I want to simulate 20 different users (username+password combinations) into the same site for each user's unique auth token will create in the cookie. I want to extract the cookie value of every user and store it on the CSV file.
I wrote code in web driver sampler this code is working but every time when I executed the test cookie values are appended in the previous file.
var username=WDS.vars.get('Username')
var password=WDS.vars.get('Password')
var ui=JavaImporter(org.openqa.selenium.support.ui)
var wait=new ui.WebDriverWait(WDS.browser,120)
var login = WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.xpath("//*[#data-autoid='lion-login']"));
var name = WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.xpath("//*[#id='userNameInput']"));
var pass = WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.xpath("//*[#id='passwordInput']"));
var submit = WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.xpath("//*[#id='submitButton']"));
var submit2 = WDS.browser.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By.xpath("//*[#id='idSIButton9']"));
var cookie=WDS.browser.manage().getCookieNamed('MarcelAUTH').getValue();
var output = new java.io.File('C:/Users/sapsharm/Desktop/auth.csv')
var newline = java.lang.System.lineSeparator()
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.writeStringToFile(output, cookie + newline, true)
expected CSV value should contain only new cookie values old values should be not present in the CSV file.
Replace the code org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.writeStringToFile(output, cookie + newline, true)
with below code
org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.writeStringToFile(output, cookie + newline,null, false)
Refer API Doc
Method Description:
public static void writeStringToFile(File file,String data,Charset
encoding,boolean append) throws IOException
Writes a String to a file creating the file if it does not exist.
file - the file to write
data - the content to write to the file
encoding - the encoding to use, null means platform default
append - if true, then the String will be added to the end of the file rather than overwriting
In my pure Ruby app one of the components to create a token for my request authentication to an external API is to create signature which is HMAC value that is created using the api_key and the secret_key. The signature contains the following elements that are each separated by a new line \n (except the last line) and are in the same order as below list:
ts = '1529342939277'
nonce = '883b170c-a768-41a1-ae6d-c626323aa128'
host = 'ws.idms.lexisnexis.com'
resource_path = '/restws/identity/v3/accounts/11111/workflows/rdp.test.workflow/conversations'
body_hash = 'fQoIAs0IO4vNleZVE9tcI3Ni7h+niT+GrrgEHsKZOyM='
API_KEY = '6njQLkz7uCiz1ZeJ1bFCWX4DFVTfKQXa'
SECRET_KEY = 'CcdaZEt7co647iJoEc5G29CHtlo7T9M3'
# create string signature separated by new line
signature = [ts, nonce, host, resource_path, body_hash].join("\n")
# create HMAC for signature
mac = Base64.strict_encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('SHA256', API_KEY, signature))
2.7.0 :146 > mac
According to the docs the signature should be Syb6i+sRygAGCgxLQJ4NwwKcT5Mnkh4r3QXgwZ3vmcE= but I'm getting ZDE4NDQxZDdiNmZkODNiODgyODI4Nzc2OTQ3OGFlMjVhZTMyNThhZTZlMTRiMjkxMzI0NmQ5NzljNDJkZWVhZg== instead. Where did I go wrong?
I've got an example how to do it in Java if something will be unclear: https://gist.github.com/mrmuscle1234/20c9d46d163fee66528449c0ea8419a7
I tried creating a method in Postman and got really close but am having issues with the signature. We are trying to query the IP ranges for VPCs to add to a WAF rule, in order to allow traffic to a secure application.
Postman allows a pre-request script, in Javascript, and supports a handful of included JS libraries, including CryptoJS.
The code here creates exactly the request that Ali Cloud says needs to be signed. It signs with HMAC-SHA1 from CryptoJS and encodes to base 64.
All of the variables are included in the request parameters. I'm not sure what else it could be complaining about.
var dateIso = new Date().toISOString();
var randomString = function(length) {
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
var accesskeyid = "LTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZxZ"
var action = "DescribePublicIPAddress"
var format = "XML"
var regionid = "cn-shanghai-eu13-a01"
var signaturemethod = "HMAC-SHA1"
var signaturenonce = randomString(16)
var signatureversion = "1.0"
var timestamp = dateIso.replace(/:/gi, "%253A")
var version = "2016-04-28"
pm.environment.set("AccessKeyId", accesskeyid)
pm.environment.set("Action", action)
pm.environment.set("Format", format)
pm.environment.set("RegionID", regionid)
pm.environment.set("SignatureMethod", signaturemethod)
pm.environment.set("SignatureNonce", signaturenonce)
pm.environment.set("SignatureVersion", signatureversion)
pm.environment.set("Timestamp", dateIso)
pm.environment.set("Version", version)
var request = "GET&%2F&" + "AccessKeyID%3D" + accesskeyid + "%26Action%3D" + action + "%26Format%3D" + format + "%26RegionID%3D" + regionid + "%26SignatureMethod%3D" + signaturemethod + "%26SignatureNonce%3D" + signaturenonce + "%26SignatureVersion%3D" + signatureversion + "%26Timestamp%3D" + timestamp + "%26Version%3D" + version
pm.environment.set("Request", request)
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(request, "spwH5dNeEm4t4dlpqvYWVGgf7aEAxB&")
var base64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
var encodesig = encodeURIComponent(base64)
pm.environment.set("Signature", encodesig);
The console output shows:
Signature: XbVi12iApzZ0rRgJLBv0ytJJ0LY=
Parameter string to be signed:
Request sent:
GET https://vpc.aliyuncs.com/?AccessKeyID=LTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZvC&Action=DescribePublicIPAddress&Format=XML&RegionID=cn-shanghai-eu13-a01&SignatureMethod=HMAC-SHA1&SignatureNonce=iP1QJtbasQNSOxVY&SignatureVersion=1.0&Timestamp=2020-06-01T15:38:12.266Z&Version=2016-04-28&Signature=XbVi12iApzZ0rRgJLBv0ytJJ0LY%3D
Response Received:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><RequestId>B16D216F-56ED-4D16-9CEC-633C303F2B61</RequestId><HostId>vpc.aliyuncs.com</HostId><Code>IncompleteSignature</Code><Message>The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards. server string to sign is:GET&%2F&AccessKeyID%3DLTAI4GC7VEijsm5bV3zwcZvC%26Action%3DDescribePublicIPAddress%26Format%3DXML%26RegionID%3Dcn-shanghai-eu13-a01%26SignatureMethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26SignatureNonce%3DiP1QJtbasQNSOxVY%26SignatureVersion%3D1.0%26Timestamp%3D2020-06-01T15%253A38%253A12.266Z%26Version%3D2016-04-28</Message><Recommend><![CDATA[https://error-center.aliyun.com/status/search?Keyword=IncompleteSignature&source=PopGw]]></Recommend></Error>
When I check the "server string to sign" from the response and the parameter string that was signed in a compare, they are identical.
It looks like everything is built as needed but the signature is still barking. Guessing I missed something simple but haven't found it yet.
Note: The accesskeyID and key posted are for example purposes and not a real account so this code will not copy and paste to execute in Postman.
PS - I learned quite a bit from the other few threads on this topic, which is how I got to this point. akostadinov was super helpful on another thread.
I believe you have double encoded &. I have implemented other Alibaba Cloud REST APIs successfully. Could you please check this.
Following is the expected string to sign format:
A bit late to the party, but as this is the first result when googling for the IncompleteSignature error, I thought I might comment and hopefully save someone else the grief I have been through.
For me, the subtle detail that I missed in the official documentation here is that the key used for the signature requires an ampersand & to be added to the end, before being used.
As soon as I caught that, everything else worked perfectly.
I have an endpoint that downloads an xlsx file. In my test, I need to check the content of the file (not comparing the file with another file, but reading the content and checking). I am using karate framework for testing and I am trying to use apache POI for working with the excel sheet. However, the response I get from karate when calling the download endpoint is a String. For creating an excel file with POI I need an InputStream or the path to the actual file. I have tried the conversion, but it does not work.
I guess I am missing some connection here, or maybe the conversion is bad, I am new to karate and to the whole thing.
I appreciate any help, thanks!
Given url baseUrl
Given path downloadURI
When method GET
Then status 200
And match header Content-disposition contains 'attachment'
And match header Content-disposition contains 'example.xlsx'
And match header Content-Type == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
* def value= FileChecker.createExcelFile(response)
* print value
And the Java code:
public static String createExcelFile(String excel) throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {
InputStream stream = IOUtils.toInputStream(excel, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(stream);
return ("Workbook has " + workbook.getNumberOfSheets() + " Sheets : ");
When running the scenario, I get the following error:
javascript evaluation failed: FileChecker.createExcelFile(response), java.io.IOException: Failed to read zip entry source
When testing the same endpoint in Postman, I am getting a valid excelsheet.
In Karate 0.9.X onwards you have a responseBytes variable which will be raw bytes, which may be what you need.
* def value = FileChecker.createExcelFile(responseBytes)
And you can change your method signature to be:
public static String createExcelFile(byte[] excel) {}
You should be easily able to convert a byte array to an InputStream and take it from there.
P.S. just saying that it "works in Postman" is not helpful :P
TO download zip file from Karate tests as binary bite array
Scenario: To verify and get the ADCI Uri from deployment
Given url basicURL + DeployUri +ArtifactUri
And headers {authorization:'#(authToken)',accept:'application/json',tenant:'#(tenantUUId)',Content-Type:'application/zip'}
When method get
Then status 200
And def responsebytes = responseBytes
JMeter Version 2.13 r1665067
So I seem to be having some trouble when using User-Defined Variables and/or JMeter Property Variables inside a CookieManager.
If I use a variable as the value for a Cookie inside the CookieManager, whether or not it's a User-Defined Var or a Property Var I have the same problem when trying to view the Cookie's value(s) inside a BeanShell Pre and PostProcessor.
If my Cookie Manager has this below: *The 1st line is when using properties variable and 2nd line is when using a var from a User Defined Variable, *FYI both lines are NOT used at the same time:
1st) MYID ${__P(propCookie)} www.mydomain.com /
2nd) MYID ${userCookie} www.mydomain.com /
The propCookie variable is passed on the CLI or defined in a .properties file like below:
COMMAND-LINE --> -JpropCookie=SRV1
IN PROP FILE --> propCookie=SRV1
And the userCookie variable is defined inside a User Defined Variables Config Element like so:
userCookie ${__P(propCookie)} User var using prop variable as value
Then, when I run my test I can see in the Request Tab of the Results Tree that it is showing the Cookie and it has the correct value assigned to it, which is good... But when I attempt to view the Cookies in a BeanShell Pre/Post-Processor, it simply shows the Variable and NOT the actual value.
BeanShell PreProcessor Code
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
log.info("### Inside BeanShell PreProcessor:");
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
log.info("Cookie Count = '" + manager.getCookieCount() + "'");
for (int i = 0; i < manager.getCookieCount(); i++) {
Cookie cookie = manager.get(i);
log.info("\t\t Cookie.getName() = '" + cookie.getName() + "'");
log.info("\t\t Cookie.getValue() = '" + cookie.getValue() + "'");
Here is the BeanShell Script's Output in the Log:
2015/04/29 14:33:00 INFO - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: ### Inside BeanShell PreProcessor:
2015/04/29 14:45:58 INFO - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cookie Count = '1'
2015/04/29 14:33:00 INFO - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cookie.getName() = 'MYID'
2015/04/29 14:33:00 INFO - jmeter.util.BeanShellTestElement: Cookie.getValue() = '${userCookie}'
So as you can see in the output from the BeanShell, the getValue() function is printing the Variable assigned to the Cookie's value exactly like this --> "${userCookie}", and NOT what the actual Cookie's value is, which is "SRV1"...
Lastly, if I try to use the "COOKIE_" variable which is supposed to get automatically created, and I use this in BeanShell, vars.get("COOKIE_MYID"), it prints "null" every time... I have all the proper Cookie properties set in the jmeter.properties file, like these here, so I'm not sure what the problem is:
I'm pretty much stumped for why this is happening so if anyone has any ideas for why this is happening, please feel free it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance,
HTTP Request Sampler actually sets the cookie using CookieManager's getCookieHeaderForURL method which substitutes the value properly.
In Beanshell,
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
log.info(manager.getCookieHeaderForURL(new URL("http://www.google.com"))); //update the URL
This gives the cookies with updated values.
CookieManager's get & add methods are used to get & add cookies to the HTTP Cookie Manager at run time. So, getValue method gives the value as it is. getCookieHeaderForURL gets the appropriate cookies from the Cookie Manager for the domain with updated values.
i need to get the full address of a file which needs to be uploaded by the user using browse button. i tried getAbsolutePath, getAbsoluteFile, getCanonicalPath but they all are giving tomcat/bin location. i need the full path of the file which is to be uploaded.
MultipartFile doc_file = studentInfoBean.getUploadedDocument();
String fileName = doc_file.getOriginalFilename();
String fileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName);
File file = new File(fileName);
File path = file.getAbsoluteFile();
//String path = path.toString()
thank you
You'll probably want to use MultipartFile.transferTo(File dest) to save the uploaded file locally. You can then do your conversion, and whatever you need to do with your .csv file (store it somewhere, send it back to the client, etc.) So the full code might be:
MultipartFile doc_file = studentInfoBean.getUploadedDocument();
File temp_file = new File(doc_file.getOriginalFilename());
//convert doc_file to .csv
//store locally permanently or return to client