Symfony 4 / Doctrine: Dynamic table name on entity => function with find () OK but createQueryBuilder () NOK - doctrine

I have a database composed (among others) of tables of statistics dynamically named by period:
The idea is to create a single entity and manage it dynamically.
I manage to handle the call to the entity dynamically by setting the name of the table. When using the find() method, I do not have problems, the name change is done correctly and I can make several changes in the controller without encountering an error, however, since a call to a createQueryBuilder(), only the initial configuration is taken into account and the change of the name of the table is not taken into account after, yet there is a clear() performed ?
Question: Why with a find() the change is functional but not with the createQueryBuilder() ?
My Code
My entity, classic but no table name
namespace App\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* #ORM\Table()
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\MyTableRepository")
class MyTable {
* #ORM\Id()
* #ORM\GeneratedValue()
* #ORM\Column(name="ID", type="integer")
private $id;
CASE N ° 1, it works! :)
In my controller :
$oEntityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$metadata = $oEntityManager->getClassMetadata(MyTable::class);
$metadata->setPrimaryTable(array('name' => 'MY_TABLE_2019_02')); //-- Dynamically manage the table
echo $metadata->getTableName(); //-- 'MY_TABLE_2019_02'
$oMyTable = $oEntityManager->getRepository(MyTable::class);
$aRetour = $oMyTable->find(1); //-- SELECT ... FROM MY_TABLE_2019_02... OK
$metadata->setPrimaryTable(array('name' => 'MY_TABLE_2019_06')); //-- Dynamically manage the table
echo $metadata->getTableName(); //-- 'MY_TABLE_2019_06' OK
$aRetour = $oMyTable->find(1); //-- SELECT ... FROM MY_TABLE_2019_06... OK ! IS GOOD :)
CASE N ° 2, it doesn't work! :(
In my repository :
public function myFunction(): array {
$oRequete = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')->setMaxResults(10);
return $oRequete->getQuery()
In my controller :
$oEntityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$metadata = $oEntityManager->getClassMetadata(MyTable::class);
$metadata->setPrimaryTable(array('name' => 'MY_TABLE_2019_02')); //-- Dynamically manage the table
echo $metadata->getTableName(); //-- 'MY_TABLE_2019_02' OK
$oMyTable = $oEntityManager->getRepository(MyTable::class);
$aRetour = $oMyTable->myFunction(); //-- SELECT ... FROM MY_TABLE_2019_02... OK
$metadata->setPrimaryTable(array('name' => 'MY_TABLE_2019_06')); //-- Dynamically manage the table
echo $metadata->getTableName(); //-- 'MY_TABLE_2019_06' OK !!!!
$aRetour = $oMyTable->myFunction(); //-- SELECT ... FROM MY_TABLE_2019_02... NOK !!!!!!!!! table name not change here !?
In this case 2, when I make $metadata->getTableName() I have a valid return, here 'MY_TABLE_2019_06', but when I call $oMyTable->myFunction(), the request generated via the createQueryBuilder() does not does not change ?
Do you have a solution or a research track to give me?


Firestore pagination - Is there any query compatible with firebase's limitToLast?

Is there a way to implement back pagination with firestore?
I am struggling to implement pagination with firestore, and there are limited firestore queries for it. Forward pagination can be made by startAt and limit method, that is ok. But back pagination can't be easily done, because we only have endBefore, and endAt method, and how can we get last n elements from given document? I know realtime database have method limitToLast. Is there any query like this for firestore? (Also I need to implement multiple sorting, so getting last documents with "ASC" or "DESC" sorting will not work)
Help much appreciated.
The equivalent to the limitToLast(...) operation from the Firebase Realtime Database in Cloud Firestore is to order the data descending (which is possible in Firestore) and then just limit(...). If you're having problems implement this, update your question to show what you've done.
I agree that this is a sub-optimal API for back-pagination, since you're receiving the items in reverse order.
Simpler answer: Firestore now has .limitToLast(), which works exactly as you think it does. Used in my own (guess I need to publish it soon) Firestore Wrapper:
// *** Paginate API ***
export const PAGINATE_INIT = 0;
export const PAGINATE_PENDING = -1;
export const PAGINATE_UPDATED = 1;
export const PAGINATE_DEFAULT = 10;
export const PAGINATE_CHOICES = [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500];
* #classdesc
* An object to allow for paginating a table read from Firestore. REQUIRES a sorting choice
* #property {Query} Query that forms basis for the table read
* #property {number} limit page size
* #property {QuerySnapshot} snapshot last successful snapshot/page fetched
* #property {enum} status status of pagination object
* #method PageForward pages the fetch forward
* #method PageBack pages the fetch backward
export class PaginateFetch {
Query = null;
snapshot = null;
status = null; // -1 pending; 0 uninitialize; 1 updated;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* #constructs PaginateFetch constructs an object to paginate through large
* Firestore Tables
* #param {string} table a properly formatted string representing the requested collection
* - always an ODD number of elements
* #param {array} filterArray an (optional) 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions
* #param {array} sortArray a 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions
* #param {ref} ref (optional) allows "table" parameter to reference a sub-collection
* of an existing document reference (I use a LOT of structered collections)
* The array is assumed to be sorted in the correct order -
* i.e. filterArray[0] is added first; filterArray[length-1] last
* returns data as an array of objects (not dissimilar to Redux State objects)
* with both the documentID and documentReference added as fields.
* #param {number} limit (optional)
* #returns {PaginateFetchObject}
filterArray = null,
sortArray = null,
ref = null,
) {
const db = ref ? ref : fdb;
this.limit = limit;
this.Query = sortQuery(
filterQuery(db.collection(table), filterArray),
this.status = PAGINATE_INIT;
* #method Page
* #returns Promise of a QuerySnapshot
PageForward = () => {
const runQuery = this.snapshot
? this.Query.startAfter(_.last(
: this.Query;
this.status = PAGINATE_PENDING;
return runQuery
.then((QuerySnapshot) => {
this.status = PAGINATE_UPDATED;
//*IF* documents (i.e. haven't gone beyond start)
if (!QuerySnapshot.empty) {
//then update document set, and execute callback
//return Promise.resolve(QuerySnapshot);
this.snapshot = QuerySnapshot;
return => {
return {,
ref: doc.ref
PageBack = () => {
const runQuery = this.snapshot
? this.Query.endBefore([0])
: this.Query;
this.status = PAGINATE_PENDING;
return runQuery
.then((QuerySnapshot) => {
this.status = PAGINATE_UPDATED;
//*IF* documents (i.e. haven't gone back ebfore start)
if (!QuerySnapshot.empty) {
//then update document set, and execute callback
this.snapshot = QuerySnapshot;
return => {
return {,
ref: doc.ref
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* #function filterQuery
* builds and returns a query built from an array of filter (i.e. "where")
* consitions
* #param {Query} query collectionReference or Query to build filter upong
* #param {array} filterArray an (optional) 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions
* #returns Firestor Query object
export const filterQuery = (query, filterArray = null) => {
return filterArray
? filterArray.reduce((accQuery, filter) => {
return accQuery.where(filter.fieldRef, filter.opStr, filter.value);
}, query)
: query;
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* #function sortQuery
* builds and returns a query built from an array of filter (i.e. "where")
* consitions
* #param {Query} query collectionReference or Query to build filter upong
* #param {array} sortArray an (optional) 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions
* #returns Firestor Query object
export const sortQuery = (query, sortArray = null) => {
return sortArray
? sortArray.reduce((accQuery, sortEntry) => {
return accQuery.orderBy(sortEntry.fieldRef, sortEntry.dirStr || "asc");
//note "||" - if dirStr is not present(i.e. falsy) default to "asc"
}, query)
: query;
I also have the equivalent for CollectionGroup queries, and listeners for each as well.
I was running into this same issue, and not understanding why using limit with endAt wasn't returning the results I desired. I was attempting to implement a list in which you could paginate in both directions, first forward and then backward back to the start of the list.
To remedy the situation I decided to just cache the startAfter DocumentSnapshot for each page so that one can move both directions, in this way I never have to use endAt. The only time this will become an issue is if the collection of documents shifts or changes while the user is on a page other than the first page, but by returning to the first page it will reset to the beginning of the collection.
Yes. Building upon Frank's answer...
Have something like this in your query...
if ( {
// if next, orderBy field descending, start after last field
q.orderBy('field', 'desc');
} else if (this.prev) {
// if prev, orderBy field ascending, start after first field
q.orderBy('field', 'asc');
} else {
// otherwise just display first page results normally
q.orderBy('field', 'desc');
and then reverse it when you get the query...
.valueChanges({ idField: 'id' })
tap(results => {
if (this.prev) {
// if previous, need to reverse the results...
I just want to share my code for Firestore pagination.
I am using react hooks w/ NextJS.
You will need to have "useFirestoreQuery" hook, which can be found here.
So here is my set up.
/* Context User */
const {user} = useUser()
/* States */
const [query, setQuery] = useState(null)
const [ref, setRef] = useState(null)
const [reverse, setReverse] = useState(false)
const [limit, setLimit] = useState(2)
const [lastID, setLastID] = useState(null)
const [firstID, setFirstID] = useState(null)
const [page, setPage] = useState(1)
/* Query Hook */
const fireCollection = useFirestoreQuery(query)
/* Set Ref, **When firebase initialized** */
useEffect(() => {
user?.uid &&
.where('type', '==', 'vaporizers')
}, [user])
/* Initial Query, **When ref set** */
useEffect(() => {
ref && setQuery(ref.orderBy('id', 'asc').limit(limit))
}, [ref])
/* Next Page */
const nextPage = useCallback(() => {
setPage((p) => parseInt(p) + 1)
setQuery(ref.orderBy('id', 'asc').startAfter(lastID).limit(limit))
}, [lastID, limit])
/* Prev Page */
const prevPage = useCallback(() => {
setPage((p) => parseInt(p) - 1)
setQuery(ref.orderBy('id', 'desc').startAfter(firstID).limit(limit))
}, [firstID, limit])
/* Product List */
const ProductList = ({fireCollection}) => {
const [products, setProducts] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
let tempProducts = []
let tempIDs = []
const {data} = fireCollection
for (const key in data) {
const product = data[key]
tempProducts.push(<ProductRow {...{product}} key={key} />)
if (reverse) {
}, [fireCollection])
return products
I moved the 'ProductList' outside of the component with a context provider, but this is the gist of it.
If you are looking for the total number of products. I suggest you keep up with the totals with these cloud functions. You will need to store your totals in a separate collection. I call mine 'shortcuts'.
exports.incrementProducts = functions.firestore
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const createdProduct =
/* Increment a shortcut collection that holds the totals to your products */
exports.decrementProducts = functions.firestore
.onDelete((snap, context) => {
const deletedProduct =
/* Decrement a shortcut collection that holds the totals to your products */
Don't Forget
Make sure you set your indexes for all this to work. Here is what mine looks like.

Magento Observer - Getting Newsletter Subscribtion from Order Object

What can I call from an $observer object to determine if the guest or customer clicked the subscribe checkbox on checkout? So far I have this:
public function collectCustomerData($observer)
$this->observer = $observer;
$this->_order = $this->observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
$this->_address = $this->_order->getShippingAddress();
$this->data['first_name'] = $this->_address->getFirstname();
$this->data['last_name'] = $this->_address->getLastname();
$this->data['city'] = $this->_address->getCity();
$this->data['email'] = $this->_order->getCustomerEmail();
but I need to add $this->data['is_newsletter'] from either $this->_order(Mage_Sales_Model_Order) or $this->_address(Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Address), or pull in another model that has that information through static factory methods such as Mage::getModel() if I need to
I figured it out, I had to bring the newsletter/subscriber model into the equation. The following code returned either 1 or null:
$email = $this->_order->getCustomerEmail();
$isNewsletter = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber')
Based on that I was able to set the opt in flag appropriately:
$this->data['is_newsletter'] = $isNewsletter;

Adding step to Magento onepage checkout process

I am try to create an additional step in the Magento onepage checkout process.
I am following the tutorial located at but specifically adding a step at the end before the review.
My folder / file structure is as follows. (Ignore widget.xml)
I have uploaded the code in it's current state to this gist:
I have the theme set to 'new'.
I am var_dumping the $this->getSteps() which shows that the 'testcheck' returns null.
In config.xml, if I change under gobal, blocks, checkout, rewrite, onepage to the same class with '_TestCheck' on the end, the checkout doesn't display at all, but 'Test Check' appears in the progress section on the right. When I revert this change, it then shows as not being null in the var dump like so...
But, I still don't see the step actually added to the page.
I've not done any magento before, so feel a bit in over my head. I expect there is some problem with the xml configuration files, but I've been working on this for 2 days now, and am somewhat lost as to what else I can try.
I know this question may sound similar to others, which it is, however I can't find a question where the OP has the same symptoms as what I am seeing.
By default magento gives some checkout steps. But Sometime you need to add extra information from the customer for future reference. A common requested customization is to add the Custom Form in default checkout process.
This is not good practice to touch core files. You can do this via overriding Modules.
In this example Comapnyname is Ipragmatech and Module name is Checkoutstep.
Step1: Add Custom step in the checkout process
Open the Ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > Block > Onepage> Checkoutstep.php file and write the following code
class Ipragmatech_Checkoutstep_Block_Onepage_Checkoutstep extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Abstract
protected function _construct()
$this->getCheckout()->setStepData('checkoutstep', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('checkout')->__('Invitation to participation'),
'is_show' => true
Step2: Add steps which and where you want in the checkout process
Open the Ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > Block > Onepage> Checkoutstep.php file and write the following code
class Ipragmatech_Checkoutstep_Block_Onepage extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage
public function getSteps()
$steps = array();
if (!$this->isCustomerLoggedIn()) {
$steps['login'] = $this->getCheckout()->getStepData('login');
$stepCodes = array('billing', 'shipping', 'shipping_method', 'payment', 'checkoutstep', 'review');
foreach ($stepCodes as $step) {
$steps[$step] = $this->getCheckout()->getStepData($step);
return $steps;
Step3: Grab the submitted value of custom form and set the values of Custom form
Open the ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > controllers > OnepageController.php and write the following fucntion
public function saveCheckoutstepAction()
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
//Grab the submited value
$_entrant_name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('entrant_name',"");
$_entrant_phone = $this->getRequest()->getPost('entrant_phone',"");
$_entrant_email = $this->getRequest()->getPost('entrant_email',"");
$_permanent_address = $this->getRequest() ->getPost('permanent_address',"");
$_address = $this->getRequest()->getPost('local_address',"");
Mage::getSingleton('core/session') ->setIpragmatechCheckoutstep(serialize(array(
'entrant_name' =>$_entrant_name,
'entrant_phone' =>$_entrant_phone,
'entrant_email' =>$_entrant_email,
'permanent_address' =>$_permanent_address,
'address' =>$_address
$result = array();
$redirectUrl = $this->getOnePage()->getQuote()->getPayment() ->getCheckoutRedirectUrl();
if (!$redirectUrl) {
$result['goto_section'] = 'review';
$result['update_section'] = array(
'name' => 'review',
'html' => $this->_getReviewHtml()
if ($redirectUrl) {
$result['redirect'] = $redirectUrl;
Step4: Save Custom Form information
When checkout_onepage_controller_success_action
event hook is called. Open the Ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > Model >Observer.php and write the following
class Ipragmatech_Checkoutstep_Model_Observer {
const ORDER_ATTRIBUTE_FHC_ID = 'checkoutstep';
public function hookToOrderSaveEvent() {
if (Mage::helper('checkoutstep')->isEnabled()) {
$order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order ();
$incrementId = Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->getLastRealOrderId ();
$order->loadByIncrementId ( $incrementId );
// Fetch the data
$_checkoutstep_data = null;
$_checkoutstep_data = Mage::getSingleton ( 'core/session' )->getIpragmatechCheckoutstep ();
$model = Mage::getModel ( 'checkoutstep/customerdata' )->setData ( unserialize ( $_checkoutstep_data ) );
$model->setData ( "order_id",$order["entity_id"] );
try {
$insertId = $model->save ()->getId ();
Mage::log ( "Data successfully inserted. Insert ID: " . $insertId, null, 'mylog.log');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
Mage::log ( "EXCEPTION " . $e->getMessage (), null, 'mylog.log' );
Magento – Add Custom Form in Checkout Extension is a complete solution to add extra step in Checkout process for your ecommerce website. It allow admin to export data from custom table in CSV format.
Visit the link to get this free extension

Magento Adding Step to Onepage Checkout

I'm attempting to add a very basic (literally just a div with some text and a continue button) step to the onepage checkout but have come up short, in that they don't work (i suspect it's because they were created prior to, when following the examples here (Fontis), here (inchoo) and here (Magento Forums).
I've also tried to combined bits from different examples and forum posts but i've gotten no where in the week i've been attempting to do this.
I have been recommended the book 'Php Architect's Guide to E-Commerce Programming with Magento' which i've purchased and will begin reading but i was wondering if someone could kindly point me in the right direction in adding a new step to's onepage checkout?
Much appreciated for any help!
I have done this successfully in following this guide:
In summary, you need to extend/override Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage::getSteps() to add your new step in the sequence.
Create your new step's block/template (loaded using an Ajax request when the previous step is completed) Your block class will need to extend: Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Abstract
You also need to extend the onepagecheckout javascript as this does much of the heavy lifting. The Prototype library has a nice way of doing this.
Finally you will need to extend the controller class (Mage_Checkout_OnepageController) to override the responses of any existing steps, return the content of your new step (loaded using ajax), and handle the save action of any data (form fields etc) entered in your new step.
By default magento gives some checkout steps. But Sometime you need to add extra information from the customer for future reference. A common requested customization is to add the Custom Form in default checkout process.
This is not good practice to touch core files. You can do this via overriding Modules.
In this example Comapnyname is Ipragmatech and Module name is Checkoutstep.
Step1: Add Custom step in the checkout process
Open the Ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > Block > Onepage> Checkoutstep.php file and write the following code
class Ipragmatech_Checkoutstep_Block_Onepage_Checkoutstep extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Abstract
protected function _construct()
$this->getCheckout()->setStepData('checkoutstep', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('checkout')->__('Invitation to participation'),
'is_show' => true
Step2: Add steps which and where you want in the checkout process
Open the Ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > Block > Onepage> Checkoutstep.php file and write the following code
class Ipragmatech_Checkoutstep_Block_Onepage extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage
public function getSteps()
$steps = array();
if (!$this->isCustomerLoggedIn()) {
$steps['login'] = $this->getCheckout()->getStepData('login');
$stepCodes = array('billing', 'shipping', 'shipping_method', 'payment', 'checkoutstep', 'review');
foreach ($stepCodes as $step) {
$steps[$step] = $this->getCheckout()->getStepData($step);
return $steps;
Step3: Grab the submitted value of custom form and set the values of Custom form
Open the ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > controllers > OnepageController.php and write the following fucntion
public function saveCheckoutstepAction()
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
//Grab the submited value
$_entrant_name = $this->getRequest()->getPost('entrant_name',"");
$_entrant_phone = $this->getRequest()->getPost('entrant_phone',"");
$_entrant_email = $this->getRequest()->getPost('entrant_email',"");
$_permanent_address = $this->getRequest() ->getPost('permanent_address',"");
$_address = $this->getRequest()->getPost('local_address',"");
Mage::getSingleton('core/session') ->setIpragmatechCheckoutstep(serialize(array(
'entrant_name' =>$_entrant_name,
'entrant_phone' =>$_entrant_phone,
'entrant_email' =>$_entrant_email,
'permanent_address' =>$_permanent_address,
'address' =>$_address
$result = array();
$redirectUrl = $this->getOnePage()->getQuote()->getPayment() ->getCheckoutRedirectUrl();
if (!$redirectUrl) {
$result['goto_section'] = 'review';
$result['update_section'] = array(
'name' => 'review',
'html' => $this->_getReviewHtml()
if ($redirectUrl) {
$result['redirect'] = $redirectUrl;
Step4: Save Custom Form information
When checkout_onepage_controller_success_action
event hook is called. Open the Ipragmatech > Checkoutstep > Model >Observer.php and write the following
class Ipragmatech_Checkoutstep_Model_Observer {
const ORDER_ATTRIBUTE_FHC_ID = 'checkoutstep';
public function hookToOrderSaveEvent() {
if (Mage::helper('checkoutstep')->isEnabled()) {
$order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order ();
$incrementId = Mage::getSingleton ( 'checkout/session' )->getLastRealOrderId ();
$order->loadByIncrementId ( $incrementId );
// Fetch the data
$_checkoutstep_data = null;
$_checkoutstep_data = Mage::getSingleton ( 'core/session' )->getIpragmatechCheckoutstep ();
$model = Mage::getModel ( 'checkoutstep/customerdata' )->setData ( unserialize ( $_checkoutstep_data ) );
$model->setData ( "order_id",$order["entity_id"] );
try {
$insertId = $model->save ()->getId ();
Mage::log ( "Data successfully inserted. Insert ID: " . $insertId, null, 'mylog.log');
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
Mage::log ( "EXCEPTION " . $e->getMessage (), null, 'mylog.log' );
Magento – Add Custom Form in Checkout Extension is a complete solution to add extra step in Checkout process for your ecommerce website. It allow admin to export data from custom table in CSV format.
Visit the link to get this free extension

Is there a function like _compile_select or get_compiled_select()?

Looks like _compile_select is deprecated and get_compiled_select is not added to 2.1.0. Are there any other functions like those two? And also I am curious. Is there any particular reason to not adding get_compiled_select() to Active Record and removing _compile_select?
I've added get_compiled_select() to DB_active_rec.php and it seems to work without problem, but i wouldn't remove _compile_select() since it's used in many other methods.
The pull request for adding this method is here, with some other useful methods like:
if you want just the method, it's just this:
* Get SELECT query string
* Compiles a SELECT query string and returns the sql.
* #access public
* #param string the table name to select from (optional)
* #param boolean TRUE: resets AR values; FALSE: leave AR vaules alone
* #return string
public function get_compiled_select($table = '', $reset = TRUE)
if ($table != '')
$select = $this->_compile_select();
if ($reset === TRUE)
return $select;
