How to put comma after 3 digits in numeric variable in vbscript? - vbscript

i want to put a comma after 3 digits in a numeric variable in vbscript
w_orimpo = getvalue(rsmodifica , "w_orimpo")
w_orimpo = FormatNumber(w_orimpo,2)
The initial value of w_orimpo is 21960.
If I use FormatNumber I get the value 21,960.
But I would like to get the following one -> 219,60

We can handle this via a regex replacement:
Dim input, output, regex1, regex2
Set input = "21960"
Set regex1 = New RegExp
Set regex2 = New RegExp
regex1.Pattern = "(\d{3})"
regex1.Global = True
regex2.Pattern = ",$"
output = regex1.Replace(StrReverse(input), "$1,")
output = StrReverse(regex2.Replace(output, ""))
Rhino.Print output
Note that two regex replacements are needed here because VBScript's regex engine does not support lookarounds. There is a single regex pattern which would have gotten the job done here:
This would match (and capture) only groups of three digits at a time, and only if those three digits are not followed by the end of the input. This is needed to cover the following edge case:
123456 -> 123,456
We don't want a comma after the final group of three digits. My answer gets around this problem by doing another regex replacement to trim off any trailing comma.

Or without regex:
Mid(CStr(w_orimpo), 1, 3) & "," & Mid(CStr(w_orimpo), 4)
Dim divider
divider = 10 ^ (Len(CStr(w_orimpo)) - 3)
w_orimpo = FormatNumber(w_orimpo / divider, 2)


How to replace all characters but for the first and last two with gsub Ruby

Given any email address I would like to leave only the first and last two characters and input 4 asterisks to the left and right of # character.
The best way to explain are examples: changed to lo****#****om changed fo****#****de
How to do it with gsub?
**If you want to mask with a fixed number of * symbols, you may yse
''.sub(/\A(..).*#.*(..)\z/, '\1****#****\2')
# => lo****#****om
See the Ruby demo.
\A - start of string anchor
(..) - Group 1: first 2 chars
.*#.* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars as many as possible up to the last # followed with another set of 0+ chars other than line break ones
(..) - Group 2: last 2 chars
\z - end of string.
The \1 in the replacment string refers to the value kept in Group 1, and \2 references the value in Group 2.
If you want to mask existing chars while keeping their number, you might consider an approach to capture the parts of the string you need to keep or process, and manipulate the captures inside a sub block:
''.sub(/\A(..)(.*)#(.*)(..)\z/) {
$1 + "*"*$2.length + "#" + "*"*$3.length + $4
# => lo*********#*******om
See the Ruby demo
\A - start of string
(..) - Group 1 capturing any 2 chars
(.*) - Group 2 capturing any 0+ chars as many as possible up to the last....
# - # char
(.*) - Group 3 capturing any 0+ chars as many as possible up to the
(..) - Group 4: last two chars
\z - end of string.
Note that inside the block, $1 contains Group 1 value, $2 holds Group 2 value, and so on.
Using gsub with look-ahead and look-behind regex patterns:
''.gsub(/(?<=.{2}).*#.*(?=\S{2})/, '****#****')
=> "lo****#****om"
Using plain ruby:
str.first(2) + '****#****' + str.last(2)
=> "lo****#****om"
I have a solution which doesn't fully solve your problem but it's pretty flexible and I think it's worth it to share it for anyone else looking for similar solutions.
module CoreExtensions
module String
module MaskChars
def mask_chars(except_first_n: 1, except_last_n: 2, mask_with: '*')
if &&
raise ArgumentError, "except_first_n and except_last_n can't both be zero"
if length < (except_first_n + except_last_n)
raise ArgumentError, "String '#{self}' must be at least #{except_first_n}"\
" (except_first_n) #{except_last_n} (except_last_n) ="\
" #{except_first_n + except_last_n} characters long"
'\1' + (mask_with * (length - (except_first_n + except_last_n))) + '\3'
Let me explain the regex in /\A(.{#{except_first_n}})(.*)(.{#{except_last_n}})\z/
\A - start of string
(.#{except_first_n}) or (.{1}) Group 1: first n chars. Default value of except_first_n is 1
(.*) Group 2 capturing any 0+ chars as many as possible before the last n characters
(.#{except_last_n}) or (.{2}) Group 3: last n chars. Default value of except_last_n is 2
\z - end of string
Let me explain what's happening in '\1' + (mask_with * (length - (except_first_n + except_last_n))) + '\3'
We are substituting the string with group 1 (\1) at the start, it'll contain characters equalling except_first_n argument's value. We are not gonna use group 2, we need to replace group 2 with the character from mask_with argument, to calculate the amount of times we need to add mask_with character, we use this formula length - (except_first_n + except_last_n) (total length of the string minus the sum value of except_first_n and except_last_n. This will ensure that we have the exact number of mask_with characters between the except_first_n and the except_last_n characters).
Then I created an initializer file config/initializers/core_extensions.rb with this line:
String.include CoreExtensions::String::MaskChars
It will add mask_chars as an instance method to the String class available to all strings.
It should work like this:
account = "123456789101112"
=> "123456789101112"
=> "1************12"
account.mask_chars(except_first_n: 3, except_last_n: 4, mask_with: '#')
=> "123########1112"
I think this is a pretty useful method which can be useful in many scenarios and very flexible too.

How to extract the string between dash (-) and dot (.) in asp classic

Could somebody help me to extract the string between dash (-) and dot (.) at the last of URL in ASP classic?
For example:
How can I extract the 3256 value?
PS: There are many dashes and some numbers appear in URL.
This works if you definitely have a dash before the number. If you could have a / before the number then add another replace for / into -.
dim s, aSplit
s = ""
s = replace(s, ".", "-") ' replace any dots with dashes
aSplit = split(s, "-") ' break s into an array, splitting at dashes. Note it is a zero-based array.
dim sOut
sOut = aSplit(ubound(aSplit) - 1) ' get the penultimate entry in the array
I found the answer:
Dim n, strPost
dashCount = len(urlPost)-len(replace(urlPost,"-",""))

Regex cuts word if end of string

I want to check and capture 2 or x words after and before a target string in a multiline text. The problem is that if the words matched are less than x number of words, then regex cuts off the last word and splits it till x.
For example
text = "This is an example /year"
if example is the target:
Matching Data: "is" , "an", "/yea", "r"
If i add random words after /year it matches it correctly.
How could I fix this so that if less than x words exist just stop there or return empty for the rest of the matches?
So it should be
Matching Data: "is" , "an", "/year", ""
def checkWords(target, text, numLeft = 2, numRight = 2)
target ={|x| x.inspect}.join('').gsub(/"/, '')
regex = ""
regex += "\\s+{,2}(\\S+)\\s+{,2}" * numLeft
regex += target
regex += "\\s+{,2}(\\S+)" * numRight
pattern =
matches = pattern.match(text)
puts matches.inspect
Since you want to capture the words before and after target, you need to set a capturing group around the whole regex parts that match the 0 to 2 occurrences of spaces-non-spaces. Also, you need to allow a minimum bound of 0 - use {0,2} (or a more succint {,2}) limiting quantifier to make sure you get the context on the left even if it is missing on the right:
^ ^ ^ ^
See this Rubular demo
If you use /(?:(\S+)\s+){0,2}target(?:\s+(\S+)){0,2}/, all captured values but the last one will be lost, i.e. once quantified, repeated capturing groups only store the value captured during the last iteration in the group buffer.
Also note that setting a {,2} quantifier on the + quantifier makes no sense, \\s+{,2} = \\s+.

best way to find substring in ruby using regular expression

I have a string I want a new string that contains the domain from the given string using regular expressions.
x = ""
newstring = ""
Example 2:
x = ""
newstring = ""
#⇒ ""
(?<=..) is a positive lookbehind.
If string = "",
a really easy way is string.split("http://")[1]. But this isn't regex.
A regex solution would be as follows:
To explain:
String#scan returns the first match of the regex.
The regex:
^ matches beginning of line
http: matches those characters
\/\/ matches //
(.+) sets a "match group" containing any number of any characters. This is the value returned by the scan.
$ matches end of line
.flatten.first extracts the results from String#scan, which in this case returns a nested array.
You might want to try this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
str = ""
if mtch = str.match(/(?::\/\/)(/S)/)
f1 = mtch.captures
There are two capturing groups in the match method: the first one is a non-capturing group referring to your search pattern and the second one referring to everything else afterwards. After that, the captures method will assign the desired result to f1.
I hope this solves your problem.

Ruby regular expressions for movie titles and ratings

The quiz problem:
You are given the following short list of movies exported from an Excel comma-separated values (CSV) file. Each entry is a single string that contains the movie name in double quotes, zero or more spaces, and the movie rating in double quotes. For example, here is a list with three entries:
movies = [
%q{"Aladdin", "G"},
%q{"I, Robot", "PG-13"},
%q{"Star Wars","PG"}
Your job is to create a regular expression to help parse this list:
movies.each do |movie|
title,rating = $1,$2
# => for first entry, title should be Aladdin, rating should be G,
# => WITHOUT the double quotes
You may assume movie titles and ratings never contain double-quote marks. Within a single entry, a variable number of spaces (including 0) may appear between the comma after the title and the opening quote of the rating.
Which of the following regular expressions will accomplish this? Check all that apply.
regexp = /"([^"]+)",\s*"([^"]+)"/
regexp = /"(.*)",\s*"(.*)"/
regexp = /"(.*)", "(.*)"/
regexp = /(.*),\s*(.*)/
Would someone explain why the answer was (1) and (2)?
Would someone explain why the answer was (1) and (2)?
The resulting strings will be similar to "Aladdin", "G" let's take a look at the correct answer #1:
"([^"]+)" = at least one character that is not a " surrounded by "
, = a comma
\s* = a number of spaces (including 0)
"([^"]+)" = like first
Which is exactly the type of strings you will get. Let's take a look at the above string:
"Aladdin", "G"
#^1 ^2^3^4
Now let's take at the second correct answer:
"(.*)" = any number (including 0) of almost any character surrounded by ".
, = a comma
\s* = any number of spaces (including 0)
"(.*)" = see first point
Which is correct as well as the following irb session (using Ruby 1.9.3) shows:
'"Aladdin", "G"'.match(/"([^"]+)",\s*"([^"]+)"/) # number 1
# => #<MatchData "\"Aladdin\", \"G\"" 1:"Aladdin" 2:"G">
'"Aladdin", "G"'.match(/"(.*)",\s*"(.*)"/) # number 2
# => #<MatchData "\"Aladdin\", \"G\"" 1:"Aladdin" 2:"G">
Just for completeness I'll tell why the third and fourth are wrong as well:
/"(.*)", "(.*)"/
The above regex is:
"(.*)" = any number (including 0) of almost any character surrounded by "
, = a comma
= a single space
"(.*)" = see first point
Which is wrong because, for example, Aladdin takes more than one character (the first point) as the following irb session shows:
'"Aladdin", "G"'.match(/"(.*)", "(.*)"/) # number 3
# => nil
The fourth regex is:
which is:
(.*) = any number (including 0) of almost any character
, = a comma
\s* = any number (including 0) of spaces
(.*) = see first point
Which is wrong because the text explicitly says that the movie titles do not contain any number of " character and that are surrounded by double quotes. The above regex does not checks for the presence of " in movie titles as well as the needed surrounding double quotes, accepting strings like "," (which are not valid) as the following irb session shows:
'","'.match(/(.*),\s*(.*)/) # number 4
# => #<MatchData "\",\"" 1:"\"" 2:"\"">
