Apache felix cannot load dbcp2 as bundle - osgi

I have created an OSGi bundle, that is using apache commons dbcp2 to create a database connection pool. I am using apache felix gogo as runtime to start my bundles. I have loaded multiple other external libraries without any problems into the apache felix:
Image here (cant post no rep):
However every time I try to start dbcp2 bundle which is requiered in my bundle I get the following error:
Image here (cant post no rep):
I have found that there is some Apache mixservice bundle available, but it contains dbcp 1.4 and I need dbcp 2.5.0 or higher.
What needs to be done so apache felix is able to load the dbcp2 as a library requiered by other projects ?

What you see in the error is that the dbcp bundle requires the javax.transaction package in version >= 1.1.0. This is not an error in the bundle. It just means that you need to provide this package in the OSGi container.
Normally you would install a bundle that provides the package. In this case the package comes from the jre and the system bundle should export it.
Depending on how you start felix the way to export a system package is different.
For example if you use bndtools you do this in a bndrun file. See the Enroute microsevice example.
For plain felix see the parameter "org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra".
In this example the javax.transaction package is exported (among some others).


CXF - ClassCastException (SEIStub/ClientProxy) in Equinox

I am getting following exception inside Equinox OSGI :
Getting java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub cannot be cast to org.apache.cxf.frontend.ClientProxy
Please advise.
It looks like you accidently use the jax-ws stack that is part of the jdk instead of CXF. I guess the reason is an incorrect deployment of CXF in your OSGi runtime.
You will need to not export the jax-ws API packages from the framework and instead install the jax-ws API from servicemix bundles. You can try to install Apache CXF in Apache Karaf to see how the correct deployment should look like.
To set the packages to be exported by the framework use the framework property org.osgi.framework.system.packages. See also Apache Felix configuration. Unfortunately there is no option to remove a package from the exported packages. If you use this option then you need to specify all packages that the framework exports. The default can be found in the felix jar in a property file default.properties.

Eclipse Virgo 3.0.3 and apache felix web console

I'm trying to get the apache Felix webconsole running on an eclipse Virgo 3.0.3 installation -- I need the extra details it provides that the standard virgo admin doesn't.
I uploaded the full org.apache.felix.webconosle-3.1.8.jar to the pickup dir.
This virgo Jetty is running at port 8098, but when I do:
I am getting the 404 not found.
Any ideas here how to get the webconsole integrated into the Eclipse Virgo Jetty install?
Although I didn't use Virgo in a long time, I guess it is because the installation is missing a standard OSGi HTTP service, which is required for the Felix web console bundle to work. You need to install a bundle that exports such a service based on the Jetty bundle you are using.

How to install a bundle on boot in Karaf

I came across this post but it doesn't quite answer my question. I am using blueprint to set up a H2 database in Karaf and it requires that I first install H2 driver and OSGi enterprise package because it contains JDBC library.
install -s mvn:org.osgi/org.osgi.enterprise/4.2.0
install -s mvn:com.h2database/h2/1.3.174
I added the blueprint XML file to Karaf's deploy folder and it keeps giving error messages until I install H2 and enterprise package. Ideally, I would like to install both enterprise and H2 before the blueprint script kicks in, so I am thinking somehow add it to karaf's boot process but I am not sure how.
Any insights will be much appreciated.
One option would be to hot deploy a features XML before deploying your bundle.
See the Karaf deployer guide for more details. Here is an XML example:
<feature name="features_test">
One way to achieve this is to publish the blueprint file to the maven repo. This way you can reference it in feature files. See the maven build helper plugin with goal attach artifacts. Many feature files are deployed tnis way.
You can also put your blueprint file into an ordinary bundle. Then it will also work in other containers than karaf.

How to specify system package exports in pax exam

Pax exam is used to test Apache CXF Distributed OSGi. I recently updated to apache felix 4.2.1. In the newer version of felix I get problems with packages exported by cxf spec bundles and the system bundle. No idea why this did not occur with the older felix 3.x.
For the distribution we control this in the felix config (see the config template we use)
There we use the "org.osgi.framework.system.packages" property to define the system package exports.
How can I do the same using pax exam. I know how to do this using karaf exam but it can not be used as we want to explicitly test against pure felix.
I already tested CoreOptions.systemPackage but it only allows to add exports not to redefine them.
Pax Exam 3
Option[] conf = options(
Got an answer from the ops4j list:
The option works on Eclipse Equinox but not on Apache Felix.

how to make camel-example-cxf-proxy work in serviceMix 4.3.0

I downloaded camel 2.6.0 and used example camel-example-cxf-proxy (under example folder) to deploy into serviceMix.
what i would like to do is packaging it to become a jar file and then goto serviceMix karaf console to install this jar.
(install -s wrap:file:/c:/...jar)
But this example doesn't work in serviceMix 4.3.0.
Do you know what thing i have to modify to make it work within serviceMix 4.3.0
Do i have to install any other bundle into serviceMix?
The first thing is that you should make sure your maven project builds a bundle. I recently did a tutorial that shows how to run camel routes in OSGi:
So basically you have to make sure that the camel features you need are installed. In your case this is probably camel-cxf and camel-http.
Then you need to change the pom to create a bundle. See the pom of the example:
You need to change the packaging to bundle and add the maven bundle plugin. For camel projects the default typically work very well.
Btw. you can also run camel on pure karaf when you follow the instructions in my tutorial. This has the advantage that you can almost always use the newest camel version while servicemix often comes with an older version.
