graphene could not convert string to float in SerializerMutation - graphql

Is the SerializerMutation suppose to convert ID! from base64 to a pk? Is there some frontend/backend helper util to assist in conversion? I haven't been able to find anything specific.
Example create thing mutation:
class CreateThingMutation(SerializerMutation):
def get_serializer_kwargs(cls, root, info, **input):
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
return None
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, root, info, text, id):
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
return None
class Meta:
serializer_class = ThingListViewSerializer
Example query:
mutation TestCreate($input: CreateThingMutationInput!) {
createThing(input: $input) {
item {
Example ID!: === atob('VW5pdE5vZGU6MjA=') === "UnitNode:20"
Edit, I was failing to convert the ID all the way so i had "20", just converted the type:
Question still remains about if there are any utility tools to automagically convert data being submitted to a mutation.


A simple query but Graphene-Django is returning null values

I am trying to make a simple query with graphene-django but i can not get the DB, it gives me null.
I think the code is ok, what is going wrong, I am working for hours on it.
Do you have any idea, what it is?
Thanks in advance
import graphene
from graphene_django.types import DjangoObjectType, ObjectType
from myProject.models import Times
class TimesType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
class Query(ObjectType):
today_times = graphene.Field(TimesType, id=graphene.ID())
all_times = graphene.List(TimesType)
def resolve_todaytimes(self, info, id=None):
return Times.objects.get(pk=id)
def resolve_alltimes(root, info, **kwargs):
return Times.objects.all()
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
query {todayTimes(id:"1029"){id}}
"data": {
"todayTimes": null
The resolver method should be named in resolve_<FieldName> format
class Query(ObjectType):
today_times = graphene.Field(TimesType, id=graphene.ID())
all_times = graphene.List(TimesType)
def resolve_today_times(self, info, id=None): # not `resolve_todaytimes`
return Times.objects.get(pk=id)
def resolve_all_times(root, info, **kwargs): # not `resolve_alltimes`
return Times.objects.all()
Alternatively, you can use the resolver parameter to set the callable resolver as,
def resolve_todaytimes(self, info, id=None):
return Times.objects.get(pk=id)
def resolve_alltimes(root, info, **kwargs):
return Times.objects.all()
class Query(ObjectType):
today_times = graphene.Field(
all_times = graphene.List(

How to trigger visitInputObject method on custom directive?

I'm building a custom directive in which I'm hoping to validate entire input objects. I'm using the INPUT_OBJECT type with the visitInputObject method on SchemaDirectiveVisitor extended class.
Every time I run a mutation using the input type then visitInputObject does not run.
I've used the other types/methods like visitObject and visitFieldDefinition and they work perfectly. But when trying to use input types and methods they will not trigger.
I've read all the available documentation I can find. Is this just not supported yet?
Some context code(Not actual):
directive #validateThis on INPUT_OBJECT
input MyInputType #validateThis {
id: ID
someField: String
type Mutation {
someMutation(myInput: MyInputType!): SomeType
class ValidateThisDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
visitInputObject(type) {
console.log('Not triggering');
All the visit methods of a SchemaDirectiveVisitor are ran at the same time -- when the schema is built. That includes visitFieldDefinition and visitFieldDefinition. The difference is that when we use visitFieldDefinition, we often do it to modify the resolve function for the visited field. It's this function that's called during execution.
You use each visit methods to modify the respective schema element. You can use visitInputObject to modify an input object, for example to add or remove fields from it. You cannot use it to modify the resolution logic of an output object's field. You should use visitFieldDefinition for that.
visitFieldDefinition(field, details) {
const { resolve = defaultFieldResolver } = field
field.resolve = async function (parent, args, context, info) {
Object.keys(args).forEach(argName => {
const argDefinition = field.args.find(a => === argName)
// Note: you may have to "unwrap" the type if it's a list or non-null
const argType = argDefinition.type
if ( === 'InputTypeToValidate') {
const argValue = args[argName]
// validate here
return resolve.apply(this, [parent, args, context, info]);

GraphQLError Unknown type "XYZMutationInput"

How to create graphql input type for DRF serializer?
I am using django rest framework (DRF) serializers, graphene-django, and I am able to see the CreateThingMutationInput type defined in graphiql:
mutation TestCreate($input: CreateThingMutationInput!) {
createProjectThing(input: $input) {
errors {
However, I am unable to run:
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
result = schema.execute(self.query, variables=variables)
I get:
[GraphQLError('Unknown type "CreateThingMutationInput".',)]
With the following:
class CreateThingMutation(SerializerMutation):
class Meta:
serializer_class = ThingListViewSerializer
class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):
debug = graphene.Field(DjangoDebug, name="_debug")
create_project_thing = CreateThingMutation.Field()
I've also tried:
class CreateThingMutationInput(graphene.ObjectType):
input = graphene.Field(convert_serializer_to_input_type(ThingListViewSerializer))
As well as trying to define a:
class Input:
input = graphene.Field(convert_serializer_to_input_type(ThingListViewSerializer))
I can also see the type defined from graphql-codegen in types.d.ts:
export type CreateThingMutationInput = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>,
I forgot to add the mutation kwarg to:
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
Should be:
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
Another reason this can happen for GraphQLError('Unknown type "Number".',) is if a query function gets an unexpected argument, for example calling getThing with a Number, instead of an ID:
query TestQueryWontWork(id: Number="") {
getThing(id: $id)
query TestQueryWorks(id: ID!) {
getThing(id: $id)

Mutations - batch creation of objects

I want to use graphene to create many people in one go.
The document only mention the way to create one person like this:
class CreatePerson(graphene.Mutation):
class Input:
name = graphene.String()
age = graphene.Int()
ok = graphene.Boolean()
person = graphene.Field(lambda: Person)
def mutate(root, args, context, info):
person = Person(name=args.get('name'), age=args.get('age'), mobile=args.get('mobile'))
ok = True
return CreatePerson(person=person, ok=ok)
are there any ways to get it done?
Instead of using a mutation that creates a list of objects, you can also call a mutation that creates one objects multiple times in one GraphQL request. This is accomplished using GraphQL Aliases:
mutation {
c001: createPerson(
name: "Donald Duck"
age: 42
) {
c002: createPerson(
name: "Daisy Duck"
age: 43
) {
c003: createPerson(
name: "Mickey Mouse"
age: 44
) {
I can figure out a solution base on the answer of Jan Hančič
There is a type called graphene.InputObjectType to use in this case
The solution can be
class PersonInput(InputObjectType):
name = graphene.String()
age = graphene.Int()
class CreatePeople(graphene.Mutation):
class Input:
people = graphene.List(PersonInput)
people = graphene.List(lambda: Person)
def mutate(root, args, context, info):
people = [Person.objects.create(, age=person.age) for person in args.get('people')]
return CreatePeople(people=people)
Make your mutation input a list and return a list of created people. Something like this:
class CreatePerson(graphene.Mutation):
class Input:
name = graphene.List(graphene.String)
ok = graphene.Boolean()
people = graphene.List(Person)
def mutate(root, args, context, info):
people = [Person(name=name) for name in args.get('name)]
ok = True
return CreatePerson(people=people, ok=ok)
Receive a list of input, create all instances and return them all
The model node/type should be like-
class UserType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = User
interfaces = (CustomGrapheneNode, )
filter_fields = {}
only_fields = (
Define Input fields
class UserInput(graphene.InputObjectType):
name = graphene.String(required=True)
password = graphene.String(required=True)
Mutation class
class CreateUser(graphene.Mutation):
users = graphene.List(UserType)
class Input:
data = graphene.List(UserInput)
Output = graphene.List(UserType)
def mutate(self, info, data):
users = []
for item in data:
user = User.objects.create(name=data['name'],
return users
make this mutation callable by main schema
class Mutation():
create_user = CreateUser.Field()
the Mutation Query view will be as -
createUser(data:[{name:"john", password:"1234"},
{name:"john", password:"1234"}]) {

Scala unique validation, PlayFramework, Scalaz

I've found some limitations in Play Faramework default Validation.
My biggest limitation is uniqueness validation.
Let say I'm Validating user registration form and i want to check if passed login already exists.
To do so, i need to ask db to count users by name
UsersService.countByName(s: String): Future[Long]
Is there a posiblity to solve this problem using scalaz Validation and |#|?
case class RegistrationForm(login: String)
object RegistrationForm {
def nonEmptyLogin(login: String): ValidationNel[String, String] = {
def isLoginUnique(login: String): Future[ValidationNel[String, String]] = {
def validate(registrationForm: RegistrationForm): Future[ValidationNel[String, RegistrationForm]] = {
nonEmptyLogin(registrationForm.login) |#|
isLoginUnique(registrationForm.login) {
(_) => registrationForm
How should I implement the isLoginUnique method?
I'm not sure if I wrote validdate method correctly either. I just wanted to show my vision of validation.
