Why is the terminal displaying gibberish? - terminal

On a usual day, I was using the PyCharm terminal.
I paused to see Youtube, and when I returend to PyCharm, my terminal was all messed up.
What can cause the characters on a terminal to be replaced by gibberish?


(Windows) Ctrl+C not working in terminal app

I'm currently writing a Snake in C++/ncurses, and my Ctrl+C has suddenly stopped working when inside the game. The fun thing, tho, is it still works outside of it (so when I'm just in the terminal) and it ALSO WORKS when I compile the code on another laptop.
It's just this pc that encountered this issue. Randomly.
What could it be?
Checked terminal settings and reverted code changes.
Tried using different terminals.

Bizarre key jam in terminal

We have a very bizarre situation that I can't seem to find a solution to online. When opening and using a terminal window on a Mac, a repetitive "~7" is being typed. I've attached a screenshot where I've tried to interrupt it with a Ctrl+C but to no avail. The same behavior does not occur if I open a text editor or any other program - just the terminal env has this problem. Does anyone have any idea what's happening?
Here's a screenshot of the OS and all other details:

Mac terminal font sometime sharp sometime blurry?

I am trying to understand why Mac terminal font is not sharp.
Mac terminal most of the time shows up like this:
Rarely it shows up like this:
Much sharper. I want to make it so it is always like the second image here, the sharper version.
What could be causing the fond to be not as sharp like shown in the first image?
I am running macOS 12.0 Monterey.
And this is my General and Profiles tabs:
That's the Antialias text option in Terminal's Preference->Profiles. My guess is that you sometimes switch between the predefined Basic profile, which has the option enabled, and the Homebrew profile, which has it disabled.
In the Preferences General tab, you can setup the Terminal to use a non-default profile on startup. If you do so, but at the same time have new windows open with the default profile, you get a different profile for every Terminal window but the first, which may be why you see these differences.

How can I open a new terminal tab in VSCode's integrated terminal using a shell script?

I've seen lots of ways to open a new terminal "tab/pane/view" using an external Terminal app like the macOS Terminal app or iTerm using a shell script or Apple Script but is it possible to write a script that opens up two different VS Code integrated terminal "tabs/panes/views" in the current workspace?
My Use Case
I'm starting my application and I want the client side logs and server side logs to open in separate integrated terminal windows side-by-side when the build completes.
What I'm Not Looking For
I've seen lots of ways to open a new VSCode terminal tab from within the VSCode settings/UI/key commands/command palette but I specifically need a way to do it using a shell script.

IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio terminal doesn't recognize emoji, while Mac terminal does

I have a different emoji in my .bash_profile config depending on the user in the terminal. I have both IntelliJ and Android Studio and the emoji shows as a broken character (Two squares). Is there any way to get intellij to recognize emoji. I have a couple of user profiles and I set the emoji to provide me with an easy way to know what profile I'm in without taking up 10 characters in the cmd line. This way, I save 9 chars.
I know this sounds like a bit of a ridiculous request (Who the heck needs emoji in terminal), but since the Mac terminal supports it, I suppose it wouldn't be a huge deal to get it working in IntelliJ?
