Spring with Apache Beam - spring

I want to use Spring with Apache Beam that will run on Google Cloud Data flow Runner. Dataflow job should be able to use Spring Runtime application context while executing the Pipeline steps. I want to use Spring feature in my Apache Beam pipeline for DI and other stuff. After browsing hours on google, I couldn't find any post or documentation which shows Spring integration in Apache Beam. So, if anyone has tried spring with Apache beam, please let me know.
In main class i have initialised the spring application context but it is not available while execution of pipeline steps. I get null pointer exception for autowired beans. I guess the problem is, at runtime context is not available to worker threads.
public static void main(String[] args) {
GcmOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args)
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
// pipeline definition
I want to inject the spring application context to each of the ParDo functions.

The problem here is that the ApplicationContext is not available on any worker, as the main method is only called when constructing the job and not on any worker machine. Therefore, initSpringApplicationContext is never called on any worker.
I've never tried to use Spring within Apache Beam, but I guess moving initSpringApplicationContext in a static initializer block will lead to your expected result.
public class ApplicationContextHolder {
private static final ApplicationContext CTX;
static {
CTX = initApplicationContext();
public static ApplicationContext getContext() {
return CTX;
Please be aware that this alone shouldn't be considered as a best practice of using Spring within Apache Beam since it doesn't integrate well in the lifecycle of Apache Beam. For example, when an error happens during the initialization of the application context, it will appear in the first place where the ApplicationContextHolder is used. Therefore, I'd recommend to extract initApplicationContext out of the static initializer block and call it explicitly with regards to Apache Beam's Lifecycle. The setup phase would be a good place for this.


Spring boot AMQP and Spring Hadoop together ends up with missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean

I have two small apps, one uses spring-boot-starter-amqp, other uses spring-data-hadoop-boot. I can run them separately without any problems.
When I join them together, app start fails with exception: org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start EmbeddedWebApplicationContext due to missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean.
My main class is pretty much generic and it works fine for both of them separately:
public class Job {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SpringApplication.run(Job.class, args);
I am at lost here. AFAIK #SpringBootApplication contains all annotations needed, including auto configuration and components scanning. I've had no need to configure web environment as I am not using it. Why do I need to do it when both dependencies are in class path, and how do I fix it?
I dug a little bit in the Spring Boot code. Main problem is that SpringApplication.deduceWebEnvironment() automatically detects what kind of environment should be configured based on existence of certain classes in class path.
For web environment two classes are being checked. When both of them are in class path, web environment is detected which requires proper configuration, obviously.
spring-boot-starter-amqp:1.3.1.RELEASE contains ConfigurableWebApplicationContext, and spring-data-hadoop-boot:2.3.0.RELEASE-cdh5 contains Servlet (in native Hadoop libs).
Now, when run alone, one of above classes is missing in both cases, which results in web environment not being set.
But when I use both of them - both classes can be found. Web environment is detected, false positive, and it requires configuration, which I am not able (and don't want) to provide.
So question now is - can I force non web environment, even when I have those classes in class path? Or is there any other way to solve the issue? (other than excluding them from Gradle dependencies)
Following this question: How to prevent spring-boot autoconfiguration for spring-web?
I run application as follows.
public class Job {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(Job.class).web(false).run(args);
Answers to above question also suggested to use property spring.main.web_environment=false or annotation #EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = WebMvcAutoConfiguration.class). Both solutions haven't worked for me. Only programmatic solution works in my case.

Combine Jersey with Tyrus

I have a Jersey JAX-RS application which runs on a Grizzly instance:
public class Application {
public static final String BASE_URI = "";
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig().packages("my.package.rest");
HttpServer server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(URI.create(BASE_URI), rc);
System.out.println("Server started, press any key to stop.");
inside my.package.rest there are JAX-RS annotated resources. I'd like to add websocket annotated (#ServerEndpoint, #OnOpen, #OnMessage, etc.) resources using Tyrus on the same server instance (say in "") but all the documentation I was able to find shows how to start a standalone websocket server using Tyrus + a Grizzly container, not combined with Jersey. I'm looking for something like:
server.getServerConfiguration().addHttpHandler(new SomeTyrusHttpHandler("/websocket"));
but I can't find anything similar to SomeTyrusHttpHandler. How can I combine Jersey and Tyrus in a single Grizzly server?
good question, but there is currently no good answer for this one. You still can do that, but it would require to deep dive into Grizzly internals; Tyrus is registered by an addon (see WebSocketAddOn) and it can be combined with Jersey way of registering into that container.
Please have in mind that integrating these two frameworks together is not trivial challenge - running them in a single container is a first step, but there are other things which need to be taken care of, like "instance provider", lifecycle adjustment, etc. I believe this topic exceeds the scope of one SO answer - you can expect blogpost from me or some other Tyrus/Jersey team member about this. (I'll post it here once that is done).
Anyway, I would recommend to take more conservative approach and use some lightweight container which supports Servlet 3.1; that should require far less work on your side and you'll have standard Servlet runtime / lifecycle.

WebApplicationInitializer being called repeatedly

I have a Spring 3.1 based application hosted under Tomcat 7.x (latest version). The application is configured exclusively with Java (no web.xml, no Spring XML configuration). All unit tests are passing, including ones using the Spring Java configuration (#ContextConfiguration).
The problem is that when the application is deployed, the WebApplicationInitializer implementation is being called multiple times. Repeated registrations of filters and listeners causes exceptions and the application never starts.
I was not expecting WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup() to be called repeatedly and would like to eliminate that behavior if possible. If anyone has suggestions on why this might be happening, and how to stop it, I'd really appreciate it.
Update I believe the problem is external to the initialization class itself, but here it is in case I am mistaken...
public class DeploymentDescriptor implements WebApplicationInitializer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.ghc.web-app-initializer");
public void onStartup (ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
// This is the programmatic way of declaring filters. This allows you to order
// Filters. The order of these security filters DOES MATTER!
FilterRegistration.Dynamic mockSecurityFilter = servletContext.addFilter ("mockSecurityFilter", "org.ghc.security.MockSecurityFilter");
mockSecurityFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns (EnumSet.of (REQUEST), true, "/*");
FilterRegistration.Dynamic siteMinderSecurityFilter = servletContext.addFilter ("siteMinderSecurityFilter", "org.ghc.security.SiteMinderSecurityFilter");
siteMinderSecurityFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns (EnumSet.of (REQUEST), true, "/*");
FilterRegistration.Dynamic userDetailsStoreFilter = servletContext.addFilter ("userDetailsStoreFilter", "org.ghc.security.UserDetailsStoreFilter");
userDetailsStoreFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns (EnumSet.of (REQUEST), true, "/*");
// Static resource handling using "default" servlet
servletContext.getServletRegistration ("default").addMapping ("*.js", "*.css", "*.jpg", "*.gif", "*.png");
// Map jspf files to jsp servlet
servletContext.getServletRegistration ("jsp").addMapping ("*.jspf");
// Spin up the Spring 3.1 class that can scan a package tree for classes
// annotated with #Configuration. See org.ghc.spring3.ControllerConfiguration for
// this example.
final AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext dispatcherContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext ();
dispatcherContext.setServletContext (servletContext);
dispatcherContext.refresh ();
// Spin up the Spring DispatcherServlet (just like before) passing the just built
// application context. Load it like the regular Servlet that it is!
final ServletRegistration.Dynamic servlet = servletContext.addServlet ("spring", new DispatcherServlet(dispatcherContext));
servlet.setLoadOnStartup (1);
servlet.addMapping ("/"); // Make sure this is NOT "/*"!
Update 2 This is just weird. The Tomcat logs appear to identify two instances of my DeploymentDescriptor class. I verified that there is only one instance of this class in my .war file though. I have no idea where the second (phantom) instance is coming from, but at least this explains why the class is being scanned twice...
logs/localhost.2012-10-09.log:INFO: Spring WebApplicationInitializers detected on classpath: [org.ghc.configuration.DeploymentDescriptor#3b29642c]
logs/localhost.2012-10-09.log:INFO: Spring WebApplicationInitializers detected on classpath: [org.ghc.configuration.DeploymentDescriptor#432c4c7a]
The problem here was a Maven Overlay dumping crap a Spring xml configuration file into my application. For whatever reason this caused the WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup() to be called twice. Probably an initialization for the application context, and for the servlet context. Killed off the overlay, application is initializing as expected.
I had the same problem. The issue was that I had multiple spring-web*.jar like Biju K. suggested (one as part of the war, the other in shared/tomcat library).
I had the same problem. Running mvn clean in the web app module's directory and then starting up Tomcat solved it for me.

Unit testing with Spring and the Jersey Test Framework

I'm writing some JUnit-based integration tests for a RESTful web service using JerseyTest. The JAX-RS resource classes use Spring and I'm currently wiring everything together with a test case like the following code example:
public class HelloResourceTest extends JerseyTest
protected AppDescriptor configure()
return new WebAppDescriptor.Builder("com.helloworld")
.contextParam( "contextConfigLocation", "classpath:helloContext.xml")
public void test()
// test goes here
This works for wiring the servlet, however, I'd like to be able to share the same context in my test case so that my tests can have access to mock objects, DAOs, etc., which seems to call for SpringJUnit4ClassRunner. Unfortunately, SpringJUnit4ClassRunner creates a separate, parallel application context.
So, anyone know how can I create an application context that is shared between the SpringServlet and my test case?
Override JerseyTest.configure like so:
protected Application configure() {
ResourceConfig rc = new JerseyConfig();
rc.property("contextConfigLocation", "classpath:helloContext.xml");
return rc;
For me the SpringServlet was not required, but if you need that you may be able to call rc.register for that too.
I found a couple of ways to resolve this problem.
First up, over at the geek#riffpie blog there is an excellent description of this problem along with an elegant extension of JerseyTest to solve it:
Unit-testing RESTful Jersey services glued together with Spring
Unfortunately, I'm using a newer version of Spring and/or Jersey (forget which) and couldn't quite get it to work.
In my case, I ended up avoiding the problem by dropping the Jersey Test Framework and using embedded Jetty along with the Jersey Client. This actually made better sense in my situation anyway since I was already using embedded Jetty in my application. yves amsellem has a nice example of unit testing with the Jersey Client and embedded Jetty. For Spring integration, I used a variation of Trimbo's Jersey Tests with Embedded Jetty and Spring

Automatic configuration reinitialization in Spring

In Log4j, there is a feature wherein the system can be initialized to do a configure and watch with an interval. This allows for the log4j system to reload its properties whenever the property file is changed. Does the spring framework have such a Configuration Observer facility wherein the Configuration is reloaded when it changed. The Configuration that needs reloading is not the Springs's applicationContext.xml but various other configuration files that are initialized using the Spring initialization beans.
I found a utility that does something similar to Log4J here. It's basically an extension to PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer that reloads properties when they change.
AFAIK Spring does not provide such a utility. However there is a 3rd party tool, JRebel that enables you to update an entire web application (including the Spring configuration) without requiring a server restart.
A free trial is available, and the purchase price is fairly inexpensive.
I would be extra cautious with reloading spring application context.
What do you expect to happen with singleton beans? If an object has a reference to singleton bean, should it be updated?
I develop using JRebel and I would be very wary of expecting it to refresh your configuration. Works fine with Java, not with Spring though.
If you would like to add context, I have done that in the following way :
public class ApplicationContextUtil
static String[] configFiles = {"applicationContextParent.xml"};
private static ApplicationContext context = null;
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ( configFiles );
public static void addContext( String[] newConfigFiles )
// add the new context to the previous context
ApplicationContext newContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ( newConfigFiles, context );
context = newContext;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext ()
// return the context
return context;
This is your context provider class. For details, you can look at my blog
