Querying ElasticSearch document based on particular value without knowing field name - elasticsearch

I need to query the entire index based on particular text value. I don't have field name to query for. Is it possible to search the documents based on particular text?

You can use query string.
You can specify multiple fields. If no field is specified it will search in entire document
"query": {
"query_string" : {
"query" : "text"


Kibana Regex check if a field Value contains another field value

I'm trying to search for documents in which a description field contains the value of a name field (from another document). I tried to do a Regex query as following :
GET inventory-full-index/_search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"description.description_data.value.keyword": ".*doc['name.keyword'].*"
It returns me interesting documents, that fit my need. The problem is that i created a document that contains "python3" in the description, and I made sure there was a document named "python3" as well. This query doesn't return this document, so i obviously missed something.
Any idea how to fix this ?

Setting doc_values for _id field in elasticSearch

I want to set doc_values for _id field in elastic search As want to perform sorting based on _id
hitting below api to update mapping gives me an error
PUT my_index/my_type/_mapping
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": "keyword",
"doc_values": true
reason : Mapping definition for [_id] has unsupported parameters: [doc_value : true]
It is “doc_values”, you are using an incorrect parameter. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/doc-values.html
Elastic discourages sorting on _id field. See this
The value of the _id field is also accessible in aggregations or for sorting, but doing so is discouraged as it requires to load a lot of data in memory. In case sorting or aggregating on the _id field is required, it is advised to duplicate the content of the _id field in another field that has doc_values enabled.
Create a scripted field for your index pattern with name for. ex id of type string and script doc['_id'].value. See this link for more information on scripted fields. This will create a new field id and copy _id field's value for every document indexed into your indices matching your index pattern. You can then perform sorting on id field.

Change _type of a document in elasticsearch

I have two TYPES in my elasticsearch index. Both have same mapping. I am using one for active documents, while the other for archived ones.
Now, i want to archive a document i.e. change its _type from active to archived. Both are in same index, so i cannot reindex them as well.
Is there a way to do this in Elasticsearch 5.0 ?
Changing the type is tricky. You would have to remove and then index the document with the new type.
Why not have a field in your document indicating "activeness". Then you can use a bool query to filter by what you want:
{"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [{"term": {"status", "active"}}],
"query": { /* your query object here */ }
Agree with having a field which indicates the activeness of the document.
Use two different indices for "active" and "inactive" types.
Use aliases which map to these indices.
Aliases will give you flexibility to change your indices without downtimes.

Elasticsearch "self-join" type operation

I have an index containing documents that look something like this (unnecessary fields omitted)
_id: String,
relatedIds: [ String ]
The relatedIds are recursively referring to the _id of the documents themselves.
I want to write a query that will return only the id's from the relatedIds array that are not an _id of a document.
In abstract, I want to grab all of these identifiers, perform some computation, so that in the end every id in the relatedIds refers to a document in the index.
If your id field is also contained in the source document, you can do it like this:
POST index/_search
"script_fields": {
"relatedIdsLessId": {
"script": {
"inline": "doc. relatedIds.values - doc.id.value"
This will compute a new field named relatedIdsLessId which will only contain the related IDs which are not the ID of the document itself.
Note: you need to make sure to enable dynamic scripting if not already done.

Using a combined field as id mapping in ElasticSearch

From this question I can see that it is possible Use existing field as id in elasticsearch
My question is, if can do similar thing but concatenating fields.
"RecordID": "a06b0000004SWbdAAG",
"SystemModstamp": "01/31/2013T07:46:02.000Z",
"body": "Test Body"
And then do something like
"your_mapping" : {
"_id" : {
"path" : "RecordID" + "body"
So the id is automatically formed from concatenating those fields.
No you can't, you can only make the _id point to a field that's within the document, using the dot notation as well if needed (e.g. level1,level2.id).
I'd suggest to have a field that contains the whole id in your documents, or even better to take the id out and provide it in the url, as configuring a path causes the document to be parsed when not needed.
