How to set up Codeblocks to work with mingw64 - codeblocks

I installed Mingw64.
Then I set up Codeblocks by updating the toolchains executables fields in Settings/compiler.
I was able to run a "Hello world" program.
In the task Monitor the exe is marked "*32"
So it seems it's compiled in x32

(Inferred question: Using MinGW-64, expect to get 64-bit, got 32-bit)
It depends on what MingW-w64 toolchain you have.
You must either add -m64 to the commandline if you have a multilib toolchain, or you need to download a different one which says "targetting Win64" in its name. That is, anything that is found in here. You need to choose what threading and exceptions and such you want. Or, just use the installer.
There are about a dozen different combinations that you can download from the MinGW-w64 site. You need "hosted on Windows, targets Windows", and then either the 64-bit flavor if that is all you want, or the "multi" one, but in this case you need the extra commandline switch.
X32 does not exist under Windows, it's either Win-32 or Win-64.

The solution is to install Mingw64 from Msys2 then just change the compiler settings of Codeblocks so that it points to the Mingw64 folder.
Just copy and paste Mingw64 releases doesn't work in most of the time.


How to compile Qt for 64-bit Windows from a 32-bit environment with Visual C++ 2010 Express?

I am trying to compile the Qt library (I don't need the demos or examples) for 64-bit Windows. There are instructions here but I run into the error described in the comment below it. There doesn't seem to be a reference anywhere for how one might go about doing this process.
I am targetting Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. It looks like I need Perl and the Windows SDK as well - how do I go about this process?
This process is quite tedious and time-consuming - but I will explain each step in detail here for the benefit of others who try to compile Qt in the future.
The first step is to install all of the prerequisites.
ActivePerl, which is used during the configuration process. You will need to restart after installing Perl since it modifies environment variables.
The Windows SDK 7.1 (formerly called the Platform SDK). Be sure to include the x64 libraries when you select the components to install.
Download the Qt source archive from the Qt Downloads page.
Extract the contents of the archive to an easy-to-remember location (like C:\). You need to remember this location later since we will be using it to set some environment variables.
Now open the Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt. Begin by setting the environment to 32-bit release mode (we need to build some of the tools as 32-bit applications):
setenv /release /x86
Set the following environment variables (example below assumes you extracted to C:\):
set QTDIR=C:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0
set PATH=%PATH%;%QTDIR%\bin
Now run cd %QTDIR% and specify the configuration options - example is included below:
configure -release -opensource -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff
-qt-libjpeg -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -platform
Once the configuration process is complete, cd to the src directory and run:
This process may take a considerable amount of time, so now would be a good time to take a break and answer some questions here on Stack Overflow :)
The tools are now built and you need to compile Qt as a 64-bit library. Enter the following command:
setenv /x64
You will need to set the environment variables from step 5 again. Enter those commands now.
Run cd %QTDIR% and then rerun the configure command being sure to specify one additional option:
configure -release -opensource -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff
-qt-libjpeg -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -platform
win32-msvc2010 -no-qmake
The -no-qmake option is very important - it indicates that we want to skip the compilation of the qmake.exe program because we want to keep the 32-bit version.
Now things get really complicated here because of some dependency problems. The tools (like moc) that Qt needs to build the core library and some of the other components are listed as dependencies in the file. This means that the compiler will attempt to build them as 64-bit applications and then try to run them - which will of course fail on a 32-bit system. So what we need to do is edit and remove those dependencies ourselves. Scroll down near line 85 and look for a line that begins with:
!wince*:!ordered:!symbian-abld:!symbian-sbsv2 {
Each subsequent line in the section lists a sub-target and its dependencies. What you want to do now is remove all dependencies that begin with src_tools_. For example:
src_gui.depends = src_corelib src_tools_uic
src_gui.depends = src_corelib
There might be a better way of doing this, but I haven't figured it out yet :)
Now we cd into the src directory once again and run the following command
nmake sub-winmain sub-corelib sub-xml sub-network sub-sql sub-testlib
sub-gui sub-qt3support sub-activeqt sub-opengl sub-xmlpatterns sub-phonon
sub-multimedia sub-svg sub-script sub-declarative sub-webkit
sub-scripttools sub-plugins sub-imports
This builds only the Qt libraries and skips the tool dependencies. Note that this too may take a considerable amount of time.
You should now have 64-bit libraries in the lib folder that you can link against in your 64-bit Qt applications.
Edit: it turns out that even this wasn't enough since I still ran into some problems when linking the QtWebKit4.dll library (something about unresolved symbols). It turns out that someone else has already found the solution and you need to change QMAKE_HOST.arch to QMAKE_TARGET.arch in
Also, the above options will build QNetwork4.dll without OpenSSL support (you won't be able to access sites over HTTPS - even in a QWebView). This, thankfully isn't too hard to fix. Download and build OpenSSL for Win64 and append the options below to the command in step #9:
-openssl -I C:\OpenSSL\inc32 -L C:\OpenSSL\out32dll
(You'll have to change the paths if you installed OpenSSL somewhere other than C:\OpenSSL.)
Further edit: to save the trouble of doing this yourself, I have uploaded the compiled libraries here:
As I mentioned in the comments to George Edison's answer, there is a bug in the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler that comes with the Windows SDK 7.1. For more information on this, see QTBUG-11445 and QTBUG-19175.
I have compiled the Qt 4.8.2 64-bit binaries following George's instructions, including the OpenSSH library. In addition, I applied Microsoft's hotfix to fix the compiler bug.
For your convenience, I have made the resulting 64-bit libraries available for download from here:

how to install cygwin and mingw under windows 7?

I want to use gcc ( and g++ ) under windows 7.
I download cygwin ( setup file: setup.exe )...
So, what is packages really needed?! It suggests to setup very many packages, but i think that for developing in C++ not all of these is really needed..
gcc4-g++ for Cygwin programs
mingw64-i686-gcc-g++ for 32-bit MinGW programs
mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ for 64-bit MinGW programs
Setup.exe will select their dependencies such as gcc-core or binutils for you.
You'll probably also want make, and don't forget to pick an editor. Other packages in my minimum install: cygutils, diffutils, util-linux, inetutils, openssh, mintty.
If you would like to use only gcc and g++, I'd receomend you MinGW Distro designed by Stephan T. Lavavej.
Here is a direct link: to the Distro's main page. It contains currently the most up to date gcc and boost (4.7.2 and 1.52.0 respectively in version 9.5). It also contains make, git and couple more of useful tools.
Installation is really simple, you need only to extract zip-archive.
So, if you need Cygwin only to use GCC, I'd recomment you this MinGW Distro instead of Cygwin.

Cygwin: How to actually use gcc-mingw

Since "gcc -mno-cygwin" does not work anymore, I was looking for a way to get a MinGW-targeted GCC running within my Cygwin environment. (Running a MSYS environment is not an option at this point.)
The Cygwin installer offers a package "gcc-mingw", which installs, among others:
What is absent is the "gcc" frontend. So, how do I actually invoke this compiler? I hopefully don't have to go through "cc1" manually, have I?
I googled, but couldn't find anything relevant on the subject...
As you already found, you can use gcc-3 with -mno-cygwin. The other possibility is to install the 32-bit and/or 64-bit toolchains from the MinGW-w64 project, which have been packaged for Cygwin very recently and hence are available through setup.exe now. Don't be put off by the rather confusing executable names: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc is the 32-bit compiler and x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc is the 64-bit one.
Further searches revealed that the MinGW-targeted cross-compiler is not ready yet, and that one has to either use GCC v3 with -mno-cygwin, or install a cross-compiler manually (see link above)...
After installing the MingW g++ package for Cygwin (mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++), I also struggled to figure out how to invoke it.
Thanks to this wiki, I found out the command was x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++. Then I did alias g++='x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++' and g++ started working as expected.
Cygwin homepage says that "Individual packages like bash, gcc, less, etc. are released independently of the DLL.".
Here you can find how to install gcc under cygwin, so you should also select gcc package during install not only gcc-mingw.

Compiling with gcc (cygwin on windows)

I have cygwin on windows through which I run gcc. But after creating .exe files, if I run them on other computers which dont have cygwin, it says cygwin1.dll not found. Is there a way to compile them so that they run on any system?
You need to compile for MinGW (Minimal GNU Win32) mode. You do that by either installing mingw instead of (or in addition to) cygwin, or by passing the --mno-cygwin compiler option to the cygwin gcc.
In your case, try to copy cygwin1.dll as well (but it could depend on other DLLs as well) (of course you must comply with Cygwin's license with regards to distributing cygwin1.dll)
In cygwin, you can always check the needed modules using:
objdump -p a.exe | grep 'DLL Name'
cygcheck ./a.exe
or for windows in general, use something like this tool: Dependency Walker
You can try compiling with the command line option -mno-cygwin.
See the Cygwin FAQ.
How do I compile a Win32 executable that doesn't use Cygwin?
The compilers provided by the mingw-gcc, mingw64-i686-gcc, and mingw64-x86_64-gcc packages link against standard Microsoft DLLs instead of Cygwin. This is desirable for native Windows programs that don't need a UNIX emulation layer.
This is not to be confused with 'MinGW' (Minimalist GNU for Windows), which is a completely separate effort.

How to install gcc-4.4 on cygwin?

I've installed cygwin environment on Windows.
There is gcc 4.3. How to install gcc 4.4 in this environment?
The alternative is to build one yourself, but it will be extremely slow on cygwin. If you are a Linux user, you can build a native compiler (which runs in cmd.exe on windows, and produces native win32 binaries) on Linux. It is much faster (order of magnitude faster in my experience).
Otherwise, mingw is a good solution, although in my experience, the binary from work better for gcc 4.4 (there is no official gcc 4.4 from MinGW yet)
If you don't need the cygwin environment for special reasons, I'd go for Mingw with the gcc 4.4. You can find builds on:
Reading the MinGW FAQ, reveals that its possible to pass requests to use the MinGW binaries instead of the ones shipped with Cygwin.
For those who would like to use the Cygwin environment for development, yet generate non-Cygwin-dependant executables, a much easier option to "-mno-cygwin" does exist. Simply install Cygwin and the MinGW distribution in separate directories (i.e. "C:\CYGWIN" and "C:\MINGW"), and make sure that the "/bin" subdirectory beneath your MinGW installation comes before Cygwin's "/bin" subdirectory in your PATH environment variable (i.e. "PATH=%PATH%;C:\MINGW\BIN;C:\CYGWIN\BIN"). This will allow you access to all the UNIX tools you want, while ensuring that the instance of GCC used is the MinGW version. %%%
Bear in mind that within the "/etc/profile" file, Cygwin by default places "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/bin", and "/bin" ahead of your system-level PATH. Therefore, it is not enough to have the MinGW's "/bin" ahead of Cygwin in your Windows path... it must also be set to come first within the Cygwin environment (either by modifying "/etc/profile" or setting it manually).
