Springboot Webflux jackson deserialization not working - spring-boot

I have a springboot server in which I'musing webflux. I overrode the default Jackson ObjectMapper by setting a default type resolver, but when Flux encoder is not working as expected:
// Configuration.java
public class Configuration {
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer() {
TypeResolverBuilder<?> typeResolver =
new ObjectMapper.DefaultTypeResolverBuilder(DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL).init(Id.CLASS, null)
return jacksonObjectMapperBuilder -> jacksonObjectMapperBuilder
// Controller.java
public class Controller {
ObjectMapper mapper;
#GetMapping(value = "/flux")
public Flux<Boolean> getFlux() throws Exception {
System.err.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(true)); // prints "true" : OK
return Flux.just(true); // Not returning "true" on the browser
When I test the endpoint with a browser, I get the following:
Obviously the deserialization is wrong, not only it shouldn't include the type (because boolean is a final class), but also the representation is wrong (included as an array).
When I remove the jackson configuration, I get on the browser true as an output which is correct
Spring boot version: 2.1.2.RELEASE
Java version: 8


Elasticsearch Java Client Jackson Mapper pollutes Spring Jackson Mapper

I'm updating my Spring Boot project to version 3.0.0 of Spring Boot.
One important dependecy is the Spring Data Elastic Repository. I included the starter dependency:
After updating the dependecies, my unit test are failing, because no more null values are provided by the web controller. I tried to change the behavior by using the property inclusion configuration:
default-property-inclusion: always
This did not help. I debugged the code party and it seems like the new Elastic Java Client has it's own Jackson Mapper config, which sets the global config to 'NON_NULL'.
package co.elastic.clients.json.jackson;
public class JacksonJsonpMapper extends JsonpMapperBase {
private final JacksonJsonProvider provider;
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public JacksonJsonpMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, false)
// Creating the json factory from the mapper ensures it will be returned by JsonParser.getCodec()
new JacksonJsonProvider(objectMapper.getFactory())
Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
I found a soultion for the problem. Spring Boot has an autoconfiguration for the Elastic Jackson mapper. This autocofiguration uses the same ObjectMapper as the web controller:
package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.elasticsearch;
* Configurations for import into {#link ElasticsearchClientAutoConfiguration}.
* #author Andy Wilkinson
class ElasticsearchClientConfigurations {
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
static class JacksonJsonpMapperConfiguration {
JacksonJsonpMapper jacksonJsonpMapper(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
return new JacksonJsonpMapper(objectMapper);
It is possible to override this Bean to copy the ObjectMapper instance and create an own ObjectMapper for the Elastic client:
internal class CustomJacksonJsonpMapperConfiguration {
fun jacksonJsonpMapper(objectMapper: ObjectMapper): JacksonJsonpMapper {
return JacksonJsonpMapper(objectMapper.copy())

SpringBoot Rest Controller Supporting both xml and json with JAXB Pojos + Custom Http Message Converters + Swagger-UI

Getting following Swagger error when I introduced custom message converters
Unable to render this definition
The provided definition does not specify a valid version field.
Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field. Supported version fields are swagger: "2.0" and those that match openapi: 3.0.n (for example, openapi: 3.0.0).
The error is misleading, I guess its getting confused with the converters. Any Ideas to get it fixed?
I followed - swagger-ui not working with custom XML ObjectMapper (no luck)
I have generated pojos from xsd(s) through xjc. And I have a rest endpoint which needs to support both xml and json for request/response
We got it working by following [spring documentation][1] section: 22.16.12 Message Converters
Here is what I added in MyConfig
public class MyConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
converters.add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(objectMapper()));
converters.add(new MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter(xmlMapper()));
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
return new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
.modulesToInstall(new JaxbAnnotationModule())
public XmlMapper xmlMapper() {
return new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
.modulesToInstall(new JaxbAnnotationModule())
and my controller
// all the open api annotations //
#RequestMapping(value = "/run",
produces = {"application/json", "application/xml"},
consumes = {"application/json", "application/xml"},
method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<MyResponse> run(#RequestBody MyRequest request) {
Ok its about which objectMapper. I had to clean up and remove '#primary' which made the trick in MyConfig
public MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() {
return new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
.modulesToInstall(new JaxbAnnotationModule())
public MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter mappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter() {
return new MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter(new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder()
.modulesToInstall(new JaxbAnnotationModule())

Configured ObjectMapper not used in spring-boot-webflux

I have mixins configured in my objectmapperbuilder config, using the regular spring web controller, the data outputted according to the mixins.
However using webflux, a controller with a method returning a Flow or Mono have the data serialized like if the objectmapper a default one.
How to get webflux to enforce an objectmapper configuration to be used ?
sample config:
JavaTimeModule javatimeModule(){
return new JavaTimeModule();
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer(){
return jacksonObjectMapperBuilder -> jacksonObjectMapperBuilder.featuresToEnable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS)
.mixIn(MyClass.class, MyClassMixin.class);
I actually found my solution by stepping through the init code:
public class Config {
JavaTimeModule javatimeModule(){
return new JavaTimeModule();
Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer(){
return jacksonObjectMapperBuilder -> jacksonObjectMapperBuilder.featuresToEnable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS)
.mixIn(MyClass.class, MyClassMixin.class);
Jackson2JsonEncoder jackson2JsonEncoder(ObjectMapper mapper){
return new Jackson2JsonEncoder(mapper);
Jackson2JsonDecoder jackson2JsonDecoder(ObjectMapper mapper){
return new Jackson2JsonDecoder(mapper);
WebFluxConfigurer webFluxConfigurer(Jackson2JsonEncoder encoder, Jackson2JsonDecoder decoder){
return new WebFluxConfigurer() {
public void configureHttpMessageCodecs(ServerCodecConfigurer configurer) {
I translated the solution of #Alberto Galiana to Java and injected the configured Objectmapper for convenience, so you avoid having to do multiple configurations:
public class WebFluxConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public void configureHttpMessageCodecs(ServerCodecConfigurer configurer) {
new Jackson2JsonEncoder(objectMapper)
new Jackson2JsonDecoder(objectMapper)
Just implement WebFluxConfigurer and override method configureHttpMessageCodecs
Sample code for Spring Boot 2 + Kotlin
class WebConfiguration : WebFluxConfigurer {
override fun configureHttpMessageCodecs(configurer: ServerCodecConfigurer) {
Make sure all your data classes to be encoded/decoded have all its properties annotated with #JsonProperty even if property name is equal in class and json data
data class MyClass(
val id: String,
val name: String)
In my case, I was trying to use a customized ObjectMapper while inheriting all of the behavior from my app's default WebClient.
I found that I had to use WebClient.Builder.codecs. When I used WebClient.Builder.exchangeStrategies, the provided overrides were ignored. Not sure if this behavior is something specific to using WebClient.mutate, but this is the only solution I found that worked.
WebClient customizedWebClient = webClient.mutate()
.codecs(clientCodecConfigurer ->
.jackson2JsonDecoder(new Jackson2JsonDecoder(customObjectMapper)))
I have tried all the different solutions (#Primary #Bean for ObjectMapper, configureHttpMessageCodecs(), etc.). What worked for me at the end was specifying a MIME type. Here's an example:
class WebConfig: WebFluxConfigurer {
override fun configureHttpMessageCodecs(configurer: ServerCodecConfigurer) {
val encoder = Jackson2JsonEncoder(objectMapper, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON)
val decoder = Jackson2JsonDecoder(objectMapper, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON)

How to Create or configure Rest Template using #Bean in Spring Boot

I want to define RestTemplate as an application bean using #Bean annotation in my configuration class in a spring boot application.
I am calling 4 rest services in different places in my application flow. Currently I am creating RestTemplate every time every request. Is there a way I can define that as application bean using #Bean and inject that using #Autowired?
Main reason for this question is I can able to define RestTemplate using #Bean but when I inject it with #Autowired I am loosing all defined interceptors (Interceptors are not getting called.)
Configuration Class
#Bean(name = "appRestClient")
public RestTemplate getRestClient() {
RestTemplate restClient = new RestTemplate(
new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory()));
List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor>();
interceptors.add(new RestServiceLoggingInterceptor());
return restClient;
Service Class
public class MyServiceClass {
private RestTemplate appRestClient;
public String callRestService() {
// create uri, method response objects
String restResp = appRestClient.getForObject(uri, method, response);
// do something with the restResp
// return String
It seems my Interceptors are not getting called at all with this configuration. But RestTemplate is able to make a call to the REST service and get a response.
Answer for Spring boot 2.*.* version.
I am using Spring boot 2.1.2.RELEASE and I also added RestTemplate in my project in a class where mail method exists.
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {
return builder.setConnectTimeout(Duration.ofMillis(300000))
and Used in my service or other classes like this
RestTemplate res;
and in methods
HttpEntity<String> entity = new HttpEntity<>(str, headers);
return res.exchange(url, HttpMethod.POST, entity, Object.class);
Judging form the name of the interceptor, I'm guessing you're doing some logging in it? You could of missed logging level configuration. I created a small application to check weather your configuration works, using 1.3.6.RELEASE version.
In this class I define the RestTemplate bean and the interceptor with logging.
package com.example;
// imports...
public class TestApplication {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(TestApplication.class, args);
#Bean(name = "appRestClient")
public RestTemplate getRestClient() {
RestTemplate restClient = new RestTemplate(
new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory()));
// Add one interceptor like in your example, except using anonymous class.
restClient.setInterceptors(Collections.singletonList((request, body, execution) -> {
return execution.execute(request, body);
return restClient;
For logging to work, I also have to set the correct debug level in application.properties.
Then I create a service where I inject this RestTemplate.
public class SomeService {
private final RestTemplate appRestClient;
public SomeService(#Qualifier("appRestClient") RestTemplate appRestClient) {
this.appRestClient = appRestClient;
public String callRestService() {
return appRestClient.getForObject("http://localhost:8080", String.class);
And also an endpoint to test this out.
public class SomeController {
private final SomeService service;
public SomeController(SomeService service) {
this.service = service;
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String testEndpoint() {
return "hello!";
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String test() {
return service.callRestService();
By performing a GET request to http://localhost:8080/test I should expect to get the String hello! getting printed (the service makes a call to http://localhost:8080 which returns hello! and sends this back to me). The interceptor with logger also prints out Intercepting... in the console.
Edd's solution won't work if you're using Spring Boot 1.4.0 or later. You will have to use RestTemplateBuilder to get this working. Here is the example
public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder){
RestTemplate template = restTemplateBuilder.requestFactory(new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory()))
.interceptors(logRestRequestInterceptor) //This is your custom interceptor bean
.messageConverters(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter())
return template;
Now you can autowire the bean into your service class
private RestTemplate simpleRestTemplate;
Hope this helps

Spring boot how to custom HttpMessageConverter

Back-end, Spring boot project(v1.3.0.RELEASE), supply Rest JSON Api to fron-end, just now encountered an error:
Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError)
I decide to change to a custom FastJsonHttpMessageConverter, and code is below
public HttpMessageConverter httpMessageConverter() {
FastJsonHttpMessageConverter fastJsonHttpMessageConverter = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter();
return fastJsonHttpMessageConverter;
but it does not work, in real it uses a default HttpMessageConverter. Although does not have above error, the output is not as I expected. e.g.
suppliers: [
$ref: "$.value"
Now change above code
public HttpMessageConverter mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() {
FastJsonHttpMessageConverter fastJsonHttpMessageConverter = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter();
return fastJsonHttpMessageConverter;
This time it works, I want to know why the method name have to be mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter? If use another method name how to configure it?
After seeing this offical document, I know how to customize converters.
public HttpMessageConverters customConverters() {
HttpMessageConverter<?> additional = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter();
return new HttpMessageConverters(additional);
A Revise to my main post, actually below code does not work.
public HttpMessageConverter mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() {
FastJsonHttpMessageConverter fastJsonHttpMessageConverter = new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter();
return fastJsonHttpMessageConverter;
Spring boot never enter this method if you set breakpoint inside it.
And below code also works.
public class FooApplication extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(FooApplication.class, args);
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
converters.add(new FastJsonHttpMessageConverter());
Spring boot says (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto-spring-mvc.html#howto-customize-the-responsebody-rendering):
If a bean you add is of a type that would have been included by default anyway (like MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter for JSON conversions) then it will replace the default value.
The bean you are adding is not of the same type, so the above does not happen. Your converter goes somewhere in the list of converters (probably the end), and the first suitable converter (the old one) does the job.
Beans produced by the Java configuration have the name of the method, so when you create a second bean named mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, it overrides the one created by spring boot's JacksonHttpMessageConvertersConfiguration and takes it place.
Instead of adding a converter bean, you might prefer to override the whole list of converters:
As in normal MVC usage, any WebMvcConfigurerAdapter beans that you provide can also contribute converters by overriding the configureMessageConverters method,
