Question about Cloudfront access API Gateway - aws-lambda

My frontend code is deployed in Cloudfront and tries to access Lambda through API Gateway. However, the API Gateway is authenticated with AWS_IAM which means it seems that frontend cannot access it directly. So I wonder if there are any methods I can access API Gateway like for example use Cognito to act as an authorizer or something else?

I have used the this aws blog, which show how to use API keys between an Amazon CloudFront distribution and API Gateway to secure access to your API in API Gateway in addition to your preferred authorization (AuthZ) mechanism already set up in API Gateway.


Can AWS LAMBDA Web API authenticate by middleware if you send jwt token in the header

I have a .net core 3.1 web api authenticated by jwt in the middle ware pipline.Works fine. I converted the web api to a lambda web api by adding a aws Lambda entry class and published into aws with an API Gateway in front
All the endpoints without Authorization attribute worked fine.
All the endpoints with Authorization attribute gets 401.
All request has a jwt Authorization Bearer token header
One endpoint without Authorization attribute reponses with all the headers converted to a string.From that i can see the request's jwt is getting thru to the endpoint.
1.Why isnt the endpoint giving me 401 even tho there is a token?
2.Does AWS lambda or the API getway not pass the header direstly?
3.Do I need to configure the api geteway to send the header to the lamdbda endpoint?
4.Can Lambda authenticate by pipline like a normal web api?
Another solution was to use authorization Lambda with the API GETWAY.
If I use authorization Lambda does that mean my end point wont need the authorization attriibutes any more because it done in the getway?
JWT is generated and authenticated by Firebase.
It works I finally figured the reason. Its so awesome you can have Web api as a Lambda in aws. I can now spend less money in AWS.

API Gateway: Mixture Of Authenticated and Unauthenticated Endpoints

I have been working on creating a platform utilizing microservices architecture with an API Gateway. One question that I'm stuck on, is how to have the API Gateway handle both authenticated and unauthenticated endpoints.
Here is a simplified and rough diagram of the system I am thinking about
For my system, I'll be using Auth0, and I think I want to have the service check if the token is valid using the public key, instead of the gateway doing it. This gives me more flexibility if I want to make one of my services public someday. And I think I want to keep my gateway small.
But how will the gateway handle a mixture of both authenticated an unauthenticated endpoints? I.E. I want to make the GET endpoint "open", and the POST endpoint require login. Which entity should manage whether an endpoint is "open" or "requires login", the gateway or the service?
Should I always have the gateway pass along the request to the service, regardless of whether the user is logged in or not, and have the service return a 401?
Or should the gateway contain some logic about which endpoints require login, and return 401 if there is no token in the request? Skipping the service entirely.
Yes it is configured on the gateway you will be using. For example on AWS API gateway you can have a lambda custom gateway authorizer for access points. The authorizer function can 'authorize' by returning ok for all request to that endpoint.
More reading here
This is one of main responsibilities of API Gateways in my opinion. It may depend on the specific API Gateway but one elegant solution that we used was:
All microservices define their endpoints and if they are protected or not in a descriptor file.
When it is deployed (perhaps in CI) it registers these definitions in the API Gateway
API Gateway accepts the request and check if it is protected or not
API Gateway may enrich request with user info if protected
All requests beyond Gateway is accepted secure to be accepted by services
This way we separate the concern of authentication from business logic / features

How should I diagnose an HTTP request 500 that appears to be related to Authorizers in AWS API Gateway?

I am brand new to AWS API Gateway/AWS Lambda/AWS Amplify. I have a React Native application that I am trying to use AWS Amplify to make an API call and issue a PUT request, which would then cause the API Gateway to invoke my AWS Lambda function. When I create the AWS Amplify API endpoint, I don't see a command line option to define a PUT method. The default is "Any", which works, but I would like to specify a PUT method specifically. When I add in a PUT method manually on the API Gateway website and then call it from my React Native front end, I get...
Error: Request failed with status code 500
Looking at the API Gateway responses, this is due to either an "Authorizer Configuration Error" or an "Authorizer Failure", so I am assuming the problem is not with my front end code but with the configuration of "authorizers" on the API Gateway. What are authorizers? How do they relate to making an API call? And what steps can I take to troubleshoot what the problem might be?
You can use a lambda, a Cognito User Pool or an IaM role as an Authorizer. The short version is that your API endpoints can either be open and public or have an Authorizer, if they have an authorizer then they have to be setup correctly. It is set through the API Gateway config for an endpoint in the Method Request section.
AWS Lambda authorizer info:
AWS Cognito Info:

API Gateway combine results

I have separate auth service and products service.
I need to have an api gateway in front of the services and do this function for protected url:
Call the auth service and validates the user token
if token is valid attach the user id to the request and make the request to products service.
Is there any API gateway supports this custom logic to handle requests ?
The answer depends on the technology stack you are using. Which language? Which framework? Where to deployed? Do you use client sessions or JWT? Oauth or Saml or custom auth service?
If you can give more details we can help better. Here are three random examples:
If you have an AWS based stack (e.g. serverless) you can use AWS API Gateway with a custom auth handler. See this.
If you develop with a framework that supports middleware you can write a small middleware to handle auth. Example for golang here. Example for laravel here.
Hosting your own Zuul gateway with oauth example.
For a lot of technologies you will find standard oauth or saml components that you can use as middleware.

How to make AWS Cognito User Data available to Lambda via API Gateway, without an Authorizer?

I have a website that uses AWS Cognito (via Amplify) for user login. The API is on a separate stack that deploys with Serverless.
I am trying to have an API endpoint that can access the current logged-in user's Cognito User Pool data (username, email) if it is available. The only way I've been able to achieve this is by using a cognito user pool authorizer via API Gateway.
handler: /endpoints/myService.get
- http:
path: /myService
method: GET
cors: true
authorizerId: ${self:custom.apiGatewayAuthorizerId.${self:custom.stage}}
Where authorizerId is set to the 6-character Authorizer ID found on the AWS Console's API Gateway Authorizers page. However, this blocks all traffic that is not authenticated with Cognito. That isn't what I want, since I have a number of services that should be accessible by both anonymous and logged-in users. I just want to personalize the data for users that are logged-in.
Is there any way to allow traffic and pass the cognito user parameters through the API Gateway to Lambda if they are available?
All resources I've been able to find regarding Cognito + API Gateway + Lambda are specifically about restricting access to endpoints and not layering on data to the requests...
Based on comments above you want Anonymous and Logged-in users pass through same gateway end point ?
You can still use the same setup but remove the authentication from API Gateway and take the logic in your application.
If users try to access your services while being logged in AWS amplify will send through the Authorization header with Id token to API Gateway and API Gateway will pass this header as it is to the application. You will have to check inside your application for this Authorization header and crack open Id token passed to find the user claims/attributes and do your logic. For any other user that doesn't have this token can be considered anonymous.
You still need to Validate the token if you find one in request to make sure it's a valid token and extract claims/Attributes thereafter.
