Add a field to a document - elasticsearch

In particular, we have a tons of log messages constantly coming in the following format:
Jul 23 09:24:16 mmr mmr-core[5147]:
Jul 23 09:24:18 mmr mmr-core[5210]: Aweg3AOMTs_1563866656876839.0.dn
There are different id numbers (1563866656876839) and two possible suffixes (mt/dn).
We parse it with logstash and store these messages in one index.
When the id number with mt suffix gots dn suffix within 1 hour it means GOOD and it should get a new field status with approved value in it. If not the field value should be disapproved.
So in the end a new index isn't needed :D But I'm still curious how to achieve that and if it is even possible to create and fill the new field in document based on a time condition or how to say...
Thank you for your reply!

yes, it is possible to create and fill the new field in document based on a time condition.
First you have to create three aggregate filters with task_id as your id. One filter to create a map and second filter to submit the map as an event. In last filter there should be timeout option in case of your timeout scenario.


How to increase column filter character limit of DataTable.js?

I was spending a whole day to find a way to keep the column filter searching regardless the number of characters being inputted. At the moment, i.e the date column stops filtering after the 12th character is entered as I have a custom search condition which requires a longer than a 12-character input.
The link below is what it looks like what I have implemented
In my case, I try to get it work on the Start Date filter to allow date range filtering. For instance, when you search
ie. 2012/09/26
it returns one record and that is correct. Console log also
and when you search
ie. 2012/09/26 2012
it doesn't display any records nor trigger any keypress events (ie. $ which perform filtering after 2012/09/26 2 ie. 012.... The function is only triggered for the first 12 characters.
You can try it on which I've just created so that you can replicate the issue. When you enter upto to 2008/09/26 20, you see the value is logged to the console but any characters after than ie. '2008/09/26 201...`.
Can anyone shed light on how to achieve that?

Filter imported dataset in azure data factory

I have a JSON file which I need to filter down to only show the data for the last 2 days.
Is there a way to add an expression to do this so that I can sink the dataset which contains data from the last 2 days?
Also, can it be done using the filter option in a pipeline or am I required to create a dataflow for this sort of problem?
I'm agree with #Mark Kromer, you should use Data flow. It has the filter active and can achieve that easier.
The filter needs to parse/inspect the data inside the file and possibly traverse hierarchies.
I just make a example which filter the data date > "2020-12-01":
Output preview:
Filter based on your data column to keep the data in last 2 days.

Filter values by hours in Power BI

I have a date table:
I need to filter this by hours. last 4h 12h 24h etc.
Relative date only gives me days-weeks and so on.
Simplest work-around could be to create a binary FLAG in the back-end to identify record created in the last 4h.
Then, define a slicer in the front-end (visible or hidden) to visualize only those records relevant for you.
Got this working by creating 4 new custom columns with code:
Which gives me values if TRUE or FALSE and can filter by turning off FALSE values.

FHIR: return a list of patient resource based on last

Need some advice and help from you!
Two questions.
how can I retrieve a list of patient resources with 30 _counts and sorted by last modified date? I don't have any searching parameters such as identifier, family and given;
since my application in browser is a single page application, when the user scroll down and all the first 30 patients have been shown, I will make another call to get the next 30 patients. I don't need the first 30 patients and just want the records from 31 to 60. What parameters should I used in this paging search? Do we have something like "?_count=30&_page=2". Similarly, if I need the page 100, I don't want the servers sending me the first 99 pages.
Thanks in advance.
GET [baseUrl]/Patient?_count=30&sort=_lastUpdated
The response will be a Bundle. Look at the with a of "next". The will be the URL to use to get the next "page" of content. The format of the URL is undefined and will be server-specific.
Be aware that _count only constrains the base resource. If you query Patient and do a _revinclude on Observation, you'll get 30 patients - but you'll also get all the observations for all 30 of those patients - which could be 10k+ rows in your result set - so be careful with _include and _revinclude.

Get first and last entry given a timespan

I am using Kibana to log actions performed by the users of my web interface.
I would like to create a visualisation that does the following:
For each of my users (I have a field for that in my Elastic entries)
Display the first and last entry datetime
Maybe should I make two visualisations, on for first, one for last, as I don't know if it possible to do it on one single Visual.
Thanks in advance
Okay, I found the answer, in the case of a Data Table visualization, I added two metrics:
The min and max of the datetime field I use as the timestamp.
Changing the timespan of your visualization will give you the first and last entry datetimes.
