I'm using the Nativescript tutorial for creating a carousel here.
The problem I'm running into is that I get the following error (minus my obfuscation)
Error: Failed to load component from module: undefined.xml or file: /data/data/{Obfuscated}/files/app/pages/welcome/slides/slide1.xml
when it tries to load xml files on this line (full snippet below):
Upon some inspection I found that it's the file system that doesn't see the files I'm loading. My code is the same as the tutorials code. I've gone through it line by line (even doing a diff) and the code is in fact the same.
Here's a better look at the file path it's choking on, you can compare that to the image I provided below:
I can verify that the folder structure is the same as in the tutorial app/pages/welcome/slides.slide1.xml but when the page loads, I get that error and it never loads the xml.
Here's the full snippet:
private loadSlides(slideFiles, slidesPath) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const slides = []
const currentAppFolder = fs.knownFolders.currentApp();
const path = fs.path.normalize(currentAppFolder.path + "/" + slidesPath);
slideFiles.forEach((dataFile, i) => {
const slidePath = path + "/" + dataFile;
// Here's where it crashes
When I test it out by debugging and using the file-system module to test whether the path exists... it always comes back false, even though the folder structure definitely exists the way it does in the tutorial.
The console.log line displays this:
As you can see it matches my folder path below.
How do I get the file-system to see that folder structure? It works just fine when I use it for verifying the existence image files.
Here's an image of the folder structure:
Webpack will never know you would require those XML files at runtime, you will have to adjust webpack.config.js to include those files in the bundle.
Update the CopyWebpackPlugin configuration as follows,
// Copy assets to out dir. Add your own globs as needed.
new CopyWebpackPlugin(
{ from: { glob: "assets/**" } },
{ from: { glob: "fonts/**" } },
{ from: { glob: "**/*.jpg" } },
{ from: { glob: "**/*.png" } },
{ from: { glob: "**/*.xml" } },
{ ignore: [`${relative(appPath, appResourcesFullPath)}/**`] },
Adding { from: { glob: "**/*.xml" } }, copies all XML files along with folder structure into the bundle.
In very brief, I want to find all files that ends with *.sql and copy them if they exist.
There might be 0 or more files in etc directory.
File sqlfiles = file('etc/' + '*.sql')
logger.info("Looking for SQL files: " + sqlfiles);
if (sqlfiles.exists())
logger.info("Found log SQL file: " + sqlfiles);
from sqlfiles
into "$rpmStoredir"
logger.warn("No SQL file found - skipping");
With my code, the wildcard is not working here.
So adding "include" to the copy as in the below is working but I just want to figure how to add a logger if the file does not exist
from "etc/"
include "*.sql"
into "$rpmStoredir"
file(...) is the wrong method to use as this returns a single java.io.File
You could do something like
FileTree myTree = fileTree('etc') {
include '*.sql'
if (myTree.empty) {
} else {
copy {
from myTree
See Project.fileTree(Object, Closure) and FileTree
Is there a way in Gradle to do something like this?
task printIsSpecificInputUpToDate() {
inputs.property("file1", file("file1.log"))
inputs.property("file2", findProperty("file2.log"))
// if one or more inputs is not up to date
doLast {
// find out if file1 is actually the input out of date
// NOTE: pseudo-code!
if (inputs.get("file1").isUpToDate()) {
} else {
If there is not, does that indicate that Gradle think this would be a bad pattern?
I think what you are looking for are Incremental tasks.
You need to define your own task class for this, but then you can query exactly for the changed files in your inputs:
void execute(IncrementalTaskInputs inputs) {
println inputs.incremental ? 'CHANGED inputs considered out of date'
: 'ALL inputs considered out of date'
if (!inputs.incremental)
inputs.outOfDate { change ->
println "out of date: ${change.file.name}"
def targetFile = new File(outputDir, change.file.name)
targetFile.text = change.file.text.reverse()
inputs.removed { change ->
println "removed: ${change.file.name}"
def targetFile = new File(outputDir, change.file.name)
I am trying to loop over a map, for each key read some property files, use filter to replace some tokens. My issue is, looping happens. At the end, instead of having 5 folders, I've just 1 folder inside config. Do I need to close any resources like file/inputstream before going on to the next?
task copyResByHost(type: Copy) {
java.util.HashMap hostMap = new HashMap();
hostMap.each { key, value ->
from "$projectDir/resources/templates"
def myProps = new Properties()
file("$projectDir/resources/properties/${value}").withInputStream {
file("$projectDir/resources/properties/${key}.properties").withInputStream {
filter(org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens, tokens: myProps)
Can you let me know where am I making a mistake which is causing 1 folder only created instead of 5 inside config?
Thanks for your guidance.
from and into were being overwritten everytime causing only 1 folder to be created.
So code should be changed as follows:
hostMap.each { key, value ->
println "Creating configs for $key"
//inputs.dir '$projectDir/resources/templates'
// outputs.dir 'build/config/${key}'
doLast {
copy {
def myProps = new Properties()
new File("$projectDir/resources/properties/${value}").withInputStream { stream ->
new File("$projectDir/resources/properties/${key}.properties").withInputStream { stream ->
filter(org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens, tokens: myProps)
from & into, file stream everything should appear within closure doLast { copy { } }
As part of my project, I need to read files from a directory and do some operations all these in build script. For each file, the operation is the same(reading some SQL queries and execute it). I think its a repetitive task and better to write inside a method. Since I'm new to Gradle, I don't know how it should be. Please help.
One approach given below:
ext.myMethod = { param1, param2 ->
// Method body here
Note that this gets created for the project scope, ie. globally available for the project, which can be invoked as follows anywhere in the build script using myMethod(p1, p2) which is equivalent to project.myMethod(p1, p2)
The method can be defined under different scopes as well, such as within tasks:
task myTask {
ext.myMethod = { param1, param2 ->
// Method body here
doLast {
myMethod(p1, p2) // This will resolve 'myMethod' defined in task
If you have defined any methods in any other file *.gradle - ext.method() makes it accessible project wide. For example here is a
// ext makes method callable project wide
ext.getVersionName = { ->
try {
def branchout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'
standardOutput = branchout
def branch = branchout.toString().trim()
if (branch.equals("master")) {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'describe', '--tags'
standardOutput = stdout
return stdout.toString().trim()
} else {
return branch;
catch (ignored) {
return null;
task showVersion << {
// Use inherited method
println 'VersionName: ' + getVersionName()
Without ext.method() format , the method will only be available within the *.gradle file it is declared. This is the same with properties.
You can define methods in the following way:
// Define an extra property
ext.srcDirName = 'src/java'
// Define a method
def getSrcDir(project) {
return project.file(srcDirName)
You can find more details in gradle documentation Chapter 62. Organizing Build Logic
An example with a root object containing methods.
hg.gradle file:
ext.hg = [
cloneOrPull: { source, dest, branch ->
if (!dest.isDirectory())
hg.clone(source, dest, branch)
hg.update(dest, branch)
clone: { source, dest, branch ->
exec {
commandLine 'hg', 'clone', '--noupdate', source, dest.absolutePath
pull: { dest ->
exec {
workingDir dest.absolutePath
commandLine 'hg', 'pull'
build.gradle file
apply from: 'hg.gradle'
Somehow, maybe because it's five years since the OP, but none of the
ext.someMethod = { foo ->
approaches are working for me. Instead, a simple function definition seems to be getting the job done in my gradle file:
def retrieveEnvvar(String envvar_name) {
if ( System.getenv(envvar_name) == "" ) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("\n\n\nPlease specify environment variable ${envvar_name}\n")
} else {
return System.getenv(envvar_name)
And I call it elsewhere in my script with no prefix, ie retrieveEnvvar("APP_PASSWORD")
This is 2020 so I'm using Gradle 6.1.1.
#ether_joe the top-voted answer by #InvisibleArrow above does work however you must define the method you call before you call it - i.e. earlier in the build.gradle file.
You can see an example here. I have used this approach with Gradle 6.5 and it works.
With Kotlin DSL (build.gradle.kts) you can define regular functions and use them.
It doesn't matter whether you define your function before the call site or after it.
fun generateString(): String {
return "Black Forest"
tasks.create("MyTask") {
If you want to import and use a function from another script, see this answer and this answer.
In my react-native in build.gradle
def func_abc(y){return "abc"+y;}
def x = func_abc("y");
If you want to check:
throw new GradleException("x="+x);
println "x="+x;