone, I want to send a notification to a specific device who receives the message. My question is How I can do this ? My user message data are stored in DynamoDB. So trigger Lambda function after put operation would be a good idea but I am not sure this is the solution.

Slack - confirm before send

Is there a way, by means of some setting or programmatically, to allow a user on Slack to confirm that the user really wants to send a message before the message is sent? Often times we end up sending messages on the wrong channels or DMs. How can we prevent these?
Assuming by "send a message" you mean "post a message" to a channel.
Via Settings
No. There is no Slack setting to enable confirmation before a message is posting.
No. Its possible to retrieve all messages that are posted to a channel with a Slack app (e.g. via Events API) and then react to them, but only after the fact. To the best of my knowledge it is not possible to insert some kind of confirmation logic into the standard process of posting a message.

How to make Slack Bot not respond to all the messages in the private group?

I want my bot to respond only if anyone mentions its name like #mybot.
How to achieve this?
For that you need to use the Events API and subscribe to the event app_metion.
That way your app will receive all message that directly mention your bot with #mybot.
Those messages will be sent as request from Slack to the endpoint provided for receiving events.

Can't send message to some bot users in Telegram

I made the bot in telegram which accepts some requests from users. My bot should send notifications about changes of the request status. I do it separate from my script by sending get request. But some users can not get the notification message, because this error "{
"ok": false,
"error_code": 403,
"description": "Forbidden: bot was blocked by the user"
}" The user didn't block the bot. The bot blocked itself for some reason. I can't understand how it happens. What is the reason of blocking bot by the user unconsciously? I want write the guid for user "how do not block bot", but I don't know the reason. How I can solve this issue?
Here's my request:
https://api.telegram.org/bot<bot_token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<chat_id>&text=<Your request status changed>&reply_markup={"inline_keyboard": [[{"text": "View", "callback_data": "<request_id>"}]]}
Your bot is blocked by users yet, need to click RESTART to unblock bot.
You can try it yourself by click Stop Bot in menu.
I had the same problem, revoking bot's token solved it.
