How to get redirect the given, correct and clean URL after Facebook authentication in Laravel? - laravel

I am developing a functionality to allow facebook users to register in our web application. The approach is:
We will create one app on facebook
Facebook authentication plugin ( will be used in our registration page.
When user clicks on facebook button, facebook login page and then app authorization page are shown.
One user allows/disallows facebook app, user will be redirected to the main page(
But it's redirected like this(, so I am facing another issue with that.
Appended this characters(#=)
I have tried to fix the url, but it's redirected like that anyway.
Here is the redirection code.
return Redirect::to(URL('/'));
My server is Nginx.
Hope to get solved my problem.
Thanks in advance!

Try to name the route then redirect to it.
Route::get('/', 'HomeController#index')-
then redirect()->to(route('home'));


Why Slack doesn't redirect me to predefined redirect URL if I install the bot in my workspace?

I want to implement oAuth2 flow in my Slack app, but it's impossible to test properly.
I have added /slack/redirect-url as a redirect URL on my App management page. Then try to install\reinstall the app on the following page:
Unfortunately, it doesn't work, my endpoint isn't called.
However, if I go to the "Distribution" section and try to install the app from there it does call my redirect URL:
So, what's the issue? Why the first approach doesn't call my redirect URL, but the second one does? Am I missing something fundamental?
The "Reinstall App" button will handle the entire exchange of verifying and granting the OAuth token within Slack, so there is no need for the redirect.
The redirect URL is intended for users who are authenticating with your service, and thus you need to store the token.
User clicks the install button
User authorizes through Slack UI
Slack redirects to your desired URL
You grab the code included in the redirect call
You exchange the code for the OAuth token
You store the OAuth token
When you use the "Reinstall App" button in your app management view, steps 3-6 are handled entirely by Slack and the token is displayed to you.
To properly test the redirect URL, you can go through the OAuth flow manually. Given that they're simply GET requests, you can just modify the links and paste directly into your browser.
Step 1: Authorize the app – this will send you to Slack for authorization, and then your redirect
Step 2: Exchange the verification code for OAuth token

Laravel passport Oauth2 "Requesting Tokens"

I am working with Zapier, and trying to authenticate user using OAuth2. I am using the Laravel(5.5) Passport(^4.0).
I am trying to use defalut passport routes "".
But when it goes to "oauth/authorize" GET method and if user is not logged in then gives me {"error":"Unauthenticated."} instead of redirecting to Login page. And if user is logged in already then worked well.
Is there something i am missing and where I can check to resolve this issue.
Thanks and Regards
You are working with Oauth2 so you will get 401 and {"error" : "Unauthenticated"}. It is up to you to handle the unauthenticated response to the server (e.g. your js front end will redirect or your mobile app show login page).

Laravel Socialite facebook login: Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains

I know this question has asked before many times. I've tried every one but no luck,
I my situation,
Website url:
redirect url:
I have added my domain to app domain, redirect url to valid oAuth redirect url. But same error.
I even created a new app.
However facebook authentication is working fine with domain. It's is a different app and a website.
The issue happens only with the site in the sub folder.
Any help ?
Thank you.
Can you check if "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" in Facebook app "Facebook login" setting is properly defined like shown in screenshot attached ?
Also have you checked if your app has strict mode enabled ?
This error occurs if your OAuth setting is not correct.
I would suggest to check all settings of your app thoroughly.

Laravel + phpCAS: After login, redirect back to same page which required login

I am developing a project using Laravel where we use phpCAS for user authentication. I am using this Laravel package for phpCAS:
After user gets authenticated, i wish to return him/her back to URL from which he/she was redirected to CAS server login.
I used url()->previous(); but it return wrong information in google chrome about referring URL (controller/action).
How can i achieve it? Thanks!
use the intended() method
The intended method on the redirector will redirect the user to the URL they were attempting to access before being intercepted by the authentication middleware. A fallback URI may be given to this method in case the intended destination is not available.
example : return redirect()->intended('dashboard');

redirect()->intended('/login') not working laravel

I'm using a custom SocialLoginController to log my users with facebook or google in al Laravel 5.3 project
In some cases I send to users an email with info about one change and the URL to the resource, for example[the-uuid]
when the user tries to access but is not logged in, he's redirected to the Handler#render() where I send it to login with return redirect()->guest('/login'); and after login with social account I redirect them using return redirect()->intended('/home') but since I don't use the LoginController, the redirection to the requested URL is not working.
Any idea? Thanks
The problem is the request object is lost after redirect the user to login with facebook or google, so I fixed by saving the requested URI in a session variable and then checking if exists after redirect
return Session::get('intended') ? redirect()->to(\Session::get('intended')) : redirect()->to('/expenses');
Maybe this could help someone
