Node-red create dynamic hyperlink on Dashboard - dashboard

I want to create a dynamic hyperlink on the dashboard in any way. I am reading a part of the URL from a textfile which works so far. Only the last part beyond the / shold be dynamic.
The URL should look like"dynamic part"
I am using the ui-template node.

I think this post will help you!


How to load a specific number of records per page and add an more button

On my page I would like to output all records of a specific folder
but the number should initially be limited to a certain quantity (to reduce the loading times). With a "Load more" button further records should be loaded.
Does anyone have a hint on how I can achieve this?
I have already found several approaches on the web in connection with AJAX, but since I'm not familiar with this yet, more questions than answers have emerged ...
For info: I use an own Template Extension / Distribution under Typo3 9.5.8
Thank you in advance for any help!!
The state of the art solution is the AJAX solution, where you load only the required records from the server and modify the page on the fly.
Another option would be an URL parameter which is evaluated by your extension.
With the parameter the full list is shown,
without only the first N and a button with the link to the same URL including the parameter for the full list.
Make sure the paramter is handled correctly and generates another cached version of the page. (keywords: cHash)
As you now have two pages with partially identical content: don't forget to tell the searchengines that the short variant should not be indexed.
You could use the Paginate Widget like documented here:
By overriding the paginate template file and only rendering the pagination.nextPage link, you could load the nextpage via AJAX.

Drupal 8 - Overwriting a specific view page

I have created a view with several pages. As it is displayed to me with the debug mode, I can also use the view:
Overwrite With me the whole then looks as follows:
Now I would like to overwrite a certain page of my view. I can't find anything suitable in debug mode.
According to it should work according to the following pattern:
according to this logic it should look like this with me then as follows:
Unfortunately, that doesn't work. "theaterfotos" is the system name of the page of my view.
Do I have a thought error now? Would be grateful for any help.
Thnx Bavra
As of my understanding of your question you want to apply to the template on a specific page of view.
Your logic is right but I think your name was incorrect it should be in this format
[base template name]--[view machine name]--[view display id].html.twig
on your case, it should be like below because views machine name not using "-"(dash in between) on lowercase and underscores
you should try this and clear the cache of drupal. Hope this will helps you

How do I display a barcode, only when it is in the last page

I have a document, in which there is a page, that flows. I don't know till how many pages the table is going to flow. Now, I need a barcode to be displayed in the last page (last flow page). I tried writing the rules, by using
SYS_Page_PrintedValue = SYS_Page_TotalPrinted,
also tried SYS_PageInDocument = SYS_PageTotalInDocument
and then I have tried SYS_Page_PhysicalInDocument = SYS_PageTotalPhysicalInDocument.
But did not work. Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
By placing the Barcode relative to the bottom of your table, as the table flows it will therefore always be on the last page.
You can place barcode directly on the flow page under the flow frame and set that page as last flow page.

Retrieve the content of a section via MediaWiki API

I have a MediaWiki page set up in my company's intranet.
I would like to get the content of a section in a specific page using MediaWiki API (through AJAX).
I would like to refer to the section by its title like 'General' and refer to the page by its title as well, like 'Licenses'.
Is it possible somehow?
The only thing I could achieve is referring to the page by its title and refer to the section by a number like this:
But let's say I create a new section before 'General' I would have to update all my AJAX URLs that queries this page. So this isn't good enough.
I couldn't find any working solution for this. Any ideas?
You can do this by first retrieving prop=sections to get the list of sections and their numbers:
Then make your original request, with the section number you figured out based on the previous request.
Keep in mind that two different sections can have the same name.

Changing the BIRT hyperlink at run time

Is my expectation valid? If yes, please guide me.
Local machine->local server process-> I generate Birt report-> which contain hyperlinks hard coded for example: is fine and points to another report and get me the report also when I hit the Url from inside the generated pdf report).
Now, what I need is to change ip_one to suppose ip_two once I hit the hyperlink which is inside the pdf(on the fly) keeping all the other parts of the url intact.
I am using birt-rcp-report-designer-4_2_2.
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you are trying to dynamically create a hyperlink at report run time.
In the properties editor of the report item that has your link (i.e. label), edit the hyperlink. In the Hypelink Options (pop-up) to the left of "Location" field is the button ab| select 'JavaScript' Syntax.
You will be able to create the URL using JavaScript.
