Set $pageName globally in pagination Laravel - laravel

We can use a custom $customPageName in laravel's paginate() function's 3rd parameter.By that we can use$customPageName=n . Is there any way we can set the custom page name globally ? In AppServiceProvider or somewhere like that?So we don't need to define every time?

There are many possible solution. I give you two that IMO are the best:
1: Create a trait and use it in every component
I love to use traits, they avoid a lot of redundancy and can be easily invoked everywhere:
trait PaginationTrait
const PAGE_NAME = 'your_global_value'
public function paginate($query, $perPage, $columns = [''], $page_name = null)
return $query->paginate($perPage, $columns, $page_name ?: self::PAGE_NAME);
This solution requires anyway that you pass as input a Builder instance, and may cause a logic problem. So let's move to the next solution
2: Config files
Simply set a variable in an existing config file or in a new config file:
// Example: app.php
return [
// [...]
'page_name' => 'your_custom_value' // or env('APP_PAGE_NAME', 'your_custom_value'),
// [...]
And in your controller you can retrive the value as follows:
public function index() {
// [...]
$result = MyModel::paginate($per_page, $columns, config('app.page_name'));
3: App\Http\Controllers\Controller
The third solution is the easiest. Set a constant in your App\Http\Controllers\Controller class (as I wrote for the trait part) and by the OOP rules, it will be inherited to all your controllers:
class Controller extends BaseController
use AuthorizesRequests, DispatchesJobs, ValidatesRequests;
const PAGE_NAME = 'your_global_value';
And in your controller:
public function index() {
// [...]
$result = MyModel::paginate($per_page, $columns, self::PAGE_NAME);
In my opinion, if you simply have to set this global variable, solution 2 and 3 are the best... If you have to create a custom pagination logic, then I think that creating a specific Trait or Class is a good choice


how can I pass parameter to laravel getAttribute when I am appending it

this is my laravel custom accessor which I am appending using
protected $appends = [leave_balances];
public function getLeaveBalancesAttribute() {
// some code
I want to pass a parameter when I am calling this accessor like this
public function getLeaveBalancesAttribute($parameter) {
// use $parameter here
$payslip = Payslip::find(1);
I have searched and found that it is not possible. please can some one provide any solution to this I need to pass this parameter.
you dont append attribute unless you want it to act as an attribute,
you can just create a method since you are calling it like a method
in you Payslip model
public function leaveBalances( $params ) {
return $params
then you can use it like
$payslip = Payslip::find(1);
$payslip->leaveBalances("PARAMETER") // which output PARAMETER
If you declare an Attribute, you can only use it like this (following your example:
protected $appends = ['leave_balances'];
public function getLeaveBalancesAttribute()
return 'Hi!';
$payslip = Payslip::find(1);
$value = $payslip->leave_balances;
dd($value); // This will output string(Hi!)
What you (I think) want is setLeaveBalancesAttribute, so you can pass a value and do whatever you want with it:
public function setLeaveBalancesAttribute($parameter)
return $parameter.' Yes!';
$payslip = Payslip::find(1);
$payslip->leave_balances = 'It works!';
dd($payslip->leave_balances); // This will output string(It works! Yes!)
But, if you are using Laravel 9+, please do use the new way of defining attributes, it is better.
You can set the attribute $appends in the model where you have the accessor. Something like this:
protected $appends = ['the name of accessor'];
However, it will be in the most, I think in all, the responses or query you do with the model you declare it.
Another options is creating a single instance of the model using the ::find method. For example:
$model_instance = Model::find($id);
$attribute = $model_instance->attribute;
Here is the documentation reference:

Laravel API APP Many-Many Relationship, how to return specific information in JSON?

I been trying to figure this out for some time now. Basically i got 2 models ' Recipe ', ' Ingredient ' and one Controller ' RecipeController ' .
I'm using Postman to test my API. When i go to my get route which uses RecipeController#getRecipe, the return value is as per the pic below:
Return for Get Route
If i want the return value of the get route to be in the FORMAT of the below pic, how do i achieve this? By this i mean i don't want to see for the recipes: the created_at column, updated_at column and for ingredients: the pivot information column, only want name and amount column information.
Return Value Format I Want
Recipe model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Recipe extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'description'];
public function ingredients()
return $this->belongsToMany(Ingredient::class,
'ingredient_recipes')->select(array('name', 'amount'));
Ingredient Model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Ingredient extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'amount'];
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Ingredient;
use App\Recipe;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class RecipeController extends Controller {
public function postRecipe(Request $request)
$recipe = new Recipe();
$recipe->name = $request->input('name');
$recipe->description = $request->input('description');
$array_ingredients = $request->input('ingredients');
foreach ($array_ingredients as $array_ingredient) {
$ingredient = new Ingredient();
$ingredient->name = $array_ingredient['ingredient_name'];
$ingredient->amount = $array_ingredient['ingredient_amount'];
return response()->json(['recipe' => $recipe . $ingredient], 201);
public function getRecipe()
$recipes = Recipe::all();
foreach ($recipes as $recipe) {
$recipe = $recipe->ingredients;
$response = [
'recipes' => $recipes
return response()->json($response, 200);
API Routes:
Route::post('/recipe', 'RecipeController#postRecipe')->name('get_recipe');
Route::get('/recipe', 'RecipeController#getRecipe')->name('post_recipe');
Thanks Guys!
I think your best solution is using Transformer. Using your current implementation what I would recommend is fetching only the needed field in your loop, i.e:
foreach ($recipes as $recipe) {
$recipe = $recipe->ingredients->only(['ingredient_name', 'ingredient_amount']);
While the above might work, yet there is an issue with your current implementation because there will be tons of iteration/loop polling the database, I would recommend eager loading the relation instead.
But for the sake of this question, you only need Transformer.
Install transformer using composer composer require league/fractal Then you can create a directory called Transformers under the app directory.
Then create a class called RecipesTransformer, and initialize with:
namespace App\Transformers;
use App\Recipe;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class RecipesTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
public function transform(Recipe $recipe)
return [
'name' => $recipe->name,
'description' => $recipe->description,
'ingredients' =>
$recipe->ingredients->get(['ingredient_name', 'ingredient_amount'])->toArray()
Then you can use this transformer in your controller method like this:
use App\Transformers\RecipesTransformer;
public function getRecipe()
return $this->collection(Recipe::all(), new RecipesTransformer);
//or if you need to get one
return $this->item(Recipe::first(), new RecipesTransformer);
You can refer to a good tutorial like this for more inspiration, or simply go to Fractal's page for details.
In order to get Fractal collection working since the example I gave would work if you have Dingo API in your project, you can manually create it this way:
public function getRecipe()
$fractal = app()->make('League\Fractal\Manager');
$resource = new \League\Fractal\Resource\Collection(Recipe::all(), new RecipesTransformer);
return response()->json(
In case you want to make an Item instead of collection, then you can have new \League\Fractal\Resource\Item instead. I would recommend you either have Dingo API installed or you can follow this simple tutorial in order to have in more handled neatly without unnecessary repeatition

Laravel resource: How define the name of the key parameter?

When you define a resource with Route::resource('recipe', 'RecipeController');, among others, the following route is defined: /photo/{photo}/edit, and once you define all your resources you have something like this:
Because all my records use id as primary key (MongoDB), I'd like to have {id} instead, like so:
I dug in the Router class but I don't see how to specify this.
More over when I create a form with Form::model($record) I get actions like /recipes/{recipes} because recipes is a property of $record.
How can I define the name of the key parameter to id instead of recipes, allergens, ingredients?
In order to change the param name for Route::resource, you need custom ResourceRegistrar implementation.
Here's how you can achieve that in a shortest possible way:
// AppServiceProvider (or anywhere you like)
public function register()
$this->app->bind('Illuminate\Routing\ResourceRegistrar', function ($app) {
// *php7* anonymous class for brevity,
// feel free to create ordinary `ResourceRegistrar` class instead
return new class($app['router']) extends \Illuminate\Routing\ResourceRegistrar
public function register($name, $controller, array $options = [])
if (str_contains($name, '/')) {
return parent::register($name, $controller, $options);
// ---------------------------------
// this is the part that we override
$base = array_get($options, 'param', $this->getResourceWildcard(last(explode('.', $name))));
// ---------------------------------
$defaults = $this->resourceDefaults;
foreach ($this->getResourceMethods($defaults, $options) as $m) {
$this->{'addResource'.ucfirst($m)}($name, $base, $controller, $options);
Now your routes will look like:
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController', ['param' => 'some_param'])
// default as fallback
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController')
Mind that this way can't work for nested resources and thus they will be a mix of default and custom behaviour, like this:
Route::resource('users.posts', 'SomeController', ['param' => 'id'])
I know this is 4 year old question but for anyone who is googling; you can pass a third argument to override key naming:
Route::resource('ingredients', 'IngredientController', ['parameters' => ['ingredients' => 'id']]);
Route::resource('ingredients', 'IngredientController')->parameters(['ingredients' => 'id']);
You can pass your ids to the routes you don't necessary need to change the parameters {recipes} to {id} since the parameters are just a placeholder.
public function edit($recipes){
// code goes hr
is the same as this
public function edit($id){
// code goes hr
for this route /recipes/{recipes}/edit

Calling same eloquent statement in several controllers

I have an eloquent statement like this:
$constraint = function ($query) {
$query->where('session', Session::getId());
$selectedImages = ImageSession::with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint)
->where('type', 'single')
Which I need to call in several controllers.
How is the best way to do it without putting this code every time?
Should I put this code in the Model? but how I put the ImageSession::with if it is inside the same model that has ImageSession class?
In the controller do I have to write...
$imageSession_table = new ImageSession;
$selectedImages = $imageSession_table->getSelectedImages();
Well there are several solutions to this, but one rule that I have learned is whenever you are doing copy paste in the same file it means you need to create a function to encapsulate that code.
The same applies when you are copying and pasting the same code over classes/controllers it means you need to create a class that will have a method, that will encapsulate that code.
Now you could in fact change your model and this depends on your application and what kind of level of abstraction you have.
Some people tend to leave the models as pure as possible and then use transformers, repositories, classes whatever you want to call it. So the flow of communication is something like this:
Models -> (transformers, repositories, classes) -> Controllers or other classes
If that's the case just create a ImageSessionRepository and in there have your method to get the selected images:
<?php namespace Your\Namespace;
use ImageSession;
use Session;
class ImageSessionRepository
protected $imageSession;
public function __construct(ImageSession $imageSession)
$this->imageSession = $imageSession;
public function getSelectedImages($sessionId = false){
$sessionId = Session::getId()
$constraint = function ($query) use ($sessionId){
$query->where('session', $sessionId);
$selectedImages = ImageSession::with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint)
->where('type', 'single')
return $selectedImages;
Then on your controller you just inject it:
<?php namespace APP\Http\Controllers;
use Your\Namespace\ImageSessionRepository;
class YourController extends Controller
* #var ImageSessionRepository
protected $imageSessionRepository;
public function __construct(ImageSessionRepository $imageSessionRepository)
$this->imageSessionRepository = $imageSessionRepository;
public function getImages()
$selectedImages = $this->imageSessionRepository->getSelectedImages();
//or if you want to pass a Session id
$selectedImages = $this->imageSessionRepository->getSelectedImages($sessionID = 1234);
//return the selected images as json
return response()->json($selectedImages);
Another option is adding that code directly into your Model, using scopes, more info here
So on your ImageSession Model just add this function:
public function scopeSessionFolder($query, $session)
$constraint = function ($constraintQuery) use ($sessionId){
$query->where('session', $sessionId);
return $query->with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint);
And on your controller just do this:
$selectedImages = ImageSession::sessionFolder(Session::getId())
->where('type', 'single')
Or you can include everything in your scope if that's your case
public function scopeSessionFolder($query, $session)
$constraint = function ($constraintQuery) use ($sessionId){
$query->where('session', $sessionId);
return $query->with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint);
->where('type', 'single');
And then again on your controller you will have something like this:
$selectedImages = ImageSession::sessionFolder(Session::getId())
Just a side note I haven't tested this code, so if you just copy and paste it it's possible that you find some errors.

RedBean ORM and Codeigniter, how to make Fuse recognize models loaded from CI default models path?

Codeigniter has its own Models path, where models extend from CI_Model. I'm using RedBean has a library in Codeigniter, loading it on a controller. After loading Rb, I try to use CI Loader to load a model that extends redbean_simplemodel (wish works, there's no error), but the events / methods inside the model have no effect when they're called on bean.
For example,
class Rb {
function __construct()
// Include database configuration
// Get Redbean
// Database data
$host = $db[$active_group]['hostname'];
$user = $db[$active_group]['username'];
$pass = $db[$active_group]['password'];
$db = $db[$active_group]['database'];
// Setup DB connection
R::setup("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db", $user, $pass);
} //end __contruct()
} //end Rb
And then on
class Model_song extends RedBean_SimpleModel {
public function store() {
if ( $this->title != 'test' ) {
throw new Exception("Illegal title, not equal «test»!");
while on
class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
public function index()
$song = R::dispense('song');
$song->title = 'bluuuh';
$song->track = 4;
$id = R::store($song);
echo $id;
My question is, how to make RedBean (FUSE work on Codeigniter ?
Thanks for looking!
Actually, it's working! I was trying to place code under my model, method store(). That wont work! I tryed to place a new method called update() and it does work! Check the example below:
class Model_song extends RedBean_SimpleModel {
public function update() {
if ( $this->title != 'test' ) {
throw new Exception("Illegal title!");
The solution is the following:
"Assuming that you've already installed RedBean on Codeigniter"
1) Load the library for «redbean»
2) Using ci_loader, load the desired model (the model must extend redbean_simplemodel)
Thanks for looking! I hope this helps other people too.
The solution is the following:
"Assuming that you've already installed RedBean on Codeigniter"
Load the library for «redbean»
Using ci_loader, load the desired model (the model must extend redbean_simplemodel)
