FeignClient RequestParam without URLdecode - spring-boot

I am trying to use Spring boot to communicate with a backend server which does not support encoded URL. I tried intercepting the RestTemplate and modifying the query parameter but it does not seems to work. What should be the proper way to doing it?
The code for feign client is
#FeignClient(url = "${gateway.api}",
configuration = BackendConfig.class)
public interface GatewayClient {
#GetMapping(path = "/authorize")
String getAuthorization(#RequestParam(name = "cburl") String url);
Now if I invoke GatewayClient.authorize("http://example.com") I can see that it gets called ${gateway.api}/v1/authorize?cburl=http:%2F%2Fexample.com which is not recognized by the backend service. However, $(gateway.api}/v1/authorize?cburl=http://example.com works.
The BackendConfig class is given below for reference
class BackendConfig {
ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters;
public Decoder springDecoder() { return new ResponseEntityDecover(new SpringDecoder(messageConverters); }
public MyInterceptor requestInterceptor() {
return new MyInterceptor();
public class MyInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
String lines;
try {
lines = URLDecoder.decode(String.valueOf(template.queries().get("url")), "UTF-8");
template.queries.put("url", Collections.singletonList(lines));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
But I am getting UnsupportedOperationException and I believe at this point I can not modify the queries. Any suggestion is highly appreciated. (You will notice that the query parameter is leaving ':' (colon) as it is instead of encoding it to %3A).


Spring webclient to make it generic for HTTP methods

I am working on webclient for various HTTP methods (GET,PATCH,POST,DELETE). These are created separately and invoke separately. I am looking to make it as a generic webclient component so minimum changes needs to do in the future. Below is the code for GET and POST. PATCH and Delete is also on similar lines. Please let me know how can I proceed to make generic webclient for various HTTP methods.
public class HuntsCreateNewCollectionAdapter {
AppProperties properties;
WebclientCollectionConfig webclientCollectionConfig;
public Mono<ResponseEntity<HuntsCollectionDto>> createCollectionAPI(RequestContext context, String title) {
LOGGER.debug("Create Collection API call");
CollectionInputDto collectionInput = CollectionInputDto.builder().title(title).build();
String json = AppJsonUtil.getJsonAsString(collectionInput);
Mono<ResponseEntity<HuntsCollectionDto>> result = webclientCollectionConfig.collectionBuilder().post()
.headers(header -> header.addAll(webclientCollectionConfig.getHeaders(context)))
.body(BodyInserters.fromValue(json)).exchangeToMono(response -> {
return response.toEntity(HuntsCollectionDto.class);
return result;
public class HuntsGetCollectionAdapter {
AppProperties properties;
WebclientCollectionConfig webclientCollectionConfig;
public Mono<ResponseEntity<HuntsCollectionDto>> getCollectionAPI(RequestContext context, String collectionId) {
LOGGER.debug("Get Collection API call");
return webclientCollectionConfig.collectionBuilder().get()
.uri(properties.getCollectionUrl() + "/" + collectionId)
.headers(header -> header.addAll(webclientCollectionConfig.getHeaders(context)))
.exchangeToMono(response -> {
return response.toEntity(HuntsCollectionDto.class);
public class WebclientCollectionConfig {
AppProperties appProperties;
public WebClient collectionBuilder() {
return WebClient.builder().baseUrl(appProperties.getCollectionbaseUrl())
.defaultHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").build();

GET turning into POST with Spring Feign

I was facing an issue that my GET requests were being changed to POST due the RequestHeader and PathVariable that were being interpreted as body of the request in Feign Client.
public class OpenFeignConfiguration implements RequestInterceptor {
private String key;
Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
return Logger.Level.FULL;
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("key", key);
And the Feign Client
#FeignClient(name = "feignClient", url = "${client.url}", configuration = OpenFeignConfiguration.class)
public interface FeignClient {
#GetMapping(value = "/path/?test=({var1} and {var2})")
public Object test(String body, #PathVariable("var1") String var1, #PathVariable("var2") String var2);
The solution that I found is that you have to change Springs Feign contract to be Feign one so:
public class OpenFeignConfiguration implements RequestInterceptor {
private String key;
Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
return Logger.Level.FULL;
public Contract feignContract() {
return new Contract.Default();
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("key", key);
And the client now must use the Feign annotation:
#FeignClient(name = "feignClient", url = "${client.url}", configuration = OpenFeignConfiguration.class)
public interface FeignClient {
#RequestLine("GET /path/?test=({var1} and {var2})")
public Object test(#Param("var1") String originator, #Param("var2") String receiver);
Hope that helps anyone having same issue that I had.

Spring Integration for TCP Socket Client using Dynamic Host and Port

I have a working example of TCPSocketClient using Spring Integration with hard coded host name and the port.
How to modify this example to accept the localhost and the port 5877 to be passed dynamically?
i.e. Is it possible to call the exchange method like ExchangeService.exchange(hostname, port, request) instead of ExchangeService.exchange(request)
If so how does those parameter be applied on to the client bean?
public class AppConfig {
public IntegrationFlow client() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(ApiGateway.class).handle(
Tcp.netClient("localhost", 5877)
public ByteArrayCrLfSerializer codec() {
ByteArrayCrLfSerializer crLfSerializer = new ByteArrayCrLfSerializer();
return crLfSerializer;
public ExchangeService exchangeService(ApiGateway apiGateway) {
return new ExchangeServiceImpl(apiGateway);
public interface ApiGateway {
String exchange(String out);
public interface ExchangeService {
public String exchange(String request);
public class ExchangeServiceImpl implements ExchangeService {
private ApiGateway apiGateway;
public ExchangeServiceImpl(ApiGateway apiGateway) {
public String exchange(String request) {
String response = null;
try {
response = apiGateway.exchange(request);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return response;
For dynamic processing you may consider to use a Dynamic Flows feature from Spring Integration Java DSL: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/#java-dsl-runtime-flows
So, whenever you receive a request with those parameters, you create an IntegrationFlow on the fly and register it with the IntegrationFlowContext. Frankly, we have exactly sample in the docs for your TCP use-case:
IntegrationFlow flow = f -> f
.handle(Tcp.outboundGateway(Tcp.netClient("localhost", this.server1.getPort())
.remoteTimeout(m -> 5000))
IntegrationFlowRegistration theFlow = this.flowContext.registration(flow).register();

Spring `#Autowire` field is `null` eventhough it works fine in other classes

Spring #Autowire field is null even though it works fine in other classes successfully.
public class SendRunner implements Runnable {
private String senderAddress;
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
public SendRunner(String senderAddress) {
this.senderAddress = senderAddress;
public void run() {
private void sendRequest() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("subscriberId", senderAddress);
HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<Object>(dataMap, httpHeaders);
Subscriber subscriber = subscriberService.getSubscriberByMsisdn(senderAddress);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred while trying to send api request", e);
Also this class is managed as a bean in the dispatcher servlet :
<bean id="SendRunner" class="sms.dating.messenger.connector.SendRunner">
In here i'm getting a null pointer exception for subscriberService. What would be the possible reason for this? Thanks in advance.
Can you please try with below code snippet
public class Someclass{
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
Thread subscriberThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
dataMap.put("subscriberId", senderAddress);
HttpEntity<?> entity = new HttpEntity<Object>(dataMap, httpHeaders);
Subscriber subscriber = subscriberService.getSubscriberByMsisdn(senderAddress);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occurred while trying to send api request", e);
Can you please annotate your SendRunner class with #Component or #Service and include the SendRunner package in componentscanpackage
Your bean not in Spring Managed context, below can be the reasons.
Package sms.dating.messenger.connector not in Component scan.
You are moving out of the Spring context by creating an object with new (see below),
this way you will not get the autowired fields.
SendRunner sendRunner = new SendRunner () ,
Just check how I implement. Hope this will help.
public class RestRequest {
SendRunner sendRunner;
public void Uri() {
SendRunner class
public class SendRunner extends Thread{
private SubscriberService subscriberService;
public void run() {
private void SendRequest() {
System.out.println("Object is " + subscriberService);
String senderAddress = "address";
Below are the logs printed when I hit the REST api.
Object is com.example.demo.SubscriberService#40f33492

How to dynamically set #Bean at #Configuration in #Service?

I use spring cloud & feign client with my app.And I want to set the param 'accept-language' to headers when call feign clients.
I found the similar questions at [Using #Headers with dynamic values in Feign client + Spring Cloud (Brixton RC2)
Ask]1,but I don't know how to set header param.Here is my code:
I set MyDefaultFeignConfig at app.java
#EnableFeignClients(basePackages = {defaultConfiguration = MyDefaultFeignConfig.class)
And MyDefaultFeignConfig.java :
public class MyDefaultFeignConfig {
private String requestLanguage = "zh";
RequestInterceptor feignRequestInterceptor() {
return new RequestInterceptor() {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("accept-language", requestLanguage);
//doesn't work
public static void updateBean(String requestLanguage) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext applicationContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(MyDefaultFeignConfig.class);
try {
} catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
System.out.println("Bean not found");
BeanDefinitionRegistry beanFactory = (BeanDefinitionRegistry) applicationContext.getBeanFactory();
.addConstructorArgValue(new RequestInterceptor() {
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
template.header("accept-language", requestLanguage);
My Gateway controller is :
private LeaseOrderRemoteService leaseOrderRemoteService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/Discovery/order/unifiyInit", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Message unifiyOrderInit(#RequestHeader("accept-language") String language) {
return leaseOrderRemoteService.unifiyOrderInit();
My feign clients Controller is:
public Message unifiyOrderInit(#RequestHeader("accept-language") String language) {
And I can only get the value of "accept-language" as MyDefaultFeignConfig config the first time set #Bean.How can I set the value of "accept-language" from Gateway to feign client.Please help me,thinks! Any suggestions are grateful and best regards!
