How to run visual studio build in azure devops - visual-studio

I want to build my solution file in azure devops. I have added this to build pipeline, I see this step doesn't succeed. It tells " MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified." I suspect I am making some mistake in specifyning
msbuild args
msbuild $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\ansysfnonet\ansysfnonet.vs2017.sln /t:$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\ansysfnonet\ansysfnonet.csproj:Rebuild;
I tried specify only proj file as msbuild arg it didn't work for me
I tried without specifying msbuild it throws me whole lot of errors.
Someone please help me , why I am failing in this step and how to solve this error.

You don't need to specify an msbuild command line in the MSBuild Arguments field. You need to specify any additional MSBuild parameters beyond the defaults.
Clear that field. That should fix the problem you're encountering.


Build specific Visual studio project under project solution using Msbuild and devenv

I have Visual studio project solution which has multiple .csproj. Each .csproj has some reference libraries.The project settings are made in such a way the reference libraries are built first and then .csproj is built. This works as expected when i run it in visual studio IDE. But when i try to execute using msbuild i'm getting an error saying target doesn't exist. Gone through many posts related to this issue ,tried possible things.But didn't built.Looks like i might be doing something silly or missing something in the settings.
Also tried using devenv from commandline. With this option i dont see any error but at same time the project doesnt build.I dont see any message after execution of command.Im using visual studio 2015
Here is my project structure
msbuild "project.sln" target:"D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" /t:build
"/p:Configuration=Debug" "/p:platform=x86"
I see the below error
"D:\project.sln" (D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA\;build target) (1) ->
D:\project.sln.metaproj : error MSB4057: The target "D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA" does not exist in the project. [D:\project.sln]
Here is the command used using devenv
devenv.exe "project.sln" /build Debug /project `"D:\Projects\source\Demo\Applications\ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
After executing the above its doesnt build and i dont see any error too.
error MSB4057: The target "D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA" does not
exist in the project.
The error indicates your path in command is not valid and project.sln can't recognize the path. So you actually meet one path-related issue. And you should pass the ProjectA to the targets argument instead of ProjectA.csproj! More details see tip3 in For MSBuild.
For MSBuild:
1.If you're only trying to build ProjectA and its reference libraries.
Navigate(cd) to path where ProjectA.csproj exists, and then use command msbuild ProjectA.csproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:platform=x86
Also you can directly use command msbuild AbsolutePath\ProjectA.csproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:platform=x86. It's not necessary to use " to cover the path and arguments.
(ProjectA.csproj file should have definitions about the reference to those two library projects, so msbuild ProjectA.csproj will build those two projects first. You don't need to specify the xx.sln in your command.)
2.If you're trying to build whole solution(all the projects):
msbuild project.sln /t:build /p:Configuration=xxx /p:platform=xxx
Navigate to solution folder when you run above command, or use absolutepath\project.sln with that command.
3.When you want to build specific projects(more than one) in solution:
Check How to: Build Specific Targets in Solutions By Using MSBuild.exe. Since you're only build ProjectA, you don't need to use this format. For example: Only when you need to build both ProjectA and ProjectB, but not build ProjectC... You can use command like:
msbuild xxx.sln /t:NotInSlnfolder:Build;NewFolder\InSolutionFolder:Build
Pay attention to the path when you use this format. Whether your project is in solution folder can affect the build result a lot ! And, the direct cause of your issue, this command's targets argument needs one ProjectName as input instead of ProjectName.csproj.
For Devenv command:
1.I always use VS2017 and VS2019,so I'm not certainly sure if VS2015's devenv related command has big difference from VS2017's or VS2019's. But according to details from this VS2017 document:
Commands that begin with devenv are handled by the utility, which delivers output through standard system streams, such as stdout and stderr.
Alternatively, commands that begin with devenv.exe can use the same switches, but the utility is bypassed. Using devenv.exe directly prevents output from appearing on the console.
I think that's why you don't see any message after execution of command. You should use command to see the output in console. And it's by design that devenv.exe will prevents output from appearing on the console.
2.The following command builds the project CSharpWinApp, using the Debug project build configuration within MySolution.
devenv "%USERPROFILE%\source\repos\MySolution.sln" /build Debug /project "CSharpWinApp\CSharpWinApp.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
More details about devenv reference please check this document.
In addition:
1.Looks like you have one strange project structure. I checked your error message above and it seems your several projects(xx.csproj) are not under Solution(xx.sln) folder. Just a suggestion, the normal folder structure for VS2015 is always:
Solution folder
ProjectA folder
ProjectB folder
2.For most of the projects, build using msbuild is more powerful and convenient than build using devenv. So if you don't have special reason, I recommend using Msbuild, the build engine of VS.
Hope all above helps to resolve your issue and puzzle. Let me know if your issue persists:)
File "/Users/morel893/Desktop/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 84, in _execute
return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "projects_project" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ct"."technology", "projects_project"."image" FROM "projects_...

Difference between MSbuild command line and visual studio on code analysis

I have a Jenkins server where I build and test my code. When I test code analysis with MSBuild on Jenkins server (by command line) I have 87 warnings. And if I test on visual studio, I have 572 warnings.
Which is a huge difference !
After investigation, many of missing warnings are warnings about syntax as CA1704 or CA2204.
I have a ruleset in my solution, and I give the solution path to MSbuild (so it should use this ruleset too, am I right?). So what is missing ? or What I'm doing wrong ?
For information, I use visual studio 2017.
While Executing through MSBuild Command Line we should enable Code Analysis using following command:
/p:RunCodeAnalysis:true; and also you should specify the ruleset as CodeAnalysisRuleSet="path to the file"
In VS the codeanalysis could have been enabled in Solution property-->Code Analysis

TeamCity publish using Visual Studio 2015

I've read many articles on publishing from TeamCity using various versions of Visual Studio. I'm currently using v.9.1.7 of TeamCity and Visual Studio 2015.
I have my 3 build steps on check-in:
Clean & Rebuild
Unit Test
When I check in my files I get a Tests Passed success message:
I can tell from here something isn't right as I'm expecting it to say something about publishing. When I look at the Build Log I see the following:
[12:48:22][API\API.sln] Publish [12:48:22][Publish] MSBuild [12:48:22][MSBuild] API\API\API.csproj: Build target: Publish
[12:48:22][API\API\API.csproj] _DeploymentUnpublishable
My Publish Build Step is setup this way:
In my API project in Visual Studio I can publish to the correct location on the network. Here is my publish profile:
I'm not sure what I'm missing. I'm expecting the Publishing build step to work like when I click the Build->Publish menu item in Visual Studio.
I'm guessing that I'm missing something or misunderstanding what the publishing build step is supposed to do.
Any help is appreciated.
I was able to get it to work after days and days of searching. I found part of the answer here on Stack Overflow. The trick was to get it to work from the MSBuild Command Line:
C:\TFS\project\myProject\APIproject>msbuild apiproject.csproj
Once I got this running several times I was able to create a Build Step in Team City (see this question/answer) and I set the following:
Build file path: <location of the apiproject.csproj>
MSBuild version: Microsoft Build Tools 2015
MSBuild ToolsVersion: 14.0
Run platform: x86
Command Line Parameters: /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile= "C:\TFS\API\API\Properties\PublishProfiles\DEV.pubxml" /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0
IIRC, publishing from TeamCity requires certain files or alternatively VS installed on the build agent (which really isn't recommendable). Have you copied the necessary files to the build agent?
Where are artifacts location defined.
And you can use Tentacles for publishing build into various environments.
I guess, you need to look towards artifacts configurations.
You can use MSBuild runner to Deploy your Application/API
Add Command line parameter :
/t:Clean /p:DeployOnBuild=true /t:build /t:publish /p:PublishProfile=C:\_works\teamcity\publishprofiles\Publiush_Profile.pubxml /p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0
PublishPrfile URL should be your publish profile path.
This will work for you.
VS will probably find your publish profile with just the name, like:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true;/p:PublishProfile=DEV; very useful if you run more than one build agent.
And if you're deploying to an IIS you might need to add AllowUntrustedCertificate=true;

Publish VS2010 Solution to ISS(local) using Jenkins MSBuild Plugin command line

Jenkins successfully build my job using MSBuild plugin(framework 4.0) with this Command Line Arguments
/p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform="Any CPU" /p:PackageTempDir=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Example_Jenkins
The problem is that the solution isn't published in the given directory(C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Example_Jenkins) it only goes in the jenkins workspace folder. I even tried changing the command line arguments to commands like in web publish still files are not being deployed in the given folder.
You doing it not in the correct way. The correct way is described, for example, here:
msbuild Website.csproj "/p:Platform=AnyCPU;Configuration=Debug;PublishDestination=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Example_Jenkins" /t:PublishToFileSystem
PS I don't think it's so much jenkins related :)

MsBuild failing to build package, but okay with "just" building or building package after a "normal" build

I have a problem with building a Web Deployment Package from a Web Application Project (within a solution containing multiple projects, as well as multiple web applications).
This actually works
I can build the project just fine from the command line if I use this command for example:
msbuild D:\PathTo\Solution\Project\Project.csproj
/fl /flp:logfile="D:\buildadventures\Build.log";errorsonly;verbosity=diagnostic
But this does not work
But when I try the same command just a bit differently to build a deployment package for me like that:
msbuild D:\PathTo\Solution\Project\Project.csproj
/fl /flp:logfile="D:\buildadventures\Build.log";errorsonly;verbosity=diagnostic
AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false fails miserably, spitting out hundreds of errors of the "The type or namespace name '' does not exist"-kind
And why does it work this way?
The strange thing however is, the second command I posted works fine if the first one was executed prior to that.
I suppose the tasks executed when doing a "normal" build are different to those that are executed when building a package, now I wonder in what way they are different.
What symptomatically seems to cause it
I noticed that in the project file of the project I want to build a package of contains a custom section towards the end:
cscript $(ProjectDir)SvnRevision\svnrevision.vbs $(ProjectDir) $(ProjectDir)Version.cs
nuget install "$(ProjectDir)packages.config" -o "$(SolutionDir)Packages"
This seems to be responsible for that difference; if I do a "normal" build I can see that after that a new "Packages" directory was created in my solution folder.
However, as you might have guessed, that directory is missing when I try to do the package creation command. I also do not run into this problem if I let Visual Studio create the package for me.
Maybe I do have to change the project file or passed properties to carry over this behavior for my package creation, too?
Or Is there maybe a way to force a "normal" build and then just append package creation to that somehow?
Silly me.
I was able to circumvent this issue by just calling multiple targets in my msbuild command such as that:
msbuild D:\PathTo\Solution\Project\Project.csproj
/fl /flp:logfile="D:\buildadventures\Build.log";errorsonly;verbosity=diagnostic
