Custom route for edit method without ID in URL - laravel

I want to make a settings screen for my users, and I want the URL to be easy an memorable:
I want this route to point use the UserController#edit method, however, the edit() method requires ID parameter.
Is there someway I can use user/settings URL without specifying the ID in the URL, but still use the same edit() method in the UserController?

The edit URL could be use without any parameter. In that case you can mention the user in controller.
public function edit()
$user = Auth::user();

Seems like I managed to solve it?
Route::get('user/settings', 'UserController#edit')->name('user.settings');
Route::resource('user', 'UserController');
public function edit(User $user = null)
$user = Auth::user();


Laravel API Route controller function parameter

Using the following route declaration, I am trying to pass a parameter to the controller method however I am unsure of how to do this. I don't want a route parameter but instead a hard coded parameter so that I can use the same function for both updating the current user and other users using a parameter to distinguish between the two operations.
Route::patch('/v1/user', [UserController::class, 'update']);
I need to pass a boolean value to the update method from this Route statement, any ideas?
There are two simple ways to do this
A general method to update the user
public function updateUser($user){...}
Then you can just call this function from the other controllers. This way, your code becomes flexible and easier to test/mock
Make $id as nullable
public function update($id = null)
if($id) {
$user = User::find($id);
} else {
$user = auth()->user();
// Update user
Do not you mean this?
Route::patch('/v1/user/{id}', [UserController::class, 'update']);

How to get User()->id in Controllers (Laravel 8+)

I am trying to select tasks by user('id'), but I can't get it in a Controller, where I selecting data from DB.
I have tried many thing and some of them from stackoverflow, but it isn't working.
I tried:
1. $userId = Auth::check() ? Auth::id() : true;
2. Auth::user()->id;
3. public function getUserId(){
on Model} - and then get this value on Controllers
and some other things
I have the simplest code:
I installed registration: npm artisan ui --auth something like that
I installed vuejs (on Laravel)
I created api on Laravel, and some logic on vue
I didn't touch "app.blade.php" it's the same as it was.
I can get data, user: name, id and all what I want in file "app.blade.php" but I need those data in folder->file: App\Http\Controllers{{SomeController}}, but I don't know how.
Was someone in this situation?
How can I get user id in Controllers?
Thanks guys for earlier.
If you need user id, just use one of this :
using Auth facade's
or, using Request instance
Follow this simple controller code, i showed 3 different way here :
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
class SomeController extends Controller
public function __construct()
public function getUserId(Request $request)
$user = Auth::user(); // Retrieve the currently authenticated user...
$id = Auth::id(); // Retrieve the currently authenticated user's ID...
$user = $request->user(); // returns an instance of the authenticated user...
$id = $request->user()->id; // Retrieve the currently authenticated user's ID...
$user = auth()->user(); // Retrieve the currently authenticated user...
$id = auth()->id(); // Retrieve the currently authenticated user's ID...
This should work if you have Auth middleware on that controller method where you try to get it, please check do you added that middleware.
For checking you can use php arisan route:list command.
Is someone still searching an answer on this question. I have some explanation how can you do this.
Laravel has a Router which routes authorization process through that Controller which you want, so you should redirect that process on your Router and in Controller create constructor which allows you to take user id.
How can you do that?:
1. First of all you should find Controller and Route which responsible for authorization and registration users.
In my case it was:
2. Second, you should redirect your authorization Router to the Controller where you trying to get Auth::id();
In my case it was:
so, in routes\web.php I did this:
Route::get('/', [App\Http\Controllers\HomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');
Route::get('/home', [App\Http\Controllers\HomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');
Route::get('/home', [App\Http\Controllers\TasksController::class, 'index'])->name('home');
perhaps you should have index function on that controller
3. Third you should add constructor in your controller where you want to get user id, this constructor I took from HomeController, it already was there.
In my case it was:
public function __construct()
code with function on my TasksController:
public function __construct()
public function index()
$userId = Auth::check() ? Auth::id() : true;
And now I can take user id.
PS: constructor I added on the top in class TasksController in Controller

How to pass data to controller

I intend to pass ip received in User.php to my HomeController. How can I do this?
$ip = Request::ip();
Now I'm looking for the way to pass it to the controller. Then I plan to broadcast it.
Request IP in laravel using controller
You should use request facades. Following way:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function index(Request $request)
Is the IP received via the URL or is it tied to the User model?
If it's via URL then it'd be as simple as
Route::get('{ip}', 'Controller#someFunction');
then in the controller
public function someFunction($ip) {
... //$ip can be used in here
Or, if say there's an authenticated user with 'ip' as part of the model, you could access it in the controller by grabbing the authenticated user instance:
public function someFunction() {
$user = Auth::user();

Reuse user resource route for current user

I've created a resource route for users.
Route::resource('users', 'UsersController');
My controller handles the path /user/1/edit with in my users controller like so:
public function edit(User $user)
$this->authorize('update', $user);
The template for this page is: resources/views/users/edit.blade.php.
How would I define a new route, /user/edit, which dynamically passes the current user and reuses the edit(User $user) method while also reusing the same view template?
Your edit() method will need to change to conditionally accept the User model. You then need to check if $user was passed, else assume current user is required:
public function edit(User $user = null)
$user = $user ?: auth()->user();
$this->authorize('update', $user);
And create the new route:
Route::get('user/edit', 'UsersController#edit')
Try this:
Route::get('users/{user}/edit', 'UserController#edit')->name(edit-user);
Then, pass in the user id in route like this:
route('edit-user', ['user'=>$user->id]);
I hope this helps you.

Passing page URL parameter to controller in Laravel 5.2

In my application I have a page it called index.blade, with route /index. In its URL, it has some get parameter like ?order and ?type.
I want to pass these $_get parameter to my route controller action, query from DB and pass its result data to the index page. What should I do?
If you want to access the data sent from get or post request use
public function store(Request $request)
$order = $request->input('order');
$type = $request->input('type');
return view('whatever')->with('order', $order)->with('type', $type);
you can also use wildcards.
Exemple link
Route::put('user/{name}', 'UserController#show');
public function update($name)
User::where('name', $name)->first();
return view('test')->with('user', $user);
Check the Laravel Docs Requests.
For those who need to pass part of a url as a parameter (tested in laravel 6.x, maybe it works on laravel 5.x):
Route::get('foo/{bar}', 'FooController#getFoo')->where('bar', '(.*)');
class FooController extends Controller
public function getFoo($url){
return $url;
Test 1:
localhost/api/foo/path1/path2/file.gif will send to controller and return:
Test 2:
localhost/api/foo/path1/path2/path3/file.doc will send to controller and return:
and so on...
