What is the meaning of this code line?? and What is the solution for the error?? I have this issue in Sniper Simulator version 7.2 - gcc

What is the meaning of this code line?? and What is the solution for the error?? I have this issue in Sniper Simulator version 7.2 with Pin 3.5 on Linux Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u1 (2019-09-20) x86_64 GNU/Linux. My gcc version is 8.3.0
Besides This is not my codes...
The code is:
string hex = "0x";
BOOL ctxt = _control_chain->NeedContext();
if (_alarm_value.compare(0, 2, hex) == 0){
//this is a raw address
return new ALARM_ADDRESS(_alarm_value,_tid,_count,ctxt,this);
if (_alarm_value.find("+",0) == string::npos){
//this is a symbol
return new ALARM_SYMBOL(_alarm_value,_tid,_count,ctxt,this);
vector<string> tokens;
return new ALARM_IMAGE(tokens[0],tokens[1],_tid,_count,ctxt,this);
The error is:
alarm_manager.cpp:137:67: error: ‘new’ of type ‘CONTROLLER::ALARM_SYMBOL’ with extended alignment 64 [-Werror=aligned-new=]
return new ALARM_SYMBOL(_alarm_value,_tid,_count,ctxt,this);
alarm_manager.cpp:157:64: note: uses ‘void* operator new(size_t)’, which does not have an alignment parameter
alarm_manager.cpp:157:64: note: use ‘-faligned-new’ to enable C++17 over-aligned new support

As Kamil said it gets solved by adding -faligned-new to the relative makefile.
use ‘-faligned-new’ to enable C++17 over-aligned new support


Botan build error 'AutoSeeded_RNG' does not name a type

Trying to build the Botan executable, I am getting the following error:
../src/cli/timing_tests.cpp: In static member function 'static Botan::RandomNumberGenerator& Botan_CLI::Timing_Test::timing_test_rng()':
../src/cli/timing_tests.cpp:100:17: error: 'AutoSeeded_RNG' does not name a type
static AutoSeeded_RNG static_timing_test_rng(Botan::Entropy_Sources::global_sources(), 0);
../src/cli/timing_tests.cpp:101:17: error: 'static_timing_test_rng' was not declared in this scope
return static_timing_test_rng;
../src/cli/timing_tests.cpp:101:17: note: suggested alternative: 'timing_test_rng'
return static_timing_test_rng;
make: *** [Makefile:606: build/obj/cli/timing_tests.o] Error 1
this is the C++ code:
static Botan::RandomNumberGenerator& timing_test_rng()
return Botan::system_rng();
static AutoSeeded_RNG static_timing_test_rng(Botan::Entropy_Sources::global_sources(), 0);
return static_timing_test_rng;
// we could just use SHA-256 in OFB mode for these purposes
throw CLI_Error("Timing tests require a PRNG");
I am using these settings:
configure.py --prefix=$BUILD_DIR --with-external-includedir=$OPENSSL_PREFIX/include --with-external-libdir=$OPENSSL_PREFIX/lib --os=mingw --cpu=i386 --minimized-build --enable- modules=rsa,dsa,ecdsa,ed25519,hmac,hmac_drbg,mode_pad,bigint,filters,block,auto_rng,x509,cbc,dh --with-openssl
(building with mingw32, in Windows 10. Botan version 2.11.0)
I am pretty new on this. Any ideas?
EDIT: Changed to version 2.10.0, since 2.11.0 is not yet official, however the error did now change, to :
undefined reference to 'Botan::CPUID::state()'
Seems like adding entropy source system_rng solves this problem. Just add it to the enable-modules list. Got this from Jack Lloyd, creator of the Botan lib,

ld verification of load/store fails when using LTO but not much info is provided

After updating to Xcode 10 our C++ codebase does not link when built with -Os and -flto. The following error is provided:
ld: Explicit load/store type does not match pointee type of pointer operand (Producer: 'APPLE_1_1000.11.45.2_0' Reader: 'LLVM APPLE_1_1000.11.45.2_0') for architecture x86_64
(the same error occurs on the latest Xcode 10.1 Beta 3)
The same code builds fine with Xcode 9. Sadly the linker does not provide any more info than spitting out the above error message. Some info about the object file would be helpful in trying to pinpoint the exact source of the problem. Removing -flto eliminates the error…
Does anyone have any debugging suggestions/ideas? We've tried to use "--trace" with ld to get more info on the files being processed but the error message just gets outputted in the middle of the trace with no apparent correlation between the error and the input file being printed at that moment.
This all smells very much of a compiler error and I've reported this to Apple via the bug tracker.
Any extra help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
In my case turning any optimization -O1,2,3 spit out this error (while -flto was off)
I tracked it to the following issue.
I made a class Algo_three - so that I can return 3 values from a function:
#interface Algo_three<T,V,W> : NSObject{
T p_0;
V p_1;
W p_2;
+ (Algo_three<T,V,W>*) first:(T) f second:(V) s third:(W) t;
And I used it as follows (in .m file)
+(Algo_three<NSManagedObjectContext*,NSManagedObjectContext*,NSError*>*) CreateCDContexts: ....
return [Algo_three first:ui_managedObjectContext second:sync_managedObjectContext third:nil];
Receiving 3 values - this was good as well..
Algo_three<NSManagedObjectContext*,NSManagedObjectContext*,NSError*> * two_contexts = [not_important_class CreateCDContexts: ... ];
//and here is accessing
self->ui_context = (NSManagedObjectContext*) two_contexts->p_0; //getting 1st value
self->sync_context = (NSManagedObjectContext*) two_contexts->p_1; //2nd value
Commenting out last two lines removed the error!
So I added three accessor properties to class Algo_three and it worked.
Algo_three class lookes like this (.h).
#interface Algo_three<T,V,W> : NSObject{
T p_0;
V p_1;
W p_2;
#property (strong,nonatomic) T first;
#property (strong,nonatomic) V second;
#property (strong,nonatomic) W third;
+ (Algo_three<T,V,W>*) first:(T) f second:(V) s third:(W) t;
Implementation of those properties (.m):
- (id) first{
return p_0;
-(void) setFirst:(id) obj{
self->p_0 = obj;
- (id) second{
return p_1;
-(void) setSecond:(id) obj{
self->p_1 = obj;
- (id) third{
return p_2;
-(void) setThird:(id) obj{
self->p_2 = obj;
and instead of ->p_0 accessing is done via properties .first, .second
self->ui_context = (NSManagedObjectContext*) two_contexts.first;
self->sync_context = (NSManagedObjectContext*) two_contexts.second;
Lastly I admit - that compiler told me what file the error was located in, albeit not so clearly.
XCode 10.1 (10B61). I scrutinised the file that was just before the compiler error - I confirmed it by running archive from command line :
xcodebuild -scheme MY_PROJ archive

how to fix wrong stack alignment with Eigen library under Workbench3.0 (vxworks 6.6 IDE)

I am using Eigen(3.2.0) Library under Workbench3.0 (vxworks 6.6). The compiler in this distribution is GCC version 4.1.2.
Language : c++; Operating System: winXP
the problem code is as followed:
Eigen::Matrix3d mOrigin;
/* initial mOrigin */
Eigen::Quaterniond qOrigin(mOrigin);
I debuged the program and found that when it runs :
Eigen::Quaterniond qOrigin(mOrigin);
it comes out the assertion and prints:
assertion failed: (reinterpret_cast(array) & 0xf) == 0 && "this assertion is explained here: " "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox-devel/group__TopicUnalignedArrayAssert.html" " **** READ THIS WEB PAGE !!
! ****" in function Eigen::internal::plain_array::plain_array() [with T = double, int Size = 4, int MatrixOrArrayOptions = 0] at C:/WindRiver-GPPVE-3.6-IA-Eval/vxworks-6.6/target/h/Eigen/src/Core/DenseStorage.h:78
it said, fixed-size vectorizable Eigen objects must absolutely be created at 16-byte-aligned locations, otherwise SIMD instructions adressing them will crash. And that is why the assertion arises.
I think the problem is:
Compiler making a wrong assumption on stack alignment
it said, It appears that this was a GCC bug that has been fixed in GCC 4.5. If you hit this issue, please upgrade to GCC 4.5 and report to us, so we can update this page.
However, GCC is the intergation compiler of Workbench and I don't know how to upgrade it.
And I think I have tested the Local Solution and Global Solution, but they don't work.
Local Solution:
add "__attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer))"
class Interpolation : public InterpMath/*,public Colleague*/
__attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer)) ErrorID LineInterp(
const Position_MCS_rad &targetPoint,
const Position_MCS_rad &originPoint,
const Position_ACS_rad &originACS,
double Ts, double maxVel, double maxAcc,
double maxDecel, double maxJerk,
N_AxisSeqPtr &nAglSeqPtr, GrpTcpSeq *pGrpTcp = NULL)
Eigen::Matrix3d mOrigin;
/* initial mOrigin */
Eigen::Quaterniond qOrigin(mOrigin);
warning: 'force_align_arg_pointer' attribute directive ignored
Global Solution:
add compile option -mstackrealign
ccpentium -g -mtune=pentium4 -march=pentium4 -ansi -Wall -MD -MP -Xlinker -mstackrealign -IC:/WindRiver-GPPVE-3.6-IA-Eval/vxworks-6.6/target/h -IC:/WindRiver-GPPVE-3.6-IA-Eval/vxworks-6.6/target/h/wrn/coreip -IC:/WindRiver-GPPVE-3.6-IA-Eval/workspace/RobotInterface_2_2/h -DCPU=PENTIUM4 -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu -D_WRS_KERNEL -o
So how can I upgrade the intergration compiler to gcc 4.5 or newer, or whether there is other solution to fix this problem ?
Thanks for reading and help.

How to access parsed C++11 attributes via clang tooling

This answer suggests that clang post revision 165082 should retain all parsed attributes in the AST.
I first took this to mean that all attributes would be retained, but this does not appear to be the case:
$ clang++ -v
Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
Thread model: posix
$ cat att.cpp
void f [[noreturn, foo]] () {}
$ clang++ att.cpp -Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only -std=c++11
att.cpp:1:20: warning: unknown attribute 'foo' ignored [-Wattributes]
void f [[noreturn, foo]] () {}
att.cpp:1:30: warning: function declared 'noreturn' should not return [-Winvalid-noreturn]
void f [[noreturn, foo]] () {}
TranslationUnitDecl 0x102021cd0 <<invalid sloc>>
|-TypedefDecl 0x102022210 <<invalid sloc>> __int128_t '__int128'
|-TypedefDecl 0x102022270 <<invalid sloc>> __uint128_t 'unsigned __int128'
|-TypedefDecl 0x102022630 <<invalid sloc>> __builtin_va_list '__va_list_tag [1]'
`-FunctionDecl 0x1020226d0 <att.cpp:1:1, col:30> f 'void (void)'
|-CompoundStmt 0x1020227b0 <col:29, col:30>
`-CXX11NoReturnAttr 0x102022770 <col:10>
2 warnings generated.
In the above, note that attribute 'foo' has indeed been ignored, and is not present in the AST, as opposed to the attribute 'noreturn'.
Will attribute 'foo' be retained in the AST at some point, or will all attributes have to be part of the actual compiler (defined in Attr.td etc., as described in the Clang Internals Manual) to be retained in the AST?
The attributes are only retained in the AST if they are already known by Clang, which are most of the GCC attribs and the ones that clang defines itself. However you can(sort of) add your own attribs using the hints from this link. This enables you to define any new attribute and then process it in the ast in the following manner:
For example you took the line of code from the above link
__attribute__((annotate("async"))) uint c;
Then in your RecursiveASTVisitor instantiation you can do as follows:
bool MyRecursiveASTVisitor::VisitVarDecl(VarDecl* v)
clang::AttrVec vec = v->getAttrs();
printf("%s\n", Lexer::getSourceText(
return true;
The first printf only prints the "annotate" since that is the original attribute, to get the value which is of interest to use we get the actual token from the lexer as a string.
Since we did not create a new attribute we only get the append attribute type but we can dig further and distinguish our newly created attribute. Not as elegant as a newly created attribute ( which though possible needs changing clang code itself) but still works.

Clang does not compile a g++ project

When trying to compile a g++ project with the clang compiler, there is a strange error showing up.
Here is the snippet of the source file:
std::set<TTransportNetworkId> l_transportNetworkIds;
SelectionResultContainer l_searchResult = p_repo.rootMoc() / LnAny("LNBTS") / LnAny("LNMME");
BOOST_FOREACH(const SelectionResult & l_lnmmeSR, l_searchResult)
const MoLnmme & l_lnmme = l_lnmmeSR;
The error message is:
conditional expression is ambiguous; 'rvalue_probe<Rrom::DataRep::SelectionResultContainer>' can be converted to 'Rrom::DataRep::SelectionResultContainer' and vice versa
BOOST_FOREACH(const SelectionResult & l_lnmmeSR, l_searchResult)
Conditions are:
The file compiles fine with gcc_4.3.2
clang in version 3.2 throws the above error
Already tried to include the latest boost library which results in the same error
My guess is that clang handles rvalue conditions differently than this gcc version does.
clang is supposed to be a drop-in-replacement for gcc, so how can one get rid of this error without touching the source file?
Are there any options in clang which somehow disables these kind of errors?!
I could create an example source file, which you can reproduce for yourself:
#include <vector>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
class A : public std::vector<int>
template <class T>
operator const T &() const;
void foo(){
A colA;
int b = 1;
When compiled with clang 3.2 the above error is raised, with some additional insights to where exactly the error occurs:
error: conditional expression is ambiguous; 'rvalue_probe<A>' can be converted to 'A' and vice versa BOOST_FOREACH(b, colA)
expanded from macro 'BOOST_FOREACH' f (boost::foreach_detail_::auto_any_t BOOST_FOREACH_ID(_foreach_col) = BOOST_FOREACH_CONTAIN(COL))
expanded from macro 'BOOST_FOREACH_EVALUATE' (true ? boost::foreach_detail_::make_probe((COL), BOOST_FOREACH_ID(_foreach_is_rvalue)) : (COL))
This code is compiled without errors with gcc_4.7.2.
Any ideas why the two compilers behave differently?
I found the solution in this document, see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/boost/foreach.hpp
// Some compilers do not correctly implement the lvalue/rvalue conversion
// rules of the ternary conditional operator.
So, when providing a -DBOOST_FOREACH_NO_RVALUE_DETECTION definition option to clang, the error disappears.
Still the question remains whether gcc or clang is right or wrong on this point.
