How can i find the difference between two files in cmd - windows

I am trying to compare two files and get the output in another text file. So far I have checked and found only solutions to Unix or other OS, but I am looking for a Windows 10 solution.
These are what I have looked at so far:
Find the difference between two files
How to find difference between two text files in different directories in ubuntu os through command-line
This sort of work but not exactly:
fc D:\Logs\Allchannels.txt D:\Logs\check.txt > D:\Logs\missing.txt
The output this gives is a list of whats in both files, then the user will have to manually have to look at the files and find out the difference themselves.
What I want is a text file that only shows what's missing between the two.
Example of whats in the two fils:
file 1:
file 2:
so the output on the 3rd file should be Box as this is the value that's missing.

You could use Git BASH
and do similar to what you had, with this command:
git diff path/to/file-1 path/to/file-2 > diff.txt


Is there a way to mass rearrange parts of a file name for many files in Windows Command Prompt?

I have a folder of files where the names of the files are dates. I need to change the names of the files from mm-dd-yyyy.ext to yyyy-mm-dd.ext.
This is what I currently have:
This is what is desired:
I understand the 're' function but not sure how to mass rename them all distinct names that originate from the initial name. I have looked around and found more help with the simple 're' function, but nothing to just reorder the name. below are some things I found that help with 're' and give some additional thoughts, but still not what I need.
How to rename files in Windows CMD (command prompt)
Batch program to rename file which has spaces in file name

Where do I find out when a pycharm python file was made?

If there is no way to find out is there any way to find out when a file was first created on a Mac?
Mac shows the created time when you select a file in Finder. Almost always editors depend on os provided attributes for this.
There are at least two ways to determine this, and for any file in OSX.
The first option works if you are familiar with Terminal and navigation in Unix (Bash etc on OSX). Use the list files "ls" command.
Navigate to the folder your pycharm python file is contained in. Use the ls command to list the contents of that folder (directory) and include the options t,r and U.
For example:
ls -alhtrU
This instructs the ls command to list:
"a" both visible and invisible files in the directory,
"l" in long (single column down the page) format,
"h" with human readable file sizes,
"t" listed in order of time modified/last accessed/created,
"r" in reverse so most recently created file is at the bottom of the list and hence visible if the list is long as nearest to your command prompt. Finally add the
"U" directing the ls command to use the date the file was
created as the time information for ordering and displaying the
This method is not perfect. If the file was created last calendar year, only the year is displayed. If the file was created this calendar year, the created date and time to the minute is displayed. If you include an r in the ls command as suggested, the most recently created files appear in the ls list at the bottom (reverse order). This is helpful if there are many files in that folder/directory and your files of interest were created recently compared to the other files in that directory.
There is likely a different unix command to show the creation date and time of the particular file your interested in.
Learning the options available for basic Unix commands can be very helpful. This and other options for the ls command can be found by entering in Terminal.
man ls
This gives you the manual page for the ls command. Press "q" to exit when your finished reading to return to the Terminal command line. Or open a second Terminal window to load man pages so that you can reference your options in one terminal window while practicing them in the command line in another.
The second option is to open the folder the file your interested in sits in, in the OSX GUI.
Open the folder, then go to the Finder Menu, under View, select View Options. You can tick the box to show file "Date Created".
This solution saves you the time required to learn more about the ls Unix command and has the benefit of a real time update as you create new files in that folder, which may be desirable. However, as downside, if your interested in invisible files (begin with a "." as shown in ls command in Terminal), then these will not be visible without additional OSX tweaks. An alternative here is using Finder, Find, for that folder specifically and using the more detailed options available in Find.

Loop Over Files as Input for Program, Rename and Write Output to Different Directory

I have a problem with writing the output of a program to a different directory when I loop different files as variables as inputs. I run this in the command line. The problem is that I do not know how to "tell" the program to put the output with a changed filename into another directory than the input directory.
Here is the command, although it is a bioinformatic tool which requires specific input file formats. I am sorry that I could not give a better example. Nonetheless, the program is called computeMatrix in a software-tool box called deeptools2.
for f in ~/my/path/*spc_files*; do computeMatrix reference-point--referencePoint center --regionsFileName /target/region.bed --binSize 500 --scoreFileName "$f" **--outFileName "$f.matrix"** ; done \
So far, I tried to use the command basename to just get the filename and then change the directory before that. However I could not figure out:
if this is combinable
what is the correct order of the commands (e.g.:
outputFile='basename"$f"', "~/new/targetDir/'basename$f'")
Probably there are other options to solve the problem which I could not think of/ find.

Import Query into Windows Grep tool

I've been using grepWin,
And I would like to somehow perform a series of queries for pdf links within .html files.
Thus far with the tool I have been using I just input each individual PDF name and copy the file paths of each reference.
This works fine but I have several hundred specific PDFs I need to find the references for,
And I was wondering if this was possible by using Cygwin or some other cmdline like Findstr to pipe a textfile of links to PDF's which I am searching.
I will give an example:
I would copy all of the paths to which the listed file is linked to within html files.
I then need that copied next to it, or in its own column within csv.
I'm not sure if it's at all probable anyone has asked this before. Currently I'm filling out a spreadsheet of links to these files for a website..
In Linux the following command will find all the html files which contain the specified string:
grep -Rl "Spring-Summer.pdf" <some root folder>
The -R option is to search recursively, and -l is to display just the file name without content.
The same should work on Cygwin.

Side-by-side view in Vim of svn-diff for entire directory

I have a MacVim setup on my OSX machine so that the default Vim application (ie: /usr/bin/vim) is actually a symbolic link to the command-line version of Vim that ships with MacVim (ie: /Applications/, as it provides some key benefits over the stock Vim that ships with OSX10.6.
I periodically need to prepare a diff between a set of files, and export it into a colorful side-by-side-view HTML file. This is commonly achieved via:
vim -d file1 file2
(Within Vim): toHTML
The problem with this is that I have to manually check out the HEAD revision and a specific revision of the two sets of files, and do this operation for each pair of files. This is very time consuming.
Is it possible to have the results of svn diff command piped into Vim so I can have a colorful side-by-side-view diff for an entire directory (ie: the PWD), as opposed to just the unified diff view?
I have found several Vim scripts and bash scripts that attempt to achieve this, but there are two key problems:
I wish to explicitly call vim -d as the diff tool, and not vimdiff, as the MacVim application does not appear to ship with vimdiff, so I would be using the wrong version of Vim when launching the application
I wish to have multi-file diffs generated against an entire directory recursively, as opposed to just one or two files at a time.
If this is not feasible, I could likely create a bash script that more-or-less achieves this, but I'd like to avoid putting together a hacked/unreliable script if there is a more effective means of doing this.
Thank you.
vimdiff is merely an alternate name for vim. The binary checks to see how it's launched and determines its behavior accordingly. (That's why there isn't a different file for gvim and vim also.)
On my Mac OS and Linux machines I created a ~/bin directory, and then inside it created soft-links from the various names to my macvim binary. I put ~/bin very early in my path.
I'm not at work where I could check to make sure, but I think you can change the default SVN diff to point to vimdiff in ~/.subversion/config. Look for the diff-cmd section. might give you some useful information too.
You can try my aurum plugin, it ships with :AuVimDiff command which is as well capable of viewing all changes in a multiple tabs with vimdiff split:
AuVimDiff full HEAD 300
and get diffs between two revisions without you having to checkout them manually:
AuVimDiff file file1 HEAD 300
(file file1 part is optional, it will open diffsplit with current file if omitted. All revisions are also optional, for subversion specifying one revision is diffing it with file in the working directory and specifying no revisions is like svn diff: between BASE and working directory.)
300 here is just an example revision.
I have since resolved this fully in another, more recent post of mine. Posting a backtrack URL to it for future readers:
VIM - Passing colon-commands list via command-line
