How to fix Sonar Violation: Invoke methods only conditionally and Either Log or rethrow the exception - sonarqube

I have the below statements in my code which violates some Sonar Rules."Fetched: {}", mapper.writeValueAsString(requests));
This one shows Invoke method(s) only conditionally for mapper.writeValueAsString(requests).
}catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception occurred while trying to fetch requests", e);
throw new GenericException(, e.getMessage(), Error.FETCH_REQUEST_ERR_001.value());
This one shows Either log this exception and handle it, or rethrow it with some contextual information. rule violation.
Any idea on how to resolve these. Appreciate any help.

I use IntelliJ and in a similar situation as yours SonarLint plugin accepted the following fix for me:
if(LOG.isInfoEnabled() && mapper != null){"Fetched: {}", mapper.writeValueAsString(requests)); // Your code


Break when exception is thrown except for when thrown in specific place in Rider

In Visual Studio there is a possibility to mute an exception when it happens in particular place, e.g. We are aware that there is some NullRefereneceException in Calculator.cs and we still want to catch those types of exceptions when thrown from all other places in code, but Calculator.cs.
How it looks like in VS:
Is such a feature available in Rider?
I wasn't able to find a solution to your question.
The only thing I found is to not break on a specific exception type - but that's unrelated to the line.
For example, let's take the following code:
public class OtherClass
public void ThrowNullReferenceException()
throw new NullReferenceException();
catch (Exception e)
With the following Exception Settings, the handled NullReferenceException gets swallowed:
Maybe you can get in contact with Rider support.
As of now the feature is not yet available, but there is a Youtrack ticket for this feature.

JDBCtemplate doesn't allow catch SQLException

I'm using Spring JDBC and I've got this test method to connect to PostgreSQL DB (It's a example code, this isn't the original code):
public void toConnect() {
final String sql = "SELECT 1";
If I catch the DataAccessException, and I call method getCause() the program trigger the PLSQException anyway (though finally printing the message that I set in the catch).
public void toConnect() throws CGConnException {
final String sql = "SELECT 1";
try {
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
throw new CGConnException("CG : Error DataBase connection. - ", e.getCause());
The problem is than I can't handle the exception and I want than only print the Message of the catch, without the exception details.
If it's run with an error on config parameters or the PostgreSQL database is down, a PSQLException is generated and that is great but I need to control this exception. However JdbcTemplate.execute(sql) method throws a DataAccessException, therefore, doesn't possibly catch the PSQLException on try/catch block (or I don't know how to do). So, when run the program always appears the stack trace in the console:
2021-05-02 03:10:14.052 ERROR 73837 --- [ main] .PostgresClientTestConnectionApplication : Error : CG : Error DataBase connection.
In this case, I need to print only a log as "Connection Error" or something similar as the example above.
Thank you in advance.
Actually there is no mistake. The exception is handled and the program finally correctly when is catch it.
try {
logger.error("Connection Successful . . .");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error connection" + e.getMessage());
throw new CGConnException("CG : Error DataBase connection. - ", e);
In the run console it's print the associate stack trace because Spring internal classes to do it, but don't mean than we are doing something wrong or than no handle the exception.

Identifying database errors and query errors separate in spring

I am writing a RESTful web service using spring 3 and I noticed that when I implemented my DAO's (I am using spring-jdbc for database access), the exceptions that get thrown are pretty generic, so i am not able to identify if the exception occurred because my database is down or my query failed.
sample code:
try {
Q q = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(MY_QUERY, new Object[]{id}, new MyMapper());
return q;
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
// What is this exception ? database down ? query failed ?
Unless I know what exception is this during runtime, I can't send back reasonable error message to service client.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
You shouldn't be trying to catch every single possible exception; code so that you don't run into the possibility of multiple user or programmer error type exceptions. Generally there are three type of exceptions that occur in every DAO regardless of what you do. (1) your database is down... imo if this is the issue you've got bigger problems. (2) user authentication error which is easy enough to catch and deal with (however you should probably be handling that situation on your RESTful front-end. (3) improper data. If you have bad data, just send the attempted data back and the reason for the exception.
try {
Q q = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(MY_QUERY, new Object[]{id}, new MyMapper());
return q;
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
throw new DaoException("Could not retrieve q with ID: " + qID, e);
The method queryForObject only throws DataAccessException or IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException. You shouldn't catch exception due to database connection failure at this level. However, in your DAO class, you normally have code to establish the dataSource which can be injected by Spring's IoC container. That part of code will throw exception if the database connection fails. You should catch DB failure exception there.

Unable to throw httpResponseException

When I try to throw the below forbidden ResponseException from my controller. An exception stating "Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details." is catched in the catch block of the controller method. Need help in resolving this
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));
Just change your controller implementation to re-throw if it's an HttpResponseException:
// action implementation
catch (Exception e)
if (e is HttpResponseException)
throw e;
// error handling logic
But the better answer is that #1 - you should avoid be catching all exceptions, that's bad practice. And #2 - you should use an exception filter instead to do your error handling and not catch exceptions yourself.

About Spring Transaction Manager

Currently i am using spring declarative transaction manager in my application. During DB operations if any constraint violated i want to check the error code against the database. i mean i want to run one select query after the exception happened. So i am catching the DataIntegrityViolationException inside my Catch block and then i am trying to execute one more error code query. But that query is not get executed . I am assuming since i am using the transaction manager if any exception happened the next query is not getting executed. Is that right?. i want to execute that error code query before i am returning the results to the client. Any way to do this?
public LineOfBusinessResponse create(
CreateLineOfBusiness createLineOfBusiness)
throws GenericUpcException {"Start of createLineOfBusinessEntity()");
LineOfBusinessEntity lineOfBusinessEntity =
try {
return setUpcLineOfBusinessResponseProperties(lineOfBusinessEntity);
// Some db constraints is failed
catch (DataIntegrityViolationException dav) {
String errorMessage =
throw new GenericUpcException(errorMessage);
// General Exceptions handling
catch (Exception exc) {
logger.debug("<<<<Coming inside General >>>>");
System.out.print("<<<<Coming inside General >>>>");
throw new GenericUpcException(exc.getMessage());
public String findErrorCodeByErrorMessage(String errorMessage)throws GenericUpcException {
int first=errorMessage.indexOf("[",errorMessage.indexOf("constraint"));
int last=errorMessage.indexOf("]",first);
String errorCode=errorMessage.substring(first+1, last);
//return errorCodesDao.find(errorCode);
return errorCode;
catch(Exception e)
throw new GenericUpcException(e.getMessage());
Please help me.
I don't think problem you're describing has anything to do with Transaction management. If DataIntegrityViolationException happens within your try() block you code within catch() should execute. Perhaps exception different from DataIntegrityViolationException happens or your findErrorCodeByErrorMessage() throwing another exception. In general, Transaction logic would be applied only once you return from your method call, until then you could do whatever you like using normal Java language constructs. I suggest you put breakpoint in your error error handler or some debug statements to see what's actually happening.
