ansible ssh to json_query response values in loop - ansible

Team, I have response from json_query which is a dict key:value and i would like to iterate over all values and run ssh command for each value
Below gets me list of all nodes
- name: "Fetch all nodes from clusters using K8s facts"
kubeconfig: $WORKSPACE
kind: Node
verify_ssl: no
register: node_list
- debug:
var: node_list | json_query(query)
query: 'resources[].{node_name:, nodeType: metadata.labels.nodeType}'
TASK [3_validations_on_ssh : debug]
ok: [target1] => {
"node_list | json_query(query)": [
"nodeType": null,
"node_name": "host1"
"nodeType": "gpu",
"node_name": "host2"
"nodeType": "gpu",
"node_name": "host3"
playbook to write: parse node_name and use that in ssh command for all hosts 1-3
- name: "Loop on all nodeNames and ssh."
shell: ssh -F ~/.ssh/ssh_config bouncer#{{ item }} "name -a"
register: ssh_result_per_host
failed_when: ssh_result_per_host.rc != 0
with_item: {{ for items in query.node_name }}
- debug:
var: ssh_result_per_host.stdout_lines
error output:
> The offending line appears to be:
failed_when: ssh_result_per_host.rc != 0
with_item: {{ for items in query.node_name }}
^ here
solution 2 also fails when i do loop:
shell: ssh -F ~/.ssh/ssh_config bouncer#{{ }} "name -a"
loop: "{{ node_list.resources }}"
label: "{{ }}"
output sol 2:
failed: [target1] (item=host1) => {"msg": "Invalid options for debug: shell"}
failed: [target1] (item=host2) => {"msg": "Invalid options for debug: shell"}
fatal: [target1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "All items completed"}

To expand on Ash's correct answer:
- name: "Fetch all nodes from clusters using K8s facts"
kubeconfig: $WORKSPACE
kind: Node
verify_ssl: no
register: node_list
- set_fact:
k8s_node_names: '{{ node_list | json_query(query) | map(attribute="node_name") | list }}'
query: 'resources[].{node_name:, nodeType: metadata.labels.nodeType}'
- name: "Loop on all nodeNames and ssh."
shell: ssh -F ~/.ssh/ssh_config bouncer#{{ item }} "name -a"
register: ssh_result_per_host
with_items: '{{ k8s_node_names }}'
Separately, unless you quite literally just want to run that one ssh command, the way ansible thinks about that problem is via add_host::
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
# ... as before, to generate the "k8s_node_names" list
- add_host:
hostname: '{{ item }}'
- the_k8s_nodes
ansible_ssh_username: bouncer
# whatever other per-host variables you want
with_items: '{{ k8s_node_names }}'
# now, run the playbook against those nodes
- hosts: the_k8s_nodes
- name: run "name -a" on the host
command: name -a
register: whatever
This is a contrived example, because if you actually wanted just to get the list of kubernetes nodes and use those in a playbook, you use would a dynamic inventory script

It is not with_item it is with_items
You cannot use with_item: {{ for items in query.node_name }}
Save the values to a variable and use the variable in with_items: {{ new_variable }}


Ansible when condition registered from csv

I'm using csv file as ingest data for my playbooks, but im having trouble with my when condition. it's either both task will skipped or both task will be ok, my objective is if ansible see the string in when condition it will skipped for the specific instance.
here is my playbook
- name: "Read ingest file from CSV return a list"
path: sample.csv
register: ingest
- name: debug ingest
msg: "{{ item.AWS_ACCOUNT }}"
- "{{ ingest.list }}"
register: account
- name: debug account
msg: "{{ account.results | map(attribute='msg') }}"
register: accountlist
- name:
become: yes
become_user: awx
delegate_to: localhost
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
- name: "Assume role"
role_arn: "{{ item.ROLE_ARN }}"
role_session_name: "pm"
- "{{ ingest.list }}"
register: assumed_role
when: "'aws-account-rnd' not in account.results | map(attribute='msg')"
here is the content of sample.csv
my objective is to skipped all items in the csv file with aws-acount-rnd
Your condition does not mention item so it will have the same result for all loop items.
Nothing you've shown requires the weird abuse of debug + register that you're doing, and it is in fact getting in your way.
- name: Read CSV file
path: sample.csv
register: ingest
- name: Assume role
role_arn: "{{ item.ROLE_ARN }}"
role_session_name: pm
delegate_to: localhost
become: true
become_user: awx
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
loop: "{{ ingest.list }}"
when: item.AWS_ACCOUNT != 'aws-account-rnd'
register: assumed_role
If you'll always only care about one match you can also do this without a loop or condition at all:
- name: Assume role
role_arn: "{{ ingest.list | rejectattr('AWS_ACCOUNT', '==', 'aws-account-rnd') | map(attribute='ROLE_ARN') | first }}"
role_session_name: pm
delegate_to: localhost
become: true
become_user: awx
environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
register: assumed_role
my objective is to skipped all items in the csv file with aws-acount-rnd
The multiple debug you have with register, seems to be a long-winded approach IMHO.
A simple task to debug the Role ARN, only if the account does not match aws-acount-rnd.
- name: show ROLE_ARN when account not equals aws-account-rnd
var: item['ROLE_ARN']
loop: "{{ ingest.list }}"
when: item['AWS_ACCOUNT'] != 'aws-account-rnd'
This results in:
TASK [show ROLE_ARN when account not equals aws-account-rnd] **********************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => (item={'HOSTNAME': 'test1', 'ENVIRONMENT': 'dev', 'AWS_ACCOUNT': 'aws-account-rnd', 'ROLE_ARN': 'arn:aws:iam:XXXX1'})
ok: [localhost] => (item={'HOSTNAME': 'test2', 'ENVIRONMENT': 'uat', 'AWS_ACCOUNT': 'aws-account-uat', 'ROLE_ARN': 'arn:aws:iam:XXXX2'}) => {
"ansible_loop_var": "item",
"item": {
"AWS_ACCOUNT": "aws-account-uat",
"HOSTNAME": "test2",
"ROLE_ARN": "arn:aws:iam:XXXX2"
"item['ROLE_ARN']": "arn:aws:iam:XXXX2"
The same logic can be used to pass the item.ROLE_ARN to task.

Loop over list and evaluate element property in Ansible

I have a list with shell lines that I want to execute on inventory hosts so I can determine if the database is working. For the test purposes I have 1 server with PostgreSQL and 1 with MySQL.
This is my playbook so far:
- name: Check db statuses
shell: "{{ item }}"
- ps -fp $(pgrep -u postgres) | grep /usr/lib/postgresql
- ps -fp $(pgrep -u mysql) | grep mysqld
register: http
ignore_errors: yes
changed_when: item.failed == false
this is failing with:
"http": {
"failed": true,
"msg": "The conditional check 'item.failed == false' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (item.failed == false): 'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode object' has no attribute 'failed'"
I want to assign only the item.failed==false result in the register variable (http) but ignore the failed ones.
You can't select what will be registered in a loop. Instead, you'll have to evaluate the registered results in the next task(s), e.g.
- hosts: localhost
- command: "{{ item }}"
- /bin/true
- /bin/false
register: http
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
msg: "{{ item.item }} failed: {{ item.failed }}"
loop: "{{ http.results }}"
label: "{{ item.cmd }}"
ok: [localhost] => (item=['/bin/true']) =>
msg: '/bin/true failed: False'
ok: [localhost] => (item=['/bin/false']) =>
msg: '/bin/false failed: True'

ansible, playbook don't setting dictionaries in env of docker_container when combine it

I have two dict like secrets vault but in docker_container task does not get set correctly, only in debug -> msg does it right.
- name: "loop combine"
msg: "{{ item.key }} = {{ item.value }}"
with_dict: "{{ names | combine(applications, recursive=True) }}"
ok: [IP] => (item={u'key': u'baz', u'value': 4}) => {
"msg": "baz = 4"
- name: Start a container with a command
name: spring-prometheus
image: "dockehub/my-image:v1"
command: ["sleep", "infinity"]
"{{ item|default({'key':'value'}) }}"
- "8081:8081"
with_dict: "{{ names | combine(applications, recursive=True) }}"
- docker exec -it 9130976decaf env
but i put only
with_dict: "{{ names }}" # it's correct

Setting become_user conditionally

I am trying to shutdown databases in a loop, the catch is some databases run as a different user and others just run as oracle. I login as oracle user and run the playbook and if the database is run as oracle user it goes through fine. If it is running as a different user I would like to become that user (oracle user has permissions to do that).
Here is my main playbook:
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat test.yml
- hosts: testdrive
- set_fact:
db_list: "{{ lookup('file', 'vars/' ~ inventory_hostname ~ '.dblist')|from_yaml }}"
- name: Shutdown running databases
include_tasks: shutdowndb.yml
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
DB list is as follows:
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat vars/dbsrv.localdomain.dblist
- ebs1
- ebs2
- ndb1
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat shutdowndb.yml
- debug: msg='Shutting down {{ item }}'
- name: Execute shutdown
shell: id "{{ item }}"
register: shutdown_output
become: "{{ item is search('ebs') | ternary('yes','no') }}"
become_user: "{{ item }}"
- debug: msg="{{ shutdown_output.stdout }}"
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ cat inventory
[oracle#ansctrlsrv.localdomain epd3]$ ansible-playbook -i inventory test.yml
TASK [Execute shutdown] ***
fatal: [dbsrv1.localdomain]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to dbsrv1.localdomain closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1} ...ignoring
I tried this question on another thread but got closed, so trying another hand after realizing a few issues myself such as being unable to run blocks of code with a loop, etc.
Appreciate any help.
Set become user conditionally
Fix the line
shell: id "{{ item }}"
correct syntax (use shell only when necessary)
command: "id {{ item }}"
The playbook below
- hosts: testdrive
- set_fact:
db_list: "{{ lookup('file', 'vars/' ~ inventory_hostname ~ '.dblist')|from_yaml }}"
- name: Shutdown running databases
include_tasks: shutdowndb.yml
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
with the included tasks
$ cat shutdowndb.yml
- debug:
- "shell: {{ ' ' ~ item }}"
- "become: {{ item is search('ebs')|ternary('yes', 'no') }}"
- "become_user: {{ item }}"
"msg": [
"shell: ebs1",
"become: yes",
"become_user: ebs1"
"msg": [
"shell: ebs2",
"become: yes",
"become_user: ebs2"
"msg": [
"shell: ndb1",
"become: no",
"become_user: ndb1"
Q: "Why the command whoami is still giving oracle rather than ebs1?"
A: Short answer: Because become is not set to True.
1) Is it possible to become all of the users in db_list? Yes.
- hosts: test_01
become: no
remote_user: admin
db_list: ['ebs1', 'ebs2', 'ndb1']
- command: whoami
become_user: "{{ item }}"
become: true
register: result
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ result.results|json_query('[].stdout') }}"
"msg": [
2) Does search and ternary work properly? Yes.
- debug:
msg: "{{ item is search('ebs')|ternary(true, false) }}"
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
"msg": true
"msg": true
"msg": false
3) Does become and become_user work properly?. Yes.
- command: whoami
become_user: "{{ item }}"
become: "{{ item is search('ebs')|ternary(true, false) }}"
register: result
loop: "{{ db_list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ result.results|json_query('[].stdout') }}"
"msg": [

How to write varibles/hard code values in nested json in ansible?

I'm trying to create a json file with hard codes valuesas a output in nested json.But the second play is overwriting the first play value.So do we have any best option to do this?
I have tried with to_nice_json template to copy the variable to json file.But not able to keep multiple variable values in imported_var to copy to json file
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- name: load var from file
file: /tmp/var.json
name: imported_var
- name: Checking mysqld status
shell: service mysqld status
register: mysqld_stat
ignore_errors: true
- name: Checking mysqld status
shell: service httpd status
register: httpd_stat
ignore_errors: true
- name: append mysqld status to output json
imported_var: "{{ imported_var | combine({ 'status_checks':[{'mysqld_status': (mysqld_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad') }]})}}"
# - name: write var to file
# copy:
# content: "{{ imported_var | to_nice_json }}"
# dest: /tmp/final.json
- name: append httpd status to output json
imported_var: "{{ imported_var| combine({ 'status_checks':[{'httpd_status': (httpd_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad') }]})}}"
# - debug:
# var: imported_var
- name: write var to file
content: "{{ imported_var | to_nice_json }}"
dest: /tmp/final.json
Expected result:
"status_checks": [
"mysqld_status": "good"
"httpd_status": "good"
Actual result:
"status_checks": [
"httpd_status": "good"
You're trying to perform the sort of data manipulation that Ansible really isn't all that good at. Any time you attempt to modify an existing variable -- especially if you're trying to set a nested value -- you're making life complicated. Having said that, it is possible to do what you want. For example:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
imported_var: {}
- name: Checking sshd status
command: systemctl is-active sshd
register: sshd_stat
ignore_errors: true
- name: Checking httpd status
command: systemctl is-active httpd
register: httpd_stat
ignore_errors: true
- set_fact:
imported_var: "{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks': []}) }}"
- set_fact:
imported_var: >-
{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks':
imported_var.status_checks + [{'sshd_status': (sshd_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad')}]}) }}
- set_fact:
imported_var: >-
{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks':
imported_var.status_checks + [{'httpd_status': (httpd_stat.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad')}]}) }}
- debug:
var: imported_var
On my system (which is running sshd but is not running httpd, this will output:
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"imported_var": {
"status_checks": [
"sshd_status": "good"
"httpd_status": "bad"
You could dramatically simplify the playbook by restructuring your data. Make status_checks a top level variable, and instead of having it be a list, have it be a dictionary that maps a service name to the corresponding status. Combine this with some loops and you end up with something that is dramatically simpler:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# We can use a loop here instead of writing a separate task
# for each service.
- name: Checking service status
command: systemctl is-active {{ item }}
register: services
ignore_errors: true
- sshd
- httpd
# Using a loop in the previous task means we can use a loop
# when creating the status_checks variable, which again removes
# a bunch of duplicate code.
- name: set status_checks variable
status_checks: "{{ status_checks|default({})|combine({item.item: (item.rc == 0)|ternary('good', 'bad')}) }}"
loop: "{{ services.results }}"
- debug:
var: status_checks
The above will output:
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"status_checks": {
"httpd": "bad",
"sshd": "good"
If you really want to add this information to your imported_var, you can do that in a single task:
- set_fact:
imported_var: "{{ imported_var|combine({'status_checks': status_checks}) }}"
