Ansible - Add some calculated properties to list of dict - ansible

I am using a list of dict to declare some website to configure on web server.
There are some calculated properties I don't want to redeclare each time I need it, so before using it, I made a loop declaring all calculated/missing properties to get a proper list of websites (dict).
Here is what I am doing for now
- name: Set server vhosts
websites: "{{ websites|default([]) + [item | combine({'vhost': '200-' +, 'path': path_vhosts + '/' +, 'domain': app_hosts[]})] }}"
with_items: "{{ vhosts }}"
But this is very limited, and will be unreadable if there is too much property to set.
How could I improve it to build it properly please ?
In a the best way, there is no variable vhosts, we just use websites and replace it.

Q: "Will be unreadable if there is too much property to set. How could I improve it to build it properly?"
A: It's built properly. The formatting might help. See below
- name: Set server vhosts
websites: "{{ websites|default([]) + [item|
combine({'vhost': '200-' +,
'path': path_vhosts + '/' +,
'domain': app_hosts[]
}) ] }}"
loop: "{{ vhosts }}"


Ansible - Passing a dictionary to a module parameter

I'm using fortinet.fortios.system_global module as describe here:
My goal is to pass a dictionary to the system_global parameter with the allowed sub-parameters. I have the dictionary as follows for example:
admin-concurrent: enable
admin-console-timeout: 0
admin-hsts-max-age: 15552000
<more key:value>
This dictionary lives in a separate file called forti.yml.
I then use include_vars to pull this yml file into my play as follows:
- /path/to/forti.yml
And then I use the system_global module:
- name: Configure system_global task
access: "{{ access_token }}"
system_global: "{{ forti }}"
However, when I run the play it throws an error like so:
"msg": "Unsupported parameters for (fortios_system_global) module: system_global.admin-concurrent, system_global.admin-console-timeout, system_global.admin-hsts-max-age,<and so on>. Supported parameters include: member_path, member_state, system_global, vdom, enable_log, access_token."
I tried putting the key:value pairs in the vars: in the play level and passed it to the module the same way and it worked.
admin-concurrent: enable
admin-console-timeout: 0
admin-hsts-max-age: 15552000
<more key: value>
What am I missing? They're both type: dict, the data are exactly the same. Not sure what I'm missing here. Can someone please help?
You have - and the parameters are supposed to be _ so it is telling you the module parameter does not exist
admin-concurrent: enable
admin-console-timeout: 0
admin-hsts-max-age: 15552000
<more key: value>
should be
admin_concurrent: enable
admin_console_timeout: 0
admin_hsts_max_age: 15552000
<more key: value>
Keep on automating!
Just look at module examples here:

Override group_vars by external source

I have a pilote project keeping many common variables in group_vars.
For different implementations (usually per client), I'd like to maintain reserved file which overrides the content of group_vars, where the content of that file could have following format, i.e. client1.yml :
var11_to_override: "foo"
var12_to_override: "bar"
var21_to_override: "foo"
var22_to_override: "bar"
Is there a simple possibility to say to Ansible that file client1.yml overrides group_vars content?
The module include_vars could be certainly the first step together with set_facts within a loop, but it requires probably complicated jinja2 filter expressions ...
Have I to write a new module or filter updating hostvars?
Finally resolved by custom filter updating a dict by another:
import copy
import collections
class FilterModule(object):
def update_hostvars(self, _origin, overlay):
origin = copy.deepcopy(_origin)
for k, v in overlay.items():
if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
origin[k] = self.update_hostvars(origin.get(k, {}), v)
origin[k] = v
return origin
def filters(self):
return {"update_hostvars": self.update_hostvars}
.. and using this filter when updating all variables:
- name: Include client file
file: "{{ client_file_path }}"
name: client_overlay
- name: Update group_vars by template client
"{{ item.key }}": "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname][item.key] | update_hostvars(item.value) }}"
with_dict: "{{ client_overlay }}"
Using the examples given in this thread i made my own solution:
The "external source" feeds in an inventory item using --extra-vars "#". The file content itself is uploaded as base64 encoded content and then decoded/written to fs.
The external file has a list of overrides per role/group like so:
role_overrides: [{
"groups": [
"overrides": {
"foo": "value",
"bar": "value",
but then jsonified obviously...
The filter module
#!/usr/bin/env python
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
"filter_hostvars_overrides": self.filter_hostvars_overrides,
def filter_hostvars_overrides(self, role_overrides, group_names):
filter the overrides for the ones to apply for this host
"groups": [
"overrides": {
"foo: 42,
:param group_names: List of groups this host is member of
:param role_overrides: document with all overrides; to be filtered using groups_names
:return: items to be set
overrides = {}
for idx, per_group_overrides in enumerate(role_overrides):
groups = per_group_overrides.get("groups", [])
if set(groups).intersection(set(group_names)):
overrides.update(per_group_overrides.get("overrides", {}))
return overrides
The play code:
- name: Apply group overrides
"{{ item.key }}": "{{ item.value }}"
with_dict: "{{ role_overrides | filter_hostvars_overrides(group_names) }}"

Use list of dictionaries variable on Ansible Tower textare survey

I'm trying to develop a playbook were I have the following variable.
- { Unit: C, Size: 50 }
- { Unit: D, Size: 50 }
With the variables defined on the playbook there is no problem but when I try to use a texarea survey on Ansible Tower I cannot manage to parse them as list of dictionaries.
I tried adding to the survey the following two lines which are already on yaml format.
- { Unit: C, Size: 50 }
- { Unit: D, Size: 50 }
And on my vars section I use test_var: "{{ test_var1.split('\n') }} which converts the output into a two line string. Without the split is just a single line string.
I could make my playbook work with a simple dictionary like
dict1: {{ Unit: C, Size: 50 }}
but I'm having issues parsing it as well.
Changing it to the following as suggested by mdaniels works.
- set_fact:
test_var: "{{ test_var1 | from_yaml }}"
- name: test
debug: msg=" hostname is {{ item.Unit }} and {{ item.Size }}"
- "{{ test_var }}"
I'm trying to figure a way to clear-up the data input as asking users to respect the format is not a very good idea.
tried changing the input date to the following but I could not figure out how to format that into a list of dictionaries.
Unit: C, Size: 50
Unit: D, Size: 50
I tried with the following piece of code
- set_fact:
db_list: >-
{{ test_var1.split("\n") | select |
map("regex_replace", "^", "- {") |
map("regex_replace", "$", "}") |
join("\n") }}
But is putting it all on a single line.
"db_list": "- {dbid: 1, dbname: abc\ndbid: 2, dbname: xyz} "
I have tried to play with it but could not manage to make it work.
I believe you were very close; instead of "{{ test_var1.split('\n') }}" I believe you can just feed it to the from_yaml filter:
- set_fact:
test_var1: '{{ test_var1 | from_yaml }}'
# this is just to simulate the **str** that you will receive from the textarea
test_var1: "- { Unit: C, Size: 50 }\n- { Unit: D, Size: 50 }\n"
- debug:
msg: and now test_var1[0].Unit is {{ test_var1[0].Unit }}
I faced a similar dilemma, i.e. that I was bound to the survey format(s) available, and I was forced to use mdaniels suggested solution above with sending the data as text and then later parse it from YAML . Problem was however that controlling the format of the input (i.e. a YAML-string inside the text) would probably cause a lot of headache/errors, just like you describe.
Maybe you really need to use the Survey, but in my case I was more interested of calling the Job Template using the Tower REST API. For some reason I thought I then had to have a survey with all parameters defined. But it turned out I was wrong, when having a survey I was not able to provide dictionaries as input data (in the extra_vars). However, when removing the Survey, and also (not sure if required or not) enabling "Extra Variables -> prompt on launch", then things started to work!! Now I can provide lists / dictionaries as input to my Templates when calling them using REST API POST calls, see example below:
"extra_vars": {
"p_db_name": "MYSUPERDB",
"p_appl_id": "MYD32",
"p_admin_user": "myadmin",
"p_admin_pass": "mysuperpwd",
"p_db_state": "present",
"p_tablespaces": [
"name": "tomahawk",
"size": "10M",
"bigfile": true,
"autoextend": true,
"next": "1M",
"maxsize": "20M",
"content": "permanent",
"state": "present"
"p_users": [
"schema": "myschema",
"password": "Mypass123456#",
"default_tablespace": "tomahawk",
"state": "present",
"grants": "'create session', 'create any table'"

Ansible Dict and Tags

I have a playbook creating EC2 by using a dictionary declared in vars: then registering the IPs into a group to be used later on.
The dict looks like this:
name: tag1
type: t2.small
region: us-west-1
image: ami-****
name: tag2
type: t2.medium
region: us-east-1
image: ami-****
I would like to apply tags to this playbook in the simplest way so I can create just some of them using tags. For example, running the playbook with --tags tag1,tag3 would only start EC2 matching serv1 and serv3.
Applying tags on the dictionary doesn't seem possible and I would like to avoid doing multiplying tasks like:
Creatinge EC2
Register infos
Getting private IP from previously registered infos
adding host to group
While I already have a working loop for the case I want to create all EC2 at once, is there any way to achieve that (without relying on --extra-vars, which would need key=value) ? For example, filtering out the dictionary by keeping only what is tagged before running the EC2 loop ?
I doubt you can do this out of the box. And not sure this is good idea at all.
Because tags are used to filter tasks in Ansible, so you will have to mark all tasks with tags: always.
You can accomplish this with custom filter plugin, for example (./filter_plugins/
from __main__ import cli
except ImportError:
cli = False
def apply_tags(src):
if cli:
tags = cli.options.tags.split(',')
res = {}
for k,v in src.iteritems():
keep = True
if 'name' in v:
if v['name'] not in tags:
keep = False
if keep:
res[k] = v
return res
return src
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {
'apply_tags': apply_tags
And in your playbook:
- debug: msg="{{ servers | apply_tags }}"
tags: always
I found a way to match my needs without touching to the rest so I'm sharing it in case other might have a similar need.
I needed to combine dictionaries depending on tags, so my "main" dictionary wouldn't be static.
Variables became :
- serv1:
- name: tag1
type: t2.small
region: us-west-1
image: ami-****
- serv2:
- name: tag2
type: t2.medium
region: us-east-1
image: ami-****
- serv3:
So instead of duplicating my tasks, I used set_fact with tags like this:
- name: Combined dict
# Declaring empty dict
servers: []
tags: ['always']
- name: Add Server 1
servers: "{{ servers + serv1 }}"
tags: ['tag1']
- name: Add Server 2
servers: "{{ servers + serv2 }}"
tags: ['tag2']
20 lines instead of multiply tasks for each server, change vars from dictionary to lists, a few tags and all good :) Now if I add a new server it will only take a few lines.

Ansible looping over nested tasks

Is there any way call one task from another, loop through some array and pass variable to this other task?
- include: { task: create_user.yml user: item }
with_items: users
or something like that.
You can just assume that "user" is available to creater_user.yml
# something like this:
- name: create user
include creater_user.yml
# creater_user.yml:
- name: some task
debug: msg="hello"
with_items: users
