How to rename only sub-folders without changing parent folder names - windows

I have a folder containing several hundred sub-folders in the format Name, ID. Each of these folders contain several sub folders, some of which contain spaces in their names. I would like to rename only the sub folders and not the parent folders by replacing the spaces with underscores, e.g. C:\Location\John, 1234\My Documents to C:\Location\John, 1234\My_Documents.
I have tried modifying a piece of script I have found on here but it changes the parent folder as well
Here is the unedited code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "StartFolder=C:\Tydelik"
cd /D %SystemRoot%
set "RenameError="
rem Rename all folders containing at least one space character in folder name.
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir "%StartFolder%\* *" /AD /B /S 2^>nul') do call :RenameFolder "%%I"
if defined RenameError echo/& pause
rem Restore initial environment and exit this batch file.
goto :EOF
set "NewFolderName=%~nx1"
set "NewFolderName=%NewFolderName: =_%"
set "FolderPath=%~dp1"
if not exist "%FolderPath%" set "FolderPath=%FolderPath: =_%"
set "FullFolderName=%FolderPath%%~nx1"
if not exist "%FullFolderName%\" set "RenameError=1" & goto :EOF
for %%J in ("%FullFolderName%") do set "FolderAttributes=%%~aJ"
if "%FolderAttributes:~3,1%" == "h" %SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe -h "%FullFolderName%"
ren "%FullFolderName%" "%NewFolderName%" 2>nul
if errorlevel 1 goto ErrorFolderRename
if "%FolderAttributes:~3,1%" == "h" %SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe +h "%FolderPath%%NewFolderName%"
goto :EOF
echo Error renaming folder "%FullFolderName%"
set "RenameError=1"
if "%FolderAttributes:~3,1%" == "h" %SystemRoot%\System32\attrib.exe +h "%FullFolderName%"
goto :EOF
As I said the expected output for each sub folder should be C:\Location\John, 1234\My_Documents instead of C:\Location\John, 1234\My Documents. Currently with the code I have, I get C:\Tydelik\John,_1234\My_Documents.

While Compo's solution renames folders "depth=2", this renames just the "leafes" (very last folders of a tree, "depth=last"). I kept your call approach to avoid delayed expansion and resulting possible problems (folder names with ! - unlikely in your situation, but one never knows...)
#echo off
set "sourcedir=..\..\"
for /f "delims=" %%I in ('dir "%sourcedir%" /ad /b /s 2^>nul') do call :RenameFolder "%%I"
goto :eof
dir /ad /b /s "%~1" 2>nul | find /v "" >nul && goto :eof ::skip renaming, if a subfolder exists
set "leaf=%~nx1"
ECHO ren "%~1" "%leaf: =_%"
goto :eof
Note: for security reasons I disabled the ren command by just echoing it. If it works as intended, remove the ECHO.

Here's an example of what I think you're looking for, based upon the fact that you're interested only in renaming subdirectories of "C:\Tydelik\Name, ID", not any contained within those subdirectories:
#Echo Off
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "SourceDir=C:\Tydelik"
For /F "EOL=?Delims=" %%A In ('Dir /B/AD "%SourceDir%" 2^>NUL'
)Do Set "TargetDir="&For /F "EOL=?Delims=" %%B In (
'Dir /B/AD "%SourceDir%\%%A" 2^>NUL') Do (Set "TargetDir=%%B"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If Not "!TargetDir: =!"=="!TargetDir!" (
Ren "%SourceDir%\%%A\%%B" "!TargetDir: =_!")


Batch: Create folders from filename (substring)

i have loads of files which i want to organize differently. The batch script should create folders with the substring on the left side of the date in the filename.
Files are now named like this:
<Name with unknown number of underscores>_<YY.MM.DD>_<hh-mm>_<string with unknown length>_<number n from 1-999>.avi
Folders should be named like this:
This_is_my_file <- two files will go into this directory
This_is_another_file <- only one file.
The Problem is, how do I get the correct substring for my folder name?
This is what I have so far:
#echo off
set "basename=."
for /F "tokens=1* delims=." %%a in ('dir *.avi /B /A-D ^| sort /R') do (
set "filename=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%c in ("!basename!") do if "!filename:%%c=!" equ "!filename!" (
set "basename=!filename!"
md "!basename:~0,-23!"
move "!filename!.%%b" "!basename:~0,-23!"
for /F "delims=" %%c in ("!basename!") do (
set "basename=%%c
rem The following settings for the source directory, destination directory, target directory,
rem batch directory, filenames, output filename and temporary filename [if shown] are names
rem that I use for testing and deliberately include names which include spaces to make sure
rem that the process works using such names. These will need to be changed to suit your situation.
SET "sourcedir=u:\your files\t w o"
FOR /f "delims=" %%b IN ('dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\*.avi" ' ) DO (
CALL :countus "%%b"
IF DEFINED subdir (
MD "!subdir!" 2>NUL
ECHO MOVE "%sourcedir%\%%b" "%sourcedir%\!subdir!\"
) ELSE (
ECHO Failed pattern check %%b
:: count number of underscores before pattern YY.MM.DD_hh-mm
SET /a ucount=0
SET /a ucount+=1
SET /a scount=ucount+1
FOR /f "tokens=%ucount%,%scount%delims=_" %%q IN ("%~1") DO SET "str1=%%q"&SET "str2=%%r"
:: is %str1%.%str2:-=.%. of form where np is a number-pair?
SET "candidate=%str1%.%str2:-=.%."
FOR /L %%c IN (10,1,99) DO IF DEFINED candidate SET "candidate=!candidate:%%c.=!"&IF NOT DEFINED candidate GOTO success
FOR /L %%c IN (0,1,9) DO IF DEFINED candidate SET "candidate=!candidate:0%%c.=!"&IF NOT DEFINED candidate GOTO success
GOTO countusloop
SET "subdir=%~1"
FOR /f "delims=:" %%e IN ("!subdir:_%str1%_%str2%=:!") DO SET "subdir=%%e"
GOTO :eof
The "move" command is merely echoed for verification. Remove the echo from echo move to actually move the files.
This possible solution uses the fact that your filenames have a known number of underscores if you work backwards. All I do is replace those underscores with backslashes, which obviously cannot already be contained in the filename. I can then use the relative paths to step up the filename, as if it were a directory tree, until all I have left is the part ahead of the date sequence, which I then replace the backslashes with underscores again. I use the result of that with robocopy, which has a move option, and will create the destination directory automatically, if it does not already exist. At the outset, I perform the directory search, in the same directory as the batch-file, using where.exe, (you can change that, on line three, from "%~dp0." to ".", if you want to use the current directory instead, or "any other path" as necessary). where.exe not only treats the ? wildcard as exactly one character, (unlike the dir command which is zero or one), but also ignores 8.3 naming. It therefore treats the .avi extension exactly as written, (and not 'beginning with' .avi, which dir, or a standard for loop, would).
Anyhow, feel free to give it a try:
#Echo Off & SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "}=" & For /F Delims^= %%G In ('(Set PATHEXT^=^) ^& %__AppDir__%where.exe
"%~dp0.":"?*_??.??.??_??-??_?*.avi" 2^> NUL') Do (Set "}=%%~nG"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion & For %%H In ("\!}:_=\!") Do (
EndLocal & For %%I In ("%%~pH..\..") Do (Set "}=%%~pI"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion & Set "}=!}:~1,-1!"
For %%J In ("!}:\=_!") Do (EndLocal & %__AppDir__%robocopy.exe ^
"%%~dpG." "%%~dpG%%~J" "%%~nxG" /Mov 1> NUL))))
If you want even further robustness, and do not wish to use a more suitable scripting technology, the following, extremely complex looking, version, is the same code, except that it uses findstr to validate the date and time sequence. It filters those avi files containing the following pattern, _yy.MM.dd_hh-mm_ in the avi filenames, using all dates from the beginning of 1970 up until the end of 2021:
#Echo Off & SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "}=" & For /F Delims^= %%G In ('(Set PATHEXT^=^) ^& %__AppDir__%where.exe
"%~dp0.":"?*_??.??.??_??-??_?*.avi" 2^> NUL ^| %__AppDir__%findstr.exe
/C:"_2[01].1[012].3[01]_2[0123]-[012345][0123456789]_"') Do (Set "}=%%~nG"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion & For %%H In ("\!}:_=\!") Do (
EndLocal & For %%I In ("%%~pH..\..") Do (Set "}=%%~pI"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion & Set "}=!}:~1,-1!"
For %%J In ("!}:\=_!") Do (EndLocal & %__AppDir__%robocopy.exe ^
"%%~dpG." "%%~dpG%%~J" "%%~nxG" /Mov 1> NUL))))

How to process a list of file/folder names in a FOR loop which can contain also an exclamation mark?

I write batch script to find contents for file in folder. Contents are in text file and have special characters like exclamation mark.
How do I get FILENAME and FOLDERNAME which contain exclamation mark.
#ECHO off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p SRC="Enter source folder link: "
set /p DST="Enter destination folder link: "
FOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ('DIR /b /s /a-d "%SRC%"') do (
Set "CODE=%%~na"
Set "EXT=%%~xa"
findstr /c:"!CODE!" "%SRC%\Content.txt">nul
IF "!errorlevel!" EQU "0" (
for /F "tokens=2,3" %%c in ('findstr /c:"!CODE!" "%SRC%\Content.txt"') do (
Set "NEWNAME=%%c"
IF not exist "%DST%\!FOLDERNAME!" md "%DST%\!FOLDERNAME!"
mklink "%DST%\!FOLDERNAME!\!NEWNAME!!EXT!" "%%a"
PS: Source folder has many files.
One solution is using a subroutine to avoid usage of delayed environment variable expansion:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "SRC="
set /P SRC="Enter source folder link: "
if not defined SRC goto GetSource
set "SRC=%SRC:"=%"
if not defined SRC goto GetSource
set "DST="
set /P DST="Enter destination folder link: "
if not defined DST goto GetDestination
set "DST=%DST:"=%"
if not defined DST goto GetDestination
for /F "eol=| delims=" %%I in ('dir /A-D /B /S "%SRC%" 2^>nul') do (
if exist "%SRC%\Content.txt" for /F "tokens=2,3" %%A in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /C:"%%~nI" "%SRC%\Content.txt" 2^>nul') do (
set "NEWNAME=%%~A"
call :MakeLink "%%I"
exit /B
echo %~n1
if not exist "%DST%\%FOLDERNAME%" md "%DST%\%FOLDERNAME%"
mklink "%DST%\%FOLDERNAME%\%NEWNAME%%~x1" %1
goto :EOF
Open a command prompt window and run call /? for help explaining how to use the command CALL with enabled command extensions to run a block in same batch file like a subroutine. See also Where does GOTO :EOF return to?
I have not studied your code, but I'd assume that enabling the delayed expansion after setting the variable names would be more appropriate:
#Echo Off
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
Set /P "SRC=Enter source folder link: "
Set /P "DST=Enter destination folder link: "
For /D /R %%A In (*) Do For /F "Tokens=2-3" %%B In (
'FindStr/C:"%%~nxA" "%SRC%\Content.txt" 2^>Nul') Do (Echo %%~nA
Set "NEW=%%B"
Set "FLD=%%C"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If Not Exist "%DST%\!FLD:_= !\" MD "%DST%\!FLD:_= !" 2>Nul && (
MkLink "%DST%\!FLD:_= !\!NEW:_= !%%~xA" "%%A")
Exit /B
I would strongly suggest you perform some proper verification of the user input prior to performing tasks using them, i.e. before the For loop.

Remove specific folders with condition(s) using a batch file

I'm a newbie at batch scripting and couldn't figure out how to write up a batch file removing specific folders with conditions in c:\root.
If the folder names are other than "Paul", "Mike", "Daniel" and
If the folder does not have a sub-folder or file
Delete that folder.
In my example, c:\root\test1 should be deleted with this batch file.
Please let me know if anything is unclear.
Thank you very much.
You can start with this batch to test if the size of the folder equal to 0 (size=0) then we can remove it !
Just give a try for this code and if you get the output as you expected, just get rid of the echo
#echo off
setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
set "folder=%~1"
if not defined folder set "folder=%cd%"
for /d %%a in ("%folder%\*") do (
set "size=0"
for /f "tokens=3,5" %%b in ('dir /-c /a /w /s "%%~fa\*" 2^>nul ^| findstr /b /c:" "') do if "%%~c"=="" set "size=%%~b"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
If "!size!"=="0" Echo RD "%%~na"

Batch file for creating folders based on filenames, and moving files

I got a bunch of pictures taken with my camera in a parent folder. The filenames has this format; 'yyyymmdd_ttmmss.jpg', eg '20151008_0730.jpg'.
I want to create folders based on the 'yyyymmd'-part of the filename, but with the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'. So the file '20151008_0730.jpg' is moved into a folder named '2015-10-08'. This is what I got so far:
SET "sourcedir=c:\temp"
PUSHD %sourcedir%
FOR /f "tokens=1*" %%a IN (
'dir /b /a-d "*_*.jpg"'
) DO (
MD %%a
MOVE "%%a %%b" .\%%a\
But I don't know how to format the %%a-variable before creating the folder.
(This is a similar question asked before, but not with creating the folder on this format)
#echo off
copy nul "%tmp%\20151008_0730.jpg"
copy nul "%tmp%\20151009_0731.jpg"
copy nul "%tmp%\20151010_0732.jpg"
set "sourcedir=%tmp%"
pushd %tmp%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d "*_*.jpg"') do (
set "file=%%a"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "folder=!file:~0,4!-!file:~4,2!-!file:~6,2!"
rem check if folder already exist
if not exist "!folder!\nul" echo md "!folder!"
echo move "!file!" "!folder!"
exit /b 0
md "2015-10-08"
move "20151008_0730.jpg" "2015-10-08"
md "2015-10-09"
move "20151009_0731.jpg" "2015-10-09"
md "2015-10-10"
move "20151010_0732.jpg" "2015-10-10"
You have to clean up this sample by changing sourcedir and pushd, removing echo in front of each commands, also copy nul "....".
I used here VarSubstring and delayedexpansion

Batch remove parenthesis from file name

After successfully removing a bunch of Google Drive Folder duplicates, some files retain a "filename(2)"name.
Is there a way to batch rename every file so the parenthesis and the number inside the parenthesis is gone?
That includes folders and sub-folders.
Try like this :
Create a file test.bat with the code below in it and replace the path to test in the var $path
#echo off
set $path="C:\Users\CN Micros\Desktop\PROGRAMMATION\test"
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=^(^)" %%a in ('dir /b/a-d %$path%') do (
if exist %$path%\"%%a(%%b)%%c" echo ren %$path%\"%%a(%%b)%%c" "%%a%%c"
Then run it in the CMD or by double clicking.
If the output is ok for you remove the echo
The program create 3 tokens : %%a = what's before the (), %%b What's inside the () and %%c what's after the ().
Then we arrange this 3 tokens to rename the files without the ().
If you have some file who have the same final name ie : "file(1)name", "file(2)name" --> "filename"
It will work only with the first one. If you have this case you have to add a counter at the end of file to be sure that they will be renamed.
This will create renfiles.bat.txt for you to examine in Notepad and then rename to .bat and execute if you are happy with it.
#echo off
dir /b /a-d *(*).* |find /i /v "%~nx0" |find /i /v "repl.bat" |repl "(.*)\(.*\)(\..*)" "ren \q$&\q \q$1$2\q" xa >"renfiles.bat.txt"
This uses a helper batch file called repl.bat - download from:
Place repl.bat in the same folder as the batch file or in a folder that is on the path.
Edit: This version will recurse through subdirectories:
#echo off
dir /b /s /a-d *(*).* |find /i /v "%~nx0" |find /i /v "repl.bat" |repl ".*\\(.*)\(.*\)(\..*)" "ren \q$&\q \q$1$2\q" xa >"renfiles.bat.txt"
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /b /s /a-d "%sourcedir%\*" '
) DO (
SET "name=%%~na"
SET "newname=!name:)=!"
SET "newname=!newname:(=!"
IF "!name!" neq "!newname!" (
IF EXIST "%%~dpa!newname!%%~xa" (ECHO cannot RENAME %%a
) ELSE (ECHO(REN "%%a" "!newname!%%~xa")
You'd need to set your required directory into sourcedir. I used u:\sourcedir which suits my testing.
The required REN commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO(REN to REN to actually rename the files.
