I've implemented nativescript image picker plugin in my Nativescript -Angular code but I'm trying to figure out how to resize image picked from nativescript-imagepicker that can display as Account or Profile picture in circle
The selected image will be instance of ImageAsset, you may set the options with desired width and height then call use fromAsset method on ImageSource for resized image.
.then(function() {
return context.present();
.then(function(selection) {
selection.forEach(function(selected) {
// Set values for width, height, keepAspectRatio (boolean)
selected.options = {width, height, keepAspectRatio };
.then((imageSource) => {
// imageSource is resized one
}).catch(function (e) {
// process error
I am facing one issue while setting event on Pushpin which was created by canvas. To set the environment please goto Bing Map - Pushpin Event Example. And copy below code in Javascript tab and run the example.
var map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById('myMap'), {});
var pushpin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(map.getCenter(), {
icon: createRedArrow(110),
anchor: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(12, 12)
function createRedArrow(heading) {
var c = document.createElement('canvas');
c.width = 24;
c.height = 24;
var ctx = c.getContext('2d');
// Offset the canvas such that we will rotate around the center of our arrow
ctx.translate(c.width * 0.5, c.height * 0.5);
// Rotate the canvas by the desired heading
ctx.rotate(heading * Math.PI / 180);
//Return the canvas offset back to it's original position
ctx.translate(-c.width * 0.5, -c.height * 0.5);
ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
// Draw a path in the shape of an arrow.
ctx.moveTo(12, 0);
ctx.lineTo(5, 20);
ctx.lineTo(12, 15);
ctx.lineTo(19, 20);
ctx.lineTo(12, 0);
// Generate the base64 image URL from the canvas.
return c.toDataURL();
// Binding the events
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'click', function () { highlight('pushpinClick'); });
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'dblclick', function () { highlight('pushpinDblclick'); });
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'mousedown', function () { highlight('pushpinMousedown'); });
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'mouseout', function () { highlight('pushpinMouseout'); });
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'mouseover', function () { highlight('pushpinMouseover'); });
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'mouseup', function () { highlight('pushpinMouseup'); });
// Setting up the printout panel
document.getElementById('printoutPanel').innerHTML =
'<div id="pushpinClick">click</div><div id="pushpinDblclick">dblclick</div><div id="pushpinMousedown">mousedown</div><div id="pushpinMouseout">mouseout</div><div id="pushpinMouseover">mouseover</div><div id="pushpinMouseup">mouseup</div>';
function highlight(id) {
document.getElementById(id).style.background = 'LightGreen';
setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById(id).style.background = 'white'; }, 1000);
You can notice that all pushpin events are working on canvas's width/height (24/24) area as shown in below image
And as per my requirement events should only work on drawn part of canvas and also canvas w/h will be like 100. So, how do I achieve that?
Also, if two or more pushpins are nearer (see below image) and if both canvas are overlap to each other then how we can identify both pushpins are different for pushpin event?
Here, I have provided my requirement with Bing Map's exisiting example. But here is actual pushpin secnario.
Unfortunately this is a limitation in how pushpins are rendered in Bing Maps. There is an option to modify the click area to be round rather than square which will help a bit here. See the roundClickableArea pushpin option: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/v8-web-control/map-control-api/pushpinoptions-object
When changing a selected canvas image to a larger image using setSrc(), mouse events are not recognized on areas of the new image that lie outside of the xy boundaries of the original smaller image.
Conversely, when changing a selected canvas image to a smaller image, mouse events are recognized on areas outside of the new image up to the xy boundaries of the original larger image.
In either case, once the new image does receive a mouse click, things return to normal where the entire image receives mouse events, no more, no less. Also, the controls appear in the correct locations but are not clickable as stated above.
Is there a way to correct this behavior so only the complete visible image can receive mouse events?
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<button id="butt">Change Image</button>
<canvas style="border:1px solid silver;" width=500 height=400 id="c"></canvas>
$(document).ready(function() {
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c',{backgroundColor:"#ffffff"});
var bigImg="http://nonsuch30.com/yachtcards/images/cardbox-closed.jpg"
var smallImg="http://nonsuch30.com/yachtcards/images/woodcrafter-thumb.jpg"
fabric.Image.fromURL(smallImg, function (img) {
img.setTransformMatrix([ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
img = canvas.getActiveObject()
}, 2000);
You're correct in using setCoords(), but put that and canvas.renderAll() in the setSrc() callback so you can remove the setTimeout() function call:
if (img.getSrc() == smallImg) {
img.setSrc(bigImg, function() {
} else {
img.setSrc(smallImg, function() {
Calling setCoords() on the new image corrects the problem.
I am using jquery mobile and I want to stop images from being resized larger than their actual dimensions, but still allow resizing if smaller particularly when displaying on desktop
I have rolled my own code below which works ok(ish) but I currently have 2 issues
when the image is resized beyond its actual size I get screen flicker as the image is displayed but the code kicks in and redisplays it to a smaller size
it doesn't always resize when double clicking the browser title bar
Can anyone help/advise on this please?
<img id="imgs" style="width:90%;" src="images/mypic.jpg" />
$(document).on('pageshow', '#index', function (event) {
resizeimage(awidth, aheight)
$(window).resize(function () {
resizeimage(awidth, aheight)
function resizeimage(maxwidth, maxheight) {
var width = $(imgs).width(); // Current image width
var height = $(imgs).height(); // Current image height
// **** this is trace output only
if (parseInt(width, 10) > maxwidth) {
//$(info).text('bigger'); // trace output
$(imgs).css("width", maxwidth); // dont allow image to resize larger than its actual size
} else {
//$(info).text('smaller'); // trace output
$(imgs).css("width", "100%"); // allow image to resize below its actual size
I have a div, #scrollable, with a scrollbar and I want to scroll to the end.
I can do it by setting the div's "scrollTop" property to the value of the div's "scrollHeight" property thus:
var scrollable = d3.select("#scrollable");
scrollable.property("scrollTop", scrollable.property("scrollHeight"));
but I can't figure out how, if at all, I can tween it.
var scrollheight = scrollable.property("scrollHeight");
d3.select("#scrollable").transition().property("scrollTop", scrollheight);
doesn't work.
Thanks for any ideas.
You can use a custom d3 tween to transition arbitrary properties like scrollTop.
mbostock's Smooth Scrolling example demonstrates using a custom tween to scroll the entire document.
And here is the example adapted to your context (also viewable interactively on bl.ocks.org):
var scrollable = d3.select("#scrollable");
d3.select("#down").on('click', function() {
var scrollheight = scrollable.property("scrollHeight");
.tween("uniquetweenname", scrollTopTween(scrollheight));
function scrollTopTween(scrollTop) {
return function() {
var i = d3.interpolateNumber(this.scrollTop, scrollTop);
return function(t) { this.scrollTop = i(t); };
In image tag, if we don't supply width and height property, we will get nothing when retrieving the width and the height of the image. I am using the canvas element to load an image and scale it proportionally. In order to do this, I have to get the actual image size. Is it possible to do that in html 5?
The HTMLImageElement has two properties for this, naturalWidth and naturalHeight. Use those.
As in:
var img = new Image();
img.addEventListener('load', function() {
// once the image is loaded:
var width = img.naturalWidth; // this will be 300
var height = img.naturalHeight; // this will be 400
someContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
}, false);
img.src = 'http://placekitten.com/300/400'; // grab a 300x400 image from placekitten
It is wise to set source only after the event listener is defined, see Phrogz's exploration on that here: Should setting an image src to data URL be available immediately?
You cannot retrieve width/height before image has been loaded.
Try something like:
// create new Image or get it right from DOM,
// var img = document.getElementById("myImage");
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
// this.width contains image width
// this.height contains image height
img.src = "image.png";
Anyhow onload will not fire if image has been loaded before script execution. Eventually you can embed script in html <img src="test.jpg" onload="something()">
if I understand you correctly, you can use the getComputedStyle method.
var object = document.getElementById(el);
var computedHeight = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(object, "").getPropertyValue("width");
Not fully understood your question.
But you can use javascript to get the width and height of the image.
and then pass it into
/ Five arguments: the element, destination (x,y) coordinates, and destination
// width and height (if you want to resize the source image).
context.drawImage(img_elem, dx, dy, dw, dh);
while drawing image on canvas.
or check this if it helps