PHPMailer thread/conversation in outlook not working - outlook

I've achieved the "conversation/thread" effect in gmail, using this code
$phpmailer->MessageID = $message_id;
and with this, in gmail all e-mails sent (with the same value in $message_id) are received in the same "conversation/thread", but this dont work in outlook, both windows 10 email app and outlook app for windows 10...
How can i achieve the same result as in gmail in outllook?

Don't re-use the same message ID for multiple messages. There are headers specifically for creating threads, and the definitive explanation for them is here. In short, add the Message-ID of the message you are replying to in a References header, and optionally also into an In-reply-to header. You can create those headers in PHPMailer using addCustomHeader().


EWS email exchange: getting message-id from a mail from Sent items

I'm developping a tool that allow to handle and move emails in Exchange.
For moving the mails I do need the message-Id. My issue is that when I intercept mails stored in a folder, I also get sent emails. For those mail, i do not retrieve any Message-Id.
My issue is that i met the following case: one sent email was found in the inbox folder. Unfortunatelly, I do not get any message-Id when i get the information details. Is there a way to get this information from this mail ?

Gmail New Threading Policy requires workaround - how to fix?

Per this announcement - -- an email with the exact same from/to and subject will no longer thread in Gmail if the emails are system generated unless we somehow reference the original message information in the subsequent system generated emails.
Does anyone have ideas for how we would do this in CDO mail using ASP / VBScript? Am guessing we would have to call a Google API to get the message ID after it created the message as well.
Google was not able to provide any help over and above the language used in this blog article which was as below:
Additional details
If you are managing a system that sends email notifications to users
and want your emails to be threaded in Gmail conversation view, then
you have to ensure that your notifications:
1) Have the same subject
2) Have reference headers that reference IDs seen earlier in the
thread, or have references headers that consistently refer to the same
message ID
Ideas are appreciated.
I'm not sure why you're looking for any sort of Google API, this sounds to be the standard "References" and "In-Reply-To" headers that any email reply should have. Refer to section 3.6.4 "Identification Fields" in RFC 5322. To create this you'd need to read the Message-ID header of the email being replied to and use it in the References header.
Just read the Message-ID of the email you're replying to like any other header:
Dim OriginalMessageId as String
OriginalMessageId = originalEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:message-id")
And use it to create the References headers in your new email:
replyEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:references") = OriginalMessageId
replyEmail.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:in-reply-to") = OriginalMessageId
If you need more of a pointer of how this would work, you might need to include more of the code of how you're reading a message and how you're replying to it.

Is there an API to get e-mail smtp information (for GMail)

I want to send an e-mail using gmail API.
I want to know if the email was received successfully. And if not, what the problem. (Such as SMTP Log)
I can use Google Admin G-Suite if need.
How can I do it?
Thank you.
What you are looking for is Request read receipt after an email is sent. This would notify the sender when the recipient reads the email.
This is not something that is currently available in the gmail api. you may want to consider submitting a feature request here

Trouble while sending large amounts of mail via Outlook REST API

I'm using Outlook REST API to send mail.
When I try to send 7000 emails via Outlook api, there are 78 mails cannot be sent and moved to draft folder. I wonder if it is default action of outlook api or it is an error ?
Thank you !
You may be running into message send limits as documented here: If you believe you are within the documented limits, let me know and we can investigate further.

How to send email with an attachment using Windows Phone 7 API?

My WP7 application requirement is to send the email with an attachment and use device default SMTP settings.
I have tried EmailComposeTask class but it doesn't have any member for attachment.
The other idea, i am thinking is to upload the file on server and then send the email from that server.
What you think if there is no way to send the email with an attachment using WP7 API?
Your observation is correct, at this point in time EmailComposeTask doesn't support attachments and this is the only facility to send email programatically from the device at the moment.
As you note, you can communicate with a server which can perform this task on behalf of your app.
I found a wp7 and wp8 library that does it:
Try to create web service to send mail in your webserver. so, we can call the from your app to send mail.
I hope upcoming version it will be possible!
Please check this URL for more details
I've found this article, but I did not make any test yet.
From the author:
EmailComposeTask won’t allow you to send attachments, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot send files through it. .NET Framework has these two amazing methods: Convert.ToBase64String and Convert.FromBase64String. The first will allow the developer to convert a byte array (byte[]) to a Base64-encoded string, the other one will do the same operation in reverse.
Pushing the Limits of the Windows Phone SDK and Sending Files via EmailComposeTask
