Spring Boot application logs with Docker Desktop - spring-boot

Windows 10
Docker Desktop (2.0)
Running Linux Container of it. on my windows 10 machine.
I would like to store my spring boot app info logs on my C:\log folder.
how to write Volume in Dockerfile for this. So that my spring boot logs gets persisted at C:\log location.
I have created log4j2.json file for this which works perfectly on local ( without container)
Please suggest how to write

By default only C:/Users is shared with containers so your dockerfile volume should be something like this /c/Users/youruser/my_volume:/my_mnt


Path for Flink state.checkpoints.dir in docker-compose in Windows 10 environment

I have Windows 10 OS, docker-compose and want to work with Apache Flink tutorial Playground, docker-compose starting correctly starting docker-compose but after several minutes of work,
Apache Flink has to create checkpoints, but there is some problem with access to the file system.
org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointException: Could not finalize the pending checkpoint 104. Failure reason: Failure to finalize checkpoint.
at org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator.completePendingCheckpoint(CheckpointCoordinator.java:1216) ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.1.jar:1.12.1]
Caused by: org.apache.flink.util.SerializedThrowable: Mkdirs failed to create file:/tmp/flink-checkpoints-directory/d73c2f87b0d7ea6748a1913ee4b50afe/chk-104
at org.apache.flink.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem.create(LocalFileSystem.java:262) ~[flink-dist_2.11-1.12.1.jar:1.12.1]
Could you please help me with the correct path and docker access?
state.backend: filesystem
state.checkpoints.dir: file:///tmp/flink-checkpoints-directory
state.savepoints.dir: file:///tmp/flink-savepoints-directory
Also I tried use full Windows path but got the same error.
Are you using Windows Docker containers or Linux Docker containers ?
Right-click on the Docker Desktop icon to see your current configuration.
Switch to Windows containers
Switch to Linux containers
You have to configure Flink paths according to you target Docker container type.
Note: You cannot use Windows and Linux containers at the same time.

How to containerize the spring boot application without installing docker and deploying in centos

I have a spring boot application in my local machine , i want to containerize it without installing docker in local machine and i want to deploy it in a Cent Os machine which docker has installed in an offline mode .
while i have tried to containerizing it by building an image file , it is actually looking for Docker Daemon in local and the build is getting failed.
Using GoogleContainerTools' Jib you can easily build a Docker compliant container image without Docker installed.
You need to install the Jib plugin in your pom.xml or gradle.build file.
Here is a simple example: https://www.baeldung.com/jib-dockerizing
Without Docker engine you cannot containerize the application, Docker daemon is needed for creating the container for your spring boot application in unix. You can use ECS on AWS that can create the container without docker but lot of configurations and deep knowledge is needed for that.

JHipster Spring Boot executable war config not recognized

I am trying to experiment with a JHipster 4.3 app using Hazelcast. I have a setup of 3 Linux/CentOS7 VMs, each with latest 8 131 java/jdk on them. I build my war file for -Pprod and deploy to a dir at:
I have set this up as a service using systemctl. I am able to start | restart | etc.
I now have a need to debug into the application and would like to start the app up in debug mode. I read in the Spring Boot docs that I can place a file of the same base name with the extension of ".conf" and Spring Boot executable script will read the settings in the conf and start the app up with that. So I have a file:
with the following line:
This has no effect on the run of the war, it starts up fine but does not listen and the console out indicates that the app is not listening on 8787 (or any port).
I also tried on my windows workstation, simply running from cli using:
java -jar jhiphaze-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
in the project /build dir with the jhiphaze-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.conf placed in the same directory. It is ignored there as well. The same argument in the conf file work at the cli:
java -jar -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y jhiphaze-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
works fine, pauses and waits for me to connect. Note that I used suspend=n for most of my attempts as I did not want the service start to fail while waiting for debugger to connect.
How can I get the executable war to recognize its partner .conf file?

How to install Spring boot app on Ubuntu server?

I have Ubuntu server on Digital Ocean and I wrote Spring web app and now I want to put it in production.
I upload it via FTP to the server and I open my console via Putty and I use this command:
java -jar name.jar
Spring is started after that and when I open my web app everything is working fine, but when I close my Putty session my Spring web app does not work anymore. It seems like when I close my Putty session that also Spring web app is closed.
How to solve this?
While what KLHauser suggested will work, but if the vm is restarted in the cloud (which happens) your application will not automatically restart. Also stopping your application with kill -9 is error prone and dangerous, because you accidentally may kill the wrong process.
See running as Linux service section of Spring Boot documentation on how to do that.
If you’ve configured Spring Boot’s Maven or Gradle plugin to generate
a fully executable jar, and you’re not using a custom
embeddedLaunchScript, then your application can be used as an init.d
service. Simply symlink the jar to init.d to support the standard
start, stop, restart and status commands.
The script supports the following features:
Starts the services as the user that owns the jar file
application’s PID using /var/run//.pid
console logs to /var/log/.log
Assuming that you have a Spring Boot application installed in
/var/myapp, to install a Spring Boot application as an init.d service
simply create a symlink:
$ sudo ln -s /var/myapp/myapp.jar /etc/init.d/myapp Once installed,
you can start and stop the service in the usual way. For example, on a
Debian based system:
$ service myapp start
Just use java -jar name.jar & and the application is started in new process thread.
by adding also > log.txt directly at the end you would also have a log.

spring boot takes like forever to start up in Openshift

I'm running a spring boot 1.4.3 app in openshift origin 1.3.
It takes more than 20 minutes to bring spring bootup.
the docker base container I'm using is alpine:3.4 with opendk8-jre.
the spring boot embedded container is using default tomcat one. I've installed the haveged and set -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom
but if I run the image itself with docker run(I'm not using openshift), it can start up..
any idea why ?
Could it be the case that you don't have a maven proxy setup and are downloading all dependencies?
If it's the case your logs likely show that you are donwloading the same deps over and over.
run this command to see the logs:
oc logs _POD_NAME_
Also, have you tried the same in OpenShift Dev Preview and got similar results?
