Audio Service Not Starting/Functioning Properly - windows

My Audio Service refuses to function properly. I have tried so many different solutions I can't even recall all of them.
Here's how it started; I got home from work one day to see my computer has no video signal but is turned on and receiving input from my mouse/keyboard. I force restart my computer and, after it boots up, I see that the Windows Audio Service is stopped.
I first try to use the task manager to start the service (Audiosrv) and it would blink at Starting then immediately go back to Stopped. From here I went to the Services window and tried starting it from there (Windows Audio) and, after trying to start, says Access Denied (Error 0x80070005).
So after searching a solution I went into regedit and was told to add System as a permission group for AudioSrv and the AudioEndpointBreaker service. Turns out they were already there with FULL CONTROL for both.
I try to change the logon to use Local System Account (WITH INTERACT DESKTOP CHECKED!) and voila, my audio service is running! But my bad luck continues.
None of my speakers/headphones are creating sound even though the service turned on and I can see all my devices. As an attempt I tried to do test sound, and this error appears.
Keep in mind I've restarted after every one of these fixes, both the service and my computer afterwards. As a final attempt I tried to open the Command Prompt as administrator and entered sfc /scannow . After verifying, this message appears.
I honestly have no clue what could've happened while I was working, but I'd rather not have to reinstall my windows to lose all my files.
Recap of my attempts to solve
Start the Audiosrv service from Task Manager (failed to start but keep in mind the EndpointBreaker service was running)
Opened services window and tried starting the Windows Audio service (Access Denied [Error 0x80070005])
Tried adding System as permission group for AudioSrv and AudioEndpointBreaker to find out both already had Administrators, my user, and System with full Control.
Changed login to local system account with interact desktop control checked and it fixed! Supposedly. THIS WAS THE FIX FOR 99% OF PEOPLE ON THE FORUMS
After realizing my sound wasn't playing but my devices/control was showing up, tried testing sound and received an error.
Last resort I did a sfc /scannow command and was given the response shown above.
What should and what can I do to get my audio running?
When I drag the volume slider [which usually creates a tone with the volume adjusted], the speakers/headphones meter on the Sound window do NOT light up green (in other words they aren't showing sound receiving on its end)

I resolved this issue after doing a system restore.

Add the Local Service in the Local Users and Groups
Right-click This PC or My Computer, depending on which version of Windows you have, and select Manage from the dropdown menu.
To the right, you will see a System Tools section. Double click Local Users and Groups, and select Groups beneath it.
Right-click Administrators in the list in the middle of the window, and select Add to group.. from the dropdown menu.
Click Add, then Advanced, and then click Find Now. Double click Local Service, and click OK. You should see NT Authority\Local Service in the list, click OK. Close the Computer Management window and reboot your device. Your problem should be solved.
Then in services.msc change logon to LOCAL SYSTEM.

If you dont permission to run Windows Audio:
key windows + Services
search Windows Audio
right click settings
Local system account and allow the service to interact with the desktop
save and run Windows Audio


About behavior of "Minimize" in case of Remote App when using Guacamole

We are using Guacamole for developing an application with RDP. We did POC using code from the following GitHub repositories:
Configuration details are:
Windows Server 2016. RDP service is running here.
With this setup, we could successfully access the application remotely, however, the "minimize" action is not behaving as we expected. That is, the remote app window vanishes when we press the "minimize" button and a black screen is shown.
We could get back to the app by pressing 'Alt+Tab' combination but what we are expecting here is that the app getting placed at the bottom of the window showing three buttons: "Minimize, Restore and Close", so that we can take the further action. (As shown below.)
Has someone come across such a scenario and was able to address the need? Any help will be highly appreciated.
We came across this thread that talks about a similar problem but it doesn't have a solution.
We also explored official documentation of guacamole but had no luck.
Thanks in advance!
I believe you are starting the application using RemoteApp mechanism. The RemoteApp means that the remote application will be started integrated with the local computer desktop. The local computer desktop, or better window manager, will handle the minimise action.
In case of the Guacamole, the "local computer desktop" is the browser window, which does not have window manager. This means that there is no place for app to go when minimised.
You may try the Guacamole parameter "initial-program" instead of "remote-app". This parameter will launch the application immediately upon the connection is established, but the session will also have full desktop from the remote machine.

RunAs/Remote Desktop Windows Security - A Device attached to this device is not functioning correctly

Good Afternoon, never seen this one before in my years of working with Windows but im at a loss to try and find the solution to this one.
When users log on to their desktops as Non-Admin accounts, there are particular applications they need to run as different users due to the way some of the systems work. A load of system policies where updated for security at group policy level however now something strange is happening when the user initiates a RunAs by holding the shift key down or if they attempt to remote desktop to another machine, the NLA Windows Security box that prompts for credentials takes 5/10 minutes to appear.
When the user hovers over the taskbar icon, then over the window without clicking the Windows Security box displays as full screen missing the username and password box but when you click on it nothing happens and just disappears. Eventually after a few minutes the windows security box will appear and can log in as normal however the users jump into systems adhoc and cant be waiting for minutes at a time to put their credentials in which could cost a lot of user down time during the day.
I have tried looking at the security log but as you can imagine its filled with all sorts and trying to locate one specifically without knowing the issue is difficult at best. Has anyone had this issue before that can point me in any direction. I have to assume this is permission related on the devices trying to access something locally because when i log on to the devices with an account in the administrators group all these issues disappear and the windows security works as normal. Also, if they click "Run as administrator" they get the UAC credential box so i don't believe this is UAC related as its working by design just anything with "Windows Security" prompts. I should point out that whilst this is waiting - the File Explorer icon highlights under "Run As" like the explorer is waiting to do something.
OS - Windows 10 Pro
Acc - Domain Joined
Group policy enabled
Local Policy Disabled
Update: 21H2
Never seen this before but hoping one of you legends has!
Full Screen Box - Screenshot
For anyone reading this - although bizzare as it is...
It turns out it was McAfee Disk Encryption - there was a bug in the local FDE security provider causing it to hang every time it was accessed.
Update your McAfee FDE Client/Agent to the latest version

Adobe connect stuck on connecting

I installed adobe connect and configured on a server and I have a domain, It's all connected and working, I can create meetings and every thing, but when I try to get in to a meeting I can't and adobe connect application stuck on connecting. I opened 443,80,1935 ports on server and I tried connecting even with firewall off but I had no luck, what else should I do on server?
try to delete Internet Explorer cache and cookies . Follow these steps :
1. Open run box by pressing Windows key and “R” at the same time.
Type “inetcpl.cpl” in the run box and hit OK.
Click on General tab and under browsing history section click on “Delete”.
Under Delete Browsing History window, make sure Temporary Internet files, Cookies and History is checked.
Click on Delete and relaunch the meeting room.
Additional Information:
You can try launching the same meeting from other web browsers as well if they are available.

Windows PowerShell.lnk not found

I have a Surfacebook (first generation) running Windows 10 Enterprise and joined to my company's active directory domain. I'm not sure what happened (as best I can tell now updates were installed nor were any GPO applied), but I woke up to a machine that seems to have several core setting reset. All of my apps that were pinned to my Taskbar and Start Menu were gone, and my app auth tokens were reset, and the two powershell related shortcuts off the context menu of the Start button were no longer mapped to .lnk' files. I'm trying to get these powershell menu items working again and I'm having no luck.
Doing this:
Fails with:
This file was indeed gone. I don't know what removed this, but I recreated it:
But still it fails. I've checked the permissions, I own the directory and .lnk. I've rebooted and still it didn't work. Anyone know how to get this back to functional? And I would love to have a clue as to what might have caused all this to go haywire.

Running Internet Explorer on LocalSystem Account on Windows 2012

I'm setting up Selenium Grid. We have a separate machine for each version of the browser.
Each node is started as System Service running on LocalSystem account with interactions with user desktop enabled.
This is required because Selenium Grid node starting Internet Explorer have problems making screenshots and transferring them when there was no interaction with user desktop.
As far as I was able to check, it looks like that interactions with user desktop for service are only allowed for LocalSystem account. Event changing manually flags in registry does not seem to works (as it was in windows 2008)
Everything is working fine except the test where I need to perform upload of the file. When there is an action to open dialog for file browsing, following popup appears
Is there any way to prevent this (creation of folder Desktop does not seem to work) ?
From the other hand, if there is a way to run service under different account with interactions with user desktop enabled, that would also be a case.
I would appreciate any help because I'm stuck with the problem
I have checked some additional solutions, like running selenium grid nodes via PowerShell Invoke-Command and this did not worked too.
I have managed to run selenium grid nodes as Windows Service with desktop interactions using 3rd party tool FireDaemon Pro Service Manager.
I didn't try this but PsExec -s should work
