After Uploading files using dropzone, The display looks off - dropzone.js

In dropzone.js, after I upload a single, or multiple files, it displays the success mark and the error mark, and looks really bad. Is there a way that I can make it similar to the try it out example on dropzone.js? ( a gray block with file size and filename)


using img in html code. But how come the image does not show? but instead a little file shows

I'm using the mimo code app for coding. I saved a picture from google in the folder "Saved Pictures". The file name is "generic background". I did the code <="/Saved Pictures/generic background.jpg">. But the image does not show. Instead what shows is a small file. Don't really know how to get the image to show. I did used img src before =, but I need 10 reputations points to post an image even though I was just trying to show the code.

Check if an image contains another image

Im trying to check if a screenshot contains an image that is saved in the project resources, I need to find a 100% match only and would like to not use any extra libraries, now with that being said, I have no idea how to do so.
heres a few questions:,
do I compare the two buffered images together? do I change them into something else?
Il have to compare it atleast once a second or so. (just as general information)
I have a resource folder under my project in eclipse and the .png files are shown as text, is there a way to change that? I tried tinkering with the settings, no luck yet.
public static BufferedImage screenshot(){
BufferedImage capture = robot.createScreenCapture(screenSize);
return capture;
this is my screenshot, another bufferedimage is for example "compare", where the size of the compared image is smaller than the screenshot. how will I be able to check if the image contain the second image?
*For those who wondering, im trying to make a simple program that clicks a certain image once it pops up.

What is the format "BM6"?

I am working with an old system of palletes. When I export an image, it also creates an pallete with 15/16 colors. But when I try to replicate the same result, the program does not recognize the image which I just created. To analyse what happened, I opened some images with notepad and compared them with my "creation" and I noticed quite some differences.
But the most interesting thing was that at the beginning of my images' code was the type "BM6", while they should be "png" or "bmp". I think that is some thing of codification, but I cannot find anything about it.
If the image file is properly formed, then you can take your .bm6 file and simple change / rename the extension to .bmp. And it should suddenly be an image.
.bm6 can result from creating an image file using a text editor, as seen here.

Resource pictures not include in directory

I am creating a vb6 application now and most of my command buttons were graphical style. Do the background images still show up even if I remove them from the app folder?
This is part of what goes into .FRX, .CTX, etc. files. Those are resource files created in a private "property bag" type format and are used to hold things like binary data, images, long strings, and so on.
But don't discard your source files, because you may need them down the road. Treat such things as valuable parts of the program source. They are not needed at run time though.
As far a I know it doesn't remove the picture from the command button when you delete it from the app folder, i suggest making a copy of your image and then delete the original and see if it works in case it doesn't you have the backup image, good luck.

Add page to multiple PDFs in batch without messing with fonts

I'm trying to use Ghostscript to append a PDF as "last page" to multiple other PDFs. The problem I'm encountering is that Ghostscript walks through the whole PDF and does a bunch of font substitution.
I'm using the following batch script:
FOR %%G IN (*.pdf) DO IF NOT %%G==lastpage.pdf gswin64c -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="output\%%G" -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH "%%G" lastpage.pdf
Example Error:
Page 12
Substituting font Courier for GGCJBF+Courier.
I will also sometimes get other errors, like this:
jbig2dec FATAL ERROR decoding image: prevent DOS while decoding height classes (segment 0x00)
failed to create parsed JBIG2GLOBALS object.
**** Error reading a content stream. The page may be incomplete.
**** File did not complete the page properly and may be damaged.
All I need gs to do is append my lastpage.pdf to the existing PDFs without walking through the entire PDF I'm appending to, especially with font substitution, because I will not have most of the fonts other people are using in their PDFs.
Is it possible in gs to simply append without walking through every page of the PDF? Is there another tool that will allow appending of PDFs in batches without this issue?
You need to be aware that Ghostscript does not simply manipulate the incoming PDF file, so you aren't 'appending' a page. What it does is interpret the incoming file into marking operations, pass those to a device, and that device takes further action on them. Rendering devices write to a bitmap, pdfwrite reassembles the marking operations into a brand new file.
That's why it 'walks through the whole file', its the way it works. There are advantages to this (its possible to alter the file contents for example) and disadvantages.
Now if you are getting a font substitution for an embedded font, there's something wrong with the embedded font (or possibly you are using a really old version of Ghostscript with a bug). You could try a newer version of Ghostscript but you're never going to get away from processing the entire input file.
Why not try pdftk.
