how to remove items for 'n' times, not predictable, while re-rendering list itself - cypress

I've a unpredictable list of rows to delete
I simply want to click each .fa-times icon
The problem is that, after each click, the vue.js app re-render the remaining rows.
I also tried to use .each, but in this cas I got an error because element (the parent element, I think) has been detached from DOM; suggest to use a guard to prevent this error but I've no idea of what does it mean
How to
- get a list of icons
- click on first
- survive at app rerender
- click on next
- survive at app rerender
... etch...

Before showing one possible solution, I'd like to preface with a recommendation that tests should be predictable. You should create a defined number of items every time so that you don't have to do hacks like these.
You can also read more on conditional testing, here:
That being said, maybe you have a valid use case (some fuzz testing perhaps?), so let's go.
What I'm doing in the following example is (1) set up a rendering/removing behavior that does what you describe happens in your app. The actual solution (2) is this: find out how many items you need to remove by querying the DOM and checking the length, and then enqueue that same number of cypress commands that query the DOM every time so that you get a fresh reference to an element.
Caveat: After each remove, I'm waiting for the element (its remove button to be precise) to not exist in DOM before continuing. If your app re-renders the rest of the items separately, after the target item is removed from DOM, you'll need to assert on something else --- such as that a different item (not the one being removed) is removed (detached) from DOM.
describe('test', () => {
it('test', () => {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (1) Mock rendering/removing logic, just for the purpose of this
// demonstration.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cy.window().then( win => {
let items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
win.remove = item => {
items = items.filter( _item => _item !== item );
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100 )
function render () {
win.document.body.innerHTML = item => {
return `
<div class="item">
<button class="remove" onclick="remove('${item}')">Remove</button>
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (2) The actual solution
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
cy.get('.item').then( $elems => {
// using Lodash to invoke the callback N times
Cypress._.times($elems.length, () => {
// ensure we wait for the element to be actually removed from DOM
// before continuing


How to Skip a Test if an element is not present in Cypress

I am writing a test in which if I land on a page and if any records are available, I need to click on three dots buttons near the record. But I should skip the test if no records are available on the page.
.then(($body) => {
if ($body.find('.ant-empty-description').length) {
cy.log('Element not found. Skip the Test')
else {
cy.xpath("//tbody[#class='ant-table-tbody']//tr[" + rowNumber + "]//td[4]//button//em").click()
I am using an approach in which if 'No Record found' message is present, I need to skip the test else click on the button present near the record.
Sometimes it's necessary to test conditionally, but using <body> as a base element is a mistake IMO.
<body> is always on the page, but the table data may not be if fetched from an API.
The test will always run faster than the API, always see the empty row placeholder.
Pattern to use
Add an intercept() and wait for the API to respond.
Use the table rows as base element for conditional check - there will always be at least one row (but it may be the "No records" row).
cy.get('tbody tr').then($rows => { // may be only one "No record" row
const noData = $rows.text().includes('No Record found')
if (!noData) {
You can use mocha's .skip() functionality. Please note that you'll have to use function() instead of arrow functions.
it('test', function() {
.then(function($body) {
if ($body.find('.ant-empty-description').length) {
cy.log('Element not found. Skip the Test')
} else {
cy.xpath("//tbody[#class='ant-table-tbody']//tr[" + rowNumber + "]//td[4]//button//em").click()
That being said, I agree with #jjhelguero -- using skips in this way is an anti-pattern for testing. Ideally, you should control whether or not an element will appear on the webpage, and use your test setup to manipulate the page into having/not having the element.

Cypress: Async function using for loop giving same results

I'm new to cypress framework and trying to achieve the below functionality using cypress.
I have a page with table rows and a dropdown menu on page header. On selecting the option, the dropdown menu gets closed and the body content gets changed/loaded up according to the selected menu options.
Problem: Getting the same length for the table rows for all the menu options selected sequentially, although the table rows count is different for the options.
Here is my code:
it.only('Validate table Row changed length on menu option selection', {defaultCommandTimeout: 10000}, () => {
// opening the dropdown menu
// getting the dropdown options and calculating the length
cy.get('dropdownOptions').then($options => {
// calculating the length
const menuOptionCount = $options.length;
// closing the dropdown menu
for (let i = 0; i < menuOptionCount; i++) {
// opening the dropdown menu
// clicking the menu option
// closing the dropdown menu
cy.get("body").then($body => {
// always getting the same length for the table rows for all selected options
const rowsLength = $body.find('.table.rows').length;
cy.log('****************Rows length************', rowsLength);
Is there any way to write the asynchronous statement to synchronous like (await async in promises) without using any external utility in cypress. As in my previous assignment using Protractor the same thing could be handled using async await as below.
const elementCount = await element(
by.css('[title="Locked By"] .med-filter-header-button div')
After click() the app rewrites the table, but Cypress does not know that happens and gets the row count before the change occurs.
TLDR - You need to give Cypress more information test correctly. Generally, your test data should be known (not "discovered" by the test code).
Problem #1
You need some way to wait for the row change to finish. Either some text element changes (maybe the first row text), or by adding a .should() on the actual row count.
Something like
const expectedRowCount = [5, 4, 3, 2]
cy.get('dropdownOptions').each(($option, index) => {
.should('have.length', expectedRowCount[index]) // this will retry until rowsLength changes
.then(rowsLength => {
cy.log('****************Rows length************', rowsLength)
Problem #2
If "the body content gets changed/loaded" means that the dropdown also gets rewritten with every click, then the loop will fail because $options gets refreshed each time.
You might use the expectedRowCount to loop instead
const expectedRowCount = [5, 4, 3, 2]
expectedRowCount.forEach((expectedCount, index) => {
.should('have.length', expectedCount) // retries until rowsLength changes
.then(rowsLength => {
cy.log('****************Rows length************', rowsLength)
The above strategies do not really give you the most solid test.
If you can, check some text that changes upon each iteration,
cy.get('dropdownOptions').then($options => {
let firstRowText = ''; // to control the loop, waiting for this to change
const menuOptionCount = $options.length;
for (let i = 0; i < menuOptionCount; i++) {
cy.get('dropdownOptions').eq(i).click(); // fresh query each time through the loop
.should('not.eq', firstRowText); // retry until text has changed
.then(newText => firstRowText = newText); // save for next loop
cy.get('.table.rows').then($rows => {
const rowsLength = $rows.length;
cy.log('****************Rows length************', rowsLength);
You can condense your code to something like this. Instead of using a for loop, use each which is a cypress inbuilt method for looping.
'Validate table Row changed length on menu option selection',
{defaultCommandTimeout: 10000},
() => {
cy.get('dropdownOptions').each(($options, index) => {
.then((rowsLength) => {
cy.log('****************Rows length************', rowsLength)

Cypress loop only visits the first item in the list

I'm having trouble recreating this test.
It seems that Cypress is only visiting one link from this list whilst looping over each item.
I added the length check to make sure that the array of nodes is the correct size
The code within each seems to work fine, since the test runner navigates to the first link
I was looking into the .next() methods, but that returns the next DOM nodes. Still not clear if that might be the issues here
seems like there's no iterator within the each() method
Test Case
GIVEN a personal website
WHEN when I navigate to the /blog page
THEN Cypress find the list of blog posts
AND checks the number of total posts
THEN Cypress loops over those list items
THEN Cypress collects the href
THEN Cypress visits that page
THEN Cypress checks that href includes 'posts'
AND wait 1s
Test Code
describe("Visual regression on /posts/{id}", () => {
sizes.forEach((size) => {
it(`Should match screenshot, when '${size}' resolution'`, () => {
cy.get("ul > li > a")
.should("have.length", 9)
.each((element) => {
.invoke("attr", "href")
.then((href) => {
.should("have.attr", "href")
.and("include", "posts"
cy.get("ul > li > a").should("have.length", 9);
cy.get("ul > li > a").each(($element) => {
.invoke("attr", "href")
.then((href) => {
I seems like the block below is letting Cypress loose track of the current element.
.should("have.length", 9)
Once I split out the rules of the test, I'm no longer seeing any issues and Cypress is correctly navigating through all the pages I need.

Function.bind used in event binding will always re-render because it is not pure

Working on render performance on React, wonder what is the best way to tackle this performance issue. (The code is overly simplified for clarity)
var TodoList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return { todos: Immutable.List(['Buy milk', 'Buy eggs']) };
onTodoChange: function (index, newValue) {
todos: this.state.todos.set(index, newValue)
render: function () {
return (, index) =>
onChange={this.onTodoChange.bind(null, index)} />
Assume only one single todo item has been changed. First, TodoList.render() will be called and start re-render the list again. Since TodoItem.onChange is binding to a event handler thru bind, thus, TodoItem.onChange will have a new value every time TodoList.render() is called. That means, even though we applied React.addons.PureRenderMixin to TodoItem.mixins, not one but all TodoItem will be re-rendered even when their value has not been changed.
I believe there are multiple ways to solve this, I am looking for an elegant way to solve the issue.
When looping through UI components in React, you need to use the key property. This allows for like-for-like comparisons. You will probably have seen the following warning in the console.
Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop.
It's tempting to use the index property as the key, and if the list is static this may be a good choice (if only to get rid of the warning). However if the list is dynamic, you need a better key. In this case, I'd opt for the value of the todo item itself.
render: function () {
return (, index) => (
onChange={this.onTodoChange.bind(null, index)}
Finally, I think your conjecture about the nature of the onChange property is off the mark. Yes it will be a different property each time it is rendered. But the property itself has no rendering effect, so it doesn't come into play in the virtual DOM comparison.
(This answer has been updated based on the conversation below.)
Whilst it's true that a change to a non-render based prop like onChange won't trigger a re-render, it will trigger a virtual DOM comparison. Depending on the size of your app, this may be expensive or it may be trivial.
Should it be necessary to avoid this comparison, you'll need to implement the component's shouldComponentUpdate method to ignore any changes to non-render based props. e.g.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
const ignoreProps = [ 'onChange' ];
const keys = Object.keys(this.props)
.filter((k) => ignoreProps.indexOf(k) === -1);
const keysNext = Object.keys(nextProps)
.filter((k) => ignoreProps.indexOf(k) === -1);
return keysNext.length !== keys.length ||
keysNext.some((k) => nextProps[k] !== this.props[k]);
If using state, you'll also need to compare nextState to this.state.

react-bootstrap ModalTrigger doesn't hide when the parent element is unmounted

We encountered a strange behavior when using react-bootstrap's ModalTrigger with an array of items, in that it doesn't go away when the parent/owner item is unmounted. We suspect this has to do with React's virtual DOM and the diffing mechanism, and/or our own misuse of the ModalTrigger.
The setup is simple: a Content react component has a state that holds an array of item names. It also has an onClick(name) function that removes that name from the array via setState. In the render, it uses to create a bunch of Item react components.
Each Item component displays its name and a ModalTrigger that holds a button labeled "delete me". Click on the button and it opens the modal; click "OK" in the modal and it executes the callback to the Content remove function.
When deleting the last item it works fine: the final Item component is unmounted, and with it, the ModalTrigger and its corresponding modal.
The problematic behavior we see is when deleting any item other than the last one. The item is removed but the modal stays open, whereas I would naively expect the modal to disappear since the parent ModalTrigger is gone. Not only that, but when clicking "ok" again, the next item on the list is removed, and so on until the modal happens to be associated with the last item, at which point clicking "ok" will finally hide it.
Our collective hunch is that this is caused by the overlayMixin's _overlayTarget being an anonymous element in the document, so that different ModalTriggers don't differentiate between them. Therefore, when a parent unmounts and React looks for the DOM diff, it sees the previous trigger's and says "hey, that could work".
This whole issue can easily be addressed by adding a hide() call in the Item's inner _onClick() function as is commented out in the code, and we finally arrive at my question:
Am I using ModalTrigger correctly, in that expecting it to go away when the parent is unmounting? This is kind of how I expect React to work in general, which means a bug in react-bootstrap.
Or should I be explicitly calling hide() because that's they way this component was designed?
Following is a piece of code that reproduces this.
var DeleteModal = React.createClass({
render:function() {
return (
<ReactBootstrap.Modal onRequestHide = {this.props.onRequestHide} title = "delete this?">
<div className="modal-body">
Are you sure?
<div className="modal-footer">
<button onClick={this.props.onOkClick}>ok</button>
<button onClick={this.props.onRequestHide}>cancel</button>
var Item = React.createClass({
_onClick:function() {
render:function() {
return (
<ModalTrigger modal={<DeleteModal onOkClick={this._onClick}/>} ref="theTrigger">
<button>delete me!</button>
var Content = React.createClass({
onClick:function(name) {
this.setState({items:_.reject(this.state.items, function(item) {return item === name;})});
getInitialState:function() {
return {items : ["first", "secondth", "thirdst"]};
render:function() {
return (
{, function(item, i) {
return (
<Item name={item} onClick={this.onClick} key={i}/>
React.render(<Content/>, document.getElementById("mydiv"));
Turns out it was a misuse of React's "key" property. We gave the mapped objects integer keys, so when the render was called again, the same initial keys were given, which is why React thought it should reuse the same DOM element.
If instead we give it key={item} (where item is a simple string) it solves it in our case; however, this introduces a subtle bug whereby if there are 2 identical strings, React will display only one.
Trying to outsmart it by giving it key={item + i} introduces an even subtler bug, where duplicate items are displayed but are delete en mass, but in this case the bug is in the onClick method which would need to be modified to accept an index of some sort.
Therefore my take-away is that the keys must be a unique string, and callbacks should take these keys into consideration when performing any modifications.
