Xcode 11 fonts issue (react-native) - xcode

After xcode upd to v.11 (before update all works fine) Custom fonts do not work
But fonts are displayed in xcode
module.exports = {
assets: ['./src/assets/fonts/'], };
react-native link - did not help
cleaning derived data and build folder - did not help

So it seems problems with font itself with new versions of xcode or ios. Even on new and fresh project - it does not work.
Other custom fonts - work fine. Sp I found similar font
But before update - it worked


MVVMCross Problem with adding new ContentPage

Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? I've downloaded and installed extension MVVMCross available on https://www.mvvmcross.com/. I've installed it using Tools/Extensions and Updates in VisualStudio 2017 environment. When I created new MVVMCross Multi-Page Xamarin Forms Application then for two existing pages, all works perfectly.
I next needed to add ContentPage, but I have a problem since my new Xamarin Forms ContentPage is not correct: file *.cs is visible in my solution but *.xaml is hidden.
The version of MVVMCross and MVVMCross.binding (core, forms, platform) are 5.2.1 and Xamarin.Forms is and Xamarin.Essentials is 1.5.2.
Could anyone explain to me why I can't add a new page? Thank you in advance.
All steps attached as screens...
Yes Lucas Zhang - MSFT, you may be right. It looks like a problem with version of Xamarin.Forms or MVVMCross. I'm not sure what more? I had version 15.7.xx of VS2017. After creating new MVVMCross Multi-Page Xamarin.Forms application I have versions: MVVMCross (all libraries) 5.2.1, Xamarin.Forms Then I've not got any errors but I couldn't add new ContentPage.
Below all my steps which I made myself to resolve this problem:
I've installed VS2019 too, but it has not resolved the problem.
I've updated Xamarin.Forms to the latest stable version but I had on both version of VS the same problem after updating:
Error NETSDK1022 Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included. The .NET SDK includes 'EmbeddedResource' items from your project directory by default.
I've read the article on Stack Overflow about this but I couldn't fix the problem.
But then it was possible to add correct new ContentPage.
In my opinion, the best solution is to update Xamarin.Forms and fix the problem with Duplicate Resource. If you know what to do for this, tell me please.
Finally, I've back to my old version of VS2017 and I've updated it to the latest version 15.9.22. Now, I can create ContentPage and application works but from my point of view doesn't work perfectly. I can add picture to this comment but in my Solution after adding new Page I have two separate files in Page folder: *xaml, *.cs. They don't have connection like other pages (like on the screen below). But it works.
I think if I update Xamarin.Forms and I fix Duplicate Resource problem, It will work perfectly.
I had a lot of problem after updating Xamarin.Forms therefore I've returned and I've installed update of VS2017.
It would be perfect to describe how we can fix similar problems :-)

how to add custom Icons fonts on nativescript

I am trying to use Icon Fonts on my NativeScript app.
So I followed the oficial documentation and those were my steps:
(1) - Downloaded the ttf files into my app/fonts folder:
(2) - On my app.css I declared the font global class like so:
.fa {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free", "fa-regular-400", "fa-solid-
.fa-solid {
font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free", "fa-solid-900";
(3) - Then on my html component:
<Label text="" class="far"></Label>
But My Icon does not appear on the screen. I am using NativeScript 6+ with Angular 8.
Any Help ?
I figure it out why the Font Icons wasn't showing up!
I was using NativeScript 5.1 and since version 6.0 was released I migrated the project:
tns migrate
The problem is that I was using NS with Angular 8 and according to the docs I have to place my fonts on the project's root folder.
In your root application folder (This is the app folder for NativeScript Core, and the src folder for Angular 6+), create a folder called fonts and place the .ttf there.
So, Clearly the problem was that my fonts folder was inside /app when it should be inside /src folder.
It took me too long to realize that because for some strange reason my imported text fonts like 'Montserrat.tff' was working just fine. So I thought the problem was related with NativeScript or whatever.
In short, the Wrong way to do it with NativeScript and Angular 6+:
The right way:
I hope this helps newcomers who may stumble in the same problem/situation.

Unable to reset xcode theme/ color scheme

I accidentally changed the default theme "dracula" and now cannot change it back.
i tried the method to add a new theme which would choose from original sources but it does not show the option for the same. any ideas?
please refer to the image below for further details
thanks in advance
I think Dracula is not a default Xcode theme from apple (I don't have it in my Xcode version 10.1 (10B61)), so maybe you need to re-install the original template.
You can find more info in the following link:

xcode 4 + phonegap + sencha touch … not update JS upon build?

I have a similar issue to xcode 4 + phonegap ... not update JS upon build? but with the inclusion of Sencha Touch.
The problem is html changes are recognized but changes to javascript files are not seen when running the app in the simulator. Here's a quick list of suggestions made in the post listed above, none of which worked for me:
update and save .plist
touch www
clean project (Command+Shift+K)
clean build folder (Command+Shift+Option+K)
Deleting the app from the ios simulator and relaunching works but that quickly becomes a hassle. Sencha Touch takes care of its own caching using localstorage. Even though they give you the ability to define the caching strategy in app.json, I haven't found a configuration that works.
Here are the versions I'm using.
XCode - 4.3.2
PhoneGap - 1.6.1
Sencha Touch - 2.0.1 FINAL
If i understand your problem correctly i think it has something to do with HTML5 application cache. Take some time to study a little on how HTML5 Application Cache works here.
The reason your changes are not being reflected is maybe because the hash values in the app.cache file is not being changed... For the js file you wish to get changed change the hash value in comments to anything you want... This would ensure that the browser does not read the HTML & JS files from the cache but would rather download the new updated version...
When you are reloading the page in browser open the console you would get an idea of the updating process...
Hope it helps...

How to copy color style preferences of Xcode 3.2.4 to Xcode 4.2?

I had a great editor color theme for Xcode 3.2.4 which helped me coding at night. It took me a week to get that theme right.
I installed Xcode 4 in a new directory and kept Xcode 3.2.4 on my hard drive. Is there a way to import the Xcode 3.2.4 color theme in Xcode 4.2, such that I won't have to re-configure everything?
It looks like Xcode color themes now use a new format. The defaults are provided by /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DVTKit.framework. When you create your own, the selected default is duplicated and a YourThemeName.dvtcolortheme is created in your ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes folder.
The theme files are in XML format with colors stored as RGBA values in a string:
<string>0.512 0.423 0.157 1</string>
I don't think there's a way to convert them directly. If it's truly that hard to recreate in the UI, you might consider creating and manually editing a custom theme.
