Passing generic to generic package to set port in VHDL - vhdl

I’m looking at a generic package example in eda playground ( and I’m trying to do something similar. I’m trying to get an integer from the top level through the generic field in the entity, and then pass the generic value on to the generic package to set the size of a part of a record. This record type is then to be used in the port of the entity where the generic came from.
Is this possible or do I have to hard code the number in the package declaration as in the example? Trying to declare the package in the entity gives me error proclaiming that the port can’t see the record type. Declaring the package normally as in the example mean that the package can’t see the generics in the entity.
I have been meaning to use a constant package to circumvent the “problem”, but I’m wondering if it is possible to do this using generics and a generic package without hard coding the numbers. This is so that I don’t have to remember to change the constant package when I’m reusing the module.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- pps_control_generic_pkg
package pps_control_generic_pkg is
-- Size of register. Max 32. Default 32
g_reg_size : integer := 32
type t_apb3_pif2core is record
rw_config : std_logic_vector(g_register_size-1 downto 0);
rw_config_we : std_logic;
end record;
type t_apb3_core2pif is record
rw_config : std_logic_vector(g_register_size-1 downto 0);
end record;
end package pps_control_generic_pkg;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- Trying to declare this correctly
package pps_control_pkg is new work.pps_control_generic_pkg
generic map(
g_reg_size => g_reg_size
use work.pps_control_pkg.all;
entity pps_control_core is
-- Size of register. Default 32
g_register_size : integer := 32;
csi_sys_clk : in std_logic;
rsi_sys_reset : in std_logic;
-- Interface to access register
p2c : in t_apb3_pif2core;
c2p : out t_apb3_core2pif;
pps_in : in std_logic;
pps_out : out std_logic;
pps_en_n : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl of pps_control_core is
end rtl;

An unconstrained composite element of a record type provided with a record constraint works. Credit goes to Tricky for mentioning the solution and user1155120 for typing it out.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package pps_control_generic_pkg is
type t_apb3_pif2core is record
rw_config : std_logic_vector;
rw_config_we : std_logic;
end record;
type t_apb3_core2pif is record
rw_config : std_logic_vector;
end record;
end package pps_control_generic_pkg;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.pps_control_pkg.all;
entity pps_control_core is
g_register_size : integer := 32;
csi_sys_clk : in std_logic;
rsi_sys_reset : in std_logic;
p2c : in t_apb3_pif2core
(arw_config(g_register_size-1 downto 0));
c2p : out t_apb3_core2pif
(aro_config(g_register_size-1 downto 0));
pps_in : in std_logic; --! External pps signal
pps_out : out std_logic; --! Outputted pulse
pps_en_n : out std_logic --! Enable pps signal to instrument
end entity;


Creating VHDL Multiplexer with variable width and number of inputs

I am trying to create a bus/dataflow multiplexer with variable width and number of inputs, and use it as an IP Module in block design with Vivado. So far I have successfully managed to create a 2to1 mux with variable width:
library IEEE;
entity mux is
Generic ( NUM_BITS : integer);
Port (
A : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0);
B : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0);
X : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0));
end mux;
architecture Behavioral of mux is
X <= A when (SEL = '0') else B;
end Behavioral;
This works. I am able to drop this into the Block Design tool in Vivado, and I am able to customize the block and change the value of "NUM_BITS".
Customizable IP Mux in Block Design
I have almost successfully created a variable input mux with fixed width:
package my_pkg is
-- Generic ( NUM_BITS : integer);
type inputs is array(natural range<>) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
end my_pkg;
use work.my_pkg.all;
entity mux is
Generic ( SEL_WIDTH : integer);
Port (
INPUT : in inputs(0 downto 2**SEL_WIDTH-1);
OUTPUT : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0));
end mux;
architecture Behavioral of mux is
OUTPUT <= INPUT(to_integer(unsigned(SEL)));
end Behavioral;
However, I am not able to drop this into the block design tool because port type needs to be std_logic_vector in order to be recognized by the block design tool.
Block Design Error
I have seen some other posts addressing similar issues:
Using array of std_logic_vector as a port type, with both ranges using a generic - unable to use the provided examples in block design tool
Use generic parameter as port array length - used this to create the code in second portion
But neither of these helped me achieve what I would like.
I would like to combine these two into one multiplexer with BOTH variable inputs and width.
I am using Xilinx Vivado 2020.1

structural vhdl: creating a "main function"

I would like to create a structural VHDL file that implements a "main" function. The "top-level" file would be design and the program that runs the code would be prog. Assuming that fulladd_pack contains the fulladd component, how do I "link" the two VHDL files?
*I also don't get the arguments in main in order for this to work.
-- design.vhdl
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.fulladd_pack.all;
ENTITY design IS
port(Cin : IN STD_LOGIC;
Cout, Over : OUT STD_LOGIC);
END design;
ARCHITECTURE struct OF design IS
main: prog PORT MAP(Cin,X,Y,S,C,Cin);
END struct;
-- prog.vhdl
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.fulladd_pack.all;
port(Cin : IN STD_LOGIC;
Cout, Over : OUT STD_LOGIC);
END prog;
instance0: fulladd PORT MAP(Cin,X,Y,S,C,Cin);
output: fulladd PORT MAP(Cin,X,Y,S,C,Cin);
END struct;
You've missed the point. VHDL, as a "programming language", models concurrency, dataflow, and the passage of time. A model is composed of large numbers of elements ('processes') with data ('signals') flowing between them. A built-in kernel in your simulator handles the concurrency and time flow.
At the "top level", you write a testbench, which instantiates the model, and you apply stimulus (by driving signals which are inputs to the model). The stimulus forces data around the model. This carries on until you stop providing stimulus, at which point everthing else (should) stop.
So, no main. Write a testbench. 'Linking' is an internal concept in the simulator; forget it. Just simulate your source files together.

Using VHDL Record in SystemVerilog Testbench in Modelsim

I've done research on this, but the examples that I've found on other web pages have broken links. I'm looking for an example of how to import a custom VHDL record that is contained in a package into a SystemVerilog Testbench.
I'm using modelsim, so I've read that I need to use the -mixedsvvh switch. Do I need to use this switch for both vcom and vlog calls? Also, there's another switch [b | s | v] which when I use s it gives me an error:
** Error: (vcom-1276) Option '-mixedsvvh' was given with a bad argument.
When I use no arguments, I try to run vsim and I get the following message:
-- Importing package c:/Projects/source/work.test_pkg__mti__sv__equiv__implct__pack
** Error: 't_Test' is an unknown type.
VHDL Package:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package test_pkg is
type t_Test is record
DATA1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DV1 : std_logic;
DATA2 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
DV2 : std_logic;
end record t_Test;
end package test_pkg;
VHDL Entity/Architecture:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library work;
use work.test_pkg.all;
entity Test_Top is
port (
i_Clk : in std_logic;
i_Data : in t_Test;
o_Data : out t_Test
end entity Test_Top;
architecture RTL of Test_Top is
process (i_Clk) is
if rising_edge(i_Clk) then
o_Data.DATA1 <= i_Data.DATA1;
o_Data.DV1 <= i_Data.DV1;
o_Data.DATA2 <= i_Data.DATA2;
o_Data.DV2 <= i_Data.DV2;
end if;
end process;
end architecture RTL;
SystemVerilog Testbench:
interface Test_IF();
import test_pkg::*;
t_Test Data;
endinterface // Test_IF
module Test_Top_TB ();
import test_pkg::*;
logic r_Clock;
Test_IF hook();
Test_IF hook2();
Test_Top UUT
Try changing t_Test in your systemverilog testbench to lower case, ie. t_test.

Passing Generics to Record Port Types

I did recently start to use records for my port definitions, especially if I want to group signals that belong to a certain interface. However, the problem I'm facing here is that I cannot pass, say the width of a std_logic_vector, to the entity by means of a generic. So what I basically want to do is the following:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.math_pkg.all;
package fifo_pkg is
type fifo_in_type is record
data_in : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH_??- 1 downto 0);
rd : std_logic;
wr : std_logic;
end record;
type fifo_out_type is record
data_out : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH_?? - 1 downto 0);
empty : std_logic;
full : std_logic;
end record;
component fifo is
MIN_DEPTH : integer;
DATA_WIDTH : integer
clk : in std_logic;
res_n : in std_logic;
i : in fifo_in_type;
o : out fifo_out_type
end component fifo;
end fifo_pkg;
So the ideal solutions would be when i can use the same generic in my record as i did in the entity. (So that DATA_WIDTH is the same as DATA_WIDTH_??). I know that this should work somehow with vhdl 2008, however my quartus II 11sp1 does not support generics in records.
Is there an elegant way to achieve that kind of "generic passing" that is synthesizable? I know that one could just store a constant in the package, but then I cannot use the same fifo package to instantiate several fifo's with different widths.
Thanks a million,
Can you use type generics with Quartus?
Then you leave the type completely unspecified, so that you can create a FIFO of integers or any other data type:
package fifo_pkg is
generic (type element_type);
type fifo_in_type is record
data_in : element_type;
rd : std_logic;
wr : std_logic;
end record;
type fifo_out_type is record
data_out : element_type;
empty : std_logic;
full : std_logic;
end record;
component fifo is
MIN_DEPTH : integer;
DATA_WIDTH : integer
clk : in std_logic;
res_n : in std_logic;
i : in fifo_in_type;
o : out fifo_out_type
end component fifo;
end fifo_pkg;
Then when you want to use it:
package wide_fifo_pkg is new fifo_pkg
generic map (type => std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
and then you can use fifo_in_type and fifo_out_type:
signal i : fifo_in_type;
If you have more than one FIFO in a design unit you can create several versions of the package and use the package prefix to get the right type:
package narrow_fifo_pkg is new fifo_pkg
generic map (type => std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
signal i32 : wide_fifo_pkg.fifo_in_type;
signal i4 : narrow_fifo_pkg.fifo_in_type;
Another VHDL 2008 option: you can have an unconstrained record type:
type fifo_in_type is record
data_in : std_logic_vector;
rd : std_logic;
wr : std_logic;
end record;
which you can then create subtypes of for your various uses:
subtype fifo1_data_type is fifo_in_type(data_in(31 downto 0));
subtype fifo2_data_type is fifo_in_type(data_in(15 downto 0));
No idea if Quartus supports either of those options - please let us know!
Generics in packages is supported in Xilinx's Vivado toolset currently. Ref their document UG901, the section titled "Generics in Packages" for details and a code sample. Need to make sure the source code properties are set up for VHDL-2008, as explained elsewhere in the same document.

Use a generic to determine (de)mux size in VHDL?

I want to use a generic 'p' to define how many outputs a demux will have. Input and all outputs are 1 bit. The outputs, control, and input can be something simple like:
signal control : std_logic_vector(log 2 p downto 0); -- I can use a generic for the log2..
signal input : std_logic;
signal outputs : std_logic_vector(p-1 downto 0);
But what would the mux implementation code be? Is it even possible?
No generics required:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity demux is
control : in unsigned;
input : in std_logic;
outputs : out std_logic_vector
end entity demux;
architecture rtl of demux is
-- Check size of input vectors
assert 2**control'length = outputs'length
report "outputs length must be 2**control length"
severity failure;
-- actually do the demuxing - this will cause feedback latches to be inferred
outputs(to_integer(unsigned(control)) <= input;
end architecture;
(Untested, just typed in off the top of my head...)
This will infer latches though - is that what you want?
You need to feed log_p as generic and compute p as you go.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity demux is
generic (
log_p: integer);
control : in std_logic_vector(log_p downto 0);
input :in std_logic;
outputs : out std_logic_vector(2**log_p - 1 downto 0)
end entity demux;
You need to pass both the number of outputs and the size of the control array as generics, unless you are always using powers of two.
Outside of your (de)mux module (ie: when you instantiate), you can use code to calculate the number of bits for the control bus. I have a function in a common package I use to initialize various configuration constants and generics that get passed to code similar to your (de)mux application:
-- Calculate the number of bits required to represent a given value
function NumBits(val : integer) return integer is
variable result : integer;
if val=0 then
result := 0;
result := natural(ceil(log2(real(val))));
end if;
return result;
...which allows you to do things like:
constant NumOut : integer := 17;
signal CtrlBus : std_logic_vector(NumBits(NumOut)-1 downto 0);
my_mux : demux
generic map (
NumOut => NumOut,
NumCtrl => NumBits(NumOut) )
port map (
control => CtrlBus,
