Fetch data from a 2 many to many table - codeigniter

I am using codeigniter activerecord and I am fetching information of 2 many to many table but undefined index is appearing in my error log in the CI view
public function editCommission($data){
$this->db->select('client_user_cashin.id, client.account_name, property.property_name, client.unit_number, client.reservation_date, users.givenname, users.surname, client_user.sl_rate, sl_position.position, cash_in.cash_recieved, comm_status.comm_status, computation_type.com_type');
$this->db->join('client_user', 'client_user.id = client_user_cashin.client_user_id');
$this->db->join('client', 'client.id = client_user.client_id');
$this->db->join('property_commision', 'property_commision.id = client.property_commision_id');
$this->db->join('property', 'property.id = client.property_id');
$this->db->join('users', 'users.id = client_user.user_id');
$this->db->join('sl_position', 'sl_position.id = client_user.sl_position_id');
$this->db->join('cash_in', 'cash_in.id = client_user_cashin.cash_in_id');
$this->db->join('comm_status', 'comm_status.id = client_user_cashin.comm_status_id');
$this->db->join('computation_type', 'computation_type.id = cash_in.comp_type_id');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
Fetch the data in the edit form

Just apply left-join on all the joins like
$this->db->join('client_user', 'client_user.id = client_user_cashin.client_user_id','left');


Laravel model is updating multiple models instead of single

I am trying to update my model using multiple where conditions.
my code is
public function UpdateEducationData(Request $request)
$user = app('user');
// return $request;
$education = eduinfo::where("id", $user->id)->where("exam", $request->type)->first();
// dump sql query for debugging
// $education->rawSql();
// dd($education);
$education->board = $request->board;
// $education->degree = $request->degree;
$education->year = $request->year;
$education->rollno = $request->rollno;
$education->obtainmarks = $request->obtainmarks;
$education->totalmarks = $request->totalmarks;
$education->division = $request->division;
$education->grade = $request->grade;
$education->totalcgpa = $request->totalcgpa;
$education->obtailcgpa = $request->obtailcgpa;
// update education based on exam
return redirect()->back()->with("message", "Education Information Updated Successfully");
return "Update Education Data";
My code is updating a eduinfo table based on id and exam. But whenever this function is called it updates all eduinfo records related to that user id.
I tried to update eduinfo table single record but multiple records are being update at once. I dumped eduinfo after retriving the model and yes it's retrieving the single model using first() method but still when save() is called it updates all records of that user id in eduinfo.
I think Your conditions to make a unique record are not.
But if you wanna Just run one time! I have an offer to you.
$user = \Auth::user();
$education = eduinfo::where('id','=', $user->id)->where('exam','=', $request->type)->first();
$education->board = $request->board;
$education->year = $request->year;
$education->rollno = $request->rollno;
$education->obtainmarks = $request->obtainmarks;
$education->totalmarks = $request->totalmarks;
$education->division = $request->division;
$education->grade = $request->grade;
$education->totalcgpa = $request->totalcgpa;
$education->obtailcgpa = $request->obtailcgpa;
It's depends on my answer.

I want to retrieve the id from the query result and reuse it for the next query laravel

I want to use the id from the select query results, then I want to use that id again to find data using wherein. but the error i found,
public function getMaut(){
$tipe="led TV";
$display ="25-32";
$alternatif = Alternatif::where('merek',$merek)->where('tipe',$tipe)->where('display',$display)->get();
$alternatif_id = (array)$alternatif->id;
$nilaialter = Nilaialternatif::whereIn('id_alternatifs',$alternatif_id);
return view('spk.index',compact('kriteria','alternatif','nilaialter','alternatif_id'));
Use the pluck method to retrieve all values for a given key.
$alternatif = Alternatif::where('merek', $merek)->where('tipe', $tipe)->where('display', $display)->get();
$alternatif_id = $alternatif->pluck('id');
$nilaialter = Nilaialternatif::whereIn('id_alternatifs', $alternatif_id)->get();
Alternatively, you can create a hasMany relation to 'Nilaialternatif' at 'Alternatif' model.
class Alternatif extends Model
public function nilaialternatifs()
return $this->hasMany(Nilaialternatif::class, 'id_alternatifs');
Then query the relationship like
$alternatif = Alternatif::with('nilaialternatifs')->where('merek', $merek)->where('tipe', $tipe)->where('display', $display)->get();
$nilaialter = $alternatif->nilaialternatifs;
$nilaialter = [];
$alternatif = Alternatif::where('merek', $merek)->where('tipe', $tipe)->where('display', $display)->get()->toArray();
if (count($alternatif)) {
$alternatif_ids = collect($alternatif)->pluck('id')->toArray();
$nilaialter = Nilaialternatif::whereIn('id_alternatifs', $alternatif_ids)->get()->toArray();
use laravel collection, https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/collections
use pluck method of collection,https://laravel.com/docs/6.x/collections#method-pluck

How to increment a value by 1 when insert with laravel using Laravel Eloquent

I am using Laravel Eloquent method to insert data to table, I want to increment invoice_no when user is admin, how can i achieve this with laravel Eloquent
$user = $request->input('user');
$add_order = new AddOrder;
$add_order->invoice_no = 0;
//$add_order->invoice_no = "latest invoice_no in database + 1"
$add_order->invoice_prefix = 'NGW';
$add_order->store_name = 'Test Store';
$save_order = $add_order->save();
You have to do something like this.
$user = $request->input('user');
$add_order = new AddOrder;
$latestAddOrder = $add_order->latest()->first();
$add_order->invoice_no = $latestAddOrder->invoice_no + 1;
$add_order->invoice_prefix = 'NGW';
$add_order->store_name = 'Test Store';
$save_order = $add_order->save();
Here, I retrieved last row from the database.

How to call information from one model to another Codeigniter

I'm stuck on this from a while.Can't figured it out.I reed documantion, tried with several videos and tried like 10 different ways, nothing is working yet.So I have one view/model for one thing, in this example Destination and I have separate files for Offers.The controllers for both are in one file.I want tho the information that is in destination to go to Offers as well.Please help I can't figure out what I'm missing:
So here is the most important parts:
<?php class Destination_model extends CI_Model
public function getDestinationDetails($slug) {
$this->db->where('slug', $slug);
$query = $this->db->get('destinations')->row();
if(count($query) > 0)
return $query;
// redirect(base_url());
public function getOffersByDestination($destination_id)
c.slug as parent_category
$this->db->from('offers o');
$this->db->join('offers_images oi', 'oi.offer_id = o.id', 'left');
$this->db->join('categories c', 'c.id = o.category');
$this->db->where('o.destination', $destination_id);
$this->db->where('o.active', '1');
return $this->db->get();
} }
And then in the controller for offers I put this:
$this->params['destination'] = $this->destination_model->getOffersByDestination($data->id);
All I need is the title and the information about the destination.
Here is the whole controller for the offers:
$data = $this->slugs_model->getOfferDetails(strtok($this->uri->segment(2), "."));
$this->params['main'] = 'frontend/pages/offer_details';
$this->params['title'] = $data->long_title;
$this->params['breadcumb'] = $this->slugs_model->getSlugName($this->uri->segment(1));
$this->params['data'] = $data;
$this->params['images'] = $this->slugs_model->getOfferImages($data->id);
$this->params['similar'] = $this->slugs_model->getSimilarOffers($data->category, $data->id);
$this->params['destination'] = $this->destination_model->getOffersByDestination($data->id);
$this->params['offers'] = $this->offers_model->getImportantOffers($data->offers, $data->category, $data->id);
You need to generate query results after you get it from model,
e.g: row_array(), this function returns a single result row.
here's the doc: Generating Query Results
try this:
$data['destination'] = $this->destination_model->getOffersByDestination($data->id)->row_array();
$this->load->view('view_name', $data);
And in your view echo $destination['attribut_name'];,
or you can print the array, to see if it's work print_r($destination);

ef6 linq method returning $ref for nested entries in query

my linq method system from EF6 is returning $ref when I monitor results in fiddler. If I watch the local window in my webapi everything is populated correctly, but not in the actual results that are returned. It only affects the nested entries. anyone know what I am doing wrong? (I created models from database in EF6)
var student = dbEF.Accounts
.Where(x => x.AccountNumber == acctNum)
.Select(x => new DTOCrmDetails()
AccountNumber = x.AccountNumber,
CommissionId = x.CommissionId,
Commission = x.Commission,
ManagerID = x.ManagerID,
ManagerName = x.Manager.ManagerName,
Manager = x.Manager,
Employees = x.Manager.Employees,
WireInstructionsUSD = x.Manager.WireInstructionsUSDs
//Mapping_ManagersExecutingBrokers = x.Manager.Mapping_ManagersExecutingBrokers
return student;
these are my settings.
var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter; json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects; config.Formatters.Remove(config.Formatters.XmlFormatter); config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented; config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
You need to disable your lazy loading in the entity framework dbcontext.
something like this way:
dbEF.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
