Dyanamic Dropdown List Validation (third level) using app script - validation

I have a script written to apply three levels of validation. The first level of validation is in column A on the "master" sheet and the second and third are in the app script.
I am able to select the first level of validation in the "master"sheet and the list is filtered to only show the relevant answers in a dropdown list in Column B. After selecting my answer in Column B, the dropdown arrow appears in Column C but there are no fields to select. I can manually enter a value that is on my list and it is accepted and any thing that is not in the list is rejected. I have narrowed my issue to:
var filteredOptions = options.filter(function(o){ return o[0] === firstLevelColValue && o[1] === val });
When I place Logger.log(filteredOptions); in function applySecondLevelValadation(val, r){, it returns with an empty array [].
When I place
Logger.log(filteredOptions);` in `function applyFirstLevelValadation(val, r){
, it returns with the array:
[[Intermediate, 9:00 AM, Upper Dumont], [Intermediate, 12:00 PM, Outer Limts], [Intermediate, 3:30 PM, Satelite], [Intermediate, 9:00 AM, Box], [Intermediate, 12:00 PM, Hidden Valley], [Intermediate, 3:30 PM, Kermits]]
Screenshot of "options" sheet
Screenshot of "master" with all possible options for column A & B and no options for selection in column C
Any help figuring out why var filteredOptions = options.filter(function(o){ return o[0] === firstLevelColValue && o[1] === val }); is returning an empty array would be great!
Code being used:
var mainWsName = "master";
var optionsWsName = "options";
var firstLevelColumn = 1;
var secondLevelColumn = 2;
var thirdLevelColumn = 3;
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(mainWsName);
var wsOptions = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(optionsWsName);
var options = wsOptions.getRange(2,1,wsOptions.getLastRow()-1,3).getValues();
function onEdit(e) {
var activeCell = e.range;
var val = activeCell.getValue();
var r = activeCell.getRow();
var c = activeCell.getColumn();
var wsName = activeCell.getSheet().getName();
if(wsName === mainWsName && c === firstLevelColumn && r > 1) {
applyFirstLevelValadation(val, r);
} else if(wsName === mainWsName && c === secondLevelColumn && r > 1) {
applySecondLevelValadation(val, r);
function applyFirstLevelValadation(val, r) {
if(val === "") {
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearContent();
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearDataValidations();
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearContent();
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearDataValidations();
} else {
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearContent();
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearDataValidations();
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearContent();
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearDataValidations();
var filteredOptions = options.filter(function(o){ return o[0] === val });
var listToApply = filteredOptions.map(function(o){ return o[1] });
var cell = ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn);
function applySecondLevelValadation(val, r) {
if(val === "") {
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearContent();
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearDataValidations();
} else {
ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn).clearContent();
var firstLevelColValue = ws.getRange(r, firstLevelColumn).getValue();
var filteredOptions = options.filter(function(o){ return o[0] === firstLevelColValue && o[1] === val });
var listToApply = filteredOptions.map(function(o){ return o[2] });
var cell = ws.getRange(r, thirdLevelColumn);
function applyValidationToCell(list, cell) {
var rule = SpreadsheetApp

It looks like you are having an issue with the time column. Probably because it's comparing a string to a date or what have you. We would have more information if you shared a copy of the spreadsheet.
In any case, to avoid this, you can format data in both columns B (in 'master' as well as in 'options') as plain text (for that, go to Format > Number > Plain text in your spreadsheet). Then, you can write the trip times in 'options' as plain text.
I hope this is of any help to you.


Google Sheet Apps Script Exceeding maximum time

I have a dynamic dropdown apps script running on only 1 cell and there are some other formulas running in my sheet. Until 2 days before i could run the script onEdit but i cant seem to do so now.
When checked inside apps script execution page it shows "Exceeded maximum execution time". What can i do to resolve this?
var mainWsName = "Print Sheet";
var mainDataName = "Orders";
var FirstLevelColumn = 1;
var SecondLevelColumn = 2;
var ThirdLevelColumn = 3;
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(mainWsName);
var wsJO = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(mainDataName);
var JO = wsJO.getRange(2,1,wsJO.getLastRow()-1,2).getValues();
function onEdit(e){
var activeCell = e.range;
var val = activeCell.getValue();
var r = activeCell.getRow();
var c = activeCell.getColumn();
var wsName = activeCell.getSheet().getName();
if(wsName === mainWsName && c === FirstLevelColumn && r > 1){
}else if(wsName === mainWsName && c=== SecondLevelColumn && r > 1){
} //end onEdit
function applyFirstLevelValidation(val,r){
if(val === ""){
} else {
var filteredJO = JO.filter(function(o){return o[0] === val });
var listToApply = filteredJO.map(function(o){return o[1]});
var cell = ws.getRange(r,SecondLevelColumn);
function applyValidationToCell(list,cell){
var rule=SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(list).setAllowInvalid(false).build();
Tried executing app script to get dynamic dropdown based on my selection.
The code you quote is suboptimal, but chances are that the bad performance you mention is caused by the spreadsheet rather than the script. To improve spreadsheet performance, see these optimization tips.
You may also want to take a look at the dependentDropDownLists_ script.

Is there a way I can make my script more efficient?

I have created the below script to add a timestamp when a cell equals a specific value. This script repeats for each row but it is not efficient. How can I make this simpler and quicker? Below is an extract of the script, it repeats for each row
function MyFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Overview')
var cell = sheet.getRange('H3').getValue()
var sent = sheet.getRange('p3').getValue()
if (cell == "Full" && sent == "") {
sheet.getRange('p3').setValue(new Date())
else if (cell == "Open" && sent == "") {
Try this.
function MyFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Overview');
// get range H3:P were H=8, P=16, 9 columns total or index 0 to 8
var data = sheet.getRange(3,8,sheet.getLastRow()-2,9).getValues(); // get range H3:P
var i = 0;
var row = null;
for( i=0; i<data.length; i++ ) {
row = data[i];
if( ( row[0] === "Full" ) && ( row[8] === "" ) ) {
row[8] = new Date();
// Your else doesn't do anything if blank set blank ??
row.splice(0,8); // extract only column P
Try using setvalues() method of class range
function MyFunction() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Overview');
const rg = sh.getDataRange();
const vs = rg.getValues();
let vo = vs.map(r => {
if( r[7] == "Full") r[15]=new Date()
if( r[7] == "Open") r[15]='';
return [r[15]];

Change dependent drop down column in Google Script Editor

How can I change this script to apply drop downs in Column B & C instead of A & B? (The script seems to work perfectly if the drop downs are in Column A & B.)
Column A will be for dates, column B will be drop down list (from "Crops" sheet) and column C will be a dependent drop down list (from "Crops" sheet). When I change the "First Level Column" (line 3) and "Second Level Column" (line 4) to equal 2 (col B) & 3 (col C) respectively in the script editor and then input a date in column A in the worksheet, the drop down options in Column B & C disappear completely.
var MainWsName = "Harvest";
var CropsWsName = "Crops";
var firstLevelColumn = 2;
var secondLevelColumn = 3;
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(MainWsName);
var wsCrops = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(CropsWsName);
var Crops = wsCrops.getRange(2, 1,wsCrops.getLastRow()-1,3).getValues();
function onEdit(activeCell){
var activeCell = ws.getActiveCell();
var val = activeCell.getValue();
var r = activeCell.getRow();
var c = activeCell.getColumn();
var wsName = activeCell.getSheet().getName();
if (wsName == MainWsName && c === firstLevelColumn && r > 1){
}//close If
}// end onEdit
function applyFirstLevelValidation(val,r){
if(val === ""){
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearContent();
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearDataValidations();
} else {
ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn).clearContent();
var filteredCrops = Crops.filter(function(o){ return o[0] === val });
var listToApply = filteredCrops.map(function(o){ return o[1] });
var cell = ws.getRange(r, secondLevelColumn);
function applyValidationToCell(list,cell){
var rule = SpreadsheetApp
function onEdit(e) {
if (sh.getName() == 'Harvest' && e.range.columnStart > 1 && e.range.columnStart < 4 && e.range.rowStart > 1) {
applyFirstLevelValidation(e.value, e.range.rowStart)
You can't use parameters with trigger functions. I don't see how the onEdit(e)

Ace Editor: Lock or Readonly Code Segment

Using the Ace Code Editor can I lock or make readonly a segment of code but still allow other lines of code to be written or edited during a session?
Here is the start of a solution:
$(function() {
var editor = ace.edit("editor1")
, session = editor.getSession()
, Range = require("ace/range").Range
, range = new Range(1, 4, 1, 10)
, markerId = session.addMarker(range, "readonly-highlight");
handleKeyboard : function(data, hash, keyString, keyCode, event) {
if (hash === -1 || (keyCode <= 40 && keyCode >= 37)) return false;
if (intersects(range)) {
return {command:"null", passEvent:false};
before(editor, 'onPaste', preventReadonly);
before(editor, 'onCut', preventReadonly);
range.start = session.doc.createAnchor(range.start);
range.end = session.doc.createAnchor(range.end);
range.end.$insertRight = true;
function before(obj, method, wrapper) {
var orig = obj[method];
obj[method] = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return wrapper.call(this, function(){
return orig.apply(obj, args);
}, args);
return obj[method];
function intersects(range) {
return editor.getSelectionRange().intersects(range);
function preventReadonly(next, args) {
if (intersects(range)) return;
see it working in this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/bzwheeler/btsxgena/
The major working pieces are:
create start and end ace anchors which track the location of a 'readonly' portion as the document around it changes.
create a range to encapsulate the anchors
add a custom keyhandler to check if the current impending keypress will affect the readonly range and cancel it if so.
add custom paste/cut handlers to protect against right-click menu and browser menu cut/paste actions
You can do it by listening to the exec events:
// Prevent editing first and last line of editor
editor.commands.on("exec", function(e) {
var rowCol = editor.selection.getCursor();
if ((rowCol.row === 0) || ((rowCol.row + 1) === editor.session.getLength())) {
Source: https://jsfiddle.net/tripflex/y0huvc1b/
I suggest something else easier and more reliable to prevent range to be modified (check it!)
var old$tryReplace = editor.$tryReplace;
editor.$tryReplace = function(range, replacement) {
return intersects(range)?null:old$tryReplace.apply(this, arguments);
var session = editor.getSession();
var oldInsert = session.insert;
session.insert = function(position, text) {
return oldInsert.apply(this, [position, outsideRange(position)?text:""]);
var oldRemove = session.remove;
session.remove = function(range) {
return intersects(range)?false:oldRemove.apply(this, arguments);
var oldMoveText = session.moveText;
session.moveText = function(fromRange, toPosition, copy) {
if (intersects(fromRange) || !outsideRange(toPosition)) return fromRange;
return oldMoveText.apply(this, arguments)
outsideRange = function (position) {
var s0 = range.start;
if (position.row < s0.row || (position.row == s0.row && position.column <= s0.column)) return true; // position must be before range.start
var e0 = range.end;
if (position.row > e0.row || (position.row == e0.row && position.column >= e0.column)) return true; // or after range.end
return false;
intersects = function(withRange) {
var e = withRange.end, s0 = range.start, s = withRange.start, e0 = range.end;
if (e.row < s0.row || (e.row == s0.row && e.column <= s0.column)) return false; // withRange.end must be before range.start
if (s.row > e0.row || (s.row == e0.row && s.column >= e0.column)) return false; // or withRange.start must be after range.end
return true;

Set selection on tekst inside CKEditor

I'm having trouble to select text in CKEditor(3.6). As we use plain text i dont know how to use correctly the range selectors.
HTML code of the CKEditor:
<body spellcheck="false" class="rf-ed-b" contenteditable="true">
Cross those that apply:<br>
[«dummy»] If he/she is tall<br>
[«dummy»] If he/she is a male<br>
[«dummy»] If he/shi is a minor<br>
[«dummy»] «Write here the specialties if known»<br>
«You are now done with filling in this form»<br>
With the keys 'CRTL+N' I want to go to the next filleble spot:
I tried stuff like:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyEditor'];
var findString = '«';
var element = editor.document.getBody();
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
var startIndex = element.getHtml().indexOf(findString);
if (startIndex != -1) {
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), startIndex);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), startIndex + 5);
Exception: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
While totally stripepd down it kinda works a bit:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyEditor'];
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
var startIndex = 10;
if (startIndex != -1) {
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), startIndex);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), startIndex + 5);
here it selects 5th till 10th char on first row.
I used the following sources:
example on Stackoverflow
Another stackoverflow example
CKEditor dom selection API
All solutions i can find work with html nodes.
How can set selection range on the '«' till next '»'
I've managed to solve this solution. Meanwhile i also upgraded CKeditor to 4.0.
This shouldnt have an impact on the solution.
It is a lot of code in JS.
On my keybinding i call the following JS function: getNextElement()
In this solution it also searches behind the cursor, this makes it possible to step through multiple find results.
Also the view gets scrolled to the next search result
var textNodes = [], scrollTo=0,ranges = [];
function getNextElement(){
var editor =null;
ranges = [];
// I dont know the ID of the editor, but i know there is only one the page
for(var i in CKEDITOR.instances){
editor = CKEDITOR.instances[i];
if(editor ==null){
var startRange = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
var cursorData ="",cursorOffset=0,hasCursor = false;
if(startRange != null && startRange.endContainer.$.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT){
cursorOffset = startRange.startOffset;
cursorData = startRange.endContainer.$.data;
hasCursor = true;
var element;
element = editor.document.getBody().getLast().getParent();
var selection = editor.getSelection();
// Recursively search for text nodes starting from root.
textNodes = [];
getTextNodes( element );
var foundElement = false;
foundElement = iterateEditor(editor,hasCursor,cursorData,cursorOffset);
foundElement =iterateEditor(editor,false,"",0);
// Select the range with the first << >>.
selection.selectRanges( ranges );
function iterateEditor(editor,hasCursor,cursorData,cursorOffset){
var foundElement = false;
var rowNr = 0;
var text, range;
var foundNode = false;
foundNode = true;
// Iterate over and inside the found text nodes. If some contains
// phrase "<< >>", create a range that selects this word.
for (var i = textNodes.length; i--; ) {
text = textNodes[ i ];
if ( text.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && text.getName() == "br" ){
} else if ( text.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
var sameNode = false;
if(text.$.data == cursorData){
foundNode = true;
sameNode = true;
var startIndex = -1;
var endIndex = 1;
// Check inside the already selected node if the text has multiple hits on the searchphrase
var indicesStart = getIndicesOf('\u00AB', text.getText());
var indicesEnd = getIndicesOf('\u00BB', text.getText());
for (var j = indicesStart.length; j--; ) {
if(indicesStart[j] > cursorOffset){
startIndex = indicesStart[j];
endIndex = indicesEnd[j];
} else{
startIndex = text.getText().indexOf( '\u00AB' );
endIndex = text.getText().indexOf( '\u00BB' );
if ( startIndex > -1 && (!sameNode || startIndex > cursorOffset)) {
range = editor.createRange();
range.setStart( text, startIndex );
foundElement = true;
// calculate the height the window should scroll to focus the selected element
scrollTo = (rowNr)*20;
if ( endIndex > -1 && foundElement ) {
range.setEnd( text, endIndex+1 );
ranges.push( range );
return true;
function getIndicesOf(searchStr, str) {
var startIndex = 0, searchStrLen = searchStr.length;
var index, indices = [];
while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {
startIndex = index + searchStrLen;
return indices;
function getTextNodes( element ) {
var children = element.getChildren(), child;
for ( var i = children.count(); i--; ) {
child = children.getItem( i );
textNodes.push( child );
