Why is IntelliJ adding wrong maven dependency in my Spring Boot project? - maven

When I click the import maven dependency in the pop up shown at RequestMapping, intellij adds
But it should add this.
How can I resolve this? I have auto-import enabled for maven and I have tried both the maven bundled version with IntelliJ and the manually downloaded version.
Changing the dependency manually makes the program run correctly.

Open pom.xml
Remove the below dependency :
and add this :


Spring boot : Correct the classpath of your application

Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains compatible versions of the classes org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.http.HttpMessageConverters and org.springframework.http.converter.support.AllEncompassingFormHttpMessageConverter
Solved it by adding below maven dependency
and also by removing the version tag 5.2.3.RELEASE from the below dependency

SpringBoot Keycloak NoSuchMethodError: javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder.resolveTemplates

I probably have an issue with my POM in my SpringBoot App.
Currently I am trying to access my Keycloak Server with the
But on the call:
Response response = getInstance().realm(REALM).users().create(user);
I get Error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder.resolveTemplates(Ljava/util/Map;)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/UriBuilder;
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.internal.ClientWebTarget.resolveTemplates(ClientWebTarget.java:178) ~[resteasy-client-3.5.1.Final.jar:3.5.1.Final]
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.internal.proxy.SubResourceInvoker.invoke(SubResourceInvoker.java:65) ~[resteasy-client-3.5.1.Final.jar:3.5.1.Final]
at org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.internal.proxy.ClientProxy.invoke(ClientProxy.java:76) ~[resteasy-client-3.5.1.Final.jar:3.5.1.Final]
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy198.realm(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
at org.keycloak.admin.client.Keycloak.realm(Keycloak.java:118) ~[keycloak-admin-client-3.4.3.Final.jar:3.4.3.Final]
To be honest: I am not a Maven expert and stitched it together from several web soultions and I expect that some parts are still outdated or something.
the POM dependecys:
<!-- Keycloak -->
<!-- JUnit -->
The Error occurs from the 'keycloak-admin-client' module.
Now the main question is:
Whats the problem? Or is it realy a bug inside the version of 'keycloak-admin-client'?
I guess not which leads my to a second question:
How can I found out what I need to change in a situation like this?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions. I primary want to learn how to solve such issues by my own in future.
Kind regards
Well I am a step further but the issue is still there.
The POM I show you here is a POM of library which is used in other projects.
These Project have a 'spring-Boot-starter' which are using the 'jersey' version:1.54.
So the problem seems clear.
I added the 'jersey 2.0.2' dependency in the final project POM
But the issue still exists.
How can I force maven use the 2.0.2 version and override the 1.5.?
Only adding the dependecy doesnt seems to help.
Some of the other dependencies are using a different version of the lib jsr311-api. In my case it was the eureka client. I just added an exclude with this dependency in the pom and it worked
Please make sure UriBuilder class exist on your project. And make sure only one UriBuilder class (version) exist in your project. (It can be multiple on your project with different versions.) Different versions can be overlapped.
keycloak-admin-client version should same with your keycloak server version.
add additional dependency to pom (versions must be added, for keycloak 3.0.0.Final => resteasy dependecies 3.5.0.Final works for me. Dependencies must be complied.)
Note: This is my suggestion, if you are develop multi-layer app. You can divide your project to layers. You can divide your spring boot starter app and keycloak access layer. And use this new project as dependecy.
see Failed adding user by keycloak-admin-client to Keycloak due to "unknown resource"
i hope these can helps.

Why does my project always try to download the latest spring-beans 3.2.*.RELEASE artefact

I have a spring MVC web application that has the following spring dependencies:
My question is that when i build using mvn clean install does it try and download spring-beans-3.2.10.RELEASE. I am assuming one of my dependencies is dragging it in but not sure which.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can define your dependencies in the <dependencyManagement> section of POM. The versions that you define in <dependencyManagement> will apply not only to the dependencies that you mention in the top-level <dependencies> section, but also to their transitive dependencies.
For example:
These fragments will make sure that Maven uses only version 3.2.1.RELEASE. (Note that there are no <version> in the second section.)
If you still want to find out where that dependency comes from, and if you use Eclipse, open your pom.xml and have a look at the Dependency Hierarchy tab. If necessary, you can double-click on dependencies there: it will open the dependency's own pom.xml where you can research transitive dependencies further.
You can solve your proble in the following way:
and then you can manage your dependency without worry of single version number. In this way all spring dependencies will have the same 4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT version

Maven dependency exclusion doesn't seem to work

I have a Maven project depending on couple other Maven projects. I am using Spring 3.1.1 in my project and dependent projects have 3.0.6. I am trying to exclude Spring 3.0.6 when deploying since having both isn't possible. I have added an explicit exclusion in my POM for that but for some reason I still see old version of spring core jars in the WEB-INF/lib folder when I start the Tomcat server. Can someone point me out where I am going wrong. Here is my pom.xml:
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
Your dependency type is war so there is no resolution happening here. Maven overlays the war contents over your project.
When the war is published to repository, the artifact will contain dependent libraries in WEB-INF lib folder. During overlay it does not treat lib folder any different from any static resource unless you tell it to exclude in different way.Check 'overlay' property here
In my case I thought I excluded the right dependency. With eclipse, on dependency hierarchy tab you can right click on it and click exclude artifact and it excluded the right dependency (they both had the same artifactId but different groupId)

Spring MVC Hibernate - Build path is incomplete

I was working on a spring mvc maven project and in initial stage I can across this error.
in my servlet-context.xml, I am trying to generate "HibernateTransactionManager" bean which throws me this errr :
error: "Build path is incomplete. Cannot find class file for org/hibernate/HibernateException"
as this being a maven project I have added the following dependency in pom.xml
<!-- Dependency added for spring -->
<!-- Dependency added for Spring Security -->
<!-- Dependency added for AOP -->
<!-- Dependency for Hibernate -->
<!-- Dependency for Http Client -->
I can even locate all my classes in my Maven dependency tree.
I have also tried to externally add a new .jar for spring-orm but that didnt work as well. I have tried to clean build and re-compile several times but that didn't work out.
I would really appreciate any of your inputs.
This is my first SO answer, so please bear with me.
The error generated is “Cannot find class file for org/hibernate/HibernateException”. The POM you have provided lists all the dependencies your project and including a reference to the hibernate-validator jar.
If you extract this jar file and search its contents, no class file named HibernateException can be found. This is the root cause of the error and you a repository that contain the HibernateException class file.
As you are using maven, you can see all the repositories related to Hibernate here
I’ve selected the hibernate-core-4.2.0.Final as core would suggest it has most of the main class files hibernate requires. Downloading and extracting the jar shows that the HibernateException class file exists here.
Therefore, if you update your POM.xml with the following entry
Now you have to make Maven download the repository to your local machine if it doesn’t exist and use it for your project. If you are running the project from Elcipse, do this by right-clicking the project->Run As-> Maven Clean.
Hope this helps.
if you are sure that maven has downloaded the hibernate jar's and are available in/to the jar/war file generated from the build then the issue could be as follows.
sometimes Maven fails to download the complete JAR file from the server, a class not found exception can occur in those cases as well.
to fix this goto .m2 folder in your home directory, delete the hibernate jar's and make a clean install. this will download the new set of files and things should start to work.
you can check if the files were downloaded correctly by opening them as a zip file jar tf jar-file.jar
