ASPX image not showing on Firefox - image

First of I'm not sure how to formulate this specific question since it's more an browser issue than a coding issue.
I'm trying to get an ASPX image to show inside my img tag.
Which seems to work an all other browsers (IE,Chrome, Safari), except Firefox.
Anyone know how?
<img src="https://example/Download.aspx?Hash=1234" />


Images not showing in codepen

I have a code which I need to share so I pasted in from Visual Studio Code into code pen and replace all my image links with imgur links but when I save the code on codepen it doesn't show up.
I've tried uploading to different picture sharing websites but none of them seems to work or sometimes they just dissapear
<img src="" alt="logo">
This is a simple code i used but the image just refuses to appear.
I just need to image to show up, if there is any way to share my website without publishing it to the web I would like to be informed about it too. Thanks you.
this is a website that get your image and give you base64 of it and you can put this base64 thing in your src attribute of img element and you are good to go

images not loading in Internet Explorer. why?

ive been finally polishing off a website i was building but to my dismay i recently checked the website in Internet Explorer and found the images weren't loading fully.. you can see can the borders for the image but nothing loads in between. i thought it might something i altered on wordpress, but the main page has images from from non wordpress html files and they don't load either.. everything works fine on every other browser except Internet Explorer.. any ideas why? probably a simple fix
here's the website.. . all the code and css is viewable there, if you want my wordpress code let me know
maybe the code just needs to rearranged to make window browsers happy?
any help would be great
Looking at the source for the shop.html, it looks like you are specifying the height of the images, but not the width. Opera, and Firefox are ignoring the width="" and using the default width, but IE is setting it to width="1." I don't know how to change this in Wordpress but if you remove the width="" or add a value it will show correct.
You can see this if you r-click the image line in IE and select properties: it shows as 1X290px.
img src="images/shop/julianduron.jpg" width="" height="290"
hope this helps

ie8 hangs when opening a site which uses css3

I just completed a site: . I haven't launched it yet because of certain problems. The site uses css3 text gradients to style text in span and border radius to style most divs. It has to be made dynamic later so I don't want to change the text effects to images or something. The problem I am facing is that the site hangs IE8. I haven't tested it in lower versions of IE. I have tested the markup thoroughly and its validated and the css too is valid except for features which are from css3 like opacity, border-radius etc. I have also added google script to make ie behave properly and mordenizer library. The site still hangs IE8. Please Help me out here..
EDIT: after a lot of testing and debugging, found out that ie<9 were crashing because of some text elements being styled by p:first-letter or h1:first-letter (which, as is the case with ie, is totally random as :first-letter is supported by IE7+ ). So all i did was separated those styles from base.css to a non-ie.css and loaded that file with a [if ! lt IE 9]
and it worked!
after a lot of testing and debugging, found out that ie<9 were crashing because of some text elements being styled by p:first-letter or h1:first-letter (which, as is the case with ie, is totally random as :first-letter is supported by IE7+ ). So all i did was separated those styles from base.css to a non-ie.css and loaded that file with a [if ! lt IE 9] and it worked!
Can you add <!--[if IE 8 ]><html class="ie ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]--> to target fixes. As you make changes view in IE8 through IE9(F12) and play with -ie-(compared to -moz- & -o-) in your css. I would also keep a CSS 2.1 file and a CSS3 file to keep track of your new code.
It's working good here in Safari. Just to narrow this down, what if you remove all the conditional and IE specific libraries you got from Google? In my experience, all the various JS libraries that are supposed to make older IE versions behave always seem to break or conflict with some other script or library like jQuery.
Also see the answer in this thread for optimizing your page loading by placing the JavaScripts at the end of the <body> section. Perhaps in your case, loading the JS last will make some kind of difference to Explorer.

<embed> SVG or TIFF in Firefox 3

Firefox has native support for SVG. However, I have a web page where the SVG graphig is <embed>ed, and a plugin is requested to show it.
When I click on the plugin icon, no plugin is proposed by FF.
Is there such a plugin?
Is there a way to make FF display embedded SVGs using its native support without installing a plugin?
The same happens with TIFF files.
<td align="left">
alt="SVG"> Image SVG
I've had a few issues with this recently. The way that I managed to make it work was using the embed function (I was initially using html5, which firefox 3.6 doesnt support inline svg, yet)
The syntax used was, where workspace contains just SVG code:
<embed src="workspace.svg" width="500" height="500" />
The above code shouldn't need a plugin, and didn't when I used it. The advantage of using <embed> rather than <object> is because it allows you to run scripts. If your syntax is slightly different then that could be your issue. If your syntax is the same, post your code as a whole so we can have a look.
Adobe used to supply a plugin but they no longer give support for it so it is wise not to use it.
Edit in response to code posting by OP:
There are only two reasons I can think of, as to why your code isnt working, but not sure if they would actually make a difference:
a) Closing the embed tag (almost definetly not the problem, but is good practice to do so anyway).
b) As I cant see your servlet I cant assume that you have not set the content type to be image/svg+. That could be an issue.

Help! Validation issue with slideshow?

Hi I'm trying to validate my website but it complains about my slideshow
Is this because its using html? Should I ignore it?
validator link
src="" width="632px" height="308px"
Thanks for your help
According to the HTML spec, (rather than ) is the tag to use for embedded content. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer supports the tag, which FF, Chrome, Safari, etc support the tag.
So how do you create valid content with Flash embedded?
After a web page has loaded, you can
insert the embed tag, effectively
circumventing the XHTML problems. As a
bonus, you can use JavaScript to
determine whether the correct Flash
Plugin is available on your visitor's
computer. If it isn’t, alternative
content can be loaded.
– LongTail Video's Embedding Flash tutorial
Hopefully this answers your question about how to embed your content in a standards compliant way.
Developer, LongTail Video
