lsapp.test on browser not giving the index page instead localhost/lsapp/public/ gives the home page - laravel

I have set up the environment for virtual hosts using Apache. I am facing three problems.
1) I am unable to go to the index page by using lsapp.test on my browser (I have set lsapp.test for and also the same for the localhost. It gives a 404 error.
2) If I go to localhost/lsapp on the browser the whole directory is visible (I assume which means my virtual host is not working as it should be)
3) On the browser, http://localhost/lsapp/public/ leads me to my root.
Web.php is as follows:
Route::get ('/', function() {
return 'Hello World';
Gives me Hello world on the browser as expected. BUT the problem is if I try to navigate to my about page through
Route::get ('/about', function() {
return 'about';
It gives 404 error. I have been breaking my head for the past 2 days. This could be a simple problem but so far I haven't figured out a solution.
I have checked the httpd-vhosts.conf file in Apache folder and hosts file in System32>drivers>etc if I have done the right settings and it looks fine.
This question does not require codes
lsapp.test on the browser must go to the home page. Also, I must be able to browse other pages.

Your document root should be lsapp/public/ and index.php must catch all request.
Apache Vhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/your-project/public


Laravel error: Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found

I need to update a website from a colleague to just add a LDAP connexion.
I use EasyPHP devserver 17.0 with php 7.1.3 and MySQL 5.7.17.
I've read a lot of docs etc to be started and to recover the site in local as it is working actually.
Everything was working so I began to add a login form etc... but when I tried to test a link from the website, it return me the error "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found". So I began to search on forums I found some results about routes etc and everything I've tested didn't worked.
So, I decide to use the backup from the website as it was when I juste restore it in local(I precise link to other page and everything was working). I check the link and again, "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found". I decide to try another developement tool and download XAMP, exactly same error. I tried with Wamp, Laragon always same error.
In the apache conf mod_rewrite is enabled.
My laravel framework version is: 5.5.39
So my folder look like:
Laravel 5.5.39
The content of routes > web.php:
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
// Holidays
Route::get('/holidays/create', 'HolidayController#create')->name('holidays.create');
Route::post('/holidays', 'HolidayController#store')->name('');
Route::get('/holidays/{holiday}/delete', 'HolidayController#destroy')->name('holidays.destroy');
Route::get('/holidays/{holiday}/edit', 'HolidayController#edit')->name('holidays.edit');
Route::post('/holidays/{holiday}', 'HolidayController#update')->name('holidays.update');
// Leave types
Route::get('/types/create', 'TypeController#create')->name('types.create');
Route::post('/types', 'TypeController#store')->name('');
Route::get('/types/{type}/delete', 'TypeController#destroy')->name('types.destroy');
Route::get('/types/{type}/edit', 'TypeController#edit')->name('types.edit');
Route::post('/types/{type}', 'TypeController#update')->name('types.update');
// Users
Route::resource('users', 'UserController');
Route::get('/births', 'UserController#getAllBirths')->name('births');
// Leaves
Route::get('/calendar', 'LeaveController#index')->name('calendar');
Route::post('/leaves', 'LeaveController#store')->name('');
Route::post('/leaves/{leave}', 'LeaveController#update')->name('leaves.update');
Route::get('/leaves/{leave}/delete', 'LeaveController#delete')->name('leaves.delete');
Route::get('/leaves', 'LeaveController#getAll')->name('leaves');
Route::get('/config', 'ConfigController#index')->name('config');
// Stats
Route::get('/statistics', 'StatsController#index')->name('stats.index');
I don't know what I could do but please ask me if you need more information to help me.
If it can help; gitLab link from the site I'm trying to restore:
To fix the problem I had to change the VirutalHost DocumentRoot so the root is the public directory.
DocumentRoot "C:/Users/sadm-m263733/Desktop/EasyPHP-Devserver-17/eds-www/siteBTPlan/public"

proxy.pac - exception for images

I'm a web developer and I use squid as a proxy, which I entered in firefox as the proxy server.
So when I enter in firefox, I see the site on my local machine, by having configured squid accordingly.
Now problem is, that some of our customers have GBs of images, and it's a pain to load them all on my machine. So basically I want to use my offline webpage, but loading the images from the live server, so I don't have a broken site without images.
In order to do this I've tried to create a proxy.pac and configured it this way:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(url, "*.jpg")) {
return "DIRECT";
} else {
return "PROXY; DIRECT";
Unfortunately it doesn't really work. What am I doing wrong, and how can I achieve my goal?
According to the Mozilla document on PAC files:
The path and query components of https:// URLs are stripped. In Chrome, you can disable this by setting PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled to false, in Firefox the preference is network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path.
What this means is when you enter a url such as, what gets passed to the PAC script is the url As a result, you're never going to enter the first condition of your if statement.
In Firefox, you can change this by going to the about:config page and setting network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path to true.

Laravel Object not found Error 404

The laravel project runs at another system with a fixed ip.
If I access the project on another computer via this line:
(changed to original ip for privacy)
it works so far but if I login the url does change to this:
and I get the error
Object not found ... 404
The laravel project works if I call it locally via localhost....
I do not know why this is happening really big thanks for any help.
I removed the authentification and somehow it show the page now just without the login and register, does anyone know why?
I commented this line:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function ()
You have wrong web server configuration on the remote machine. Web server should be pointed to a public directory, for example /home/someuser/appi/public, but not to /home/someuser/. Edit Apache config file (do not edit .htaccess), you should have similar lines in it:
DocumentRoot "/path_to_appi/appi/public"
<Directory "/path_to_appi/appi/public">
Then restart Apache to make everything work.

Routing doesn't work in laravel 4

I had installed Laravel with the following command
composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
And everything is fine when I open / root. I saw "You have arrived." page but I can't make any route.When I write the following simple route I saw the page not found error.
Route::get('hello', function() {
return 'Hello World';
Not Found
The requested URL /afifnet/public/hello was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80 please help me.
A couple of things. When you create a route you need to make sure you have a view. You can create a view by going the views folder (make sure you have the extension .blade.php
Create a View in your views folder (and add some content), eg:
Then in your routes.php file add this:
Route::get('/test', function() {
return View::make('test');
Now goto public/test and you should see the content you added to test.blade.php file.
If you still cannot create a route it's another issue, however seeing as you can see the landing page "you have arrived" everything should be working.

CodeIgniter returns 404 for all routes but works

I have strange problem with CodeIgniter and routing system and can't find solution for it, so: I have several routes such as
=> 'forum/category/$1',
=> 'forum/category/$1/$2',
and them works, but return 404 code in header.
I mean I don't get 404 page, correct HTML returns and page's content displays correctly for my forum's categories. But I'm getting 404 in header (Network tab in Firebug), so I can't work with POST data correctly.
If I request /forum/ - 200 Ok returns, but when I trying to get routed page, I get right page, but with 404 Not Found.
I'm using PHP5.4+Apache2 on Linux host, if it will help You to give me solution.
I've found solution! Maybe it will save someone's time.
Problem wasn't in CodeIgniter, I've found solution in activation mod_rewrite. Yes, that worked, but wan't activated in Apache.
Just try to do
sudo a2enmod rewrite
and restart apache service after
sudo service apache restart
And all routed pages will return 200 Ok
None of these worked, but I did this instead:
At the end of my controller I put this:
and actually though that worked, the problem turned out to be a controller name that conflicted with a real directory name...
