Apple passes development environment - debugging

I am trying to understand how to work with apple passes whilst using localhost. I am using Android Usb debugging so I can visit my website served on localhost from my phone. I have also setup the signing, compressing and installation of the passes.
What I don't understand, is how to debug communications between the installed pass and my server. I don't seem to be receiving requests from the pass once it is installed. Is this because I am using localhost? I inserted localhost as the web service in the pass.json file used to generate the file. My problem is understanding how to debug the problem as I am getting no feedback to work on.

Localhost won't work as the device will view localhost as itself, not as your computer.
To work locally:
connect your phone and computer to the same wireless network
allow http in the developer menu of your iPhone (otherwise the pass will be rejected for not having a https webServiceURL)
use http://computerIp:8080/ as the webServiceURL
serve your web service on your computer on port 8080
For feedback you can view your device logs in Xcode or in the OSX Console application.


Flutter: Network proxy is ineffective on Windows

I use ShadowSocksR as a network proxy, the proxy address is like http://localhost:1080.
For my Flutter app, on Android and iOS, everything works fine with ShandowSocksR turned on, when I visit websites that show the visitor's ip (e.g. it successfully shows the ip address of my proxy server.
But on windows, no matter how I set it up, it always shows my own ip address, and the proxy does not work when sending network requests.
Is there any way to solve it?
Flutter (3.0.4, on Microsoft Windows)
Windows Proxy

Unable to perform load test of a hybrid mobile app on an Android phone

I am working on designing a load test script for a hybrid Android mobile app. I have performed the following steps but still I am unable to record the network traffic in Jmeter:
Connected my Android phone to my laptop using a USB cable and then copied the certificate file from Jmeter's bin directory to my phone.
Then installed the certificate on my phone.
Then I added manual proxy settings on my phone by setting proxy host name = my ipv4 address, and proxy port = port set on Jmeter.
Then I saved the settings and then tried recording but unfortunately nothing was recorded.
I noticed a very weird thing that on changing the proxy settings on my phone it was no longer connected to the wifi when in fact the internet was working fine on my laptop.
Please note that my phone and my laptop are connected to the same wifi network.
Unfortunately we cannot provide comprehensive answer without seeing:
jmeter.log file
View Results Tree listener results (if any)
logcat of the Android device
So for the time being I can suggest the following checklist:
You didn't start the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
The firewall of your operating system is not allowing incoming connections to port "port set on Jmeter"
If you want to have Internet on the Android device make sure that JMeter can connect to the Internet, if you're using the proxy - you need to explicitly configure JMeter to use this proxy
For Android 7.0 and above it's required to take extra steps for recording HTTPS traffic

Network not available showing for android app jmeter

I am creating jmeter load test script for native android app. So i set manual proxy for WIFI in my android device. PORT set 8080 for both device and jmeter. When i started recoding then its recording device browser actions but not recording native app action. Its showing error like "Internet not available". I have installed jmeter certificate too in the device. So how i can create jmeter script for native android app?
Not sure if this gonna help you but you can look into it once, i face similar issue while recording from Mozilla by adding proxy manually. After i change the port number which i kept same with Jmeter, it started recording. Its the port as per my knowledge and change it to more of less known port from 8080 to 8089 in both Jmeter n in ur Android mobile.
Check below link, hope it helps:

Make Xcode server available outside a local network with a dynamic IP

We have an Xcode Server, working perfectly in our local network.
Now we also want be able to access this Xcode Server when working remotely.
The problem is that the network has a dynamic IP.
What is the best way to make Xcode server available over the web to Macs outside our local network?
I use the free DDNS service from Dynu Systems. They have an API which allow you to update your IP address as it changes.
They provide a updater app that will make the updates for you, or you can check out Dynumite on the Mac App Store. It lives in your menu bar and updates on a schedule you set. (Full disclosure: I wrote it.)
Unfortunately Xcode Server no longer allows you to specify your own SSL certificate, so you will have a notification when accessing your server remotely using the browser, but Xcode should be fine and display your server (with FQDN).
I often work with, I use it to make my localhost accessible form outside my network for web hooks etc.
Maybe something for you?
Good Luck!

IIS 7 and ASP.Net MVC issue

This is a bit complex - so here we go.
I am developing a mobile web application using mvc and I need to test it locally on my iPhone. So far I have the first iteritaion of the site running on my local dev laptop. I created a virtual dir for the site under IIS 7 on the same machine. I deployed the site to that folder from VS2008. I open a browser and entered "" and the site cam up just fine. I am runnig a home network with locked down WIFI and both the laptip and my iPhone are on the network. So now I want to test with the iPhone but the site won't come up when browsing to "". I have another machine that is also on the network and I get this error message when attempting to browse to the site:
"Website (laptopname) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts"
I have a feeling that this has something to do with IIS setting and \ or application pools but have not been able to find anything relavent goolging. Any help appreciated.
There are some possibilities:
iPhone is not able to resolve your laptop by name. Try using the IP address of your computer in the URL instead.
The firewall on the laptop is blocking inbound connections from other machines. Check your firewall.
The IIS Website is configured with a host header localhost so it won't respond to requests to other hostnames. Check the binding for the Web site in the IIS Manager.
To eliminate possible network issues, you can create an ad hoc WiFi network on your PC and connect to that network to test.
Check that Allow Anonymous Access is set for the site
I suspect you are not alone, as I had this exact problem. I developed a small port opener I called "SharpProxy" that may make your local testing much easier.
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