Spring boot resources properties from config dependency - spring

So my project is dependent on some another one which is kinda shared config for several projects.
I have added it as dependency using maven. Now I can easly import classes from this depeneney project and use them.
So the question is how to copy some src/resources or test/resources files into my project or maybe I dont need to copy them but how to point to those files ? As I can import classess so this jar should be in classpath so how to point to resources?
Maybe I should't use jar name?

If you are sharing stuff between several projects i suggest you check out Monorepos.


Configure manifest.mf classpath in ear

I have an ear application which has 3 modules:
I worked with maven tutorial:tutorial
At the end author says about problems with manifest.mf in web module and suggesting some solutions. But this not worked for me. I think configuration is broken not only in that case. In my ear MANIFEST (classpath) i have also prefix "lib/" before services module(services are separated jar as ejb module in my app).
I saw i can use my specific prepared Manifest.mf, but i don't know how to configure it manually. Could I duplicate jars in my app modules? For example add domain.jar in services and web? Is it correct?
I have specific structure:
1.sample-ear with web and services module
2.sample-web with sample servlet(without dependencies from other project in code).
3.sample-services with dao classes(using entities)
4.sample-domain with entity beans
I tried modify manifests in every package, but I didn't find a solution. When i want to run my application on WildFly10 i get NoDefClassError (Class from domain.jar used in service.jar). Could anyone help to configure it?
On the other hand maybe you have better maven configuration in project and manually configuring the manifest.mf is not needed.

Maven filter src/main/resources of a JAR dependency

My maven top level project refers to a common-db project. In this project I have a spring file which defines the DB parameters.
However, I want the top-level project to define the DB parameters through the profile and inject these into the spring config file in /src/main/resources.
The top-level project only does the filtering on its own /src/main/resources files and ignores those located in the JAR dependencies.
How can I do this?
So you want to depend on common-db but then modify its contents to change the parameters in the config file? Ok, if you really want to do that, you could do something convoluted where you use dependency:unpack to expand the common-db jar, then overwrite / filter its contents, and then use a custom jar:jar execution to re-jar up the dependency and ship it with your application.
But, wow - why would you jump through all these hoops? Like #hoaz suggested, just place your application-specific config in the same classpath location so that it is loaded before common-db's default configuration. This is the convention followed by many, many Java libraries.

How to share configuration files across modules in Maven

I am working on a java maven project with several modules.
I am facing issues with sharing configuration files from one module to its dependency.
For instance i have a module named utils which holds a log.properties file and i would like to use it in another module named gui. What is the best practice to do this ?
Currently we put the log.properties in a config directory as Maven standard layout suggest it, and it is not included in the jar file. Is it correct ? Should I put it in resources instead ?
I use assembly plugin to copy it to a common config directory, this works well, but when I try to build each module individually the config file cannot be reached. How can i solve this ?
Thanks for your help,
You should put your configuration in src/main/resources/config/. This way it will be included in the jar by default. The maven convention is that only src/main/java and src/main/resources are contained in the final jar by default.
Making property files directly accessible to other modules is not a good practice. You should provide a service in the module owning the configuration that is the only place where those files are accessed. This service will be able to give configurations to other modules. Otherwise you violate the single responsibility principle.
You can configure maven to include the src/main/config directory in the built artifact by specifying it in the resources section of the pom as described here.

org.springframework package cannot be imported

As the topic says I cannot import this package in my web dynamic project using SpringSource Tool Suite.The command Spring Tools --> Add Spring Project Nature has been already executed.
Thank you.
What kind of project did you create? Is it a Maven project? If so, you need to make sure that you are importing 'at least' the spring-context dependency like so
(or whatever version you want to use)
Since as you say, you are using a Dynamic Web Project through this example -> http://www.vaannila.com/spring/spring-mvc-tutorial-1.html, you need to physically add the following jar files to your WEB-INF/lib folder
You should have the following:
Adding the 'Spring Project Nature' does not add the dependencies for you, but only instructs the IDE that this project is using Spring.
Use maven.it automatically adds the necessary jar files.otherwise u need to manually do it.you can have a look at this http://www.mkyong.com/maven/how-to-convert-java-web-project-to-maven-project/
to migrate an existing project into maven
You can manually add the necessary jar files.
Right click on the spring project>>
java build path>>
libraries>>Add jars

Need understanding of spring.handlers and spring.schemas

I have some questions derived from a problem that I have already solved through this other question. However, I am still wondering about the root cause. My questions are as follows:
What is the purpose of spring.handlers and spring.schemas?
As I understand it's a way of telling the Spring Framework where to locate the xsd so that everything is wired and loaded correctly. But...
Under what circumstances should I have those two files under the META-INF folder?
In my other question linked above, does anybody know why I had to add the maven-shade-plugin to create those two files (based on all my dependencies) under META-INF? In other words, what was the ROOT CAUSE that made me have to use the maven shade plugin?
What is the purpose of spring.handlers and spring.schemas?
well you more or less found it out by yourself, let's add some more details:
some spring libraries contain a spring.schemas and a spring.handlers file inside a META-INF directory
re-maps(*) schemalocation to a xsd inside the library
(abstract) only re-mapped versions are supported by this library
provides namespace handler classes for specific namespaces
the namespace handler class provides the parser logic to parse spring-batch beans, like job,
step, etc.
(*) the actual re-mapping happens during the build of the spring application context
Under what circumstances should I have those two files under the
META-INF folder?
normally the files are inside the spring library jars you use, but you can use the mechanism to implement own namespace bean parsing, then you would have own files
In my other question linked above, does anybody know why I had to add
the maven-shade-plugin to create those two files (based on all my
dependencies) under META-INF? In other words, what was the ROOT CAUSE
that made me have to use the maven shade plugin?
if you use a spring namespace in your spring configuration, you need the appropriate files
the problem arises when you want to run a java application:
with a main class either
the spring libraries need to be on the classpath
or all is merged into one jar, which has to be on the classpath (*)
as war/ear server application, the spring libaries need to be on the classpath, normally inside the war
i guess you did not start the mainclass with the complete classpath and i updated my answer for your first question too
(*) if you merge all into one jar, you have to make sure, that the contents of all spring.schemas/spring.handlers files are merged into one spring.schemas and one spring.handlers file, see this answer for a configuration with maven to create an all-in-one.jar
