Ionic 4 => OSX platform - macos

I am working on an ionic 4 project and want to generate a version for the OSX platform.
I have successfully add the platform and build the project for this platform after upgrading to the last cordova version.
Now, i run the project for the OSX platform and i only get a black screen.
I had the information that we cannot generate a version of the ionic project for the OSX platform but after successed to add the platform i think that there are some new corrections in the cordova or ionic in recente version that my solve the problem.
Have any one encountred this kind of problem?
bellow is a config.xml file
bellow is a package-lock.json file
bellow is a package.json file
or can anyone help me get over this issue?
thanks in advance


Nativescript: Error Building for iOS Simulator

I have followed the complete install guide for nativescript on a Mac (Big Sur). Also when running tns doctor everything seems fine. However, when i'am running tns build ios or tns run ios i get the following error:
error: Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework 'TNSWidgets.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator. (in target 'projectapp' from project 'projectapp').
Could someone please tell me how to fix this. I installed nativescript 7.0.11 and
x-code 12.3
Yesterday with the Xcode update (12.3) I've got the same error, after seeing a lot of posts about this error the solution from Niko Dovidija IS THE CORRECT ONE.
My environment:
Xcode 12.3
iOS platform 6.5.3
Nativescript 6.7.8
In order to build the application in CLI update build.xconfig in iOS platform and add this line:
Posts about "similar" errors and didn't work for me.
Building for iOS simulator
Building for iOS simulator 'AFNetworking.framework'
So I just updated Xcode to 12.3 today, using nativescript 7.0.11 in my project and I got a simular issue. What worked for me was:
Open the platforms/ios folder using Xcode
Select "yourprojectname.xcodeproj" from the list
Select yourprojectname from the Targets
Expand Build Options and find Validate Workspace
Change to Yes
Rebuild the project
After that, I got a successful build.
Please note that I also needed to run ns platform clean ios command in order to make the build work after updating my Xcode to 12.3

Missinig provisoning profile error when building an ios ionic app using xcode 10

I updated my version of xcode yesterday, and now when I build an ionic app that worked perfectly before I get the following error when validating the ipa:
Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: Missing Provisioning Profile - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision..
How can I get the embedded.mobileprovision to be generated/ included?
Currently the best workaround is to opt-out of the new build system:
If you're building on the command-line, you can specify --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0":
Cordova CLI
cordova run ios --buildFlag='-UseModernBuildSystem=0'
cordova build ios --buildFlag='-UseModernBuildSystem=0'
Ionic CLI
ionic cordova run ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
ionic cordova build ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
If you're building with a build.json config file, you can add the following under the iOS release or debug config:
"buildFlag": [
If you are opening the project in the Xcode IDE, you need to change the build system in Workspace Settings to "Legacy Build System"
Solution from here
Worked For Me. Cheers. has an answer,
\just build with the --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0" and adjust project settings to build using legacy mode.
It seems like this issue has been resolved with the release of cordova ios 5.0.0 ( ) - they added compatibility with the modern build system

Xcode-7, Could not build Module <IBMMobileFirstFoundation>

I am facing an issue, related to cordova ios build using Xcode-7.
when I create fresh project on mac machine, I am able to build and run that on simulator ios 6s. But When I try to import the project built on windows machine to mac, I am not able to build it succesfully.
could not build module "IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation".
*Configuration on windows:
cordova 6.5.0
ionic 3.3.0
node 6.10.3
ios platform version is 4.4.0
npm version is 3.10.10
*configuration on mac machine
cordova 6.5.0
ionic 3.3.0
node 6.11
ios platform version is 4.4.0
npm version is 3.10.10
Xcode is 7.
thank you for kind attention, kindly suggest me what I doing wrong.
After one week R&D, I found the the answer to the problem, there was the problem of Xcode version, I just updated the OS version and also the Xcode version. Later On I came to know that problem was cordova and ionic version also. I update the cordova version to 7.2.0 and ionic version to 3.4.0.
I have build the app and its running fine, with some UI issues.
also use ionic cordova build to build the project.
thank you.

ionic build android doesn't do anything

I am trying to set up ionic in my Windows 7 machine. I follow the steps here
When i do the step, ionic add platform android, it does nothing. ionic platform android tries to download cordova-android but not sure if its fine. Below are my console logs. Can someone help me how to solve this issues.
C:\inv-mob\todo>ionic platform android
npm http GET
C:\inv-mob\todo>ionic build android
reinstalling the android sdk worked.

Phonegap/Cordova Build error - Apple Mach-O Linker Error: no such file or directory: libCordova.a

I am getting an error after creating a new Cordova 2.1.0 project and updating the www folder with some code from a previous PhoneGap application.
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/peterbanjo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OpuzMobile-bhwawiqfaptmxvfosawfabudgbkj/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libCordova.a'
The error only occurs when I try and run the application on a device - in the simulator it works fine.
I am running Xcode 4.5 and iOS6 on the target iPad. I have tried a clean build and libCordova.a appears in the Build Phases > Link Library With Libraries tab but it is in red.
What I found confusing with PhoneGap/Cordova 2.1.0 by upgrading from 1.4 is that there are TWO projects in my application. There is MyApplication.xcodeproj and CordovaLib.xcodeproj. The changes to resolve this issue need to be applied to the CordovaLib project.
Change "Build Active Architecture Only" to "YES"
Update the text file project.pbxproj to these values
Toggle between the build schema for the simulator and the device (Use the select menu next to the stop button. Somehow this seems to cause the changes to be detected).
Did this work for you? Did I miss something?
PS: For a better understanding of the problem take a look at this Google Forum thread
I'm using Cordova/Phonegap 2.9 and this solved my issue. Didn't touch any of the arch stuff. Everything is set to armv7 armv7s on mine.
Follow these steps to fix this problem:
Go to project settings and Build Tab.
Search for "Other Linker Flags"
Double click on the linker flags for Release and Change ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libCordova.a to ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/libCordova.a
Do the same for Debug Clean and build archive again
I had the same error and fixed it by reverting to an older version of cordova ios.
Steps to fix the issue:
Uninstall cordova-ios first, with npm uninstall cordova-ios
Install old version of cordova-ios with npm install cordova-ios#4.4.0
Remove existing ios platform with ionic cordova platform rm ios or ionic platform rm ios
After that we should add platform with ionic cordova platform add ios#4.4.0 or ionic platform add ios#4.4.0
Run ionic cordova build ios.
Instructions came from here.
Only need to remove armv6 from both YourProject and CordovaLib:
The consequences of doing this? Apparently, it's still working on iPhone 3GS, but not the previous versions..
To make it work I downloaded from stand alone Xcode 4.4.1. With this version I can build my phonegap Application with armv6 :)
Yes, in this case you need to have two Xcode on your computer.
Look at this!topic/phonegap/ywoc9wNydZ8
works for me
OS X 10.8.2
XCode 4.5
iOS 6.0
PhoneGap 2.1.0
DO NOT assume that having Standard (armv7,armv7s) - $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)
is the same as the fix above.
Manually change this value to only armv7 and that fixed it for me.
I was very frustrated.
If you did everything here and it is still not working and you have separate configuration aside from Release and Debug - for this example is Production. Make sure that 'Production' Build Configuration exists in Cordova project. Build the Cordova Project and Build + Archive your main project again.
